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March 18, 1958
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PROCESSING COPY -L" 3-020554 R!= sxz m s ssD a Tw tam smil 1 11%ft se..t n..r rra 4 ?, I Ms.? R V. Lrv Vok 279 !c. T. bf, ftlation 25N Nevfasbas 1957, 'Paris Pie. 11-1A s>/nc->ss c9o c 16io Where there is smocke there mot be fire..., the problem of en artioleial sat.ilit? w long L,.ewn to haws been eelTodo It was also knern that the tr,,ewndew saientirtea progress of the lost ten. yrsrs had made this d.Telspe.nt tschnieaity possible. WWsteroae articles ha-r" appeared in the last few menthe in the Soviet pres. annoasaiiIC the firing of sputnik, the first of its mama. iho magasine I*d1 oven advised radio home last ernst that the satwlliteds signals would be bresdeast on 'O and Ao 1b4 In Aurust 195% aead.atelan 1.. Bedew stated At the Astronalrtie Congress of Oopwnhagrt that the Pue.ian satellite oould be launched within the next 2 years...' And them, suddenly, in the night of A Osteb.r, the !owlet radio and the oraaklint flashes en the t.letyp.o of the new sceneisa and newspapers atmow.ed the great nears to the world, a world somewhat astonished to learn that the first artificial ..on wet a Pw.ian r+eenl After the fret moment of had p.esed, a raeo was an to get inlbraatIon and. trqublishod material and cue only needs to talrc another look at the world rreee output of the lawt three weeks to reelix* how many thousands of 11-a.s d copy erro d.vot..i to this To bo stun, It was this a,nlanehw of s.nrationsl infor+sation end r++.lations vhloh led Oror{??s ,mine and myself to undertake this inv.etigetien. As a amtter of fact, !t was eta eouran interest in Qetiet-{? which led us to aloe a very d-tailed .woh of everything that had been written on this In so doinr, we that even very serious authors had written artielee that were replete with oentrodietienut and teehnioal 1sp1* tbtlitiss. rrerybo* was able to natiee that while the Russians remained silent, all treat physicist, astrenaata, astrotaevar., reeket speeialists, admirals, and gen.rels of world r.newn .nthwasrtisally b.isn ma.kis all sorts of c= twatieeal btrt entirely eetttradietory stat.+eents. At that point we d.eided to start eta investigation !!w eeretsh and, in order to get it off our offset, to enatine the 'guilty part!?ad been wentlreaed in Soviet literature. Lest us reewll that Sielbovekiy died In 19" and that thi Vim: t-31.brat.d the centenary of hie birth (17 September 1857) with waatsal glitter this year. Oo.mic 9n>teda Next we consulted the groat Soviet eee$1op.dia under eintarplsnetary F1 ights.' There, we found a very interesting article by H. Ti!donravev, w .ciali.t In rocket motors (Vol 77, page }1, if, edition of Jun 19 )? In a section entitled "Teielkovskiy's Formula' Tilchonrafvv writes (and we quote, leaving him the responsibility for hie statement)# 'The final speed of the rocket (Vic) -- as shown in the accompanying chart -- is a ftx,ction of both the exhaust speed of the .embustion pro- ducts (C) and the relation i!t , where Mt Is the mass of the fuel and Nk kic the ass of the empty rocket after combustion. 'When the foreo of terrestrial attraction and the e.ntri2ingial fore* are in equilibriump then the orbit of the interplanetary ship will a.saaw the form of a perimeter. The speed of this notion is sal 1.4 .ireular .peed! it is expressed by Tk a {^g , where g represents the aeoe]eration of gravity at a die#anee r from the center of the planet. If r equals the radius of the earth and g ? 9*$ a par ...end per seeoad, then Yk ? 7,912 n per second. A body fired into "see at that speed eataast fall back to earth. As the rocket leaves the earth, Tic diminishes but the launching into a circular orbit requires the use of more energy than that required to attain a sped of 7,912 a per second. 'Disregarding air resirteno., the nae.ssary speed to neap* from terrestrial attraction equal. Tn a . The trajectory of the body (rocket) will then b* parabolic, and this is the reason why Tn Is called the parabolic speed. For the earth this speed vn equal. to 11, 200 n per seeotrd, on the average. 'Tte necessary speed for total liberation of the interplanetary ship from terrestrial attractions, exerted jointly by earth and sun, can be obtained by lausnhing the vessel at a ecrtain .rgl.i it is 16,662 a per ...ord. The .aaximam speed of big liquid-fuel rsekere is now more than 4000 a per second, the .xltaust speed being 0 a 2,000 a per sesend and ? 3. Our chart shows that. for an exhaust speed of 4,000 a per second the circular ep..d is reached when it a 7. For a bel..ity of 11, 200 n: kac per second MI must be 15. For a veleeit:7 of 16, 6 o a per seemed .1M ? 50+. lac WC `s iO' a?~ reeheetet.attswerittg 'It is trot very probnbls that three requireeanuts .an be built. SererQ Boats east be considered to erereoes+ the difficulties. The relative t entity of fuel necessary to rttain ee.eaio speed can be diainished by applyistg the prineipl? of a rocket in stages. All the element.o of such a rocket would serve as rteoeleretors and deter t after asesaplishing their 24atetien with the a oeptiott of the last one, thieh attains .carne speed... is R2.e r.ssible to utilise sertain parts of the reeloet as fuel. The -az4nvre "peed can be increased by iner.asIM the s36msat speed. Atow a court can to used to **dew thLis. :tut the creation of an atomic reel-et required the solution of a ranter of* eca4l ieet.d t?sehnisal pro- bleua. In the !burrs, the we of etteoie energy will sake it possible to re&..t.te the relative veitht of the fuel (perhaps without haw re.ettrse to t:,> stave re.ket). increase the, decrease the tine required for interplanetary veyeg.s, and evert to consider an incursion of speed beynid the solar systea. It will also a%ke the rsttei. to our eats planet wife-. ' T1t?-> fulle+a a paragraph an the works of Tsud r end Aendratitdr, me well. as a stwwrry of studies undertaken outside the frontiers of the tY P by such well-itstern sehelars to Oborth, 4asanet, artanit-T.)tsris, c'.oddard4 to. :L1i ..h l1A !iow, we have omkn what the nueesses7 .osdittens are to escape tore tritl attraction. We have also noted that a multiple-stagw rocket is rmquirod to achieve this rsrult. This, indeed, is the salient point. As et-tiller, Eerwn*l, A. Ble irravOY, recently said in New Tack, 'sputnik its"-'f Ic nathingl we oould just as ell have sent up a chain ' The iape rtartt element of tht....Bees be irK the rocket it.e l f, we looked up this word in the Oreet Soviet P1+eyslbpdta. Ind !veer is what we itsve fbuatd Drat the sity+nturo of H. Tikhotravor (again the some wise?) e d 0. tjapowrv (enather rocket .xpert) in vol j), past, 6&Y-668, edition of July ig5gt ,he baetie formula (Tstalln" iy's formula) of resk.t fi3 tt thmory I* ss fbllewse V Oln where r rapes nts the speed of the rocket ? H at the flee To 0 the e3dtatrt speed of the sowtsvstis" predusts, ill -~ the rocket sons at the rises T, h4 - the saes of the fuel beret before the time T, and It - the suss of the rowaitsin6 fuel, When the stater has finished its werln X a 0 and III . M4 from wh ieh T . T sax ? Q~ ? CI" ('. ? r ). This formula is vx]id for !1w .pea Jerre- es~is no f1e1d of fAb.,etiee and ats.spheria resistant.. fur fligbts tatd.r ir~etitieats. 'Tbr a liquid reshot y a:x .? P7 . gin Mho" r7l reglrseettt the ;dc relative ttrtwt of the toter, ? 9.131 r: per aeeslai par seeen4e and ve . is t3ie Saints Meerut (era-) of the reelxrt. In order to inareate ttM - peed (end the Iwoee)e the prira3pla of a i'oekoet eeesdstisit or mod ate '.o to %+red. 'salt e1areet o wive a rsekat end detaehet Itself .- estt.s>rtim its lbel 0"17.. The last eletseat osettains the ps 1st. '7kr unit a rseAcot* _ Ytc .? a (lts t in 1 - + n L6-1 Marl ) yk - nv-I 7"-1 - At is the filial speed, Xl - 2,y and F1 ? ..d"2 (ti to the reigm of 00 Ott thy- feel btsrrted b each roekart elc?stt tIeti -- the teal vni&tt of ea4lt olotunrtt wed go -- the initial %oiglrt of the whole redtet. '" n 71 w we hnve t (i- x71) 12 - I and rk ? TCIn T m to uital speed of t is uieQortioml to the mub-w of its o1e.rmt$0 o -II a Art,t'i+ tfl` cr*th snto1iiitds.' It viii be taztioed, hov"Yer, that in the lend r tla etbe"# the r..r'!!wir of this study did mt alrboretw on the tavnnt'tE of the parww tea' 1n rr,d it is r. pity he did mt. 1,4m is how wpvlal2: Mar lnunehed. `-let wt-re the properties of the let eh1i roekatl Now mrp s4.utrve did it hnvwt The Auesimis ais ettreaell' r-!ia,nt an this points TI. TeTvmreVr p iderrt of the aetra.amtt ii sec! ice of the Oerrtral taro Club of the M:i: and L. ?ados, the r wit eeardttttttcr or the '6nby-r n' have rep1!edt '.sew+ral.' Pab+dost*te"# troth r soir tiwty es,d rxvat an roskwt prepulsienr said a+dr radio Tioeeo*n '2t is lane u that aRfr tealmoloa poruitep miUout to Itt ever an^1 v'tellite with the help of a 3-etii rook*+e .p,.aifyil; Oat this VMS settiI17 the r nww in whieh sputnik Mss launehmd. : MV& of ocieber 9 apeoffies (tit) in a lem bulletin that the Meeker! nd boat ee3 1 petaa'itti and had bear Crd4od with the -eateet pre- cision sr ss to p os spatrdk into the eileoted orbit., that it-Ind risen r tie51?.7. Only to le-iate 'a little later' fees flat emawo owing to an eletetreeiia brain set'lej't the firitss. tbnt at the and of its Bourse it hid reetahed a height of etv"Ml hundred kilometers tad we troy 11itg prrrllel to the sroo of the earth at an a, rage speed ff 4000 a per eoeeetl. It Ideal that sftm t1M last Ant" MA horsed sots the p ateotr' IM }read Mat e3seted and spec leoi: off. A question arises her., the whole se4srtanse of which Will be tutder- etoodi At what altitude was sputnik Altjtuudee o~.lsss. Free the first day on it was anmmnsed that sputnik reveled at an altitude of 900 tea and all newspapers lswsdiately eeneluud.d that it had been lounebed precisely at that altitude. This is utterly illesieal and her. is the reason VI VI (1) Lot us first note that the Russians halve later specified that sputnik reached 900 lea (and, according to gs, even nearly 1,000 km) at its apose. and that its periZea vas oen.iderably saall.r.? It follows, in offsets an elliptical orbit. lass Iardia Keurne.ssta has sineo revealed that this perigee wreusted to "00 Ys. Thu., it is quite unlikely that sputnik was launched at--* polirt con.bttuting its ap.fee. (2) What do the laws of celestial seehanies say, in effoatl A body launched near the earth with a rme d of 8,000 a per ..pond will not return. In Riot, at that speed the eentrif itl for.. and the fare. of gravity cancel each other out, as we have seen abeve. The body will thus be transformed into a e tellite nevinr in a circular orbit like all heavenly bodies. This orbit obviously apprexisates a circle which, for that r.tter, is nothixip, bt.-t a spool--a tares of ellipse. We sax that a body launched a a .peE :,aesila.isa radar the' !le-reno.sia Ceeatoil Otte of ~stxtblialtesa!t!t Apl1T T9T~) C}atIrntnt 1,?enld ~.dat- A. FT?I P. ?npit ma t. Aedles- 11. . ? a a st trrR}tee lap Mole Vie tftaetlt same mention the M tis r ties nest lion of the CeMrnl Afro ~r.nrr+ Clnb of t}r MV1 twad P? ?. !'c.Nstlev, 1tsoe ehairnee to IT. with .t. ! ettd%ld as Me .a:i.stort. .n rrt f-os tfx+ ce+:i!rrec tr`,, i+.enif, of ~l~e!t possible ua