DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/03/05
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Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C03164660
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff DATE: 15-Mar-2018
L Gusev, to rema.in in�London�Gusev, Soviet deputy on the
Council of ForeigrrMinisters-, has told Dunn that he will not
return to Moscow as his Government now "considers it
very important to get on with this treaty preparation."
2. USSR: Merger of armed forces�Embassy Moscow's Joint
Working Committee has prepared the following preliminary
evaluation of the establishment of the People's Commissariat
for Armed Forces: This is in line with Stalin's point of view
that the services should be combined so as to obtain the coor-
dination dictated by the Soviet's experiences in the war.
Stalin's appointment as head of the Commissariat is to empha-
size that military affairs continue to be of primary importance
in Soviet life and that the Cominunist party will countenance no
bid of the military for independent power.
3. SPAIN: Tripartite declasa112.12..pAil_ytel to affect regime--.
Embassy 1Viadrid considers that the US-UK-French declaration
on Spain is not likely to "stimulate action within Spain for an
orderly change in the present regime." The Embassy points
out that the Spanish people have long been aware of Franco's
identification with the Axis, but are thanldul that they were
spared from actual involvement in the war, regardless of
``methods or circumstances."
4, SPAIN: British _to to dissuade French from UNO action--
Embassy London reports that the British Embassy Paris has
been instructed to attempt to dissuade the French from their
proposed intention to bring the Spanish question before the
Security Council.
Document No.
NO CHANGE in Class. .E]
DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77
Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C03164660
Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C03164660
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff DATE: 15-Mar-2018
5, IRAN: Qavam to leave Moscow--Prime Minister Qavam has
told Kennan that he has been unable to reach any understanding
with the Soviets and will leave for Tehran on 5 March. He
stated that the Soviets justified the retention of troops in Iran
on the grotmds that a recent high member of the Iranian Gov-
ernment had, during the Paris Peace Conference in 1919,
raised the question of the cession to Iran of Soviet territory.
Qavarn said that on 4 March he would formally protest to the
USSR the continued presence of Red troops in Iran and asked
Kennan what action las planned by the US. Kennan replied
that if the question were returned to the Security Council, the
US Government would do everything in its power to see that
the issue was resolved in conformity with the principles of the
United Nations Charter.
6. GREECE: Informal Soviet request for Dodecanese base--The
Greek Foreign Minister has told Acting Charge Rankin that
Soviet Ambassador Rodionov, in connection with Soviet food
shipments to Greece, "personally wondered whether it would
not be desirable for Greece to "allocate" to the USSR a Greek
island - possibly in the Dodecanese - for the supply and repair
of Soviet ships in connection with the proposed trade. The
Greek reply was negative. The Foreign Minister pointed out
that existing Greek repair facilities are at Soviet disposal and
that the disposition of the Dodecanese was a matter for inter-
national consideration.
AUSTRIA: US protests Soviet land request- -The War Department
has relayed toeneral alark for presentation to the Allied Coun-
cil in Vienna a protest from the State Department concerning the
Soviet request for 27,000 hectares (about 65,000 acres) of
Austrian land for use by the Red Army. This request is viewed
by the US as seriously endangering the whole process of four-
power cooperation in Austria, since it is considered contrary
to the agreed procedure of utilizing AC machinery to deal with
all questions affecting Austria as a whole. The US considers
the Soviet request a requisition on the whole Austrian food
supply which undermines the Allied objective of establishing
Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C03164660
Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C03164660
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff DATE: 15-Mar-2018
an independent and economically secure k tria. The US (as
chief contributor to UNRRA) cannot agree to the proposed
program of pooling all food resources in Austria and supple-
menting them from UNRRA stocks, if the Red Army maintains
its present numerical strength in the country and removes
arable land from production. Unless the US has immediate
assurance that the Red Army_ will substantially reduce its
occupation forces and that no land will be withdrawn from
Austrian production except by AC agreement, the US will:
(a) instruct the US member of the UNRRA Central Committee
to oppose the new program for Austria now under considera-
tion; (b) immediately propose to the French and UK Govern-
ments formulation of a tripartite agreement on resources
involving the three Western Zones only; and (c) will publicly
announce that uniform UNRRA relief throughout Austria has
been made impossible by Soviet action.
8. BULGARIA: No commitments to USSR: According to Barnes,
Foreign Minister Stainov has stated categorically to a close
friend that the Bulgarian Government made no political or
military commitments to the USSR during the visit of three
Cabinet Ministers to Moscow in January or during the recent
visit of Tolbukhin to Sofia. Stainov added that the Soviets
require no such commitment, as they plan to keep the Red
Army. in Bulgaria for "years to come",
9. JAPAN: foodstuffs teua --General .
MacArthur regards the shipment of 40,000 tons of foodstuffs
from the US during March as inadequate to prevent famine in
Japan. Since 94 percent of pre-war Japanese food imports
came from Pacific areas, he urges that every effort be made
now to provide supplies from Australia, Siam, Indochina and
Pacific areas with food surpluses.
10. CHINA: Tsingtao_smpsatlaurkgialaelLbalt--Admiral
Cooke reports that surveys just completed indicate the
Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C03164660
Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C03164660
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff DATE: 15-Mar-2018
desirability of establishing Tsingtao as the principal Seventh
Fleet base of operations in China. .
11. CHINA:sale to China authorized--The
sale to China of 2,000 tons of Air Force equipment now in
India has been authorized by the War and State Departments
and the Foreign Liquidation Commission. This material will
be shipped to China, declared surplus and sold to the Chinese
.Government by the FLC.
12, SOUTHEAST ASIA: MacArt. e- ..General MacArthur has reported to the War Department
that. he does not fayor the assignment of a military liaison
mission to the proposed new and smaller British headquarters
� . at Singapore which would replace Supreme Allied Command of
Southeast Asia. He believes it "most undesirable . to con-.
-.tinue any semblance of American responsibility for military
action in this British sphere of activity."
Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C03164660
Daily Summary Collection Type: