DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/09/09

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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036435 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036435 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036435 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 'DEN TIAL' GENERAL 9 SEP 194i 173 1. Soviet reaction to Yugoslav statement on unauthorized flights--US Naval Attache fielgrade has transmitted, Via the Military Attache, a report from a "reliable" source that Soviet authorities have sharply criticized the recent Yugoslav press release giving the alleged number of unauthor- ized US flights over Yugoslavia. The Soviet authorities claimed that this "disclosure" prejudiced Yugoslav national interests and alarmed the masses. 2. az1garlan reaction to plane incidents�According to the US Delegation ACC Bulgaria, the Communist-sponsored Bulgarian press has tended to pass lightly over the plane incidents in Yugoslavia and has intimated that US-Yugoslav discussions are amicable. The US Delegation finds no indication in Sofia of efforts to develop a uniform attitude among the Soviet satellites toward the incidents. 3. US and Portugal sign "understanding" on Azores base--US Embassy Lisbon reports that General Kissner and a representative of the Portu- guese Minister of War have signed an "entirely satisfactory" memo- randum covering US employment of the Lagens base under the current short-term agreement. 4. US position on Ukrainian complaint against Greece--The State Depart- ment las instructed Herschel Johnson to take the position in the Security Council that (a) the conduct of the Greek elections and plebiscite does not constitute 'a danger to international peace"; (b) the alleged border Incidents and persecution of minorities do not "create a situation of concern to the Council"; and (c) the presence of British troops has been a stabilizing factor, rather than one endangering international peace. EUROPE -AFR/CA 6. FRANCE: Foreign Office reaction to Byrnes' speech--Caffery reports that the preliminary reaction of certain high-ranking French Foreign Office officials to Byrnes' speech on Germany is not "too unfavorable." Caffery adds that these officials already have discounted the possibility - that the French view on the Ruhr and Rhineland may prevail. Document No. off NO CHANGE in Class. o 0 DECLASSIFIED - 1 - lass. CHANGED TO: TS S DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 Auth: DDA REG. 77/1763 Date: b MR 19785y: 0/! Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036435 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036435 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 %of 6. DENMARK: Faroe Islands to vote on independence�The Danish Min- ister to lcelaiaVrrdrcir-a.m US Legation Reykjavik that Denmark will "shortly" hold a plebiscite in the Faroes on the subject of their inde- pendence. 8. AUSTRIA: UN property exempt from nationalization�Austrian Chan- cellor Figl has notified deneral Clark that the proposed nationalization law will not be applied to 'UN property until after compensation pro- cedure has been approved by the AC. (The Chancellor's action was in response to General Clark's letter, pointing out that the proposed law might not affect Soviet-held property although it would nationalize US- owned oil companies in the Soviet zone.) 9. USSR: Embassy's views on continuation of bread rationing�US Embassy Moscow estimates that the current Soviet grain crop will be near normal and doubts the official explanation that the continuation of bread rationing was necessitated by drought or a short crop. 10. POLAND: Exodus of tews expected to continue--US Ambassador Lane, despite assurances to the contrary by Acting Foreign Minister Olzewski, "very much doubts" that the Polish Provisional Government will take effective steps- to prevent or curtail the wholesale exodus of Polish Jews to US zones in Austria and Germany. 11. BULGARIA: Zver_ks. Party capitulateslo Communists--Acting US Repre- sentative Rewinkel reports that Prime Minister Georgiev's Zveno Party apparently has capitulated unconditionally to the Communists in an effort to salvage a semblance of its former position. - 2 - Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036435 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036435 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 FAR EAST ENT1AV 12. PHILIPPINES: Chinese factions clash�McNutt reports that Kuomin- tang and Chinese Communist elements in the Philippines are engaged In economic and political rivalry, involving numerous recent kidnappings and murders by both sides. McNutt comments that some Chinese Com- munist groups are undoubtedly cooperating closely with the Hukbalahaps and that ROMS is intent on eliminating Chinese activities in domestic political and social movements. 13. CHINA: US crews flying Nationalist supplies�US Consul General Shanghai reports that US-manned planes of the Chinese National Avia- tion Corporation, at the request of the Chinese Government, have been carrying supplies to besieged Nationalist troops. One such plane was recently fired upon and hit, presumably by Chinese Communists. Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036435
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