DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/06/08
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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578577
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578577
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578577
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
I. Soviet success in Sinkiang�Ambassador Smith in Moscow calls
attention to the success of the Soviets'-deliberate and cautious
policy in Sinkiang, as contrasted with the international opposition
they have encountered in Azerbaijan because of their "precipitate"
Smith believes that (a) Nanking will be able to maintain its
authority over the Soviet-supported rebels only by instituting
"provincial administrative housecleaning and general reform," and
(b) US support of such reform is the "most effective way to combat
Soviet political expansionism".
2. Soviet efforts in Argentina�Ambassador Smith in Moscow has no
doubt that the USSR is doing "everything possible" to ingratiate itself
with Argentina and will exploit to the utmost the present strained
US-Argentine relations and any future US "misstep". Smith believes
that US actions in the next few months "may well determine" whether
the US or USSR is to "win out" in Argentina.
3. FRANCE: Mau ll'a position on nan issues strengthened--Accord-
ing to Caffery, Bidault discovered during the recent campaign a broad
popular enthusiasm for his Ruhr-Rhineland policy. Caffery believes
that Bidault will therefore be "more difficult" on German issues in
the future.
4. AUSTRIA: Foreign Minister's views�Austrian Minister Gruber has
informed Ambassador Harriman in London that in his opinion: (a) Etenes
Is now reaping the consequences of political concessions made to
Moscow in return for the early withdrawal of Soviet troops, and
(b) Austria's position has been weakened by the Czechoslovak elections,
which have increased Austria's "encirclement by Communist-dominated
Gruber emphasized that return of the Tyrol to Austria, regard-
less of economic considerations, would balance a possible increase
Document No. OZO
NO CHANGE in Class. 0
CON6 DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77
Auth: DDA RG. 77/1783
1 3 MAR 1979 . eqj
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578577----
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578577
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
elsewhere in Austria of Communist and pro-Soviet voters. He
indicated Austria's willingness to permit Italian retention of Tyrol
power stations and transmission lines with extra-territorial rights.
Gruber believes, following conversations with high Polish
officials, that the Soviets will not withdraw their troops from
"Eastern and Danubian Europe" for two years. He underlined the
seriousness of Soviet infiltration in Austria in the event of such a
long occupation..
5. IRAN: Political situation rbal an--US Consul Tabriz reports
that Soviet agents are continuing to penetrate" the Azerbaijan
Government and "Democrat" Party, primarily through high level
"tutelage" and control of political security. "Russian types", of
whom the majority are "Soviet Caucasians", are continually observed
on the streets, and Soviet railroad personnel "have been at least
tripled, for no Imam reason". Neither the US nor British Consul
has been able to leave Tabriz by road because of Azerbaijan Army
check posts which refuse passage.
6. TRIPOLITANIA: Attitude of Arab ,T4.9.--1Viinister Tuck has been
told by the Secretary General of the Arab League that (a) restoration
of Italian authority in Tripolitania would mean a war of "extermination",
and (3) the Arabs, while desiring complete independence for Libya,
would accept a trusteeship under some small country, such as Lebanon
or Denmark, provided the Arab League, "and possibly Egypt", were
admitted to the administering authority.
7. N.E.I.: Sta f Indoneafan counter- roposals--According to US
Consul General Batavia. Indonesian leaders agree that the Dutch
"final offer" is "far below expectations", mainly because of its
failure to provide for inclusion of Sumatra in the Indonesian Republic
(see Daily Summary for 4 June, item 8). Sjahrir is drafting counter-
proposals and will forward them to Soekarno for approval before
transmitting them to the Dutch. The Consul notes that Sjahries
position apparently is weakening, Soekarno's growing stronger.
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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578577
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578577
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
8., ECUADOR: New Galapagos agreement possible�The Minister of
Defense has told US Ambassador SaiBliiiilir�rmally that Ecuador is
financially incapable of maintaining the Galapagos base and might
welcome a new agreement whereby US forces would garrison the base
under Ecuadoran sovereignty. (The US has agreed to evacuate the
base by 1 July in compliance with the formal request of the Ecuadoran
Government.) Scotten urges that dismantling of the base be suspende
pending consultations among Ecuadoran officials.
9. PERU: President favors new agreement for Talara base--President
Bustamante has informed Charge Donnelly of his willingness to
sign a new agreement with the US covering the mutual use of El Pato
air base (near Talara). The agreement would not become official
until approved by the Peruvian Congress.
10. ARGENTINA: Arms for Dominican Re lic--The State Department
has advised Erabassibuenos Aires-Wa representatives of the
Dominican Republic may attempt to secure arms from the Peron
Administration, but (b) the US considers it imprudent to express
opposition to such a move. (Brazil recently supplied the Dominican
Republic with a shipment of arms despite US protests.)
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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578577
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