DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/06/10

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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578608ELEASE - Historical Programs [Staff 30 August 2018 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578608 In Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578608R RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 Jun 1:14b GENERAL I. US seeks revision of Evatt'' Spanish resolution�The State Department has suggested that erschel hnsorarTkade Evatt to revise his �original resolution on Spain which expressly mentions a diplomatic break. The Department approves the provision for transmitting to the General Assembly the evidence and reports of the Subcommittee, but believes the Council recommendation should merely provide that, unless the Franco regime is withdrawn and political freedom in Spain fully established, the Assembly shall take whatever action "it deems appropriate at the time." If Evatt objects to this text, the US would favor a Council recommendation that the Assembly "determine". whether to recommend that UN members "terminate" diplomatic rela- tions with Franco, or to take "any other action." If attempts to change the Evatt resolution fail, Johnson is instructed to vote for the resolution but to stress that the US undertakes no commitment as to its later posi- tion in the Assembly. EUROPE -AFRICA 2. FRANCE: Communist tactics�Embassy Paris was told recently by a . Communist leader that (a) the Communists would launch a campaign to discredit the US-French financial agreement, and begin with an attack on "the sacrifice of protection for the movie industry," and (b) the COT has scheduled a strike in the movie industry this week. Caffery reports that the campaign already is under way, He expects it to be extended to other clauses of the agreement, 3. VENEZIA GIULIA: Increases cow,galyn221,0ifie--The Supreme Allied Commander Mediterranean, in view of the increased tension in Venezia Giulia, has moved the Sixth Armored Division for- ward to permit more rapid troop deployment "In case of necessity." SAC does not feel justified in requesting reinforcements from OSFET, since he believes that a Yugoslav coup against Trieste is as yet no more than a "possibility.' 4. YUGOSLAVIA: Further ratc9rt on Sq�vjgtlimplz-The US Military Attache Belgrade has learned from British observers that since the latter part of May, several trainloads of SoviActsmosw Rd equipment of NO CHANGE in Class. 0 DECLASSIFIED Class. CHANGED TO: T3 S DDA Memo, 4 Ar '37 Auth : DDA 11T1,1; . 77 /17 ,- � Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578608-MAR 1978 ail 1978 - Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578608DR RELEASE - Historical Programs [Staff 30 August 2018 � se 1, ET UENThir moved to Bitolj near the Yugoslav-Greek border apparently for train- ing maneuvers. (On 28 May the US representative in Tirana received reliable reports that eight or nine thousand Soviet troops were in southern Yugoslavia; see Daily Summary of 28 May, item 4.) 5. RUMANIA: Proposed Ambassador to US--US representative Berry in Bucharest has received a "personal message" from Premier Groza stating that (a) Bagdasar, Rumanian Ambassador-designate to the US, Is seriously ill and cannot go to his post in the US, and (b) the Premier proposes to nominate instead Mihail Ralea, a former supporter of Xing Carol and reportedly a "secret member" of the Communist Party. Berry has replied that Groza should be prepared for an unfavor- able US reaction. 6. RUMANIA: Release of arrested US employees unlikely�General Schuyler, US delegate ACC, reports that (a) the release of US-employed Rumanian citizens "has now become a question of principle"; (b) the Rumanian Government, with Soviet backing, will refuse to release the arrested employees; and (c) he now believes that "further discussion on ACC levels would be fruitless." (Schuyler had previously believed that the matter could be settled locally; see Daily Summary of 31 May, item 2,) Government oyders violenc? against Opposition�Schuyler has received from a "reliable official' of the Groza Government copies of two Government orders issued in April, which (a) instructed all prefects to use the "severest measures," including violence, against opposition leaders touring the provinces during the Easter period, and (b) pro- mised commendation and financial rewards to local officials who dis- tinguished themselves in execution of these orders. Schuyler comments that these orders constitute the first documentary proof that the Govern- ment has oppressed the opposition parties in violation of the Moscow agreement. 7 IRAN: ram's "totalitarian" tendencies�Ambassador Allen fears that "Iran's independence and civil liberties" may be seriously endan- gered by Qavam's tendency (a) to appease the USSR and leftist Iranian elements and (b) to employ totalitarian tactics in crushing "internal opposition from the Right" Allen proposes to remind Qavam that the US public will react unfavorably to dictatorial methods in elections. Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578608 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578608R RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 He believes that in a "relatively free" election there is "little chancel' of a Soviet-dominated majority in the Parliament which is the "ulti- mate safeguard of Iran's independence." Soviet "timing." --Ambassador Smith, commenting on the possi- bility of a Soviet-supported coup by Qavam, expresses the belief that the USSR is likely to "proceed slowly," since "the Kremlin can calcu- late that in Iran time is on the Soviet side," Smith states that the USSR "presumably" still aims at the eventual capture of the Iranian Govern- ment "through one means or another." FAR EAST 8. SIAM: US suggests French promise border adjustment�The State Department is urging the French Government to announce publicly that It will be prepared, when Siam returns the territories seized from Indo- china in 1941, to negotiate a mutually satisfactory Siam-Indochina boun- dary. The US would then be prepared again to urge Siam (a) to expedite return of the disputed territory and CO to disarm and disperse unruly elements in the area of the recent incidents. 9 CHINA: _Soviet control of Dairen�US Consul General Dairen, in a message transmitted via a US vessel which entered the port, reports that the Soviet Military "control everything" in Dairen and insist that the port is closed. He adds that his office operates unrestricted, but that Soviet officials are uncooperative. -.3 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2578608
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