DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/09/23
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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036427
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036427
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036427
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
23 SEP 190
1. Voroshilovwmectekto vkit Humus-US Delegation ACC Hungary has
learned from a�r`reliable Hungarian Government source" that Marshal
Voroshilov (a member of the Politburo and intimate of Stalin) is ex-
pected in Budapest in about two weeks.
2. Moscow, visit of Czech War Minister and Chief ,of qt_ff -US Military
Attache Moscow reports that the Czech Chief of Staff left Moscow with
his delegation on 9 September (see Daily Summary of 26 August, item 4),
but that Minister of War Svoboda remains. The MA believes that the
duration of Svoboda's visit and the exceptional courtesies paid the
Czechs have "important military implications."
3., _German t.eclmiciank rmerted smumilstinto Soty_k_Alotetmerman --
According to US Embassy Rome, US Military Intelligence in Trieste has
stated that an 44officially-sponsored" Yugoslav organization, acting on
a Soviet request, has been smuggling German POWs, usually technicians
and skilled workers, from northern Italy into Yugoslavia and thence to
the Soviet zone of Germany. The report states that after indoctrination
In Communism, these Germans are sent to the US or British zone in
Germany as Soviet intsallis;ence agents. A US officer in Trieste is said
to have added that the POWs show increasing interest in Communism
because they feel that the western Allies are not carrying out their "pro-
mises" with reference to their "welfare."
Spanishrts of aviation.gastaline_6ddisturb".pritish�The UK Foreign '
TIA-Eiibassy London that the US and UK estab-
lish a combined "quota" of aviation gasoline for Spain. The British fear
that present large shipments of aviation fuel to Spain will result in stock-
piling by the Spanish Air Force.
a, Pppsible Arab ,I.teagme collaboration_with Tyrke -King Farouk has told
US Ambassador Tuck that during his recent visit to Turkey he _discussed
unofficially with Turkish officials th possibility of closer collaboration
between Turkey and the Arab League as well as of Arab League assist-
ance for Turkey in the event of aggression by another power. Farouk
reminded Tuck that he was speaking for only one of the Arab League
Doolument No. Co 7
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DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77
uth: DDA REC. 77/1763
Date:1,011gLin_ By;
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036427
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036427
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
6. .WaLalailt_pestimist_is_.2y2LIAITiat ..iiticam--King Farouk
also has told Tuck that treaty negotiations with Britain are not pro-
gressing favorably. The King is prepared to overrule some of his
more stubborn Ministers, even his Prime Minister, but feels he can
take no such step when faced with a "stone wall.". He further stated
that if the British would be less obnt!riate, some agreement could be
reached, but he was far from optimistic.
7. BULGARIA: OpTsititm asks for US-UK-USSR electoral commission--
Bulgarian opposi ion is 1Th-7�ave told the Actini US Political Repre-
sentative that, if elections cannot be postponed until after the withdrawal
of Soviet troops, representatives of the US, UK and USSR should be sent
to Bulgaria as an international commission to study pre-electoral con-
ditions. The leaders believe that such a step is necessary to prevent
the Communist-dominated Government from winning a 60 percent major-
ity by means of intimidation and violence alone. They also state that
unless the Opposition is admitted to the Government before the peace
treaty is signed, it will be impossible to force the withdrawal of Soviet
troops, since a wholly Communist Government would probably ask them
to stay.
8. USSR: plume of collective f--US Military Attache Moscow believes
that the current nation-wide purge of the Soviet collective farm system
may reflect Stalin's fear that the rural population is leaning toward pri-
vate ownership, and his desire to avoid onus of failing to fulfil his pro-
mise to end food rationing this year.
9. POLAND: _gb.� _ons to electoral ordinance�US Embassy Warsaw
reports that leaders of the opposition Peasant Party object to the new
electoral ordinance on the grounds that it permits Government parties
arbitrarily to disenfranchise many voters and does not provide adequate
safeguards against fraud and intimidation.
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036427
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036427
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
10. IRAN: Arymbelieved unable to sumess revolt:.-The Iranian Minister
of War has told US Mat:Z.7 Attache Tehran that Qavam could win over
the insurgent Qashqal by assuring them that the Iranian cabinet is not
Tudeh-controlled and that he does not object to the suppression of the
Tudeh in southern Iran. The Minister admitted that there are not suffi-
cient Central Government troops in the area to cope with the Qastmai
and expressed the belief that a conciliatory policy toward the Qashqai
was the best and perhaps the only attitude the Government could adopt
at this time Ke fears, however, that the Tudeh Party will "talk Qavam
Into" aftempting to take military action.
11. BURMA: _Civil disorders.fears47-According to US Consul General
Rangoon, Burma Government officials fear that the general. strike
scheduled for 23 September may result in a civil disobedience campaign
with riots and armed uprisings. ,One Government official describes the
timing and nature of the workers demands as "typically Communist,"
but states that it has been impossible to prove direct connections
between Burmese Communists and Moscew.
JAPAN: SCAP approves_prior consultation onlapangse what_
Atcheson reports that SCAP (a) approves the State Department s pro-
posal to consult with "interested governments" before authorizing future
Japanese whaling expeditions (see Daily Summary of 21 September, tem
11), and (b) has made it very clear that the forthcoming Antarctic exoedi-
tion is an "emergency measure for one season only without prejudice to
the future, and is under complete Allied control."
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036427
Daily Summary Collection Type: