DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/05/24
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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749280 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 114 too 1946 COORDOIRAL 85 GENERAL 1. Impact of Soviet food situation o troop withdrawal�Ambassador Smith reports that preliminary information has -Omen the Soviet Government "considerable cause for con cern" over this year's food crop, although an accurate forecast will not be available until July. Smith believes that the soviet Government will therefore be unwilling to commit itself before Ji Ly to withdraw some two million, troops from central and east- ern Europe (and to conclude a peace with Austria). He points out ni at the Soviets will try to avoid (a) the return of troops before adequate resources are assured to feed them at home, and (b) failure to imple- ment the Goveriamentss pl e to end bread rationing this year, which would have a most serious effect" o public morale. 2. Soviets oppose postponing meeting of Atomic Commission--According (to Stettinius, Gromyko fiaThvised the UN Secretariat that the USSR opposes the proposal to postpone the first meeting of the Atomic Energy Commission from 27 May until 14 June. Gromyko comments that more than f ur =Ails have elapsed since the Moscow agreement to establish the Commission. EUROPE-AFRICA 3. MAN: Present US plicjByrnes has inforn, ed Ambassador Allen that the US proposal adopted by the Security Council on 22 May), setting no fixed inte for further consideration of the Iranian question, was hate cded to assure the US freedom of action either (a) to agree to drop the case if a majority of the Council favors such action or (b) to move for affir- mative Council action "in the matter of Soviet interference." yrnes asks Allen to report on (a) presence of and interfere ce 1 Soviet troops in Azerbaijan, "especially in areas not covered in the Iranian letter of 21 May," (b) specific instances of interfere ce by Soviet nationals in Iran, especially in Azerbaijan, (c) the "degree of Soviet pressure" at present on gavam and Firuz, and (d) the possible future reaction of the Iranian Cover rinent to a Security Council commission of inquiry. Report on Iranian investigating commission�US Consul Tabriz reports tl�iFtWo�menoTthe commission sent from Tehran to inves- tigate Soviet troop withdrawal were house guests of Pishevariv leader of Document No. 003/ NO CHANGE in Class. 0 DECLASSIFIED - - Class. CHANCED TO: TS S C:rfpnofigtitAL DDA Mem.� , 4 ./'p' 77 Auth: DDA REG. 77/17G3 Date: 14 MAR 1978 By: oft Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749280 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749280 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 ee-) (Araferfi'*_ the Azerbaijan "Democrats," and that their "verification" consisted of conducted tours in Pishevari's car to 5 or 6 towns but not to any Azer- baijani military installations. 4. AUSTRIA: Assistance to UNRRA�General Clark reports that, after con- sulting with high UNRRA officials, helms decided to contribute US Army reserves to UNRRA's June food program. Clark adds that, though the Soviets are unwilling to make any colotributions to UNRRA, he is convinced they are ho1.',1,g large food stocks, "hoping to create a crisis to the embarrassment of the Western Powers" (see Daily Summary of 25 April, 9). FAR EAST 5. CHINA: Recent Cabinet changes not significant�Embassy Nanking com- ments that the recerkt shift of Cabinet Ministers (Economic Affairs, Com- munications, Information) was ade largely for foreign consumption and does not involve any basic change in Government policy. TIM AMERICAS 6, ARGENTINA: Special envoys to Pero inauguration�The State Depart- me t has been 77-31-7-neTaiftwelve American rep blies are planning to send special missions to attend the inauguration of President-elect Peron on 4 June, while seven republics are sen. ..g no representatives. The Department has asked Messersmith to decide whether he should attend as "special Ambassador," since the US does not intend to send a delegation to the ceremonies, Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 C06749280
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