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July 18, 1980
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Approved for Release: 2017/06/14 C05508945
18 July 1980
MEMORANDUM FOR: The Director of Central Intelligence
FROM : John N. McMahon
Deputy Director for Operations
SUBJECT : WARSAW PACT JOURNAL: Ways of Improving the
Uperational airrEbat Training of the
Allied Navies
1. The enclosed Intelligence Information Special Report is
part of a series now in preparation based on articles from a
SECRET Soviet publication called Information Collection of the
Headquarters and the Technical CoEMITTMET?the Combined Armed
Forces, This article emphasizes the importance of the combined
training of senior naval personnel as the key to organizing
cooperation and control of multinational naval forces during
combined combat actions and operations. The establishment of
combined naval forces in closed theaters and their organization
under a unified command is considered advisable. This journal is
published by Warsaw Pact Headquarters in Moscow, and it consists
of articles by Warsaw Pact officers. This article appeared in
Issue No. 16, which was published in 1978,
2, Because the source of this report is extremely
sensitive, this document should be handled on a strict
need-to-know basis within recipient agencies. For ease of
reference. reports from this publication have been assigned the
AR 70-14
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TS #80:11
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The Director of Central Intelligence
The Director of Intelligence and Research
Department of State
The Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Director, Defense Intelligence Agency
Director of Naval Intelligence
Department of the Navy
The Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence
U, S. Air Force
Director, National Security Agency
Deputy Director of Central Intelligence
Director of the National Foreign Assessment Center
Director of Strategic Research
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Intelligence Information Special Report
INFO. 1979
Page 3 of 9 Pages
18 July 1980
WARSAW PACT JOURNAL: Ways of Improving the Operational and
Combat Training of the Allied Navies
SOURCE Documentary
The following report is a translation from Russian of an
article from a SECRET Soviet publication called Information
Collection of the Headquarters and the Technical Lommittee of the
Combined Armed Forces. This journal is published by Warsaw Pact
Headquarters in Moscows and it consists of articles by Warsaw
Pact officers. This article was written by Vice Admiral Vasil
Yanakiev, This article emphasizes the importance of the combined
training of senior naval personnel as the key to organizing
cooperation and control of multinational naval forces during
combined combat actions and operations, but is rather sketchy on
the specifics of the training system other than to suggest the
use of command-staff exercises on maps and with representional
forces and operational-tactical exercises. The establishment of
combined naval forces in closed theaters and their organization
under a unified command is considered advisable, This article
appeared in Issue No, 166 which was published in 1978,
Yanakiev still holds the title Commander of the Navy of
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Page 4 of 9 Pages
Ways of Improving the Onerational and Combat
Training of the Allied Navies
Vice Admiral V. YANAKIEV, Commander of the
Navy of the People's Republic of Bulgaria
The combined operational and combat training of the allied
navies occupies an important place in the training of formation
commanders, commanders of large units, their staffs, and the
forces as a whole. It enables admirals, generals, and officers
to work out the control of naval forces, to organize cooperation
among them, and to provide support for them in actual practice.
In addition, it effectively facilitates the indoctrination of the
personnel of the allied navies in a spirit of proletarian
internationalism and aids in strengthening combat collaboration
among the servicemen.
Given the tasks set for the naval forces by the Commander-
in-Chief of the Combined Armed Forces and considering the
ex erience of exercises conducted the last
f. her im rovement in the o erational and combat train: of the
allied navies must, in our opinion, primari y Drovide Or
exploring the most effective methods oT_preparinz and_annducting
mern naval o erations combined actions b naval forces
invo ving ompre ensive support, iven t
what is needed is Lslearer delineation o
the naval forces during operations and combine com at actions
and a us e d ? . .
?? .f oo eration amon the forces
of the allied navies themselves and wit t e operationa
formations and large units of other branches of the armed forces,
In connection with this, the necessity arises to research and
develop new methods for using multiple-arm large units and units
in operations and for employing the modern combat ships and
technical means being made available to the fleets. As before,
of great importance in improving the operational and combat
training of the allied navies is a thorough familiarization with
the theater of military operations and a study of the
organizational structure of the probable enemy, his views on
naval operations and the use of particular types of forces,
weapons, and technical means.
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The experience of the operational and combat training of the
allied navies confirms that its effectiveness is enhanced under
unified direction, In our view, it is advisable that the hisher
c mmand s . ,.- .1. ed witrlThrair-the naval o er .,s
o e allied navies handle t e com ne o erational and combat
1-13=?"raiztsz.rEir767---"anmaz should be ins r e to ortanize and hold
the assemblies of senisI_Rfrsonnel o the allied navies and to
When conducting combined operational training the most
varied of its forms and methods can be used. For examples when
conducting training assemblies for the senior personnel of the
allied navies, lectures, reports, seminars, group exercises and
short operational-tactical problems, practical training sessions
for studying new equipment', and demonstration exercises are
This enhances the level of military theory among the
participants in the assembly. In addition, we consider it
advisable in future assemblies to more widely employ the training
methods involving active participation: seminars, group
exercises, and short operational-tactical problems. Such forms
of instruction allow a more extensive treatment of matters of
operational art and tactics and have a more significant influence
on enhancing the level of operational training of command
Present-day aspects of the conduct of combined combat
actions by the forces of the allied navies demand precision,
teamwork, and efficiency in the functioning of the staffs, This
is achieved through the high-quality training of staff officers
and their ability to accurately and rapidly perform their
functional duties: to assess the situation, perform
operational-tactical calculations, maintain control of the
forces, draft combat documents, carry out all forms of support,
and so forth. The staffs and other control organs obtain such
training at staff training practices and at staff and special
Practices for fleet staffs usually are conducted under the
direction of the chiefs of staff in accordance with the plans of
the national command. At these exercises, matters are worked out
which are related to the participation of the naval forces in
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combined combat actions of the allied navies in a theater,
In our opinion, a form such as combined staff exercises
conducted under the direction of the chief of staff of one of the
fleets is sufficiently effective in the system of combined
training for the staffs of the allied navies. Staff operations
groups which are fully capable of performing all the functions of
combat action control can be allocated for these exercises. In
our view, combined exercises or training practices for staffs of
the allied navies must be held regularly: if not annually, then
in those years when there are no plans for combined
operational-tactical or command-staff exercises of the allied
navies with representational forces.
As is known, special exercises are conducted to improve the
training of the staffs of the allied navies in the planning and
conduct of combined measures for combat and special support of an
operation. The systems of surveillance and communications,
navigational and hydrographic support, radioelectronic
countermeasures, camouflage, etc., are worked out at these
The allied navies have acquired experience in conducting
combined exercises and practices in communications on a regular
basis. We feel that the experience gained in this activity may
be used in conducting special exercises to work out particular
types of support for the forces which take part in naval
In our opinion, command-staff exercises on maps,
command-staff exercises with representational forces, and
operational-tactical exercises should be considered the basic
forms of combined operational training. During these exercises,
the practical skills of formation commanders (commanders), their
staffs, and other control organs in the planning, organizing,
support, and conduct of naval operations in cooperation with
other branches of the armed forces are worked out and improved,
Such exercises aid the senior personnel of the allied fleets
in more thoroughly assessing the military-political situation in
the theater and allow them to observe the flow of events, to
picture the possible nature of future operations at sea and the
conditions for beginning and conducting them, and to determine
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acceptable methods for the combined accomplishment of tasks. we
feel that it is advisable to conduct these kinds of exercises of
the allied navies under the direction of the higher command.
This will permit a more comprehensive treatment of matters of
staff work as well as the actions of the forces of the allied
navies and the organization of cooperation with other branches of
the armed forces.
In individual instances, one of the formation commanders of
the allied navies may be charged with the direction of the
exercise when the particular tasks of a naval operation are being
worked out.
The experience of the combined training of the allied navies
testifies to the advisability of establishing a combined fleet in
enclosed theaters, since this will increase the effectiveness of
controlling the forces of the allied navies when they are
carrying out combined combat tasks. Organizing a unified command
will bring about conditions favorable to the centralized planning
and efficient conduct of operational training for the allied
navies, which in the final analysis will have an effect on the
growth of the combat power of their forces.
In this case, conditions for the combined combat training of
the allied navies will be more favorable, which is fully
confirmed by the very useful experience which has been gained.
In combined combat training, all the possible forms and methods
of training seamen, petty officers, and officers of the staffs
and the forces of the allied navies as a whole are acceptable.
Experience has shown that within the general system of
combined combat training of the allied navies, particular
attention must be devoted to tactical training, working out the
organization and methods of the use of forces and weapons by
large units (units) and organizing the cooperation and control of
forces and means in the preparation and conduct of combined
combat actions.
In general, the tasks of combined tactical training of large
units and units of the allied navies should be: improving their
staffs as organs of control of the forces when preparing and
conducting combined combat actions; working out the operating
methods of the forces when they are fulfilling combined combat
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tasks under various situational conditions; improving the
organization of cooperation and control; working out the
organization of all types of support during the preparation and
in the course of combined combat actions; working out tactics for
the employment of weapons, ships, large units, and units in
The experience of combined combat training of the allied
navies indicates that the tasks enumerated are best worked out at
roadstead assemblies of the ships of the allied navies. Usually
when doing this, the tactical groups of antisubmarine ships and
minesweepers, missile and torpedo boats, and submarines from the
particular navies assemble in a roadstead in the operational zone
of one of the navies, where they carry out intensive combined
combat training under the direction of the naval commander in
whose zone the ship assembly is being conducted,
At assemblies aimed at /establishing/ methodological
consistency, combined actions are worked out for ships in groups
of a single nationality, in single- and multiple-arm groups, and
independently of and in conjunction with aviation, and combined
exercises are conducted for the strike, antisubmarine, and
minesweeper forces of the allied navies.
The final stage of the combined combat training of large
units of the allied navies at roadstead assemblies is, as a rule,
a combined tactical exercise, All the forces participating in
the roadstead assembly are brought into the exercise and one
possible variant of combined combat actions in a theater by
multiple-arm forces of the allied navies is played out against a
tactical background.
Combined combat training within the system of roadstead
assemblies of ships of the allied navies has fully justified
itself, since it possesses a number of advantages,
This form of training creates conditions for the sequential
and parallel working out of combined actions for ships and
tactical groups under different variants of the situation, while
at the same time improving the training and raising the combat
proficiency of the seamen, petty officers, officers, and staffs
as a whole.
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Assemblies of the ships of the allied navies create
conditions which are conducive to the employment of all the
diverse forms of combat training, from combined practices at
battle stations of seamen to short tactical problems for command
personnel. As a rule, following a combined assembly of the ships
of the allied navies, significant growth in the professionalism
of all categories of servicemen and an increase in the combat
effectiveness of all the ships and branch arms of the navies are
noted. When there is no possibility of bringing in a large
number of multiple-arm forces, it is advisable to conduct the
assembly by classes of ships.
The allied navies already also have experience in conducting
combined practices in the control of strike forces, during which
the combat use in combined combat actions of weapons and
equipment as well as of boats and groups is worked out, In doing
this, the commanders and staffs of large units and units master
the art of their combined combat use.
In order to share experience in conducting combined
operational and combat training of the allied navies, it is
probably advisable to systematically disseminate it among the
fleets of the Baltic and Black Sea theaters,
In conclusion let us note that combined operational and
combat training promotes further strengthening of comradeship-
at-arms and cooperation among the personnel of ships and units of
the allied navies, and enhances the fighting spirit and readiness
of all personnel of the friendly armies of the Warsaw Pact member
states to fulfil their patriotic and international duty.
Continuously improving the organization, forms, and methods
of combined operational and combat training of the allied navies
undoubtedly helps to enhance the combat power of our navies and
their readiness to repel any aggressor.
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