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JUNE 2017
0. 6-8 June 1978
Intelligence Information Special Report
DATE 19 May 1982
Prospects for Use of Liquid Propellants in Sea-Based Strategic Missiles
The following report is a translation from Russian of one of a series
of TOP SECRET Soviet documents pertaining to the deyelopaem.t-t;i?,J.iqzi4
rw.ket_prapellants and t e strate!"c missile we and rocket- .-ce
systems based on them. The t s ems ram a co ection o reports
delivered at an interagencyf all-Union conference of leading
representatives of the Soviet missile research and design establishment
held 6-8 June 1978 under the auspices of the USSR Ministry of Chemical
Industry and the State Institute of Applied Chemistry to discuss the status
and prospects for development of programs dealing with liquid rocket
propellants. This paper, written by.S.J. Makeyev,of the Design Bureau of
Machine Building,cliscusirlazstherobleili'ewd
propellant for nava3,baflistic missiles n 11ace of the standard pair
(,nitrogen tetroxide) + UDMH, which according to the author, has been 1/
emplqyed iu serbasedmissiles for more than 15 years. Consideration is
given to the pairs ITY (highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide) + tsiklin
and AT + lyuminal-A, the latter of which is said to be especially
attractive from a number of standpoints. Eor_instanc-, the use of
AT.4LIpluing,LA_Iauld_make_proal missiles superior to
? t 2- 4.e counte ?
t go of tactical-technical charac ristics.
Makeyev .rie y s ys the experience o ?s design ?ureau in developing
liquid-propellant missiles for the Navy, starting with the R-13 missile
delivered into service in 1961. A cutaway view is provided for the R-291)
missile, together with basic specifications. The-PaPAKRIA2aiata_lticls
40-Mo...twhnaizationa1 measures that the Soviets have
devisedtoensisafe-urandreliable .-rat. . e- ed ' sues.
End of Summary
AR 70-14
Copy #/,01.
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(Design Bureau of Machine Building)
Investigations of questions pertaining to the use of propellants in missile
technology are of a multifaceted nature resulting from the need to
comprehensively consider the requirements set for the type of armament, the
characteristics of the propellant itself, and the effect of the type of
propellant on the technical configuration of the missile and weapons complex as
a whole. In order to have a clear understanding of the pros and cons of a
particular propellant, a systematic analysis and comparison of the following
major aspects of its application in a missile are essential:
-- the energy characteristics of the propellant and the extent to which they
can be achieved in the missile's engines;
-- the operating characteristics of the missile complex resulting from the
use of the given type of propellant;
-- the effect of the propellant on the technical configuration of the
missile and complex as a whole, and its effect on the tactical-technical
characteristics and performance of the complex;
-- the state of the raw material and industrial resources;
-- the prospects for improving the engines using the given propellant;
-- the prospects for replacing the given propellant with new types of
-- a comparison of the forecast of the development of specifications for
prospective weapons complexes with prospects for the development and use of new
-- a consideration of the priority factor in tactical-technical
characteristics /compared to/ foreign missile complexes and, above all, US
missile complexes.
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It appears advisable to follow basically this kind of approach in examining
the prospects for using liquid propellants in sea-based strategic missiles.
Obviously, it is better to evaluate future possibilities on the basis of
analyzing the use of liquid propellants in naval missiles over the entire
history of their development and operation up to the present time.
Experience of the Design Bureau of Machine Building in Developing
Sea-Based Ballistic Missiles with Liquid-Propellant Rocket Engines,
and Data on Their Operation
The development by the Design Bureau of Machine Building of ballistic
missiles for the Navy has a history of more than 20 years and starts with the
development and delivery into service of the R-13 liquid-propellant missile of
the D2 complex. This was a complex, intended for the hrmament of submarines,
which underwent prolonged use in naval line units. The missile's engines
operated on liquid propellant AK-27I* + TG-02. The complex was in operation
over the period 1961 through 1974.
Table 1 presents an overall list of the naval liquid-propellant missile
complexes developed by the Design Bureau of Machine Building and delivered into
Table 1
Naval Missile Complexes Using Liquid Propellant
Year of delivery
into service
Years in
AK-27I + TG-02
AK-27I + TG-02
* Translator's note: AK nitric acid.
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The R-2I missile complex is the first complex:with underwater missile
launching. This and all subsequent complexes up to the present are /still/ in
With the development of the R-27 missile began a period of intensive use of
the propellant AT + UDMH* for naval ballistic missiles. This propellant has
become the standard one for the present day. ' High energy characteristics and
stability over a wide range of temperatures have been responsible_for_its use in
mislireechno-foTy-. The utilization of propellant AT + UDMH has made it
possible to build a series of modern naval missiles whose performance equals
and, in a number of cases, surpasses that of foreign models (Figure 1). The
missiles in question are the R-27, R-271J, R-29, and R-29R. Their high
performance was produced primarily through engine improvement and high
actness in the configuration of the missile itself.
The missile is a typical representative of a modern sea-based ballistic
missile in which the configuration solutions dictated by the conditions of
placing it in a launch tube of limited dimensions are most clearly reflected.
Such solutions as the "burying" of sustainer-stage engines in the propellant
component tanks and the elimination thereby of the tail and interstage
compartments, as well as the placement of the warhead material /bovevove
osnashcheniye/ in the recess formed by the forward endplate of the delivery
vehicle were so effectiVe foija-iles-orniaia-dimensions that they became
classic ones7kra-iiditermine the configuration of the sea-based liquid-
propellant ballistic ndssiles_being newly developed. The effectiveness of such
solutions is governed above all by the liquid state of aggregation of the
* Translator's note: AT = nitrogen tetroxide; UUMH is given as NDMG in Russian.
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Am ---r? o-?L ''? ''-'( ' ?._ ?.c.r(f.,.,"
0 - G. **-0 . c-, . ,..., - c .4. c .1.4, 4114.?4 -It. l L 1 fur
0 m, -,r- . Lmo Vlyt:' jp6?,,,, pu..44.4.9A.i......;
? missiles with solid-propellant rocket motors (foreign)
.-.? missiles with solid-propellent rocket motors (dcmostic)
missiles with liquid-propellant rocket cosines j
? missiles with solid-propellant rockot motors (foreign)
? missiles with solid-propellant rocket motors (dasostic)
? missiles with liquid-propellant rocket engines
' ? missiles with solid-propellant rocket motors based on
prospective propulsion-system solutions
/No distinction can be made among the solid lines defined above./
1 N V
.0 ....
.0 ..
... 0.'''''
' 0
. r
... ....v::::"..
r, 1
, P
196061 62 63 64 65 66 6768 69 70 7172 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 1990 Years
Figure 1
Translator's note: The legibility of this figure is very poor, and many designations can only be
partially discerned: N = unintelligible numeral; = unintelligible letter;
.= entire designation unintelligible.
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It is significant that throughout a period of more than 15 years in the
development of sea-based missiles, the propellant AT + UD MH has firmly
maintained its position as the standard propellant, and the efficiency of its
use has been increased from one missile to the next by means of improving the
liquid-propellant engines primarily through increasing the operating pressure in
the combustion chamber, starting from 100-130 atm (abs.) for the engines of
missile* R-29 and R-27 to 275 atm (abs.) for the first-stage engine of the
R-29RM missile now being developed by the Design Bureau of Machine Building
(Table 2).
Table 2
Comparative Characteristics of Missiles ?
Depending on Combustion Chamber Pressure
, Missile
I stage
I stage
II stage
I stage
II stage
III stage
Vacuum thrust, t
Combustion chamber
pressure, atm (abs.):
-- of main unit
-- of control unit
/rulevay blok/
Vacuum specific
impulse, sec
Relative mass of primed
engine, kg/t of thrust
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ro cesstve relaunch iressurization of missile tanks in order
to prevent uncalculated pressure erentia s on e en p a es an sne s of
the tanks during failures in the shipboard system for prelaunch missile
The enumerated set of measures has demonstrated its effectiveness in
application to sea-based liquid-propellant missiles, has undergone sufficient
testing over time, and is constantly being augmented by new measures that
contribute to the further enhancement of missile safety and reliability.
The reliability of the naval missile complexes currently in operation is
characterized by high indices. An analysis of materials pertaining to the
operation of missile complexes with liquid-propellant missiles shows that the
major portion of the failures which come to light during operation can be
attributed to the control system equipment.
There are also failures of the liquid-propellant rocket engines, but their
number is far lower than the number of failures in the control system equipment.
The operation of sea-based liquid-propellant missiles takes place under
extremely harsh environmental conditions. On land, the storage temperature in
depots ranges from 1? to 25?C, and the ambient temperature during loading and
transportation -- from -40? to +50?C; wind velocity can reach 20 m/sec, and
relative humidity -- 80 percent. In a submarine launch tube, the temperature
ranges from lato 30?C; relative humidity reaches 80 percent and, at times, 100
percent (during spraying of the missile and flooding of the launch tube with
water). Mbreover, the service life of missiles is guaranteed for 10 years, five
of which with storage in a submarine launch tube.
Throughout ten years of operating liquid-propellant missiles R-27, R-27U,
and R-29 in submarines, there was not a single case in which component vapors
appeared in a submarine launch tube fiiiff-the ampulized missiles; i.e, when a
missile is_intact, its construction guaranteeg-thii-ihere will be no leakage of
During the operation of the missiles,,six cases in all were recorded that
involved the ca
failure_of missiles (due to the fall of a missile,
=sanctioned pressurization of tanks, the effect of external overpressure).
During the unfolding and overcoming of the emergencies connected with the
catastrophic missile failures, there were no casualties and the working
condition of the systems, components, and units was restored.
The emergency situati that occurred arose by reason of failure to fulfill
the requiremen s, instructions, and work sequence set forth in the operational
documentation, i.e., thy were the consequence of incorrect actions b
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ersonnel. _In this connection, measures are being implemented in operational
an pro Calve complexes that are aimed at further automation of the work of
servicing naval missiles.
The specific properties of the components in use and the presence of a
liquid phase that rather readily turns into a vapor phase make it possible to
continuously and efficiently monitor the condition of missiles, which, in turn,
ensures the timely taking of measures to restore the combat qualities of
missiles, eliminate the effect of a defective missile on the combat readiness of
other missiles, and also prevent the carrying out of the prelaunch preparation
of a defective missile and the buildup of a more serious emergency situation.
Thus, the more than 15 years of developmental experience reveals a
sufficiently high level of safety and reliability for sea-based missiles in all
stages of operation.
The succession of solutions developed earlier, in combination with further
design, technological, and operational refinements in this directicn, will
ensure a high safety level for prospective naval complexes with liquid-
propellant missiles.
Prospects for the Use of Liquid Propellants in
Sea-Based Ballistic Missiles
The standard propellant AT + UDIMEL which has been employed in naval missiles
is still regarded today as one of the basic propellants for the immediate future
in the development of missile complexes. Its use in a prospective missile-in
the sustainer stages of liquid-propellant rocket engines with high pressure
levels in the chambers (Table 2) will make it possible to produce an increase of
t 3 ercent in the specific impulse for each stage, utich is one of the most
important actors ensuring the fulfilment of the TTT specifications of the
In view of the possibility of using titanium alloys in the construction of
liquid-propellant rocket engines, it is proposed to fill the prospective missile
with atin*. This will require accomplishing the task of ensuring the
compatibility of atm n with the titanium material of the liquid-propellant rocket
engines under high pressure and temperature conditions, as well as the task of
making possible the prolonged use of atm n in the tanks of an ampulized missile
with air present in the cushions of the tanks.
Further possibilities for increasing the power generation of liquid-
propellant rocket engines using the propellant AT + UENE[have already been
largely exhausted. Therefore, as concerns the more distant future, it is
proposed to use new propellant components.
* Translator's note: Atin = AT + a corrosion inhibitor (nitric oxide).
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The use of toxic, hygQ4c, corrosively active components such as AT and
UDMH naturally requires the realization in missile complexes of the design,
technological, and organizational solutions that ensure safe and reliable
operation of missiles in all stages of their service life. These questions are
of particularly vital importance for the naval missiles to be placed in
submarines since the safety of each missile is one of the factors determining
the survivability of a submarine.
From the very beginning of the development of sea-based missiles, the Design
Bureau of Machine Building has paid close attention to ensuring their safe
operation. The first design solution in this direction was the complete
ampulization of missile tanks with the elimination of detachable connections and
their replacement with welded joints. This solution was first achieved in the
R-27 missile; it was officially approved and has been all missiles
subsequently developed.
The most acceptable structural material for the body of sea-based missiles
is the aluminum-magnesium alloy AMg-6. Ti-is stable when exposed to the
corrosive components AT and UDMH and is resistant to the increased humidity in
submarine launch tubes. So far there is no sufficiently effective substitute
for this structural material.
Among the other design measures for ensuring the safety and reliable
operation of sea-based liquid-propellant missiles, the following should be
-- double-layered divider end plates between the different propellant
con ponenii-Tihat make it possible to simultaneously increase the safety of a
liquid-propellant missile and the compactness of its configuration by
eliminating from the structure the compartments between tanks, which is
extremely important under conditions of limited missile length);
-- dual pipelines for supplying one propellant component, with the lines
passing through the tank containing the other component;
-- !making it possible for the oxidizer to be drained from missile tanks
overboard a submarine in case an emergency situation with a missile arises;
-- providing monitoring of the maxilmanyermissible pressure in missile tanks
during pressurization in case an emergency situation arises;
-- emergency cutoff of the engine in case it does not start up within the
prescribed time after the command to start it has been issued.
Cow #1,1-'
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Among the technological measures for ensuring the safety of sea-based
liquid-propellant missiles are the following:
-- monitoring of the air-tightness of missile tanks and fittings in the
manufacturing stage with the use of highly sensitive testing methods (up to
1.10.19,259. (After filling, the oxidizer tanks are tested again for air-
tightness by keeping the article in a "fog chamber" for five days. The absence
of swelling of the paint and varnish coating confirms that the tanks are air-
-- extensive application of automatic welding with x-ray monitoring of the
welds. (Recently electron-beam welding has begun to be introduced. This
contributes to enhancing the quality of welded joints and thereby raises the
air-tightness level_ of the joints);
-- experimental development of a missile structure /to enhance/ its
durability under conditions of intense exposure to increased humidity,
propellant component vapors, and sea water;
-- ultrasonic monitoring /to confirm/ the absence of internal defects of a
metallurgical nature in forged pieces to be used in the manufacture of essential
and other parts.
Organizational-operational solutions are directed above all at ensuring the
safe operation of a missile during its storage in a submarine launch tube as
well as during the performance of prelaunch preparation. Of these solutions,
the following should be included among the basic ones:
-- monitoring, with the aid of gas-analysis sensors of the composition of
the gas medium in submarine launch tubes containing missiles;
-- monitoring of the elevation in temperature in a launch tube above the
=dB= operating temperature (such an elevation in temperature can occur as a
result of the interaction of components with each other or with water vapors in
the event of loss of air-tightness by missile tanks);
-- providing water injection (spraying) in the circular clearance between
the missile and launch tube walls in the event of component leakage into the
launch tube;
-- limiting to no more than three months the storage of a deampulized
missile in a submarine launch tube;
-- providing automated prelaunch missile preparation, which aids in
eliminating the effect of human errors on the safety of prelaunch missile
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Starting in 1970, the Design Bureau of ?chine Building has been engaged
continuously in programs to investigate questions of the use of new liquid
propellants in naval missiles. These are the initial concept /avanproyekt/ for
development of materials /design data/ for the D-9M complex (Figure 2) and- the
KRISTALL /Crystal/, MALAKEIIT /Malachite/, TOPAZ-2, and IZUMRUD /Emerald/
scientific research programs. These programs have made it possible to determine
a list of components that are most acceptable for naval missiles and most
workable as far as practical application is concerned.
It should be noted that, together with the standard oxidizer AT, VPV --
highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide -- may be regarded in the future as a
prospective oxidizer mainly because of its low_tsxicity. Among the fuels for
consideration in experimental-design work, lyurninair-A-hnd.low-toxic tsiklin are
the most suitable. Of the components enumerated, the pair AT + lyundnal-A
provides the greatest energy effect. In terms of utilization properties, a
propellant based on lyuminal-A is the closest to the standard propellant.
Therefore, there is every reason to assert that the continuity in the technical
solutions which ensure safety and reliability and which have been developed for
missiles using standard propellant will facilitate introducing the propellant
AT + lyuminal-A in prospective naval complexes (Table 3).
The design studies of the Design Bureau of Machine Building related to naval
complexes show the following:
1. Taking as a guide the current level of performance achieved in full-
scale chambers operating on lyuminal-A (with the presence of the third component
UDMEI in amounts of 2.5-3 percent of the total propellant weigh, and a
relatively moderate pressure level in the combustion chambers 0.00-150 aimp),
the use of propellant AT + lyumina1-A, will yield an increase in missile flight
range of approximately 25 percent as compared to standard propellant if missile
dimensions remain fixed7
2. The achievement of a higher pressure level of up to 200-300 atm in the
combustion chambers of lower stages will make it possible to increase range up
to approximately 32 percent.
3. Discontinuing the use of the third component in the future, along with
achievinghinber pressures 200-500 atm, will yield an increase in range of
up to approximately 40 percent.
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Maximum firing rang., km*
Firing 'accuracy: Per 90% of the missiles
-- range, km*
-- direction, Um*
For 10% of the missiles
Weight of fueled missile, t
AT + tniEl
Thrust of engines:
/ stag, on the ground, t
-- II stag, ins: vacuum, t
Time to prepare missile for firing, min
Interval between launchee of missiles in a salvo, WOO
Launch conditions:
-- sea state, balls
up to 8
-- submarine speed, knots
launch depth, m
Number of missiles on submarine
. 12-16
Dimensions of lannot tube:
-- height, m
diameter, m
Figure 2
*Translator's note: No data are provided for this entry.
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Table 3
IN Nikm lassILEs
Aspect of Application
Characteristic Features of Missile Complexes
Energy characteristics
Operating characteristics
of a missile complex
resulting from the use of
liquid propellant
Effect on the technical
configuration of a
missile and complex
States of raw material
and industrial resources
Prospects for improving
engines using the given
A class of missiles has been developed that, in
terms of performance, is on a level with or
surpasses foreign counterparts at a time when we
are lagging behind with resppct to the_size-
wefifii characterisilcs orarhead materials
Monitoring of the composition of the gas medium
in submarine launch tubes; monitoring of the
elevation in temperature in a launch tube above
the maximum operating temperature; emergency
draining of the oxidizer; injection of water in
the circular clearance of a launch tube in
emergency situations; spraying of missile and
injection of water in a launch tube in
emergency situations. ?
High configuration compactness for a missile
and in a submarine launch tube; "burying" of
missile engines in the component tanks and
elimination of the interstage compartments;
double-layered divider endplates; launch by.
means of I stage sustainer engine; iicy
aitoff-of-I stagi-enginK -
Production of the inexpensive propellant
AT + UEVIIhms been refined; more than 15
years of utilization of the same type of
propellant for sea-based missiles.
An increase of 11-13 sec in specific impulse
for the propellant AT + UDMH by increasing the
combustion chamber pressure; a decrease in
relative engine weight through the use of
t,mat alloys in construction.
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Table 3 (cont)
Aspect of Application
Characteristic Features of Missile Complexes
Prospects for replacing
the given propellant with
new types of propellants
Comparison of the forecast
of the development of speci-
fications for prospective
weapons complexes with
prospects for the develop-
ment and use of new
Consideration of the factor
of competition in tactical-
technical characteristics
/compared :to/ foreign
complexes, above all, US
missile complexes
Utilization of the pair AT + lyuminal in the
next pro ective naval c?iiI5esjan increase
o - percent in the efficiency of the
propellant over that of the standard rouellant.
The Navy specifications es is ? or e
prospective P-8-5 complex:within the framework
of the GORIZONT 4R /Horizon 4R/ scientific-
researCRIpri5gfaian be-fialifiatisfied only
if liquid propellant AT + iyuminal-A is used.
In considering future possibilities for 1980-
1990, superiority over foreign counterparts
of the Trident 2 type with respect to tactical-
technical characteristics can be achieved, with
other conditions being equal, only if liquid
propellant AT + lyuminal-A is used.
The use of propellant AT + lyuminal in prospective sea-based complexes will
make it possible to satisfy the increased requirements as to their tactical-
technical characteristics and to achieve considerable superiority over
prospective foreign complexes having an analogous purpose.
conclrexn otu? opinion the work of introducing lyuminal-A int
-based missile
es should-be one o P lie ? W.. & or the next ew years.
The propellant VPV + tsiklin is considerably less efficient than a
propellant based on lyuminal. If VPV + tsiklin is used, the increase in range
amounts to approximately 10 percent in relation to /that produced by/ the
standard propellant.' The pair VPV + tsiklin is attractive because of its low
toxicity level as compared to the pairs AT + UDMH and AT + lyuminal-A.
Therefore, it is advisable to consider VPV + tsiklin for use in sea-based
complexes in the future, especially if there are possibilities for providing the
required tactical-technical characteristics of complexes through increased
-missile dimensions.
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In our opinion, the basic questions that must be resolved regarding this
pair are:
-- increasing the stability of highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide to a
level no lower than 0.1 percent /decomposition/ per year during storage in
/missile/ tanks made of AMg-6;
-- ensuring fire and explosion safety for a VPV-loaded missile in all stages
of operation;
-- decreasing the cost of tsiklin.
We have recently been assigned tasks requiring the development of special
propulsion systems of a new type for M1RVed nose cones and guided warhead4.
/boyevyye bloki/. The engine units of this class are /to 6e1 characterizedby:
-- multiple thrust nodes with a tenfold or higher depth of thrust control;
-- a prolonged operating time of up to 3000 sec;
-- multiple ignition and a pulsed operating mode;
-- /the capability to/ operate under conditions of increased axial and
lateral g-loads up to approximately 100 g;
-- /the capability to withstand/ exposure to the destructive elements of a
nuclear burst.
In the future, we will combine this most important direction of work with
the utilization of a liquid monopropellant -- hydrazine; however, a wide range
of investigations has to be organized and carried out. Questions pertaining to
the use in sea-based complexes of other high-energy propellant combinations
based on fuels containing boron and beryllium are being studied by us as a more
distant prospect and, in our opinion, have to be investigated rather fully
within the framework of the long-term programs of scientific-research
It is essential to pay attention to the following circumstance. In the
practice of developing new liquid rocket propellants, an appreciable gap has
developed between the pace of the search for new formulas and that of the
investigation of "engine" processes and the operating "missile" characteristics
of components. As a result, the practical application of new highly efficient
liquid propellants is being retarded. The work on lyuminal is an example of
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