DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/07/30

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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036457 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036457 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036457 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 .3u Jul. 44a, 4 t, lr 139 GENERAL 1. Attlee's proposed speech on Palestine�Byrnes has informed the President that Attlee's speech to Parliament on Wednesday in favor of the recently concluded plan for Palestine will express only UK approval rather than approval by both UK and US (see Daily Summary of 29 July, item 1). Byrnes has been assured by Attlee that consultations with the Jews and Arabs will be "expedited to the utmost" and believes that the UK can reach its decision not later than 15 September. 2. nts rsist�US Legation Cairo reports that Anglo-Egyptian treaty negotiations are again stalled by disagreement on (a) provisions for British intervention in Egypt in the event of third-power aggression in the Near East, (b) the date for complete evacuation of Brit- ish troops, and (c) the future relationship between Egypt and the Sudan. The Egyptian Prime Minister has unofficially told the British delegation that the latest British note is unsatisfactory. The British feel that Egypt, because of internal political difficulties, is unable to adjust its position to meet British demands and is being "completely unrealistic.' Nor' 3. ljght du�f Soviet troops in Europe--General McNarney reports a slight reduction in total Soviet troop strength in Europe during the past week. The Red Army has continued its withdrawals from Austria and Hungary while its strength in northern Europe remains "fairly stable." 4. British attitude toward Soviet Republics--According to Embassy London, a British Foreign Office official charged with Soviet matters regards the reported presence in the Soviet Peace Conference delegation of the :Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian SSR Foreign Ministers as a "thin enter- ing wedge which must be observed and countered." The same official further stated that the British are giving serious consideration to opening diplomatic missions in the Ukraine and White Russian SSIts as a logical Conclusion to their membership in the UN. 5. Soviet t.sition on admission of neutrals to TIN�Gromyko has unofficially orme� rsche o on, ur a conversation on the admission of neutral states to the UN, that the USSR may carry its support of the Albanian and Outer Mongolian applications to the point of making their acceptance a condition for Soviet agreement to the admission of Western European neutrals. When Johnson reminded him of his previous assurances - 1 - Document No. NO CHARGE in Class. 0 0 DECLASSIFIED Class. CHANGED TO: TS DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 Auth: DDA 117G. 77/1763 / A � Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036457-mw By: Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036457 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 TO ENTIAL that every case would be judged on its own merits Gromyko laughingly admitted the "political" implications of the Soviet attitude. 6. Swedes to permit arms export to Argentina�Legation Stockholm reports that Sweden (las now decided to permit arms exports to Argentina (see Daily Summary of 13 June, item 13). Sweden feels that Argentina is no longer "dangerous to peace'', and should be free to decide what type of armament it wants. EUROPE-AFRICA 7. GREECE: Leftists ask US intervention�US Ambassador MacVeagh in Athens has legliaoz"-E--SWIMv1 Communist-led leftist coalition) an appeal for US intervention in Greece under the Yalta Agreement. The appeal states that "thousands of democrats" are being arrested or driven Into the hills, and that the Government's drastic measures for the King's restoration have brought Greece to the verge of civil war. Mac Veagh comments that, while the present Royalist Government secured control on the strength of popular reaction against Communist excesses, the Govern- ment's present measures for "law and order" are in the hands of "un- scrupulous reactionaries." 8. ALBANIA: Deportation of political prisoners--US Political Representa- tive Jacobs at Tirana has fleert reliably iniorined that all Albanian political prisoners are being sent to Yugoslavia or to Siberia as prisoner-laborers. 9. BULGARIA: Continued arrests of US employees�General Robertson, US Representative ar , repo prestige in Sofia is at an "all time low" as a result of a further arrest of an employee of the US Mission. Fifteen employees of the Mission have informed Robertson that they must leave US employ unless he can afford them better protection. Robertson states that local US protests, in the face of tacit Soviet sanction of these arrests, "have ceased to have any effect." 10. HUNGARY: Peace dele ation to avoid re ations issue--The US Repre- sentative AC Hungary learn 4. rom a rends e source that Foreign Minister Gyongyosi� chief of the Hungarian Delegation to the Peace Con- ference, has instructed his delegation not to raise the question of Hungarian - 2 - Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036457 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036457 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 TOP RE DENTIALI reparations at the Conference. These instructions were issued after Gyongyosi had conferred with Soviet General Sviridov, Acting Chair- man ACC. 11. FRANCE: De Gaulles ern hosts on "western bloc"--Caffery reports that De Gaurri, according to his entourage, considered his proposal for the creation of a western bloc as the "most sensational development" of his speech on 28 July. � 12. SPAIN: Attitude toward USSR a Arend unc ed--US Charge Bonsai reports that a careful exaTtirairtion o e 7 s press fails to reveal any change in Spain's attitude toward the USSR. (Recent reports have suggested a Spanish-Soviet rapprochement, particularly with reference to trade.) FAR EAST 13. SIAM: Opposition to Court handling of border d te--US Minister Stanton believes thai the Siamese oppose relerringlEi Indochina-Siam border dispute to the International Court, on the ground that the Court would consider only legal issues and ignore political and other factors. Tf11;1 AMERICAS 14. BOLIVIA: Progess of new r Ime--US Ambassador Flack reports that the Ministries and munic1 offices of the new governing Junta are slowly beginning to function Security arrangements are still unsatisfactory but are improving. The Junta has appealed to the mine workers for coopera- tion, and has promised that gains under the Villarroel regime will not be annulled (see Daily Summary of 29 July, item 15). Flack attributes the achievement of order to the intelligence and goodwill of the student revo- lutionaries rather than to previous planning. Venezuela accords re,...sznition--US Ambassador Corrigan reports that the Venezuelan Government has announced the immediate recognition of the provisional government of Bolivia as representing "the democratic feeling of the people of Bolivia." -3 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036457
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