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APPROVED FOR RELEASE CIA HISTORICAL RELEASE PROGRAM JUNE 2017 ? Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 AR 70-14 P Central Intelligence Agency Washington. D C. 20505 MEMORANDUM FOR: The Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT COMBAT REGULATIONS OF THE SOVIET NAVY: The Support of Combat Actions 13 March 197 1. The enclosed Intelligence Information Special Report is a translation of part of a 12-chapter book on Soviet Navy combat regulations, classified SECRET and published by the USSR Ministry of Defense in 1983. This sixth report in the series provides in-depth coverage of the different types of support provided to Soviet naval forces afloat and ashore during their preparation for and conduct of combat actions. Treatment of the subject ranges from the handling and combat preparation of the Soviet Navy's nuclear weapons and missiles to the more mundane aspects of its materiel supply and general services support. 2. Because the source of this report is extremely sensitive, this document should be handled on a strict need-to-know basis within recipient agencies. emir. George Deputy Director for Operations z THIS DOCUMENT MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED TS #878129 Copy # Page 1 of 52 Pages TO RET Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 CO1430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 ""farS2eRil. Distribution: The Director of Central Intelligence The Director of Intelligence and Research Department of State The Joint Chiefs of Staff The Director, Defense Intelligence Agency The Assistant to the Chief of Staff for Intelligence Department of the Army Director of Naval Intelligence Department of the Navy The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence U. S. Air Force Director, National Security Agency Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Deputy Director for Intelligence Director of Soviet Analysis Director of Scientific and Weapons Research Page 2 of 52 Pages 140P-41' Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 TS #878129 Copy # COUNTRY USSR DATE OF INFO. 1983 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Intelligence Information Special Report SUBJECT z Page 3 of 52 Pages DATE 13 March 1987 Combat Regulations of the Soviet Navy: Chapter 12, The Support of Combat Actions SOURCE Documentary Summary: The following report is a translation from Russian of Chapter 12 of the SECRET 1983 edition of the USSR Ministry of Defense's combat regulations for the Soviet Navy. This chapter provides in-depth coverage of the different types of support provided to Soviet naval forces afloat and ashore during their preparation for and conduct of combat actions. This support is broadly categorized as combat support, special technical support, and rear services support. The section on combat support contains information on the Soviet Navy's support requirements with regard to intelligence, intelligence collection, radioelectronic warfare, and cover and deception and on engineer, chemical, ASW, and navigation support; the special technical support section deals primarily with the procedures for the Navy's handling, storage, repair, and combat preparation of nuclear and missile weaponry and its associated equipment; and the section on rear services support includes details on various aspects of logistics support in the areas of materiel supply, transportation, and billeting and about medical, financal, and general services support. End of Summary Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 TS #878129 Copy # Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 TOP"SiCEL1 PAGE 3 (CONTINUATION) Page 3a of 52 Pages 13 March 1987 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 TS #878129 Copy # Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 "715VIEGRF.Z. USSR MINISTRY OF DEFENSE COMBAT REGULATIONS OF THE NAVY FOR DIVISION, BRIGADE, REGIMENT, AND SHIP Put Into Effect on 26 January 1983 as Per Order No. 039 of the USSR Minister of Defense MOSCOW MILITARY PUBLISHING HOUSE 1983 TO RET Page 4 of 52 Pages TS #878129 Copy # Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 "TZPIZGREL. TABLE OF CONTENTS* Page 5 of 52 Pages CHAPTER 1: THE NAVY AND THE FUNDAMENTALS OF ITS COMBAT EMPLOYMENT IN OPERATIONS The Nature of Modern Wars and the Navy's Mission The Combat Employment of the Forces of the Navy and the Fundamentals of Naval Combat Combat Service CHAPTER 2: CONTROL OF FORCES General Provisions Control Posts The Organization of the Monitoring of the Situation The Organization of Communications The Employment of Automated Control Systems The Fundamentals of Command and Staff Work in the Control of Forces CHAPTER 3: POLITICAL WORK CHAPTER 4: THE COMBAT ACTIVITY OF THE DIVISION, BRIGADE, AND REGIMENT Submarine Division (Brigade) Surface Ship Division (Brigade) Naval Aviation Division (Regiment) Naval Infantry Division (Regiment) Coastal Missile-Artillery Troop Division (Brigade, Regiment) CHAPTER 5: THE COMBAT ACTIVITY OF THE SHIP The Preparation of the Ship for Combat Actions The Ship's Levels of Combat Readiness The Ship in Sea Transit The Organization of the Defense and Protection of the Ship The Ship in Battle CHAPTER 6: COMBAT ACTIONS TO HIT ENEMY LAND TARGETS AND TROOPS CHAPTER 7: COMBAT ACTIONS TO DESTROY ENEMY SUBMARINES Comment: Although Chapters 1 to 11 are not included in this report, their titles and subsection titles have been provided for information purposes. TOP ET Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 TS #878129 Copy # Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 TC.".."Z"Ve' MEL Page 6 of 52 Pages CHAPTER 8: COMBAT ACTIONS TO DESTROY ENEMY SURFACE SHIPS CHAPTER 9: JOINT COMBAT ACTIONS OF NAVAL LARGE UNITS AND THE LARGE UNITS AND UNITS FROM OTHER BRANCHES OF THE ARMED FORCES Combat Actions to Land Amphibious Landing Forces The Cooperation of Troops Attacking along Coastal Axes The Cooperation of Troops Defending Coastal Axes CHAPTER 10: COMBAT ACTIONS TO DEFEND BASING AREAS AND SEA LINES OF COMMUNICATION The Defense of Basing Areas The Defense of Sea Lines of Communication The Fundamentals of Convoy Duty CHAPTER 11: THE BASING AND REBASING (REDEPLOYMENT) OF LARGE UNITS AND UNITS Basing Rebasing (Redeployment) CHAPTER 12: THE SUPPORT OF COMBAT ACTIONS 7 Combat Support 8 Special Technical Support 31 Rear Services Support 45 TS #878129 Copy # Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 -71710.5504L__ Page 7 of 52 Pages CHAPTER 12: THE SUPPORT OF COMBAT ACTIONS 599. The support of combat actions consists of the preparation and implementation of measures to maintain the high combat readiness of large units [soyedineniya], units, and ships, to retain their combat capability, to create favorable conditions for their successful and timely execution of combat tasks, to reduce the effectiveness of enemy actions against them, and to rapidly restore their combat capability. It is conducted continuously both during the preparation for and conduct of combat actions. One of the main responsibilities of commanders in chief, commanders, their staffs, and chiefs of special troops, services, and rear services is to organize and implement support. 600. Support is organized and implemented on the basis of decisions made by the appropriate commanders in chief and commanders and on the basis of orders given by higher staffs and chiefs of special troops, services, and rear services using the forces and means of the large unit, unit, or ship itself and also specially detailed forces and means in accordance with the decision and plans of the higher command down the chain of command from formation [obuyedineniye] to large unit (unit) to ship. 601. Support measures and actions and the forces and means allocated to carry them out must be known by the commander of a large unit, unit, or ship and be taken into consideration by him when he prepares his decision on conducting combat actions. The support measures and actions to be carried out must conform to the concept of the combat actions., provide for concentrating the main efforts in support of the forces performing the main tasks, and ensure that support forces and means are capable of flexible maneuver in response to developments in the situation. In his decision, the commander of a large unit, unit, or ship must specify the tasks with respect to the types of support, the forces and means, and the sequence and times for performing [support] measures and actions. The staff of a large unit (unit) must plan and organize support on the basis of this decision. 602. Depending on the nature and content of support measures and actions, support for the combat actions of large units, units, and ships is divided into combat support, special technical support, and rear services support. 11710-6KeL Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 TS #878129 Copy # Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Combat Support Page 8 of 52 Pages 603. Combat support consists of organizing and implementing measures designed to attain high effectiveness when large units, units, and ships are employed in combat actions and to reduce the effectiveness of enemy employment of forces and means. The types of combat support are intelligence*, protection against weapons of mass destruction, radioelectronic warfare, cover and deception (maskirovka], engineer support, chemical support, topographic-geodetic support, hydrometeorological (meteorological) support, ASW support, mine-countermeasures support, anti-small-combatant support, counter-swimmer [protivopodvodno- diversionnoye] support, navigation-hydrographic support, search-and-rescue support, and, for naval aviation, navigation and radiotechnical support. The main organizers of combat support are staffs. They plan, organize, prepare, implement, and monitor the prescribed measures and actions and also ensure the control of the forces and means allocated [to carry them out]. 604. Intelligence is organized and conducted in order to acquire and analyze information on the enemy and on the combat action area. The commander of a large unit, unit, or ship needs that information to make a well-founded decision for carrying out the assigned tasks, deploying his forces in a timely manner, conducting combat actions (or battle), and returning his forces to their basing points. 605. In order to perform an assigned combat task, the commander of a large unit, unit, or ship organizes intelligence using his own forces and means and the forces and means allocated by senior officers. He also uses information received from cooperating large units. The composition of intelligence forces and means is determined by the intelligence tasks and the conditions of the situation. Regardless of its assigned combat task, each ship (aircraft, helicopter) that is in a large unit (unit) or operating (flying) independently must constantly conduct reconnaissance, observe the situation around it, and acquire, analyze, and report all data on the enemy and on the combat action area. 606. Intelligence must detect and reveal the enemy (determine his location, force composition, combat or cruising formation, elements of movement, and the nature of his actions); reveal the organization and state of all aspects of his * Translator's note: Depending on the context, the Russian word razvedka can be translated as intelligence or reconnaissance (sometimes implying intelligence collection). Both translations are used in this report as appropriate. TS 1878129 Copy 1 .-TaPIECILT Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 -711-5PISCIAL Page 9 of 52 Pages defenses; (?reveal*] (update) his preparation of combat action areas; surveil (track) [his forces] and support the vectoring Of a large unit's (unit's, ship's) forces toward the enemy and the issuance of target designation data for the employment of weapons; identify his radioelectronic means; determine (update) the parameters and operating regime of the enemy's radioelectronic means; ascertain his radar visibility; identify the hydrometeorological, radiation, chemical, and bacteriological (biological) situation; discover new means and methods (?used] by the enemy to conduct combat actions; and reveal the results of nuclear and conventional strikes against the enemy. After the enemy is detected, systematic surveillance (tracking) is established and conducted until he is destroyed. 607. Reconnaissance must be purposeful, continuous, intensive faktivnaya], timely, effective (operativnayal, and secure, and must ensure the acquisition of reliable and accurate reconnaissance data on the enemy. Purposeful reconnaissance is achieved by closely subordinating the main reconnaissance measures to the concept of the combat actions and by concentrating reconnaissance efforts on the major axes and targets (objectives) and on support for execution of the main combat task. Continuous reconnaissance is achieved by constantly conducting it both in peacetime and wartime, in all types of combat activity, in daytime and nighttime, on any terrain, and under any weather conditions. irminuave reconnaissance is ensured by the consistent endeavors of the commanders and staffs organizing reconnaissance and of the ships, units, and subunits conducting it under any conditions using all possible means and methods to find the enemy and acquire the necessary intelligence information on him. Timely and effective intelligence consists of acquiring and reporting the required intelligence data to commanders, staffs, and forces within strictly prescribed times and analyzing and evaluating data so that they can be used immediately to make decisions on combat actions (battle) or during combat actions. It is achieved by increasing or (one word illegible] reconnaissance efforts in a timely manner in response to changes in the situation or in the tasks being carried out by forces. Secure intelligence is achieved by keeping all intelligence measures secret and by misleading the enemy as to the disposition of and nature of actions taken by reconnaissance forces and means and where their main efforts are directed. * Translator's note: The legibility of this entire chapter is quite poor, some sections of it being much worse than others. TS #878129 Copy # T.O.PSKEZ Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 TZSP"SeGarl.: Page 10 of 52 Pages Reliable and accurate intelligence consists of acquiring data which fully correspond to the actual situation; ascertaining and correctly assessing the enemy's true, diversionary, and false intentions, actions, and targets (objectives); and fixing his location with minimal errors in order to ensure effective employment of weapons. 608. The depth of reconnaissance must ensure the timely detection and [?identification] of the enemy; the transmission [two words illegible] communications taking into account the time [one word illegible] and prescribed times for combat actions [...five lines illegible except for the words "lines" and "strike"...] time of constant surveillance of forces and reconnaissance data on the enemy's means of movement; and the enemy's [?procedures for using] radioelectronic means. The width of the reconnaissance zone is determined [...three lines illegible...] based on an assessment of the enemy in the combat action area. 609. The main objective of combat intelligence is [two words illegible] of the enemy and the destruction of (five words illegible]. The following forces may be used to conduct reconnaissance in [one word illegible] of a large unit or unit: specially detailed ships (units); ship- based aircraft (helicopters); and [one word illegible], radio, radiotechnical, radar, hydrographic, [one word illegible], laser, photographic, [?optical], magnetometric, [two words illegible], and other technical means of reconnaissance and surveillance. In addition to the reconnaissance forces and means of a large unit, unit, or ship, the forces and means of all types of reconnaissance of the Navy -- ground, air, sea, naval space, and special -- [?may be used] by the higher staff [?in communication with] a commander to support the [one word illegible] of a battle (combat actions). Ground reconnaissance is performed by coastal radio and radiotechnical reconnaissance units and coastal radiotechnical surveillance units using the forces and means of large units (units) of coastal missile-artillery troops and naval infantry. The main tasks of ground reconnaissance are: detecting enemy strike groupings and other enemy groupings of naval forces; determining their composition, location, and the nature of their activity; finding the combat control system of enemy nuclear missile forces and other enemy forces in ocean (sea) theaters of military operations; and ascertaining the nature of the antilanding defenses, the composition and capabilities of enemy forces defending important sectors of the seacoast, the fire system, and the antilanding obstacles. TS #878129 Copy # TO Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 1751"66C4E,T Page 11 of 52 Pages Air reconnaissance is performed by ASW reconnaissance aviation units (subunits), by non-organic reconnaissance detachments of naval missile-carrying aviation, and by the crews of aircraft of other types of naval aviation. It is conducted by employing radio, radiotechnical, radar, and magnetometric means, airborne cameras, and other gear and by making visual observations. The main tasks of air reconnaissance are: detecting submarines, surface ships, and auxiliaries; ascertaining their location, elements of movement [i.e., course and speed], and composition and the cruising (combat) formations of ship groupings; supporting the vectoring of strike forces against the enemy and the issuance of target designations to them; and discovering changes in the preparation of ocean (sea) theaters of naval operations. Sea reconnaissance is organized and conducted over ocean (sea) areas using radioelectronic and hydroacoustic means, [one word illegible], and camera equipment, and is also done visually; it is performed by reconnaissance ships, other surface ships, submarines, auxiliaries, and the long-range hydroacoustic surveillance system. The main tasks of sea reconnaissance are: detecting the enemy's submarines, groupings of surface ships, and auxiliaries on the ocean (sea); ascertaining their location and the nature of their activity; supporting the vectoring of strike forces against the enemy and the issuance of target designations to them; and discovering changes in the preparation of ocean (sea) theaters of military operations. Naval space reconnaissance is organized by the Main Staff of the Navy and is performed by the naval space reconnaissance and target designation system [sistema morskoy kosmicheskoy razvedki i tseleukazaniya]. Its main tasks are: detecting enemy ships and auxiliaries and periodically surveilling them; ascertaining the composition, cruising formations, and combat formations of ship groupings on the ocean (sea); and providing target designation to missile submarines and surface ships. Special reconnaissance is organized and conducted by agent organs and special-purpose units [agenturnyye organy i chasti spetsial'nogo naznacheniya] in accordance with special instructions and regulations. 610. The main methods of operation of reconnaissance forces are to search for and surveil (track) a detected enemy, to reconnoiter him in force, and also to photograph radioelectronic means, intercept their operating signals, and locate them through direction finding. A search is undertaken to detect the enemy's forces. Tracking a detected enemy is organized to identify him, ascertain his intentions, determine the signs of his preparations for weapons employment, especially nuclear weapons, and also to support the vectoring of strike forces and the issuance of target designation for the employment of weapons. Reconnaissance in force is performed in order to obtain data on the enemy when it is impossible to acquire it by other methods. TS #878129 Copy # RET Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 "r7P-sficas"... Page 12 of 52 Pages 611. Acquired reconnaissance information must be transmitted and reported to commanders and staffs as rapidly as possible. Reports must be timely and rendered clearly. They must specify the sources of the acquired information. The first report must, as a rule, be given as a brief message [signal] and must answer the questions: what (who) was detected, when it was detected, and where it was detected. The second report must contain the enemy's specific location, his composition, combat (cruising) formation, course and speed, and also the hydrometeorological situation in the reconnaissance area. Reconnaissance data needed to make an urgent decision are reported immediately. Subsequent reports give all changes in the enemy's, course and speed, update data in previous reports, and update information on the actions of the reconnaissance platform. When necessary, final reconnaissance is organized immediately before a strike in order to update reconnaissance data on the enemy and on the situation in the combat action area. 612. Reconnaissance is organized by the staff of a large unit or unit on the basis of the commander's decision. The staff develops a reconnaissance plan which is drawn up as a separate document or depicted on a chart as an integral part of the decision. When planning reconnaissance it is necessary to consider the actual capabilities of reconnaissance forces and means and the anticipated opposition to them by the enemy. Tasks are assigned to reconnaissance forces by means of combat instructions. In accordance with combat instructions on reconnaissance, the commander of a ship develops the points for using shipboard reconnaissance and surveillance means, organizes the acquisition, collection, processing, and transmission of. intelligence data to the staff of the large unit, and uses these data to make his own decision. 613. Cooperation between reconnaissance forces and means is organized according to the tasks, objectives, location, time, and methods of actions. Provision is made for mutual duplication [vzaimnoye dublirovaniye] in the acquisition of the most important data on the enemy and for the specification of the procedures, methods, and times for exchanging reconnaissance data. 614. When preparing and conducting combat actions (or battle), the commander of the large unit or unit organizing the combat actions (battle) excercises control over reconnaissance forces from his command post. Control over reconnaissance forces allocated from other large units may be exercised either directly from the command post of the large-unit commander or through the commanders of those large units and units from which these forces are allocated. TS #878129 Copy It ---MPS?C.REL Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Page 13 of 52 Pages 615. Protection against weapons of mass destruction is organized and implemented in order to reduce as much as possible the effects of enemy nuclear, chemical, and bacteriological (biological) weapons on personnel, weapons, and technical means, to retain the combat capability of large units, units, and ships, and to ensure the execution of the tasks assigned them. Protective measures against weapons of mass destruction are organized to the full extent during the preparation and conduct of combat actions either with the employment or without the employment of weapons of mass destruction. The measures include: ascertaining in a timely manner the enemy's preparations to employ weapons of mass destruction; dispersing ships (units) and periodically changing their anchorages (disposition); carrying out engineer preparation of basing points, ships, and airfields and of disposition, dispersal, and [combat] action areas of coastal units, control posts, communications centers, and rear services installations; using the protective and concealment properties of the terrain; warning ships and units about the direct threat and initiation of enemy employment of weapons of mass destruction and notifying them about nuclear bursts, about radioactive, chemical, and bacteriological (biological) contamination, and also about our own nuclear strikes; conducting anti-epidemic, sanitary-hygienic, and special preventive medical and veterinary measures; ascertaining the aftereffects of enemy employment of weapons of mass destruction, and doing so by conducting radiological, chemical, and bacteriological (biological) reconnaissance; ensuring the safety and protection of personnel when ships and units are operating in areas of destruction, flooding, and fires and in contaminated zones and also [ensuring] the replenishment of materiel supplies and repair of damage from combat or accidents; and eliminating the aftereffects of enemy employment of weapons of mass destruction. 616. The commander of a large unit, unit, or ship supervises protection against weapons of mass destruction. Based on his decision and orders, and also the instructions of a higher staff, the large-unit (unit) staff plans protective measures and organizes and monitors their implementation. Large units, units, and ships carry out protective measures against weapons of mass destruction using their own forces and means. When necessary, and according to the decision of senior officers, the forces and means of the fleet (flotilla, naval base) may be used to assist them. Large units and units not participating in military actions must be ready, when necessary, to perform tasks to eliminate the aftereffects of the massed employment of weapons of mass destruction against our country's cities, TS #878129 Copy #. TO RET Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 7071Erb Met.. Page 14 of 52 Pages populated areas, and national economic facilities in cooperation with control organs and civil defense forces. 617. The timely disclosure of enemy preparations to employ weapons of mass destruction is achieved through reconnaissance organized by all commanders and staffs. Data on the detection of enemy nuclear missile forces in areas which allow them to employ weapons against our forces and installations, and also data on all enemy measures directed at preparing for the employment of weapons of mass destruction, are reported to higher command and routed to the interested commanders and staffs as soon as they are received. 618. According to a plan developed in advance (or in accordance with special orders from the large-unit commander), the dispersal of units and ships and periodic changes in their disposition areas and anchorages, as well as periodic chanps in the basingof aircraft at airfields which is done to move them out from under enemy strikes that are being_pmared, are performed in secret, in brief time periods, and without harming the execution of combat tasks. 619. Ships and units are warned about an immediate threat or initiation of enemy employment of weapons of mass destruction by the staff of a large unit or unit on the basis of orders of the higher staff and on the basis of intelligence data. Warning notification about nuclear bursts, radioactive, chemical, and bacteriological (biological) contamination, and areas of fires, obstructions, destruction, and flooding is carried out by the staff of a large unit based on data from the fixing [zasechka] of nuclear bursts, from all types of intelligence, and from reports by observation posts and subordinate units and ships and also based on information from cooperating forces and troops. 620. The aftereffects of enemy employment of weapons of mass destruction are ascertained by the fixing of nuclear bursts and by engineer, radiological, chemical, and bacteriological (biological) reconnaissance and are ascertained according to data received from subordinate and cooperating large units, units, and ships. Rough data on the aftereffects of enemy employment of weapons of mass destruction may be obtained by predicting the areas of damage, destruction, flooding, and fires and the zones of contamination. 621. Based on engineer, radiological, chemical, and bacteriological (biological) reconnaissance data and the results of forecasting, a decision is made on moving surviving forces out of dangerous areas, restoring their combat RET TS #878129 Copy I Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 "fargE6REL. Page 15 of 52 Pages capability, eliminating the aftereffects of enemy employment of weapons of mass destruction, and continuing to conduct combat actions. 622. In order to ensure the safety and protection of personnel in units and on ships operating in areas of destruction, flooding, and fires and in contaminated zones, the most purposeful actions are selected for them: ships are moved away from radioactive fallout; a ship's contamination prevention systems are used; engineer structures, the protective properties of terrain and combat equipment, individual and collective protective means, antiradiation compounds, antidotes, antibiotics, and special preventive measures are used; and special decontamination treatment (spetsialsnaya obrabotka] is performed in a timely manner. 623. When making a decision on carrying out assigned (combat] tasks, commanders and staffs must take into consideration the engineer, radiation, chemical, and bacteriological (biological) situation in the combat action areas of subordinate units and ships and the combat capability of personnel who have been exposed to radiation. 624. The aftereffects of enemy employment of weapons of mass destruction are eliminated in order to create the conditions necessary for restoring the combat capability of units and ships. As a rule, it is conducted without interfering with the execution of combat tasks and it includes the following: reconnaissance at the centers of destruction; damage control aboard ships (auxiliaries); rescue operations on the water and on shore; treatment-and- evacuation, sanitary-hygienic, and anti-epidemic measures; measures to bring fires under control and extinguish them; dosimetric and chemical monitoring; the timely removal of ships, flight vehicles (letatellnyye apparaty], and coastal unite from areas of destruction, flooding, and fires, from zones of chemical and bacteriological (biological) contamination, and from zones of extremely dangerous and dangerous radioactive contamination; measures to restore the morale and psychological state of personnel; preventive and quarantine measures in the centers of bacteriological (biological) contamination; special decontamination treatment for units and ships; and chemical and biological decontamination of facilities, terrain sectors, and roads. 625. Special decontamination treatment consists of radiological, chemical, and biological decontamination of ships, flight vehicles, weapons, technical means, clothing, and protective means and, when necessary, sanitary decontamination treatment of personnel. Special decontamination treatment may be partial or full. Partial special decontamination treatment includes radiological, chemical, and biological decontamination of individual parts of weapons and technical means which personnel come in contact with during combat, and also of protective means, clothing, and areas of the skin which are not covered. It is conducted by Ts 078129 Copy it ET Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 TOPSCRET Page 16 of 52 Pages personnel according to instructions of commanders of units ships, or subunits without interrupting the execution of combat tasks. Full special decontamination treatment includes full radiological, chemical, and biological decontamination of combat equipment, armament, ammunition, stores, and other materiel and, when necessary, full sanitary decontamination treatment of personnel to the full extent of sanitary-hygienic measures. Full special decontamination treatment is performed with the permission of the large- unit commander after combat tasks have been carried out (or after exiting from battle). Special decontamination treatment is organized by staffs of large units or units and by ship commanders using the forces and means of the large units, units, and ships themselves. The most difficult tasks are carried out by rear services forces and means. 626. Radioelectronic warfare Cradioelektronnayaboeba] is the aggregate of measures and actions (mutually coordinated as to target, tasks, location, and time) performed by forces to locate the systems and means used to control enemy forces and weapons, carry out nuclear and fire destruction of them, and capture, disable, and radioelectronically suppress them. It also includes measures to provide radioelectronic protection for our own systems and means of control of forces and weapons and to counter the enemy's technical means of reconnaissance. 627. Radioelectronic warfare is planned, organized, and implemented in order to disrupt or disorganize the enemy's control of his forces, reduce the effectiveness of enemy reconnaissance, weapons, and combat equipment and also to ensure the reliable operation of the systems and means for the control of our own forces and weapons. 628. Intelligence in support of radioelectronic warfare acquires data on the purpose and composition of the enemy's systems and means for the control of forces, weapons, radioelectronic warfare means, and technical means of reconnaissance; on the disposition areas of control posts and important radioelectronic installations and their affiliation, operating regimes, and main characteristics; and also other information required to organize their destruction and effective suppression. 629. Nuclear and fire destruction and the seizure or disablement of enemy radioelectronic systems and means are the basis for disrupting or disorganizing control. They are carried out by delivering strikes with all types of weapons against enemy control posts and radioelectronic installations and through actions by reconnaissance-sabotage groups and amphibious landing forces. 630. Radioelectronic suppression includes radio suppression (radiopodavleniye], electro-optical suppression, and hydroacoustic suppression. TS #876129 Copy # Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 frQ2ET Page 17 of 52 Pages It is organized and conducted to disrupt the control of forces, to reduce the effectiveness of the enemy's weapons and reconnaissance by radioelectronically jamming his control systems and means, and to deflect homing and guided means of destruction away from the targets (objectives) being covered. 631. Radioelectronic protection is conducted to protect our own radioelectronic means from destruction by enemy antiradiation weapons (samonavodyashcheyesya na izlucheniye oruzhiye), from enemy radioelectronic suppression, and from unintentional interference. 632. Countering the enemy's technical means of reconnaissance is done by observing prescribed regimes when using our own radioelectronic systems and means, by eliminating identifying signatures (demaskiruyushchiye priznaki] of forces and installations which can be revealed by technical means of reconnaissance, by creating a false radioelectronic situation, and by carrying out measures for the special protection of technical means of data processing and transmission. 633. Highly effective radioelectronic warfare is achieved through the maintenance of the prescribed combat readiness level of the units, subunits, and means used to perform radioelectronic warfare (REB) tasks; continuous cooperation between radioelectronic warfare subunits and reconnaissance subunits; constant observation of the radioelectronic situation; concerted action of means of destruction and means of radioelectronic suppression against the most important and vulnerable components of the enemy's system for the control of forces and weapons; rapid decisionmaking on the use of radioelectronic warfare means and radioelectronic protection techniques needed in a given situation; and precise and accurate implementation of them. 634. The commander of a large unit supervises radioelectronic warfare for his large unit. Based on his decision and on orders (instructions) from the higher staff, the large-unit staff plans and organizes radioelectronic warfare and develops a radioelectronic warfare plan. Radioelectronic warfare measures are covered in the large-unit commander's decision, in the combat action (battle) plan, and in the communications, surveillance, reconnaissance, and cover-and-deception plans. 635. The preparation of forces to conduct radioelectronic warfare is organized under the supervision and monitoring of the chief of staff of a large unit or unit. This preparation includes the following: preparing radioelectronic warfare means for operation; bringing supplies of one-time use radioelectronic warfare means (sredstva REB razovogo deystviya] up to full levels; analyzing and evaluating the radioelectronic situation; making preliminary calculations for the combat use of radioelectronic warfare means, the coordination of radioelectronic protection measures, and countermeasures against enemy technical means of reconnaissance; and conducting brief tactical TS #878129 Copy # 1."eSP`Srs Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 -1171"98C8IL Page 18 of 52 Pages training sessions [takticheskiye letuchki], practical training, and exercises based on specific assigned tasks. 636. Control over radioelectronic warfare forces and means of a large unit or unit is exercised from the command post of the large unit or unit. It must ensure timely assignment of combat tasks to radioelectronic warfare forces, delivery of data on the radioelectronic situation to them, concealment of preparation, surprise in the radioelectronic suppression of the enemy's systems and means for the control of forces and weapons, timely maneuver of radioelectronic warfare forces and means, the maintenance of continuous cooperation between them, and monitoring of the fulfillment of assigned tasks. 637. On ships, supervision of radioelectronic warfare is done by the ship commander through the departments responsible for radioelectronic warfare means and radioelectronic means. The executive officer of the ship organizes the planning and conduct of radioelectronic warfare aboard the ship. The heads of departments responsible for radioelectronic warfare means and radioelectronic means organize the following: their combat use; protection against enemy jamming and against antiradiation weapons; electromagnetic compatibility; and also protection of sensitive parameters [okhranyayemyye kharakteristiki) of radioelectronic means against the enemy's technical means of reconnaissance. 638. Cover and deception Imaskirovkal is performed in order to mislead the enemy as to the true intentions, nature, and [combat] action areas of our forces, their composition, location, and combat and cruising formations, and the combat capabilities of large units, units, and ships and also to ensure the surprise of actions and increase the survivability of our own forces. One of the most important tasks of cover and deception is countering enemy intelligence, including his technical means of reconnaissance. 639. Cover and deception is conducted continuously. It is organized in accordance with the decision of the large-unit, unit, or ship commander and the orders of the higher staff, taking into account the developing or anticipated situation, the capabilities of all types of the enemy's intelligence, the extent of his knowledge, the identifying signatures of forces and installations, and our capabilities and means for carrying out cover-and-deception measures. In all cases, cover and deception must provide for both protective and active measures to counter enemy reconnaissance. 640. The effectiveness of cover and deception is ensured by the intensity, convincingness, continuity, and diversity of the measures conducted, and also by their being kept in strict secrecy. TS 1878129 Copy # "Thim4k Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 "rop-sicaL Page 19 of 52 Pages intenshy[aktivnostl of cover and deception is achieved by persistently foisting on the enemy a false perception of the command's intentions, the combat readiness of forces, and the nature of their activity. Convincingness Ribediternostl of cover and deception lies in conducting measures which appear plausible and correspond to the actual circumstances of the situation. Continuitylnepreryvnosti of cover and deception is achieved by conducting cover-and-deception measures constantly, in any situation, and when both preparing and conducting combat actions. Diversity [raznoobraziye] of cover and deception means avoiding stereotyped actions when organizing and conducting cover and deception. 641. The main methods of cover and deception are concealment, deception, feints, and disinformation. Concealment consists of eliminating (diminishing) the identifying signatures and characteristics of various forces, means, installations, actions, and measures. Concealment is ensured by observing cover-and-deception discipline; dispersing and periodically changing the location of ships, units, and large units; strictly protecting state and military secrets; strictly observing the requirements for covert control of forces; and strictly following the prescribed regimes and rules for using radioelectronic means. Deception Dmitatsiyal consists of creating decoy groupings of forces, dummy installations, and a false situation by using mockups and radioelectronic means, pyrotechnic means, aerosol (smoke) means, and other means. Feints [demonstrativnyye deystviya) consist of intentionally displaying the actions of forces and means on diversionary axes and conducting combat actions and performing other measures on false axes. Disinformation consists of feeding false information to the enemy by using technical means of communication, radiotechnical means, special channels [22 spetsial?nym kanalam], and other means and methods. 642. Countering enemy intelligence includes: identifying enemy reconnaissance forces and means; organizing and implementing their destruction and suppression; carrying out measures and actions to conceal or simulate our own actions, feed technical disinformation to the enemy, destroy or radioelectronically suppress his technical means of reconnaissance, and conceal protected installations; combating sabotage-reconnaissance groups; and carrying out other measures. -72:1104 TS #878129 Copy # Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 "Ttirlecara... Page 20 of 52 Pages 643. Cover and deception is conducted taking into consideration the enemy's integrated employment of optical, radio, radiotechnical, radar, thermal [infrared], hydroacoustic, magnetometric, radiation, acoustic, and other technical means of reconnaissance. In order to carry out cover-and-deception measures, the cover and deception means of large units, units, and ships are used extensively, as are forces and means allocated by the senior officer in charge. The preparation for and fulfillment of cover-and-deception measures are monitored by the technical means and organs for integrated technical monitoring of large units, units, and ships, by technical means of reconnaissance, and by other means allocated for monitoring. 644. Engineer support is organized and implemented in order to establish the necessary conditions for maintaining forces and installations in constant combat readiness, for covertly positioning and deploying them, for successfully maneuvering (redeploying) them, for successfully performing assigned combat tasks, for increasing the protection of forces and installations against all. means of destruction, for restoring their combat capability, for eliminating the aftereffects of enemy attacks, for inflicting losses on the enemy, and for hampering his actions. It includes: engineer reconnaissance of the enemy, the terrain, and installations; engineer preparation of dispersal basing points, deployment areas, and areas for actions by mobile rear services formations [podvizhnyye formirovaniya tyla]; final engineer preparation of main basing points; provision of ships (auxiliaries) with pier facilities and provision of [berthed] ships and shore installations with suppplies of water, steam, and electricity from sources on shore; fortification preparation of [firing] positions [pozitsii] and areas occupied by coastal units and installations; preparation and maintenance of maneuver, supply, and evacuation routes; the minesweeping of terrain and installations; the clearing of destroyed hydrotechnical structures; engineer measures to defend basing areas; the construction and maintenance of engineer obstacles; the preparation of embarkation points and landing points and bases for an amphibious landing; the clearing of lanes in antilanding obstacles; engineer measures for integrated camouflage [maskirovka] of ship and aircraft basing areas and naval shore installations; the restoration of the combat capability of forces; and the elimination of the aftereffects of enemy strikes. 645. Engineer support measures are carried out by the forces of large units, units, and ships themselves with extensive use of engineer armament table-of-equipment means [tabelinyye sredstva inzhenernogo vooruzheniya]; by naval engineer and airfield engineer units and subunits; and by military construction organizations and units. TS #878129 Copy # 1517.611r?. Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 "TrirSIMNEL Page 21 of 52 Pages Naval engineer units are used to perform the most complex tasks requiring specially trained personnel and the use of engineer munitions and equipment. 646. Chemical support is organized and implemented to create the conditions required by forces, special troops, services, and rear services to carry out their assigned tasks under conditions of radioactive, chemical, and bacteriological (biological) contamination; conduct radiation safety measures; ensure the habitability of submarines and protected installations with regard to the air environment; camouflage ships and coastal installations by using aerosols (smoke); and inflict losses on the enemy with incendiary weapons. Chemical support includes the following: the fixing (zasechkal of nuclear bursts; radiological, chemical, and non-specific bacteriological (biological) reconnaissance; participation in the clearing of lanes in chemical barriers (by destroying or disarming enemy chemical mines [khimicheskiye fugasy]); timely and skillful use of individual and collective protective means; dosimetric and chemical monitoring; prevention of contamination of ships (auxiliaries) by radioactive and toxic agents and bacteriological (biological) aerosols; radiological and chemical decontamination of ships (auxiliaries), flight vehicles, non-personal weapons (obezlichennoye oruzhiye], technical means, ammunition, and other military stores; chemical decontamination of airfields, firing positions, structures, terrain, and roads; conduct of measures to ensure radiation safety; support for the habitability of submarines and protected installations with regard to the air environment; use of aerosols (smoke) to camouflage ships (auxiliaries) and shore installations; and employment of incendiary weapons by chemical service subunits. 647. The fixing of nuclear bursts is done in order to acquire data on their parameters (coordinates, type, yield, and time), which are needed to determine possible losses (damage from nuclear strikes), the areas of destruction, flooding, and fires, and the nature of radioactive contamination on the ground, in the atmosphere, and on oceans (seas). It is organized by staffs and performed by subunits detailed to fix nuclear bursts, by chemical service units, by the forces and means of the coastal observation system, and by the observation means of units, ships, and installations. 648. Radiological, chemical, and non-specific bacteriological (biological) reconnaissance is organized to ensure the timely detection of radioactive and chemical contamination and provide commanders and staffs with data on the radiation and chemical situation on the ground, in the atmosphere, and on water areas and also with data on the revealed instances of enemy employment of bacterial (biological) aerosols. This reconnaissance is conducted by the radiological and chemical reconnaissance subunits of chemical service units, by subunits specially trained to perform this task, and by the means of large units, units, ships, and installations. TS #878129 Copy # RET Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 '7475PIECE4Z... Page 22 of 52 Pages Prior to obtaining data on the actual radiation and chemical situation after enemy employment of nuclear and chemical weapons, preliminary data on the situation may be obtained through forecasting. 649. Injury to personnel from radioactive and toxic agents and bacterial (biological) aerosols is prevented by timely and skillful use of individual and collective protective means. The procedures for using individual and collective protective means are prescribed by commanders of large units, units, and ships based on the type of contamination, the nature of the tasks or actions being performed by personnel, the weather conditions, the amount of protection afforded by battle stations, command posts, and spaces, and other factors. 650. Dosimetric and chemical monitoring is organized by staffs together with the chiefs of the chemical and medical services. It includes determining the radiation dose received by personnel and the nature of the contamination threat posed by radioactive and toxic agents to ships, flight vehicles, weapons, technical means, water; foodstuffs, and other materiel. Dosimetric and chemical monitoring data are evaluated within the staffs of large units and units and on ships and are used when making decisions on carrying out assigned tasks and when planning and organizing combat actions. 651. The prevention of contamination of ships (auxiliaries) by radioactive and toxic agents and bacterial (biological) aerosols and the radiological and chemical decontamination of ships, flight vehicles, weapons, technical means of protection, and clothing are carried out to create conditions to ensure the restoration of the combat capability of forces, special troops, services, and rear services which have sustained radioactive and chemical contamination. 652. Depending on the situation and the time available, the radiological and chemical decontamination of non-personal weapons, technical means, ammunition, and other military stores, as well as the chemical decontamination of airfields, firing positions, structures, terrain, and roads, are performed using the forces and means of chemical service units and subunits and also the means of large units and units themselves. 653. Radiation safety is organized to protect personnel from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation and to protect the environment from contamination by radioactive agents when nuclear propulsion plants [yadernyye energeticheskiye ustanovki] are operated or when fissionable materials, radioactive agents, and other sources of dangerous radiation are used. It is carried out constantly in both peacetime and wartime. 654. Radiation safety is ensured by establishing and following a set of technical organization measures which govern radiation safety procedures on TS #878129 Copy # TO RET Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 "1:01ftqaefth.X. Page 23 of 52 Pages ships (in units) having nuclear propulsion plants and at the installations which service and repair them; by monitoring the status of nuclear propulsion plants on the basis of radiation factors; and by carrying out measures to normalize the radiation situation when it worsens. 655. The commanders of large units, units, and ships having sources of dangerous radiation are responsible for ensuring radiation safety. The heads of the chemical services and departments of large units, units and ships, in cooperation with the heads of medical services and departments, are directly responsible for ensuring radiation safety. Measures to ensure radiation safety are carried out by subunits of the radiation safety services of large units (formations) and the chemical service of the fleet (flotilla). 656. Support for the habitability of submarines and protected installations with regard to the air environment is organized to support conditions of daily activity and maintain the combat capability of personnel. It is achieved by regenerating the air and purging it of harmful agents, radioactive steam, and aerosols and by constantly or periodically monitoring the amount of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and harmful agents in the air of a compartment (or spaces). 667. Support for habitability with regard to the air environment is organized by the heads of [shipboard] chemical departments. On submarines it is organized jointly with the heads of the engineering and medical departments. In protected installations it is organized jointly with the chiefs of the engineer and medical services. Habitability with regard to the air environment is ensured by chemical service subunits and specially trained personnel of submarines and protected Installations. 658. The use of aerosols (smoke) is organized to camouflage ships and shore installations in order to counter the enemy's electro-optical systems for reconnaissance and weapons guidance. Aerosols (smoke) are used in concert with other cover-and-deception means. Aerosol (smoke) camouflage is organized by the staffs of large units and units and by ship commanders and is implemented by the forces and means of large units, units, and ships themselves and also by chemical service subunits of the fleet, flotilla, or naval base. 659. Chemical service subunits employ incendiary weapons to inflict damage on the enemy's personnel, equipment, and materiel supplies and to start fires in his disposition areas. Incendiary weapons are used, as a rule, en masse on the most important axes as follows: when landing amphibious landing forces -- TS #878129 Copy # T 'S C Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 ---fairseciazz. Page 24 of 52 Pages primarily during the amphibious assault (boy za vysadku]; when defending the basing points of fleet forces -- in order to ensure that important areas and lines are held; and when combating large masses of enemy personnel. 660. Chemical support measures are implemented by the forces and means of large units, units, and ships. The most complex and specialized chemical support measures are carried out by chemical service units and subunits Independently or in cooperation with units and subunits of other special troops, services, and rear services. 661. Topographic and geodetic support is organized and implemented to prepare and deliver to forces in a timely manner the topographic and geodetic data needed by large-unit and unit commanders and staffs to study and assess the combat action area, organize cooperation and control, and prepare initial data liskhodnyye dannyye] for the effective employment of weapons and combat equipment. Topographic and geodetic support includes topographic and geodetic surveys of the system of navigation aids (navigatsionnoye oborudovaniye] and stationary and mobile systems for monitoring the situation, topographic and geodetic preparation of basing areas, topographic and geodetic preparation of firing positions, and surveys of the combat formation elements of coastal missile- artillery units. Topographic and geodetic support measures are carried out by hydrographic service units and subunits. 662. Hydrometeorological (meteorological) support is organized and implemented in order to increase the effectiveness of actions by forces, the employment of weapons, and the use of technical means and to correctly evaluate and take into account the hydrometeorological conditions when preparing and conducting the combat actions of large units, units, ships, and flight vehicles and when carrying out measures to protect forces and installations of the rear services against weapons of mass destruction. It includes the following: organizing hydrological, meteorological, and atmospheric observations; making meteorological and hydrological forecasts; conducting hydrological reconnaissance; informing the command, staffs, ships, units, and flight vehicles of the actual and anticipated hydrometeorological (meteorological) situation in combat action areas, along transit routes (transit flights (perelety]), and at basing points; computing and reporting data which these entities need to employ weapons; developing procedural reference materials; assessing the effects of hydrometeorological (meteorological) factors on the actions of ships and aircraft, the employment of weapons, and the use of technical means; and supplying ships, units, and aircraft with hydrometeorological (meteorological) Instruments and working aids. TS #878129 Copy # ET Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 7"..77:51PliCkEZ Page 25 of 52 Pages 663. The tasks of hydrometeorological (meteorological) support are carried out by hydrographic service units and subunits with assistance from ships, auxiliaries, aircraft (helicopters), special troops and services, and units and facilities of other branches of the Armed Forces, civilian ministries, and civilian departments. Hydrometeorological (meteorological) support is directly supervised by the chief of the hydrographic service. In large units without organic or detailed hydrographic service subunits, hydrometeorological (meteorological) support tasks are organized and implemented by large-unit flag staff-officer navigation specialists (flagmanskiye shturmany]. 664. MAN support is organized to increase the combat stability of large units, groups, and individual surface ships and submarines when they are at basing points, deploying, or conducting combat actions and to increase the combat stability of auxiliaries in sea transit or in port against strikes by enemy submarines. 665. The basis of ASW support for forces in the operation of formations (ob"yedineniya], in naval operations, and in combat actions is an ASW system which operates constantly in a theater. It includes the following: a system for monitoring the underwater situation; groupings of ASW forces which are in combat service (na boyevoy sluzhbe); specially allocated groupings of mixed ASW forces; the ASW escort forces of squadrons and large units of ships (landing detachments, convoys) in sea transit; barriers of fixed ASW means (pozitsionnyye protivolodochnyye sredstva zagrazhdeniy]: and command posts and control means. 666. The following means are employed for ASW support: multipurpose submarines, ASW ships, ASW aircraft, fixed submarine detection means, ASW mines, and ASW nets. 667. ASW support for large units (convoys, landing forces), groups, individual ships (auxiliaries), and submarines is organized on the basis of the zonal and point principles. Zonal ASW support (zonal'noye protivolodochnoye obespecheniye] consists of ASW coverage in closed seas or sectors of the ocean (sea) by conducting simultaneous or consecutive combat actions on them to destroy enemy submarines or by protecting these seas (ocean sectors) from the passage of enemy submarines by establishing ASW barriers. Zonal ASW support is organized for the prolonged coverage of ship forces in their entire operational zone and is performed on the basis of the decision of the fleet (flotilla) commander in chief. A component part of zonal ASW support is the ASW defense of basing areas, which is organized, as a rule, on the basis of the decision of the commander of a naval base (or large unit of offshore defense ships). TS #878129 Copy # "Ibp4i4 Eg& Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 3:01,"3148Lr Page 26 of 52 Pages 668. Point (axis) ASW support [obnyektovoye (napravlennoye) protivilodochnoye obespecheniye] is implemented to increase ASW coverage for individual large units (convoys, landing forces, groups, ships) when exiting from basing points, when in sea transit, and when in combat action areas and also when the capabilities for zonal ASW support are limited or nonexistent. In this case, in addition to overall measures and actions performed to provide ASW coverage for zones (defense of basing areas), ASW coverage is implemented for the exit areas and combat action (patrol) areas of forces or for the sectors (routes, movement areas) where they are deployed. ASW coverage of an area is the aggregate of mutually coordinated combat actions (battles) to destroy enemy submarines inside the area for the entire time that the forces being supported are located there (and on the perimeter of the area prior to the arrival of the forces being supported). Point ASW support is conducted as one of the types of combat support for the actions of large units, groups, and individual ships (submarines) coordinated as to place and time with the actions of the forces being supported, with other types of combat support, and with the ASW defense of a large unit. It is organized by the commander of the forces being supported. 669. ASW coverage of zones (areas) makes provision for the actions by ASW forces on threat axes to search for and destroy enemy submarines, for the withdrawal of the forces being supported from the area (zone) of their actions, or for the diversion (of enemy forces) onto a false axis. ASW support actions and measures, which are planned and conducted by the staffs of formations (ob"yedineniya] in support of large units, groups, and individual ships, are reported to commanders and must be taken into account by them when making decisions on ASW defense (support) for their own forces. 670. When conducting ASW support, the actions of large units, units, groups, and individual surface ships and submarines must be concentrated on destroying enemy submarines before they reach positions where they can employ their weapons against the forces being supported and on countering means of detection and destruction. This must include a deeply echeloned disposition of ASW support on the axes which present the greatest threat; constant maintenance of high combat readiness of ASW forces and means to search for and destroy enemy submarines; continuous support for cooperation with forces conducting combat actions to destroy enemy submarines in neighboring areas and with the forces being supported; and close linkage and coordination between ASW support and other types of combat support, primarily reconnaissance, cover-and-deception [maskirovka], and radioelectronic warfare (support). 671. In a threat period, ASW support must be directed at countering the detection of the forces being supported and preventing possible surprise employment of weapons against them by enemy submarines. TS #878129 Copy # TO? RET Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 IMP'KUL Page 27 of 52 Pages 672. Mine-countermeasures support is organized to ensure that ships and auxiliaries in deployment are safe from enemy mines in basing areas, on the approaches to bases, in sea transit, and in combat action areas. It includes the following: actions by naval forces to destroy (disable) mine development and production centers, depots, bases, arsenals, and mine delivery platforms [nositeli minnogo oruzhiya]; a system for mine-countermeasures observation and warning about mine threats; a system of channels and recommended courses and areas; a system for monitoring the status of ships' physical fields; actions to destroy minelaying aircraft (helicopters) and ships; actions by ASW forces to search for and destroy mines and minefields, to support the exit from (entrance to) basing points by submarines, surface ships, landing detachments, and convoys, and to support them in sea transit and in their combat action areas; and other special measures for mine-countermeasures support. 673. Minesweepers, mine-countermeasures helicopters, coastal radiotechnical posts for mine-countermeasures observation, and other forces with means for detecting and destroying mines are used to provide mine-countermeasures support. 674. Anti-small-combatant support [protivokaternoyeobespecheniyel is organized to ensure the safety of ships and auxiliaries at bases, during sea transit, and in combat action areas and also to ensure the safety of coastal installations from attacks by small combatants and other small-size, high-speed enemy naval forces which employ missile, gun, torpedo, and mine weaponry. The organization of anti-small-combatant support provides for the capability to reduce the probability of encounters with enemy small combatants, timely detection and identification of them, the repulsion of their attacks, and the evasion of weapons and means employed by them. Along with the [above] weapons, radioelectronic warfare means are used in conjunction with cover-and-deception measures for the purpose of reducing the effectiveness of the weapons control and guidance systems of the enemy's small combatants. 675. In order to combat groupings of guided missile patrol boats and other small-size, high-speed naval forces, ship and aircraft (helicopter) strike groups are set up, and cooperation is organized with coastal missile-artillery units, with front and army aviation, and with fighter aviation and surface-to- air large units (units)of formations (large units) of the Air Defense Forces. 676. Counter-swimmer support [protivopodvodno-diversionnoye obespecheniyei is organized to interdict enemy reconnaissance-sabotage actions against ships, auxiliaries, hydrotechnical structures, and coastal installations. It includes the following: searching for and destroying enemy combat swimmer forces and means; providing warning about them and detecting them; hampering the TS #878129 Copy # Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 TOP SECR CT Page 28 of 52 Pages penetration of combat swimmer forces and means into defended areas, to the coast, or to combat objectives; and eliminating the effects of an attack. This type of support is carried out by using stationary detection and destruction systems, maneuverable ship and aviation forces, special formations (spetsiallnyye formirovaniya], coastal patrols, and shipboard means of detection and destruction acting in self-defense. 677. Searches for combat swimmer forces and means are performed using the visual and technical means of large units, units, and ships. The organization of searches must ensure continuous and 360-degree observation on and below the water's surface. The destruction of combat swimmer forces and means is carried out with depth charges, gunnery fire, small-arms fire, and hand grenades. Warning notification about the detection (of such forces] is carried out over prescribed communications channels in accordance with the documents in force at the time. Hampering the penetration of combat swimmer forces and means into defended areas, to the coast, and to combat objectives is achieved through counter- swimmer patrols, the setting out of positioned equipment [pozitsionnyye sredstva], and the preventive use of depth charges and hand grenades. The elimination of the effects of an attack by combat swimmer forces and means includes searches by frogmen for sabotage means on the submerged areas of ships, on hydrotechnical structures, on positioned equipment, on the [sea/harbor] bottom, and on the sides of quays where ships are berthed and it also includes assistance in carrying out rescue operations. 678. Navigation-hydrographic support is organized and implemented to create favorable navigation-hydrographic conditions for the conduct of combat actions by large units, units, ships, and aircraft; for their basing; and for the purpose of hampering enemy actions. It includes: updating the navigational situation in combat action areas and warning staffs and forces conducting combat actions about changes in the navigational situation; organizing uninterrupted operation of organic navigation aids and the deployment of supplemental navigation aids in these areas; repairing and checking organic technical navigation means on ships; supplying (arming) ships with supplemental technical navigation means, maintaining these technical means, and, when necessary, [?allocating] hydrographic subunits (specialists) to service them; preparing the necessary charts and descriptions of combat action areas and supplying them to large units, units, and ships; [one word illegible] piloting (leading) ship groups and individual ships; organizing and conducting hydrographic (one word illegible] support, antimine (two or three words illegible] supporting actions (... two lines illegible]. TS #878129 Copy # TO Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 TerriecuL Page 29 of 52 Pages [Only parts of the following paragraph are legible. What follows is a reconstruction based on previous paragraph and sentence structure.] 679. [Navigation-] hydrographic [support is implemented by] units and subunits [of the hydrographic] service independently [or in cooperation with the] topographic and [hydrographic] services of other branches of the Armed Forces. 680. Search-and-rescue support is organized and implemented to search for and rescue the crews of damaged aircraft (helicopters) who have ejected in flight or escaped after a forced landing; to search for and assist submarines, surface ships, and auxiliaries that are damaged or in distress, and also aircraft and spacecraft reentry vehicles which have landed in the water; and to rescue their personnel. It includes the following: providing the crews of aircraft, helicopters, ships, and auxiliaries with emergency lifesaving means and preparing them for use of them; giving search-and-rescue crews special training; equipping search-and-rescue aircraft, helicopters, and ships with special equipment; organizing the duties of allocated forces and means; collecting and processing data on crews, aircraft, ships, and auxiliaries in distress; organizing and performing searches for them and assisting them; repairing damage to ships and auxiliaries, extinguishing fires on them, and organizing their return to base; evacuating the crews of aircraft, helicopters, ships, and auxiliaries; providing air and sea cover for search-and-rescue subunits; controlling allocated forces and means during search-and-rescue operations; and organizing cooperation between large units of branches of the Armed Forces when conducting search-and-rescue support. 681. Search-and-rescue support in zones controlled by our forces is implemented by specially allocated auxiliaries, ships, and flight vehicles equipped with search-and-rescue means. Outside of these zones it is implemented by ships and auxiliaries from within a large unit (group) upon the decision of the commander of the large unit (group), taking into consideration the specific situation. All ships and auxiliaries must be ready to assist each other, and the commanders of large units and ships and the captains of auxiliaries must be ready to supervise rescue operations. 682. Navigation support for the combat actions of naval aviation is organized and implemented to achieve the following: accurate and reliable air navigation on flight routes; accurate arrivals (in terms of place and time) by aircraft and helicopters at assigned targets (objectives); high effectiveness in the employment of search means, air reconnaissance means, and target destruction means; and flight safety for aircraft (helicopters). The main measures of TS #878129 Copy # Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 "farliCILLT Page 30 of 52 Pages navigation support are: organizing the overall navigational training of aviation large units and units; preparing reference data and navigational calculations; developing proposals for making a decision on executing combat tasks and carrying out instructions on navigation support for combat actions and instructions on the employment of radio and illumination flight support aids [radiosvetotekhnicheskiye sredstva obespecheniya poletov]. 683. The scope and nature of navigation support measures taken are determined by the commander based on the assigned tasks, the flying conditions, the navigation situation, the level of flight crew training, the air navigation means, and the combat employment of weapons. The chief (senior) navigators are responsible for the navigational training of subordinate large units and units, the status of the navigation service, and flight safety. 684. Radiotechnical support is organized and implemented in order to equip airfields, ships, and a theater of military operations with radiotechnical means and organize their uninterrupted operation in support of takeoffs, arrangement into combat formation, air navigation, IFF, target designation, control of aircraft and helicopter crews in proximity to airfields or ship large units, and organization of their landings in diverse weather conditions both during the day and at night. It includes radar, radio, and illumination [flight] support. The main means of radiotechnical support are the organic means of communications and radiotechnical support units in large units and units and on ships. Radiotechnical support is directly supervised by the communications chiefs of aviation large units and units. The procedures for using radiotechnical means in a combat sortie are determined by the commander of an aviation large unit or unit. 685. Radiotechnical support for shipborne aviation at sea is organized by the commander of the aviation group. In this case special attention must be paid to ensuring accurate air navigation under conditions of complete or partial absence of visual and radio navigation reference points and to ensuring safe landings by aircraft and helicopters on the deck of a ship. In order to support air navigation and ensure safe takeoffs and landings, shipboard radio and illumination flight support aids are used, as are those that are specially installed on ships. TS #878129 Copy RET Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 "T*6*rg8CIlf4L Special Technical Support Page 31 of 52 Pages 686. Special technical support consists of organizing and implementing measures to maintain (store) nuclear munitions, armament, combat equipment, other equipment, missiles, torpedos, mines, conventional munitions of all types, and military-technical stores; to provide them to large units, units, and ships and maintain them in a status which ensures the constant combat readiness of forces; and also to prepare armament, combat equipment, other equipment, missiles, torpedos, mines, and munitions for combat employment, restore them when damaged, and return them to operation. The main types of special technical support are nuclear-technical, missile- technical, technical (including the appropriate services), and meteorological support. 687. The main principles of organization of special technical support are: timely and uninterrupted replenishment of supplies of nuclear munitions, other munitions, missiles, torpedos, mines, and military-technical stores (especially shipboard supplies) to prescribed norms; timely maintenance, servicing, and replacement of modules, units, and assemblies which have exceeded their rated service life while forces are in combat formation; immediate comprehensive restoration and return to operation of ships, auxiliaries, armament, and equipment which require the least amount of work and which can be performed immediately in the area where the breakdown occurred; timely increase in the efforts of support large units and units and in the replenishment of losses of nuclear munitions, other munitions, missiles, torpedos, mines, and military- technical stores by using reserves or, when necessary, by redistributing the means and resources of forces; and maximum utilization of the local industrial base to repair ships (auxiliaries), armament, and equipment and also meet the needs of forces and repair-and-restoration large units and units for industrial equipment, tools, and materials. 688. The commander in chief (commander) personally supervises special technical support through his staff, his deputy for armaments and ship repair ((or his deputy for] the aviation engineer service), the deputy for rear services or the chief of rear services, the commanders in chief (chiefs) of types of forces, the chiefs of special troops and services (the chiefs of directorates and sections, flag staff-officer specialists, and department heads), and through nuclear-technical support sections (groups). 689. The deputy commander in chief for armaments and ship repair (or for the aviation engineer service), the deputy commander for rear services or the chief of rear services, the commanders in chief (chiefs) of types of forces, and the chiefs of special troops and services (the chiefs of directorates and TS 1878129 Copy ET Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 IttP.66C,$41..." Page 32 of 52 Pages sections, flag staff-officer specialists, and department heads) plan and otganize the execution of special technical support tasks for their own services (departments); supervise the operation and special preparation of subordinate (dependent ipodvedomstvennyye]) large units, units, subunits, and facilities; and organize and monitor measures to prepare and ensure the reliability and high combat effectiveness of ships (auxiliaries), appropriate types of armament, combat equipment, and other equipment. 690. Nuclear-technical support is organized and implemented in order to provide nuclear munitions to large units, units, and ships in a timely and uninterrupted manner and to prepare and maintain them in constant readiness for combat employment, strictly observing all measures for security, concealment, and preclusion of unsanctioned actions [nesanktionirovannyye deystviya]. The main nuclear-technical support measures are as follows: delivering and Issuing nuclear missiles, torpedos, and bombs to submarines, surface ships, aircraft .helicopters), and coastal missile units in a timely manner; 4 replenishing them, storing them, performing technical servicing on them, and bringing them up to prescribed levels of readiness; monitoring the observance of rules for the handling of nuclear munitions in all stages of operation and the status of their use and recordkeeping; organizing the restoration and repair of damaged and defective nuclear munitions; disarming nuclear munitions that have been in accidents; eliminating the aftereffects of accidents involving nuclear munitions; evacuating or destroying nuclear munitions when they are threatened with imminent enemy seizure under combat conditions; dispersing, sheltering, protecting, and defending nuclear munitions; supplying nuclear technical units with modules and assemblies for nuclear munitions, [one word illegible] for their operation and the necessary instrumentation; implementing measures to prevent unsanctioned actions with them; and ensuring the combat stability of nuclear-technical units. 691. The preparation and issuance of nuclear munitions to combat service and combat duty ships are carried out upon the instruction of the commander in chief of [one word illegible]. The preparation and initial issuance of nuclear munitions to _coastal missile units, aircraft, and hlicoot rare carried out upon a special order [p2 osobomu ukazaniyu] (or signal . In the course of combat actions in which nuclear weapons are being employed, the issuance to fleet forces of nuclear munitions which have been readied for combat employment is carried out upon the instruction of the fleet commander in chief. 692. The delivery and loading of nuclear weapons onto submarines and ships are carried out at main and dispersal basing points using stationary and mobile TS #878129 Copy RET Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 "farliCall Page 33 of 52 Pages means. Under favorable weather conditions, and when specially equipped support ships, naval armament transports (special weapons transports, missile transports, torpedo transports), and other transport vessels are available, the delivery and loading of weapons onto ships may be done on the ocean (or sea). Auxiliaries and ships designated to receive, store, and issue weapons on the ocean (sea) may be included within seagoing rear services large units [soyedineniya plavuchogo tyla], may operate independently accompanied by close escort ships, or may proceed underway within the combat (cruising) formations of the large unit (group) of ships being supported. The issuance_of puclegr weapons ID naval air force regiments (to aircraft, helicopters) is carried out at main and alternate airfields and also on air- capable ships and ASW ships. In coastal missile-artillery troop units they are issued at technical sites within their permanent disposition areas and in deployment areas. 693. The delivery of nuclear munitions to large units, units, and ships is carried out by special transports of nuclear-technical units, by the forces and means of missile-technical and torpedo-technical units and subunits, and, when necessary, by transports, (one word illegible] and by aircraft, helicopters, and combatants (auxiliaries). 694. The deployment areas, the routes for distribution and delivery of nuclear munitions, the places where nuclear munitions are issued, and the forces and means for protection, defense, and communications are determined by the staff of the formation (obuyedineniye]. Measures for nuclear-technical support to large units, units, and ships are implemented by nuclear-technical units at main and dispersal ship basing points, at sea, in permanent disposition areas, in coastal missile unit deployment areas, and at airfields. 695. The prevention of unsanctioned actions with nuclear munitions is ensured by the mandatory implementation of stipulated organizational measures and by the employment of ..pecial technical devices. The organizational measures include the following: strict observance of security procedures, the prescribed procedures for handling nuclear munitions, including during their check-out, and the procedures for access to nuclear munitions; the organization of reliable protection and defense for nuclear munitions while they are in storage or in use in large units and units and on ships and while transporting them; mandatory special training of personnel who, are cleared to work directly with nuclear munitions; periodic testing of personnel for access to such work; strict observance of the prescribed procedures for opening or entering missile launch tubes, launchers, torpedo tubes, magazines, and storage areas containing nuclear munitions and the TS #878129 Copy # TO ET Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 "."reP?SICE.EL Page 34 of 52 Pages procedures for removing nuclear munitions from storage and issuing them to naval forces which employ nuclear weapons; the observance of prescribed security regulations; and systematic monitoring of the fulfillment of requirements for the handling of nuclear munitions by cleared personnel in accordance with plans approved by the commander in chief of the formation (obuyedineniye). Special technical devices consist of the following: mechanical, electromechanical, and electronic code-activated interlocking devices (elektronnyye kodoblokirovochnyye ustroystva); technical means for preventing the leakage of information Lutechka informatsii] during the preparation of nuclear munitions; technical protective and fire warning systems installed in magazines, storage areas, launchers, missile launch tubes, containers, compartments, and torpedo tubes containing nuclear munitions, and in and around protected areas; and technical fire extinguishing means. 696. The commander of a ship (aviation or coastal missile_regiment) personally supervises the loading (mounting, acceptance (priyem1) of weapons with nuclear warheads onto ships (aircraft, hglinopters, or into a coastal missile regiment). He is responsible for the readiness of weapons for loading (mounting, acceptance); the working order of the weapons systems, technical means, and devices designated to support the operation and combat employment of weapons with nuclear warheads; the training of personnel; the observance of safety measures and security procedures; and the implementation of organizational and technical measures to prevent unsanctioned actions with nuclear weapons. The commander of a ship (aviation regiment or coastal missile regiment) is personally responsible for safeguarding nuclear weapons and maintaining them in strictly prescribed readiness for combat employment. He is obliged to know well the initial status, the types of actuation [vidy srabatyvaniyal, and the methods of combat employment of nuclear weapons. ? 697. The commanders of nuclear-technical units, missile-technical units, and torpedo-technical units and subunits are personally responsible for the technical soundness of nuclear munitions and weapons; the means used to prepare, mate Estykovka), transport, and load (mount) them; and the timely preparation (delivery) of nuclear weapons for mating and loading (mounting, acceptance). They personally supervise all operations with regard to the preparation, mating, transportation, and issuance of nuclear weapons. 698. Missile-technical support is organized and implemented in order to ensure the timely preparation and delivery of missiles to large units, units, and ships. This includes ASW missiles, submarine-launched missiles (podvodnyye rakety], high-speed submarine-launched missile-torpedos [podvodnyye skorostnyye rakety-torpedy] and all the types of warheads for them (except nuclear warheads). It is also implemented in order to maintain missiles at prescribed TS #878129 Copy # Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 "TaPIRCRAL Page 35 of 52 Pages levels of readiness, to perform routine maintenance, and to ensure the failure- free operation of them and their safety during handling. The main missile-technical support measures are: preparing and delivering missiles and their warheads (except nuclear warheads) in a timely manner; accumulating, storing (maintaining), dispersing, concealing, and safeguarding them; bringing missiles and warheads to the prescribed level of readiness; performing technical servicing and maintenance work on them; repairing them and restoring their technical operating life; monitoring the observance of the rules for handling missiles and warheads during their storage, transport, or preparation for combat employment in large units and units and on ships; carrying out measures to eliminate the aftereffects of accidents involving missiles and warheads; evacuating or destroying missiles and warheads if they are under imminent threat of enemy seizure in combat conditions; providing large units, units, and ships with the military-technical stores and technical documentation required for the operation, combat employment, and repair of missiles; ensuring the survivability and constant readiness of missile-technical units to perform tasks; and organizing control of them. 699. Missiles and their warheads are delivered to large units, units, and ships by special transports of missile-technical units and torpedo-technical units and subunits and, when necessary, by rear services transports, aircraft, helicopters, ships (auxiliaries), and general-purpose transports. The deployment areas of missile-technical units and torpedo-technical units and subunits, the procedures for their movement and delivery of missiles and their warheads to large units, units, and ships, and the forces and means providing protection, defense, and communications are determined by the staff of the large unit (formation). 700. Missile-technical support is organized and implemented in coordination with nuclear-technical support through technical missile bases (missile- technical units, mobile missile bases, missile-technical bases afloat, torpedo- technical bases, mobile ASW missile bases, and others) at main and dispersal ship basing points, at sea, in permanent disposition areas, in [missile] deployment areas of coastal units, and at airfields. 701. The commander of a ship (or of an aviation or coastal missile regiment) personally supervises the loading (mounting, acceptance) of missiles onto ships (aircraft, helicopters, into a coastal missile regiment) and he is responsible for the following: the readiness of missiles for loading (mounting, acceptance); the working order of systems, technical means, and devices intended to support the operation and combat employment of missiles; the training of personnel; the observance of safety measures; and the implementation of organizational and technical measures to prevent unsanctioned actions with missile weaponry. TS #878129 Copy I TOP4ECRET Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Page 36 of 52 Pages The commander of a ship (or of an aviation or coastal missile regiment) is personally responsible for safeguarding missiles and keeping them in strictly prescribed readiness for combat employment. He is obliged to know well the initial status and the methods of combat employment of missiles. 702. The commanders of missile-technical units and torpedo-technical units and subunits are personally responsible for the technical soundness of missiles and the means used to prepare, mate [stykovka], transport, and load (mount) them and the timely preparation and delivery of missiles to areas where nuclear warheads are mated to them and where missiles are loaded (mounted, accepted). They supervise all operations with regard to the preparation, mating, transport, and delivery of missiles. 703. Technical support is organized and implemented in order to provide large units, units, and ships with armament, combat equipment, other equipment, munitions (except nuclear warheads), and military-technical stores and to ensure the high effectiveness of actions, the combat and operating reliability of ships (auxiliaries), armament, and equipment, the timely replacement of that [armament or equipment] lost or expended, and the rapid restoration (repair) and return to service of that which is damaged. Technical support is implemented by the appropriate services and includes: missile engineer support, radioelectronic engineer (radioelectronic and radioelectronic-technical) support, aviation engineer support, gunnery engineer support, tank technical support, motor vehicle equipment support, engineer technical support, chemical-technical support, technical support for communications and for automated control systems (ASU), technical support for ships (auxiliaries) and their special armament (technical support for ships and auxiliaries and torpedo-technical support), rear services technical support, and space engineer support [inzhenerno-kosmicheskoye obespecheniye]. 704. Technical support is organized and implemented under the overall supervision of the deputy commander in chief for armaments and ship repair (or for the aviation engineer service). His orders on technical support matters are mandatory for the chiefs of units and subunits of special troops, services, and rear services and for the commanders of subordinate formations, large units, units, and ships. In large units and units and on ships, technical support is organized and implemented under the direct supervision of the deputy commander for the rear services (or for the aviation engineer service, for armaments), the deputy commander for the engineering (technical) department, and the appropriate chiefs of services, flag staff-officer specialists, and heads of ship departments. They plan, organize, and are responsible for the execution of technical support tasks assigned to their subordinate services; coordinate the efforts of units T4:0t*SriC? TS #878129 Copy # Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Page 37 of 52 Pages and subunits of special troops, services, and the rear services to organize comprehensive restoration (repair) of ships (auxiliaries), aircraft, helicopters, and other armament and equipment; organize technical monitoring of all types of armament and equipment, the special preparation and employment of subordinate technical support units and subunits, and the control of them; and, in coordination with the staff of the large unit, directly organize their disposition, protection, security, and defense. In addition, the chiefs of units and subunits of special troops and services develop and coordinate with the deputy commander for rear services the procedures and times for delivering and recovering armament, equipment, munitions, and military-technical stores. Within aviation large units, the large-unit deputy commander for rear services organizes the following: motor vehicle support, the upkeep at bases (depots) of missiles, munitions (except nuclear munitions), torpedos, mines, and other armament, communications equipment and stores, and engineer, chemical, military-technical, and aviation-technical stores and support for them. 705. The repair of ships, auxiliaries, aircraft, helicopters, armament, and equipment by mainly using (restored) engines, units, modules, and instruments is directly organized by the chiefs of units and subunits of special troops, services, and the rear services. Support for repair by using prepared (restored) engines, units, modules, assemblies, and instruments is primarily the responsibility of the chiefs of special troops and services (according to their specialty). When necessary, chiefs of units and subunits of special troops and services must allocate their own specialists to assist in installing engines, units, modules, assemblies, and instruments and in carrying out comprehensive repairs. 706. Missile engineer support is organized and implemented in order to maintain missile armament (launchers, the combat equipment of missile and surface-to-air missile systems, and the special equipment and systems with which ships and coastal units are equipped) in combat readiness for employment, to supply missiles to forces, and to repair and return damaged missiles to service. The main missile engineer support measures are: technical servicing; performing routine maintenance on missiles, as a rule without reducing the prescribed level of combat readiness; and monitoring the observance of the rules for the operation, repair, and restoration of malfunctioning missiles. 707. Routine maintenance, technical servicing, and the repair of missile systems is carried out by base technical servicing subunits, repair yards [remontnyye zavody], armament bases ashore and afloat, and industrial enterprises [predpriyatiya promyshlennosti] at the basing (disposition) points of large units, units, and ships. TS #878129 Copy # TO ET Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Page 38 of 52 Pages 708. Radioelectronic engineer support is organized and implemented in order to ensure continuous control of the forces and means of large units, units, and ships; to utilize their weapons and radioelectronic warfare means; to maintain radioelectronic surveillance means, automated systems for the control of forces and weapons, radioelectronic warfare means, hydroacoustic, television, and non- acoustic means, and other electronic equipment and hardware in readiness for employment on demand; to ensure their failure-free operation and maximum effectiveness; to ensure that large units, units, and ships are equipped with the (above] means and those means are repaired and returned to service when damaged. Radioelectronic engineer support includes radioelectronic and radioelectronic-technical support. The main radioelectronic support measures are: continuous monitoring of the surface, underwater, and air situation through the integrated use of radioelectronic means; the collection, processing, and distribution of information on enemy forces and means and on our own forces and surveillance means; the elaboration of recommendations for combat maneuvers; and the issuance of target designation data for the employment of radioelectronic warfare weapons and means. The main radioelectronic-technical support measures are: the technical servicing of radioelectronic means at bases and at sea; timely accumulation of the required supplies of radioelectronic means and radiotechnical stores and their proper distribution, storage, and care in large units and units, on ships (auxiliaries), and in depots; the restoration of the technical operating life of radioelectronic means and their operability when there is damage from combat or accidents; the replenishment of expended supplies of radioelectronic stores; and the replenishment of losses of radioelectronic means and measuring equipment at main and dispersal basing points, in the operating areas of ships (auxiliaries), in permanent disposition areas, and in the deployment areas of coastal units. 709. Radioelectronic engineer support measures are organized and implemented by the following: radiotechnical services (divisions [diviziony*]) of formations, large units, and units, and ships; radiotechnical battalions, companies, and platoons; hydroacoustic complexes and underwater surveillance centers; coastal information posts (centers); repair yards (workshops [masterskiye]); armament adjustment and alignment laboratories; and bases and depots. 710. Aviation engineer support is organized and implemented in order to keep aviation equipment and armament in constant working order and in readiness to perform combat tasks with high effectiveness under any conditions and to restore (repair) damaged (defective) aviation equipment is as short a time as possible. * Translator's note: Here the term "division" (divizion) is a subunit or subcomponent of a shipboard department. TS #878129 Copy # "'YOKE IC,JLT Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 11.4)111264,14. Page 39 of 52 Pages It includes: measures to keep aviation equipment and armament in combat readiness, measures to ensure their technically competent operation, measures to maintain their high reliability, and measures to ensure the maximum number of combat sorties by aircraft (helicopters); timely and high-quality repairs; supervision over the activities of aviation repair enterprises; and the recovery of aircraft (helicopters) from the sites of forced landings. 711. Aviation engineer support measures are implemented by the personnel of the aviation engineer service of large units (units), technical repair bases, and ASW weapons bases. 712. Gunnery engineer support is organized and implemented in order to maintain gun armament, multiple-round rocket systems (sistemy zalpogo ognyal, small arms, observation instruments, and fire-control gear of large units, units, ships, aircraft, helicopters, tanks, and naval infantry combat vehicles in constant combat readiness for employment; to ensure uninterrupted fulfillment of their requirements for gun and small arms ammunition; and to provide for the collection and repair of gun armament, munitions, small arms, and gunnery reconnaissance means when they are disabled. It includes accumulating, distributing, storing, and stocking gun and small-arms weapons and ammunition; repairing them; monitoring the performance of routine maintenance and technical servicing and the observance of rules for handling ammunition and the rules for fire safety when storing, transporting, or preparing it for combat employment in large units and units or on ships; preventing unsanctioned actions with ammunition; eliminating the aftereffects of accidents; and restoring the technical operating life of gun armament. 713. Gunnery engineer support is implemented by the personnel of large units, units, and ships and by gun arsenals, bases, and depots with the participation of fleet repair organs at basing points and at sea, in permanent disposition areas, in deployment areas of coastal units, and at airfields. 714. Tank technical support is organized and implemented in order to maintain the armored equipment of naval infantry large units and units in constant combat readiness for use, to ensure its failure-free operation, and to provide for its repair and restoration when it is disabled. Tank technical support includes measures to ensure the proper operation of armored equipment, the timely technical servicing, repair, and recovery of damaged vehicles, and the mastery of armored equipment by personnel and measures to ensure that they (naval infantry] are continuously provided with equipment and armored supplies. 715. Tank technical support is organized by the chiefs of the armored services of naval infantry large units and units. 16C1' TS #878129 ? Copy # Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 "TZPSE6REI. Page 40 of 52 Pages The supply and major repair of armored equipment and the primary training of personnel in the armored service of the naval infantry are carried out by the armored service of a front (military district) according to fleet plans and directives. 716. Motor vehicle equipment support is organized and implemented in order to supply large units and units with motor vehicle equipment and maintain it in a condition which ensures constant combat readiness and mobility. It includes: providing units with motor vehicle equipment and vehicular stores; preparing motor vehicle equipment, repair and recovery means, and depots for impending actions; organizing technical servicing for motor vehicles during combat actions; recovering and repairing damaged motor vehicles; and training the personnel of the motor vehicle service to support impending combat actions. 717. Motor vehicle equipment support is organized by the chiefs of the motor vehicle services of large units and units and is implemented by their own forces and means in cooperation with the motor vehicle service of a front (military district). 718. Engineer technical support is organized and implemented in order to provide large units, units, and ships with engineer equipment, maintain it in working order and in constant readiness for combat employment, ensure its reliable operation, and ensure its rapid restoration and return to service. Engineer technical support includes: supplying units and ships with engineer munitions, equipment, and stores and carrying out measures to ensure that they are operated (employed) properly; maintaining, repairing, and recovering them; providing technical training for personnel; and controlling engineer repair subunits. 719. Running repair of disabled engineer equipment is done on the spot by large units (units) of types of [naval] forces and of fleet services or by repair subunits of engineer units. Medium repair of engineer equipment and major repair of units Eagregaty) are done by the forces of the repair organs of a front (military district). Major repair of equipment is done at the repair organs of the center and at industrial enterprises. 720. Engineer technical support is organized by the chief of the naval engineer (engineer) service (the deputy commander for the technical department [technicheskaya chast')) and implemented by large units (units) of all types of forces (services) of the Navy, by engineer depots, engineer munitions depots, and repair units and subunits of the naval engineer (engineer) service. 721. Chemical-technical support is organized and implemented in order to provide units and ships with chemical protection means, to maintain these means in constant technical readiness for effective use, and to restore defective TS #878129 Copy # TO RET Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Page 41 of 52 Pages (damaged) chemical protection means and return then to service. It includes supplying units and ships with chemical protection means and carrying out measures for their proper utilization, care, technical servicing, salvage, recovery, and repair. 722. Chemical-technical support is organized by the flag staff-officer chemical specialist (flagmanskiy khimik] (chief of the chemical service) of a large unit (unit, ship) and is implemented by personnel under whose management (use) chemical protection means are located and by chemical depots, chemical laboratories, and repair organs of units, subunits, and industrial enterprises. 723. Technical support for communications and for automated control systems is organized and implemented in order to maintain them in working order and in constant readiness for combat employment and in order to repair radioelectronic warfare means. It includes: supplying large units, units, and ships in a timely manner with communications equipment, automated control systems (ASU), and materials for their operation; replacing expended equipment or losses; keeping equipment and sets of spare parts, tools, and accessories at full levels and in working order; performing routine maintenance and servicing on and checking the condition of equipment within prescribed time periods; organizing the recovery and repair of damaged (defective) equipment; and organizing the control of technical support forces and means. 724. Technical support for communications and for automated control systems is organized by flag staff-officer communications specialists and flag staff- officer specialists of the radiotechnical services of large units (or the heads of appropriate departments) and is carried out by the forces and means of large units, units, ships, and subunits equipped with communications means and automated control systems, by repair organs, and by communications depots. 725. Technical support for ships (auxiliaries) and their special armament Espetsiarnoye vooruzhenlyel is organized and implemented in order to maintain propulsion plants, hulls, general shipboard equipment and systems, and ASW, mine-torpedo, mine-countermeasures, and counter-swimmer armaments in constant technical readiness and to restore the combat capability of ships (auxiliaries) which have been damaged in combat or in accidents. It includes technical support for ships (auxiliaries) and torpedo-technical support. 726. Technical support for ships (auxiliaries) includes: organizational and technical measures aimed at supporting the combat use, accident-free operation, and survivability of propulsion plants, hulls, and general shipboard systems; the watertight integrity and fire safety of ships (auxiliaries); scheduled and emergency combat repairs to propulsion plants, hulls, and general shipboard systems; and the demothballing of them when reserve ships are put into service; maintaining the physical fields of ships (auxiliaries) within TS #878129 Copy f RET Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 "regrIECILLT Page 42 of 52 Pages prescribed norms; and ensuring that supplies of technical stores and boatswain's stores are replenished to prescribed norms. 727. Torpedo-technical support includes organizational and technical measures aimed at supporting the combat employment of and implementation of routine checks and inspections and scheduled and emergency combat repair of the special armament of ships and auxiliaries (missiles, ASW weapons, torpedos, depth charges, mines, mine- and torpedo-countermeasures weapons, and counter- swimmer weapons, self-propelled means of hydroacoustic suppression, torpedo tubes, launchers, fire-control directors and systems, and their shipboard support systems) and also ensuring the repair and return to service of the damaged special armament of ships and auxiliaries. 728. The main torpedo-technical support measures are: stockpiling weapons up to prescribed norms; storing, protecting, and dispersing them; bringing weapons up to prescribed readiness levels; performing technical servicing and routine maintenance on them, repairing them, and restoring their technical operating life; monitoring the observance of rules and instructions pertaining to their storage, transport, and preparation for combat employment in large units and units and on ships; carrying out work to eliminate the aftereffects of accidents involving weapons; evacuating or destroying weapons in the event of the imminent threat of enemy seizure of them under combat conditions; supporting the combat training of naval forces with training weapons; operating weapons on ships and in units and preparing them for combat use; and ensuring the survivability and constant readiness of the control facilities and organs participating in torpedo-technical support. Special armament is delivered to large units, units, and ships by integrated supply ships and auxiliaries Ekorabli i sudna kompleksnogo snabzheniya], tenders, transports, mine-torpedo barges, motor vehicle transports, and, when necessary, by rear services transports, aircraft, helicopters, and ships (auxiliaries). The deployment areas of torpedo-technical units, the procedures for their movement and delivery of armament to large units, units, and ships, and the forces and means providing protection, defense, and communications are specified by the staff of the large unit (formation). 729. Within large units, technical support, repairs between cruises, and repairs at sea to surface ships (auxiliaries), diesel submarines, and their armament and equipment are carried out at main and dispersal basing points and are, as a rule, done by the crews of ships (auxiliaries) with the use of the forces and means of ship-repair facilities ashore and afloat and of weapons and armament bases. Technical support and repairs between cruises for nuclear submarines is carried out by integrated ship-repair formations (sudoremontnyye kompleksnyye ob"yedineniya]. TS #878129 Copy # TO ECRET Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Page 43 of 52 Pages At sea, technical support, repairs between cruises, and repairs at spa to surface ships (auxiliaries), diesel submarines, and their armament and equipment are carried out by the crews of ships (auxiliaries) and diesel submarines with the use of technical support means (tenders, repair ships [plavmasterskiye], docks, auxiliaries, and crane-equipped lighters (kilektory1). Running, medium, and dock repairs on surface ships (auxiliaries) and diesel submarines and running, medium, and major repairs on certain types of their armament and equipment are carried out by the forces and means of ship-repair facilities of the Navy, by the weapons- and armament-repair organs of formations, large units, and the center, and at industrial enterprises. Medium and dock repairs on nuclear submarines are carried out at Navy yards and industrial enterprises. 730. Technical support for ships (auxiliaries) and their special armament is organized by the deputy commanders in chief for armaments, for ship repair, and for rear services, by the chiefs of special troops and services, by large- unit deputy commanders for the engineering department (sic), by the appropriate large-unit flag staff-officer specialists, and by the appropriate heads of ship departments. 731. Rear services technical support is organized and implemented in order to maintain rear services equipment in working order and in constant readiness for use. It includes supporting the reliable operation of all types of rear services equipment through the proper operation, servicing, maintenance, (care), repair, and recovery of road construction and airfield engineer equipment, engineer flight aids at airfields, loading and transport equipment, means for the delivery, transfer, and transport of missile propellant and fuels, medical and veterinary service equipment and gear; food-preparation, bread-baking, and food-processing equipment, and other rear services equipment. 732. Rear services technical support is organized by the deputy commander for rear services and his subordinate chiefs of services. It is carried out in close coordination with other types of technical support forces and means. Rear services technical support measures are carried out by the personnel operating the equipment in question, by repair and recovery units and subunits of the rear services, hospital bases, large units and units of special troops and services, rear services large units, units, and facilities, by the workshops and (repair] yards of the fleet or flotilla (naval base), and by industrial enterprises. 733. Space engineer support is organized and implemented in order to maintain the technical equipment of coastal units and the shipboard complexes of the naval space reconnaissance and target designation system at the prescribed TS #878129 Copy # TO R Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 --TOIPSICICLL Page 44 of 52 Pages level of readiness; ensure reliability and effectiveness in the operation of this technical equipment; and ensure rapid restoration of it when it is disabled. Engineer space support includes: fully equipping units and ships with technical equipment of the naval space reconnaissance and target designation system; technically servicing it and performing routine maintenance and repair work on it; organizing integrated countermeasures against the enemy's means of technical reconnaissance; bringing technical equipment up to prescribed levels of readiness; restoring its technical operating life; and ensuring the combat stability of the naval space reconnaissance and target designation system. 734. Measures for space engineer support to shipboard complexes are carried out by the personnel, repair organs, and depots of a fleet or flotilla (naval base). 735. Metrological support consists of measures aimed at ensuring the standardization and required accuracy of measurements and the reliability of monitoring of the parameters being measured in order to maintain armament and equipment in a condition which ensures their constant combat effectiveness. It includes: carrying out measures to certify, check, adjust, and repair measuring equipment and meters; doing metrological servicing of armament and equipment and supplying measuring equipment; and carrying out a number of other metrological support measures. 736. Metrological support is organized by the chiefs of metrological services of formations and large units (deputies of engineering departments, heads of departments). Metrological support for measuring equipment is implemented by the measuring equipment laboratories of large units and units and, when armament and equipment are being restored, it is implemented by the testing organs of arsenals, weapons bases, missile-technical bases, and production enterprises of the fleet [proizvodstvennyye predpriyatiya flota]. Measuring equipment which cannot be tested and repaired by the measuring equipment laboratories where large units and units are based is sent to central bases and measuring equipment laboratories. Loading-and-transport equipment and devices and also pressurized [gas] cylinders are tested at the times prescribed in their technical documentation by the state technical inspectorate [gostekhnadzor] of large units, units, arsenals, repair yards, and bases. TS #878129 Copy # Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 TO ET Rear Services Support Page 45 of 52 Pages 737. Rear services support for naval forces is organized and implemented during the preparation for and conduct of combat actions, under other conditions of a combat situation, or during everyday activities. Its purpose is to maintain large units, units, and ships in a combat-capable status and to create conditions for the successful execution of the tasks assigned them. It includes materiel support, transport support, airfield engineer support, airfield technical support, medical support, veterinary support, post exchange and general services support, quarters support, and financial support. 738. The organization of rear services support consists of carrying out a set of measures to prepare, deploy, and relocate rear services units and subunits in accordance with the developing situation in order to provide timely and uninterrupted materiel support and other types of rear services support to large units, units, and ships; to organize military transportation and the work of rear services forces and means and of other services for rear services support; to organize and provide protection, security, and defense for rear services installations, units, and subunits; and to provide them with communications and control. Rear services support is organized and implemented in close coordination with technical support and is based on centralized decisions pertaining to matters of locating and relocating rear services units, subunits, and facilities and also technical support units and subunits, of organizing the delivery of armament, combat equipment, other equipment, munitions, fuel, and other materiel; transporting troops, using traffic routes, transport equipment, and airfields, organizing protection, security, and defense, organizing control and communications, and making use of local resources. 739. Rear services support is planned and organized by the large-unit (unit) deputy commander for rear services or the ship's supply officer (the ship's first lieutenant) on the basis of the decision of the large-unit (unit, ship) commander and his orders and instructions, or on the basis of the rear services directives of senior officers. 740. In his orders on rear services support, the large-unit, unit, or ship commander specifies the following: the tasks assigned to the rear services (supply service); the axis along which their main efforts are to be concentrated; the amount of supplies of the main types of materiel to be accumulated and the time available to do so;____2.1_onsfr_ethenotxponding them and the sequence in which they are to be delivered; the main measures for the protection, security, and defense of the rear services and the technical support large units and units; the time required for the rear services (supply service) TS #878129 Copy # fT,?SE Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Page 46 of 52 Pages to be in readiness; the location of the rear services control post; and, with regard to aviation units, (he also specifies] the procedures for preparing airfields. The commander personally supervises the rear services (supply service) through his staff, his deputy for rear services (or the ship's supply officer), and the chiefs of special troops and services. 741. The chief of staff of a large unit or unit (or the executive officer of a ship) must constantly know whether supplies of materiel are on hand and know the status of his ships (ship) and combat equipment. He is obliged to inform in a timely manner the deputy commander of a large unit or unit for rear services (or the ship's supply officer) and the chiefs of services about the impending combat actions, the assigned measures, and all changes in the situation which affect rear services support and, based on the commander's instructions, allocate the required forces and means for protection, security, and defense of rear services, for the organization of their communications, and for support of their operation. The chief of staff (or the ship's executive officer) monitors the rational use of fuel and the scheduled engine overhaul planning on ships and in units and also the upkeep of delivered supplies of materiel. 742. The deputy commander of a large unit or unit for rear services (or the ship's supply officer) plans and implements rear services support in accordance with the decision of the commander of the large unit or unit (ship). He is responsible for maintaining the proper supplies of materiel on ships and in units (or on a ship) and, through the supply organs, he takes steps to have them replenished up to prescribed norms in a timely manner. 743. Planning rear services support for large units and units includes developing the following: a plan of organization for rear services support; plans by chiefs of special troops and services for materiel support and other types of rear services support; a plan for rear services communications; a plan for rear services political work; a plan for protection, security, and defense of the rear services; and other documents. 744. With their supplies of materiel, rear services large units, units, and facilities which are a part of fleets, fleet air forces, flotillas, and naval bases and which have the mission to support them make up the operational rear services of the Navy. With their supplies of materiel, rear services units and subunits which are a part of fleet large units and units and which have the mission of directly supporting them make up the ship (troop) rear services [korabelinyy (voyskovoy) 1Y11' TS #878129 Copy # "Itrpericge... Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 TOf"SeCittt. Page 47 of 52 Pages In order to support ship forces in combat action areas, maneuver (seagoing) rear services groupings are formed -- brigades, diviziony,* and detachments of support ships, with special-purpose ships and auxiliaries also included in their composition. 745. Rear services support is organized in accordance with the assigned tasks, the composition of the participating forces, and their basing system. Fleet rear services are positioned with this in mind. Their disposition consists of designating main, forward, and oceanic rear services support zones [osnovnyye, peredovyye i okeanskiye zony obespecheniya] and deploying with them the appropriate groupings of rear services large units, units, and facilities. The main and oceanic rear services support zones are established in peacetime. The forward zone is established when fleet forces are brought to combat readiness and is extended during the course of fleet operations. The main rear services support zone encompasses the coastal area up to 150 km inland from the shoreline, sometimes farther, the stationary and dispersal basing system deployed .within it, and also the littoral areas of oceans and seas up to 300 km [seaward] from shore. In it are deployed rear services groupings which have the mission of supporting all naval forces and also of setting up and augmenting rear services groupings in forward and oceanic zones. The forward rear services support zone is established, as a rule, on territory seized from the enemy, on the territory (coastal and insular) of allied states, and on our own territory in forward basing areas. It encompasses a coastal strip up to 15 km inland, sometimes farther, contiguous areas of oceans and seas up to 150-200 km [seaward], and, in certain cases, even more. In it are deployed rear services groupings for the support of fleet forces which have been rebased into new areas. Subsequently, the forward rear services support zone is established in the new areas with the attendant relocation of rear services large units, units, and facilities. The oceanic rear services support zone encompasses distant sea and ocean areas. In it are deployed rear services groupings for the support of fleet forces conducting combat actions or performing combat service in peacetime. * Translator's note: The Russian term divizion (plural form: diviziony) has been left in its transliterated form. Generally, a divizion is a tactical large unit made up of combatants such as destroyers, diesel submarines, escort ships, minesweepers, torpedo boats etc., these being classified as "ships of the second, third, or fourth rank" by the Soviets. This should not be confused with a diviziya, which is a tactical large unit made up of large Soviet combatants such as Kiev-type aircraft carriers, cruisers, nuclear submarines, etc. TS #878129 Copy i 7OrssciLLT Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 11511"9148, Page 48 of 52 Pages 746. At main and dispersal basing points, rear services support tasks are performed by the rear services of large units and their attached rear services units of the fleet or flotilla (naval base), using stationary equipment and mobile coastal or floating means. At dispersal basing points, mobile formations (podvizhnyye formirovaniya] are formed, as a rule, from rear services units and subunits. 747. Support for the combat actions of aviation large units and units is implemented by aviation-technical bases or their aviation-technical support units [aviatsionno-tekhnicheskiye komendatury], which provide materiel. When based on board ships, aviation subunits of shipboard helicopters and aircraft Are supported by the appropriate shipboard departments. When based on shore they are supported by aviation-technical bases. 748. The relocation of aviation subunits and units to alternate airfields is supported by deploying aviation-technical support units [komendatury] (units [chasti]) with supplies of materiel to these airfields in advance and by maintaining airfields and the access roads to them in constant readiness for use. The amount of supplies of materiel at alternate airfields is specified in the decision of the commander in chief of the fleet air forces. 749. Materiel support is organized and implemented in order to furnish the required amounts of armament, combat equipment, other equipment, missiles, torpedos, mines, munitions, missile propellant, fuel, means of protection against weapons of mass destruction, foodstuffs, personal, medical, and various technical stores, and other materiel to large units, units, and ships in a timely manner. The provision of armament, combat equipment, other equipment, missiles, and munitions is at the same time one of the tasks of special technical support. Timely and complete materiel support for forces in combat actions is achieved by accumulating the required supplies of materiel in advance and echeloning them properly; by continuously replenishing those expended and lost; by moving supplies; and by delivering them to forces (troops) in a timely manner. In order to have tasks assigned for combat actions performed, the commander in chief (commander) makes the decision which specifies for each large unit, unit, and ship the norms for expending weapons, munitions, fuel, and other materiel. 750. When the full materiel requirement for combat actions is being determined, the prescribed expenditures of materiel, the possible losses, and TS #878129 Copy # ThIP-6 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 1-13P-SiCagy Page 49 of 52 Pages the required supplies needed upon completion of the assigned task are taken into consideration. This requirement is met by using the supplies of materiel accumulated by large units and units, delivering them from bases and depots, and returning armament, equipment, and stores to service after repairs have been made, and by using local resources and captured supplies. Supplying ship large units with all types of materiel is organized down the chain of supply as follows: from the center to fleet (or flotilla) to large unit to unit (or ship). In naval aviation it is organized thus: from fleet (or fleet air forces) to aviation-technical base. 751. Materiel support for large units and units (ships) is organized by the deputy commander for rear services (chief of the supply service) and, for each type of supply, by the chiefs of the appropriate services (heads of departments). 752. In order to ensure uninterrupted support for large units, units, and ships, supplies of materiel are accumulated at bases ashore and afloat, at large unit and unit depots, in units, and on ships. These supplies are divided into an expendable portion and a minimum reserve [nesnizhayemyy zapas]. A minimum reserve of materiel is specified for munitions, fuel, water, and foodstuffs. Its purpose is to ensure uninterrupted support for the combat actions of large units, units, and ships in the event of unforeseen changes in the situation. The commander of a large unit has the right to expend the minimum [materiel] reserves in a combat situation. In cases where such a decision cannot be delayed, it may be made by the commander of a unit or ship. Depending on the situation and the tasks being performed, the minimum materiel reserves of large units, units, and ships may be increased or reduced by decision of higher command authority. 753. The most important and essential part of truaedel support is the delivery of materiel. It is organized and carried out in order to accumulate the prescribed supplies of armament, combat equipment, other equipment, munitions, fuel, and other materiel and to replenish expenditures and losses of materiel in large units and units, on ships, and at ship (troop) rear services bases and depots in a timely manner. The delivery of materiel is carried out by the rear services transports of a flotilla (naval base), using the seagoing and coastal rear services transport means of ship large units, aviation-technical bases, and the rear services of other coastal large units and units. The chief of the rear services charged with supplying materiel is responsible for its timely delivery to large units, units, and ships. TS #878129 Copy # RET Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 -;Bivsesagi.. Page 50 of 52 Pages The delivery of materiel to ships in a large unit which has its own rear services (coastal base) is carried out by the rear services transports of the given large unit. The delivery of materiel to ships in a large unit which does not have its own rear services (coastal bases), or when it is in dispersal basing, is carried out by the rear services transports of the fleet (flotilla, naval base). 754. Transport support is organized in order to transport troops, deliver materiel, and perform all types of evacuation. It consists of measures for the preparation, operation, technical coverage, and restoration of all types of traffic routes and it also consists of providing transport means to large units and units. 755. Airfield engineer support is organized and implemented in order to ensure the timely preparation and development of the airfield network which is set up to ensure the high survivability and combat readiness of aviation large units and units, their dispersal basing, and their capability for extensive maneuvering during combat actions. It includes: finding locations for, planning, constructing, restoring, and improving airfields; preparing access roads to them; keeping airfields in constant readiness for use; setting up shelters to protect personnel, aircraft, control posts, ground equipment, and materiel; clearing mines from airfields; carrying out measures to increase the survivability of aviation units at airfields and conceal the basing of aircraft. Airfield engineer support is carried out by airfield engineer units with the assistance of forces and means from aviation-technical and other units of the fleet air forces. Fleet engineer units and other fleet units may be used to clear mines and perform other airfield engineer support tasks. 756. Airfield technical support is organized and implemented in order to directly support flights by aviation units, subunits, and individual aircraft at airfields (landing strips). It includes: preparing airfields, airfield structures on them, and ground equipment for flights; supplying fuel, missiles, munitions, compressed and liquefied gases, and other materiel to aircraft; organizing messing and general services for flight crews and engineer technical personnel at airfields; providing medical support for flights; and recovering aircraft which have been in accidents or have made forced landings. Airfield technical support is carried out by aviation technical units and subunits. 757. Medicalsupport is organized and implemented in order to maintain the combat capability and improve the health of personnel, provide timely medical assistance to the wounded and sick, and rapidly return them to action. It includes treatment-and-evacuation measures, sanitary-hygienic measures, anti- epidemic measures, and medical service measures to protect personnel from TS #878129 Copy # RET Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Page 51 of 52 Pages weapons of mass destruction by using the technical means of other rear services entities. 758. The basis of treatment and evacuation measures is the staged system for treating the wounded and sick which allows for evacuation of the wounded and sick when prescribed and the positioning of medical service forces and means as close as possible to areas (centers) of massive casualties. Treatment-and-evacuation measures are conducted by the organic medical service of large units, units, and ships and by medical subunits and facilities. They include medical reinforcement detachments, special-purpose medical detachments, motorized medical companies, independent medical transport squadrons (eskadril'yi], and evacuation reception centers. Hospital ships and medical transports are used to provide medical assistance to the wounded and sick and evacuate them from ship large units at sea. Fleet hospital bases and their branches totdelenlyal, in which the wounded and sick are treated up to a prescribed time period, are deployed on the main evacuation axes. 759. Sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic measures include the following: sanitary inspections of military work conditions; observance of the sanitary norms and rules for living quarters, messing, water supplies, and bath and laundry services of personnel and the rules for the burial of servicemen who have been killed (or have died); expert medical examinations of foodstuffs and water; sanitary-epidemiological reconnaissance; and measures to increase the immunity of personnel to infection and localize and eliminate centers of infectious diseases in large units and units and on ships. 760. Medical service measures to protect personnel from weapons of mass destruction include: teaching personnel the rules for giving first aid in the event of such an attack; providing units with individual preventive means and first aid kits; performing specific tests for bacterial (biological) agents, carrying out treatment-and-evacuation measures, and participating in the implementation of isolation-and-quarantine measures and other measures while eliminating the aftereffects of enemy employment of weapons of mass destruction; medically monitoring the quality of personnel decontamination treatment; and medically monitoring servicemen who have been exposed to the effects of weapons of mass destruction, but who have retained their combat capability. 761. Veterinary support is organized and implemented in order to maintain the combat capability of personnel; inspect their supply of meat products; and provide veterinary services for work animals, animals on military state farms, and the auxiliary and kitchen operations of military units and facilities. It includes: maintaining favorable epizootic conditions in the areas of large TS #878129 Copy # Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731 .781"56CS& Page 52 of 52 Pages units, units, and ships; providing warning about and treatment of infectious animal diseases and other animal diseases; monitoring the high quality of meat, fish, and dairy products in meat-processing enterprises supplying foodstuffs to military personnel; carrying out veterinary-prophylactic and anti-epizootic measures in large units and units and at agricultural enterprises; procuring the authorized supplies of animals; and supplying large units and units with veterinary stores. 762. Post exchange and general services support is organized and implemented in order to more fully meet the material and cultural needs of large-unit, unit, and ship personnel and the members of their families. It includes retail trade in consumer goods and books, food services, and general services. 763. Quarters support is organized and implemented in order to establish normal daily living conditions for personnel and ensure the proper technical operation and maintenance of barrack accommodations, communal facilities, apartments, and grounds on military posts. It includes: providing personnel with buildings and structures for barrack accommodations and with communal services, furniture, barracks equipment, quarters and fire-prevention stores, centrally allocated construction materials, fixtures, and communal equipment; maintaining barrack accommodations and communal equipment in operating condition; and financing quarters and operating expenditures. 764. Financial support is organized and implemented in order to correctly determine credit needs, provide personnel with money in a timely manner, and monitor the legality and merit of its assigned use. It includes planning for credit and monetary needs; providing large units, units, and ships with money; obtaining it through the supply organs in a timely manner; and expending it in a lawful and efficient manner. Financial support is implemented by the finance organs of large units, units, and ships. TS #878129 Copy # Approved for Release: 2017/06/16 C01430731