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Document Creation Date:
September 22, 2017
Document Release Date:
October 4, 2017
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Case Number:
Publication Date:
November 28, 1957
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s .-yes . ?$ th p'+P~N1
Icr~~Cnn ?Sa~t o. L.!yo.. t Lie e-,SSS4 tt..en rf oe sww-.'+K of cb? LR Tr...
- =-.a M ,W 'et sue. b...mb-.- - i..r.Ls.. 1 r*~] !"sue= ... or.o.Q+.d *~ ` by r..
con-ference, vas asked by source when the Soviets would launch their satellites.
he replied, ": cannot tell you because I do not kr ' . Be Lade the sage reply
when usked where the satellite would be launched. Source feels that Poloakov vat
sincere and that 1w really did not know these details. Poloakov stated that the
Purpose of the satellite is to use it as a vehicle for collecting information.
Source has the irzl,ressloa that there is Loch conflict between Soviet scientists
and the military as to bow vueb information the scientists could discuss. The
scientists had hoped that by the time of the conference they would be allowed
to give the '.'nited States full details of the Soviet earth satellite program.
they did not win. Blagonravov said to source that they actually did
r t.have Lima to ,ihr1~ dam" Q to this sources s
'Y'om, but we did not- rim-about -1-t --=Z11-4j13st-vefore WC.-A=1 ~.--.-~~o
source that Sedov and }9asevich were going_ to the IA? (Internstl~ml Astronautical
Federation) Conference in Barcelona the veek of October 7,-1957.
.-oloskov told source that the Soviets acs going to maintain 66 soon-watch
obi-ervation stations along a meridian between the 70th and 75th weri ian east.
'-then asked about the earth satellite's orbit, Pcloskov repl t-d that it would
incline several degrees to the meridian, and said that be did know that the orbit
would just also the north and south poles and those would be the only two regions
on the earth where the satellite cannot be observed. Poloakav asked the
,'nlted States to help the USSR observe their own satellite. Puloskov said
that they would be extremely glad to establish some sort of cooperation and get
the US observations. A delegate had previously said that in order to accomplish
this the ,Tnited States would have to kmv when the Soviets vow_ld launch tbir
satellite. Pvloakov replied,"Too will have advance varning.". Antler delegate
also asked how long the radio signals would last in the satellite' Poloekov
said in RusslanI as sorry. I cannot understand the question." With the -
assistsnce of an Interpreter Poloskov than sr1d,-Too tell-tb& Lhat It will
be several weeks. I should say three weeks.'
X ?e" I x . n E' t! hY x ? 1
;?(iscellanecua Ccmments on the launching DATE DtSTL
of the First Soviet Earth Satellite
Approved for Release
Data 1 .SEP 1996
- ..,- s-,3 told by ?oloskoti that there would be one battery in the satellite
ydch 1c,ild be chemical and a second battery which would be solar. When the
reporters pressed Poloskov as to whether the USS? '.ould announce
'' '' 31 &r
sstclLtte lannchlr$s in advance,, Poloakor said, "I do not know," and
csddcd that he was told by his superiors that there would be plenty of warning,
two ci three weeks. The launching stations would be three in amber. One.at 80
degrees north latitude, one between 50 and 60 degrees, and one between 47 and
>8 degrees.
1a. n asked why so few people were present, Poloskow r4lied"We have run into
ith the flu. Mirtov now .as fin and is in a
{ throug
m t
Nrpr-f errible flu. I bad way." Pbj St ioakoe had gone to Loin this steer at the sage taste as the
I ectira. Be did.
Toronto IUOC (Interantioel Union of Geodesy-and Geophysics ) m
riot give a reason for going but made the statement that when be./arri-ed home
he caught the flu. Poloskov said the fln-in the USSR is s~ left riouskov
ben in the United States and thct people are dying right acs under Fedorov. This institute is in
is in the Institute of Alpine Geophysics
the Acadeny of Sciences.
~D?CIIb; DJ '.- -..~
_-_.._,_.. ,_.. to it,.. Unit States five or six hours before
B is
they left the uo=
eto At Ltmt tiathr7 westi os1J SSvea rivt h.KU
Foloakov told source that the USSR had definite for launching several
Sat?1111tes, six or even more. He stated that i they were able to launch even
ur_-, name of their probless would be solved, a;! after the initial launching
r.lao has a very responsible position.
According to P01o6kov, Subbotin is the director oft Institute of 1~eoretical
.'~stronos1 and Is responsible for orbits. Be is an hority in that line. Sedov