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Approved For Release 2011/06/29 :CIA-RDPO7-022478000200180002-9 THE PROVIDENCE SUNDAY JOURNAL, SEPTEMBER 14, 1932. ,Russians Cutting a 700-Mike Canal Through a Desert h ou can get a fairly good idea of how huge the project is when you remember that the Suez Canal is only 103 miles long and the Panama but slightly more than 50. (spreading branches, it will total Asian',more than 30,000 miles in length. Xhrough the fiery sands and blister- Installation of a great transpor- ing suns of the Kara Kum desert. tation system whereby freight can ' 'h/iOSCOW-(AP)-Far away in miles of desert. land. distant central Asia, engineers; .Electrification of large pre building a 700-mile long canal'~areas. running from Takhia Tash, near the sprawling foot of the Aral, Sea to Krasnovodsk on the Caspian Sea. Thousands of people have been at work on it for months npw, ?~ since the Volga-Don Canal was fin- ished, more engineers and Workers have been shifted to the Turkmen. S. Kalizhniuk, construction di- zector of the huge project, reported the labor tempo is being stepped up. Last year, he said, the output per worker constituted 140 per cent of the norm-this year it has reached 161 per cent. pected to accomplish in a regular working day-is established before- Hand. He is encouraged to better this if he can and never to fall be- h4nd it. The norm is considered 100, as if workers are now doing 161, that's quite a labor speedup. ;The new canal has several object- 'rues, all sweeping in scope and ~Illagination: + Naming of the treacherotti' IMl~ters of the Amu Darya River.'" `j i Several large hydroelectric sta- tions at the various dams along the ,canal will generate enough power , to make it cheaper to plough b , y be brought to and from these re- mote areas with comparative ease.lelectricity in this part of Asia than by tractor. When diverted toward the. Cas-i When the canal is completed and plan, the Amu Darya, only one-fifth {he irrigation system is at work, of whose waters are now used for the Soviet Union's annual cotton irrigation purposes, will irrigate 3,-(production is expected to expand to 120,000 acres of the desert and the ~i a great degree. Caspian plain and will bring watery The Main Turkmen Canal is a to more than 16 million acres ofcenter link in the USSR's big irri- land in this area. gation campaign, of 8,000,000 tons in the grai of 480,000 tons of rice and of 000 tons of sugmr beets. and the connection irrigatio ects working they estimate three million acres of desert turned into cotton count ture.' The Kara Kum is one of th f ~ ~~~ , ~~, Approved For Release 2011/06/29 :CIA-RDPO7-022478000200180002-9 Approved For Release 2011/06/29 :CIA-RDP07-022478000200180002-9 By a Stti'~iit of Eastern Europe Th'power stations to be built ~ be made possible by the energy under what is described in the Soviet generated by the new power stations, press as "The Projects of Commu- whose output will be five to seven times cheaper than that of stations nism " are seven in number : two on working on coal or oil. the Volga, near Kuibyshev and The benefits to be derived from the Stalingrad, with a capacity of projects by agriculture are perhaps 2,000,OOOkw. and 1,700,000kw. respec- even more imposing than those which tively ; one each on the Dnieper at will accrue to industrv. A network Kakhovka and on the Don at Tsim- of irrigation canals, more than 2,800 lyansk (250,000kw, and 16Q000kw.) ; miles in length, will bring water to and one on the Amu-Darya and two drought afflicted or desert. lands in on the Turkmenian Canal, in Central the Ukraine, the Crimea, between the Asia, with a total capacity of Volga and the Ural rivers in Kazakh- 100,000kw. According to Soviet stun, and in Turkmenistan. In many estimates the combined annual out- of these networks the electric power put of the two Volga power stations i from the new stations will be used to will, at approximately 20,000 million pump water into the new canals. The kilowatt hours, equal that of France total area to be thus irrigated or other- and exceed that of Italy. ~~ wise supplied with water will, accord- How does this fit into what is j ing to Soviet estimates, exceed trial expansion ? In 1946 Mr Stalin said in an election speech in his Moscow constituency that Soviet industry should aim within the next fifteen years or so at an annual production of 50,000.000 tons of iron, 60.000,000 tons of steel, 500 million tons of coal, and 60.000.000 tons of oil. ~l'he most recent Soviet production figures suggest that Soviet industry has now gone about half of the way towards attaining these goals. To reach them, that is to double the production of these materials within the next ten years, would require as momentous an industrial revolution as any the ~,vorld has known. SIBERIA'S SHARE The basis of this revolution-or rather of the "qualitative change " in the Soviet economy, since the word "revolution " must no longer be used by Soviet economists with reference to future developments in their own country-is to be electric power. The amount of electric power which would be required by an industrial organisation capable of producing these vast masses of raw materials is estimated to be in the region of 250,000 million kilowatt hours per annum. Against this the Soviet Union produced in 1951 about 100,000 million kilowatt hours, while the new power stations which are part of the projects, and others which are being built independently, can be expected to yield about 50,000 million kilowatt hours afier 1957, when the projects are to be completed. This still leaves Soviet industry about 100,000 million kilowatt hours short of its estimated requirements at the end of the next ten years, and it is to be expected that before long new hydro-electric schemes on a scale even greater than those already announced will be made pl:blic. The Soviet Ministry of Power Stations is, in fact, now studying a plan for the diversion southward of two of Siberia's largest rivers, the Ob and the Yenisei, which would bring much-needed water to the deserts of Central Asia and provide "white coal " for more and bigger hydro-electric stations in a region of vast and unexplored industrial opportunity. The more immediate industrial significance of the projects is evident from the fact that, in addition to directing 50 per cent of their joint. output to the Central (Moscow) Region. the Kuibyshev and Stalingrad stations will supply respectively 24 and 28 per cent of their power to industrial objects in the Volga region. This huge accretion of power'to .thesz areas (whose industry in 1940 con- i s~umed over 20 per cent of all coal produced in the Soviet Union, and ~I, have far-reaching effects on the' geographical distribution of Soviet industry. About 25 per cent of the Soviet Union's population of some two hundred millions now lives in ;' the Volga basin. The economic r ~___ __11 L~.~...?.. Approved For Release 2011/06/29 nearly 200.000,000 acres similarly brought under cultivation by the human race in the whole of recorded history. It is estimated that when these plans have been carried out 35 per cent of the world's irrigated lands -an area roughly equal to that covered by Britain, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, and Denmark-will be in the Soviet Union. IRRIGATION Soviet economists claim that the newly irrigated lands twill provide food, clothing, and living facilities for 100 million people-and still have something to spare. The major part of this area, particularly in European Russia, has hitherto been used for the cultivation of grain crops. This was not economical from the point of view of an enlightened agricultural policy, because the climatic conditions in the area, such as the abundance of sun- light and warmth, mere more suitable for the cultivation of industrial crops yielding a higher cash return, such as cotton and sugar beet. This, however, was prevented by the lack of water. It is now proposed to reduce the area under grain crops in the Russian and Ukrainian irrigated lands from 75 per cent to about 40 per cent of the total, increasing at the same time their average yield to 39 bushels per acre. The reduction of the area under grain, combined with irrigation and the introduction. of new agricultural techniques, is expected to result in the doubling of the total grain yield in the lands affected. At the same time, over 3.500,000 acres, both in Europe and in Central Asia. are to be put under cotton, ~ ~ bringing the Soviet Union's total cotton yield to about 7.500,000 tons, which would double the figures 'for 1950. ' It should, perhaps, be emphasised that the information on which this article is based comes from Russian publications, many of them of a propa- ganda nature, and that in many cases the figures quoted here are hopeful estimates made by Soviet economists. While there is no reason to doubt that the scope of the projects is truly gigantic, their economic effects may fall somewhat short of expectations. However, the change in the distribu- tion of Soviet indu>try and agricul- ture, which will be among the most important consequences of the pro- jects, wily. not be affected by small failures here and there. For the next few years Soviet industrial resources will be strained to the utmost-as they have been since the Revolution-in manufac- turing supplies for the projects and for other purposes. To say this, how- ever, is not to support the argument that because Russia is building these two huge power stations on the Volga and several smaller stations else- where she might not be able to devote a great deal of her resources to the expansion of her heavy and arma- ments industries. The construction of the Kuibyshev power station-the lo,?no~+ of oil-ic +n nmv nnly CIA-RDP07-022478000200180002-9 "12631.