DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/06/04
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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578611
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578611
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578611> X*13
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
uniuvux, . 0
Dal Memo , 4 Apr 77
GENEAuen DDA EL3. 770.763
R 011
Criticism of Spanish report by SeciliblV
.L� Ws�--liereehel-
Fehnson gives treTalowing personal views of Security Council dele-
gates on the report of the Spanish Subcommittee: (a) Netherlands
delegate Van Kleffens disagrees with the finding and believes the Sub-
committee exceeded its terms of reference by recommending specific
action; (b) British delegate Cadogan asserts that authority for the pro-
posed action is net contained in the UN charter provisions which the
Subcommittee cites, and that the proposed diplomatic break is unlikely
to produce the desired results; and (c) Dr. Quo of China thinks Chair-
man Evaft did not carefully consider his (Evatt's) original suggestion
that the Assembly take action provided Franco does not withdraw..
2. UK-Polish financial negotiations �According to Harriman, the UK
Foreign_ Office expects the current UK-Polish financial negotiations
to be "long drawn-out and difficult". The British (a) consider that
their final proposals (retention of $14,000,000 of Polish gold and a
long-term loan to cover other Polish indebtedness) are "extremely
generous" but (b) expect the Polish Government to make political
capital of
recent Polish-Soviet agreement providing for the mutual
cancellation of war indebtedness. The British also plan to withhold
final ratification until after the Polish elections and Polish fulfilment
of other "commitments".
JIM 1946
3. FRANCE: Caffery's views on new Assembly--Caffery believes that,
although the new Constituent Assimbly will not differ greatly from its
predecessor "in actual composition", there will be two "psychologi-
cally and materially important" changes: (a) the Communists will no
longer be the largest single party, and (13) there will not be a Communist-
Socialist majority. These two factors (a) "should prevent" Communist
domination of the Assembly, and (b) "may hinder" Communist efforts
to force the Socialists to cooperate.
USSR: Soviet refusal to pTant Ruess diplomaticinu_m_ymit --In reply to
Ambassador Smith's request that the USSR grant to Ruess, the diplo-
matic immunity accorded by the US to Soviet diplomatic personnel (see
Daily Summary for 16 May, item 5), Vishihsky has stated that (a) soviet
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578611
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578611
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
law does not grant immunity to all personnel of a diplomatic mission
and (b) it would be "discrimination for the USSR to grant US personnel
privileges not accorded to other nationals. Smith recommends that (a)
if the proceedings against Ruess are dropped (which he believes un-
likely), the US not press the principle of equal immunity at present,
and (b) if Ruess is brought to trial, the US inform the Soviets that we
cannot continue to accord their diplomatic personnel greater privileges
than those accorded to US personnel in the USSR.
5, HUNGARY: Soviet food demands--According to General Key, US dele-
gate ACC, UNRRA ungary report that the Soviets have
requested the Hungarian Government to supply the Soviet Army with
an additional 60,000 cattle and 1,500 tons of fat. The Government in-
tends to protest to Moscow that such quantities are not available.
UNRRA officials are "considerably disturbed", since UNRRA's total
proposed importation of fat is only 3,000 tons.
7. YUGOSLAVIA: US and UK replies on aviation--The British Govern-
ment has accepted a US suggestion thif the two Governments deliver
parallel replies to the Yugoslav Government's request that the US
and UIC stop air operations in Yugoslavia by 1 June. The US note would
(a) point out that the US has received no reply to previous notes con-
taining civil aviation proposals; (b) propose immediate negotiations on
all aspects of US-Yugoslav aviation; and (c) request the Yugoslav
Government to defer its demands pending the outcome of such negotia-
The State Department has authorized Embassy Belgrade to inform
the Yugoslays orally that, pending satisfactory solution of this and other
problems outstanding between the two countries, (a) the Yugoslav Am-
bassador-designate should defer his departure for 'the US, and (b) the
US Ambassador would postpone his return to Belgrade.
� 6 �
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578611
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578611
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
8. N.E.I.: Indonesian claim to Sumatra--US Consul General Batavia
reports that in the final Dutch offer to Sjahrir (see Daily Summary
of 22 May, item 5) the Netherlands Government (a) "takes cogni-
zance" of the Indonesian Republic's claim of de facto authority over
Sumatra but (b) proposes that Sumatra and other parts of the
be given an opportunity to express freely their wishes regarding the
status of the Republic of Indonesia outside of Java.
9. CHINA:N tligx_aianakkaffInaLve- -Major General Rockey, Command-
ing the US Marine 3rd Amphibious Corp, reports that the Chinese
Nationalists have diverted their 30th Division from jehol to the Anshan
front, and are planning an advance eastward toward Antung, on the
Manchurian-Korean border near the Yellow Sea.
10. CHM: Disaffection near Hon ko --The Commander of Allied Forces
Southeast Asia reports that on the night of 28 May British Army and
Royal Air Force troops were called out to control a threatening mob
in Kowloon and in the course of the incident fired in self-defense.
11, ARGENTINA: Resumption of diplomatic relations with USSR--Ambassador
Messersmith reports that there are very definite indications" that Argen-
tina, feeling it cannot be an exception in the Western Hemisphere, is
about to resume diplomatic relations with the USSR. Messersmith sees
no indication that such an action will mean "any immediate special de-
velopment in commercial relationships".
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578611
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