DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/09/16

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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036431 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036431 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036431 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 %no GENERAL 16 SEP 184ti 179 1. Moscow Pat:larch to send delegation to Turkey,-US Embassy Ankara has been relia6ly informed thatlhe Orthodox Tatriarch in' Moscow is sending a delegation to Istanbul to congratulate the new Orthodox .Patri- arch of that city on his election. The Turkish patriarchate Is reported to be "very disturbed" but to feel unable to rebuff this "courtesy." 2. UR views on handl Greek issue in UN--The State Department has learn � em e B � h �I assy e UK opposes the Van 1Cleffens pr- al that the Security Council transmit to Greece and its neighbors Its 4'earnest hopes" that they act to stop the border incidents. The British feel that such a move would imply that the SC thinks Greece might have been at fault. The British also oppose, though less strongly, the proposal (advanced by Parodi and favored by the US), that a fact- finding committee be set up without authority to make recommendations. S. Britigi agree to follow "Bermuda" air principles�US Embassy London reports that the British will now try at the "earliest opportunity" to %we bring the M-Argentine air agreement into line with Bermuda principles (see Daily 'bummary of 20 August, item 2), and to effect a similar "re- view" of impending bilateral air agreements with Scandinavian countries and Belgium. EUROPE 4. GREECE: USMA sees civil war remote�According to US Ambassador MacVeagh718X fialitary Attache Athens is "skeptical" of reported large Slavic troop concentrations on the Greek border (see Daily Summary of 11 September, item 3), but considers a "Soviet-sponsored thrust across the northern frontier" to be "a possibility." The US Military Attache comments that the possibility of civil war in Greece "remains remote." His "best guess" is that the deterioration of the internal situation is "next of the war of nerves." 5. AUSTRIA: Renewed Soviet pressure on Figl Government�US Charge Denby repor�trthat Chancellor Figl in "another stormy session" has beed bitterly criticized by Soviet General Zheltov for obstructing the Document No. 0.42 NO CHANGE in Class. 0 0 DECLASSIFIED Clops. CHANGED TO: TS DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 * DDA REG. 7711763 Date: 1 5 MAR 1978 By: Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036431 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036431 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 sew VAR transfer of German property to Soviet authorities. Figl refused to agree to 7heitovIs demand that Austria declare that all German pro- perty in Soviet 7.one Austria belongs to the USSR. Figl concluded from this conversation that the USSR is determined to force the resignation of the present Austrian Government. Denby reports that Chancellor s not received from Soviet-held Figl to re quest harvest from Soviet-held estates--US Charge estates any of the produce he requested in accordance with an UNRRA agreement, and at the suggestion of General Clark. Figl now is renew- ing his request so that if satisfaction is not forthcoming, the question can be raised in the ACC meeting of 27 September which will be under US chairmanship. Peo sle's Pa unit favors deal with ussil--usr-A Vienna re- ports in ica � ons at the right vying of the People s Party feels it still might not be too late to make a "deal" with the Soviets. Chancellor Figl reportedly is aware of this but is confident that he has the support of a majority of the industrialists. 6 GERMANY: French agree to tri control--The French Em- bassy has informed the State Department that the French Government now approves the formation of a combined German. traffic administra- tion for the Rhine under tripartite control, provided that the questions of security and decartelization are reviewed informally by US, UK and French representatives. Instructions have been issued which would permit the Rhine fleet in the French zone to be pooled with those in the US and Urr zones. 7. ITALY: "Serious" civil disorders in Venice area--According to US Political Advisor Byington, General Harding is seriously concerned over current civil disorders in the vicinity of Venice. AFHQ has asked the Allied Commission to urge the Italian Government to increase its police forces in the Venice area. Harding reports that the Soviet Consulate and a Soviet "film delegation" in Venice are known to be in frequent contact with Communist elements. Byington comments that he does not see any grounds on which the US could request Italy to order withdrawal of the Soviet mission unless "misconduct is proved" or the USSR expote R.US or UK mission from Eastern Europe. Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036431 Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036431 APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018 TOP 4//741, NEAR EAST - AFRICA 8. NORTH AFRICA: Air demonEtsgimItssner--US Diplomatic Agent Ailing in Tangier recommends that planes from the ROOSEVELT give an air demonstration during the carrier's visit there. The Consul General feels that the situation in Tangier is "entirely dif- ferent" from that in Algiers and Casablanca (see Daily Summary of 12 September, item 10). Tension eases In Tangier and Algiers..-Despite recent native demonstrations in the International Zone, Ailing expects no immediate trouble. He suspects the disorders "were not unwelcome to the French" who hoped to justify intervention. US Consul General Algiers reports that tension in Algeria (see Daily Summary of 13 September, item 12) has "largely abated." FAR EAST SSW 9. DMA: Moslem !Awe may loin Government�US Commissioner Merrell reports that during a dinner conversation, Mrs. Nehru volun- teered the opinion that the Moslem League will enter the Government although Jirmah himself may not accept a portfolio. 10. JAPAN: Formosans active in black market--Atcheson charges that Formosans in japan, numbering approximately 20,000, have joined with Xoreans in dominating black market activities. Atcheson notes that the Chinese Mission in Japan recently gave diplomatic protection to For- mosans arrested in a raid on the black market, and that the Chinese Government's grant of citizenship has apparently encouraged Formosans to defy the Japanese police. 11. CHINA: Use of US crews to fly Nationalist su _lies�Ambassador Stuart has informally pointed out to the Chinese Acting Foreign Minis- ter the undesirability of using American pilots on CNAC planes for the transport of supplies to Nationalist troops (see Daily Summary of 9 September, item 13). The latter has indicated that he will discuss the situation with all parties concerned. - 3 - kalALY Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2036431
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