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No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
August 1973
04 ` Protecting Power for US in Cambodia (Stearman memo)
04 4- Soviet Formal Inquiry at State re MBFR Consulaations (Sonnenfeldt memo
04 Draft Agreement on Lao Settlement Protocol (Stearman memo)
04 ? DRV Note on Mineclearing (Stearman memo)
06 4" NSSM 177 re Military Missions involving Naval Forces (Hak memo` to
Anderson / Odeen memo)
06 - Invitation to US for Mrs. Liu Hsiang-pin (Hak memo to Armstrong)
06 +Polish Ministerial Visits (Scowcroft memo to Pickering)
06 4 GVN Mekong Escort for Cambodia (Stearman memo)
06 Swearing-in Ceremony for DCI Colby (Davis memo via Scowcroft to
06 4- CIA Reclam` tjion on LOn Nol Departure (Stearman memo)
. 06 -$-Hak Mtg w/ Rep of China Amb Shen on August 6, 1973 (Froebe
..06 1- Reply to Israeli Note on F-4's to Saudi Arabia (Davis memo to Pickering)
06 Courtesy call on Pres by.Pres of Honda Motor Company of Japan_ (Froebe
06 + Cambodia Situation Report (Hak memo to Sec State, Sec Dod & Dir CIA)
06 f Other Countries' Economic Assistance to North Vietnam (Hak memo to
Sec State)
06 i Reconnaissance Flights over the DVN (Scowcroft neem.o to Wickham)
06 -4-Assistance for Cambodia (Kennedy memo)
06 -Reply to Congressman Minshall on efforts of USSR Citizen to visit US
(Davis memo to Friedersdorf)
C(c + ~cs5~0Lf C-vN -Dl [cam NT mD) us.' - ~t~ (s~ ~@ tart u tcc?)
07 -4.. Speech "The Best is Yet To Be" by Eugene Rostow
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
i'1aYS '- ClCClJLV.7 ?.- v. s.~~
August 29 - 31, 1973
29 -~-- Message'from Scheel (Sonnenfeldt memo) Col PPG a cc1t T-)
29 4- French Offer to Mediate Cambodian Question (Stearrnan memo)
29 #- Visit by Saudi Prince Fahd (Saunders memo)
29 -Appointment for Amb. Henry Cabot Lode (Clift memo to
29 F' Dr. I?eBakey's Sueaestion thatUS and PRC Undertake Collaborative
Program of Medical Research (Scowcroft memo to Cavanauw!h)
30 Jordanian-Soviet Plans for Prejabricated lousing Factory
(Saunders/Quandt memo)
30 Chemical Weapons at Rocky :Mountain Arsenal (HAK memo to
tN~N ~ c~?txtauNlST ? T ~a~t~c~U+' tc ' e -6Z cc Ci4uL l)-L
1-loLC~ ~hr 1 ttY (SuL~haG~tJ t t )
Moving Jordan Military Assistance Projects (Saunders memo
to Scov~croft/Kennedy) ch W . M-L)
=,.mc/pPr~~s l~- F1G2CCtti14t~i o~ s~vna r~s,A. UL ~~.,r7 R~kliGr~flLt
(Jorden memo)
Dep SecDef)
Stoltenber.q Wants to See HAK (Sonnenfeldt memo)
30 from Rumsfeld (Sonnenfeldt memo) 25X1
(Adolf Kruez)
30 -- Man/Who Says He Knows You Sends. Message (Sonnenfeldt memo
to HAK)
30 4- Use of HAK Writings to Communicate Intelligence Needs (Marshall
30 .4.-. Redeployment of C-130- Wing. from Taiwan (Froebe memo)
30 J `' FY 75 Defense Prop-+ram - An Update-(Odeen memo)
30 ?w- Letter from Dr. John M. Keshishian (SCowcroft memo to Dr.
30 -}- outstanding Economic Issues Affecting US-PRC Trade (Hoirmats/
Solomon memo)
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
a .9
August;' = 1 1973
August 1973
1 + Defense Attache System (Odeen memo)
HAK Lunch with PFIAB, 8/3/73 (Marshall memo)
f^ ti Robert Bernstein on Andrei Amalrik,(Sonne .feldt memo)
+' Talking Points for HAK Meeting with. Schlesinger (Odeen memo)
i" Cambodian Rice Supply (Bushnell memorandum for the file)
1 Aircraft for F1Kuwait (Scowcroft memo, cable to Pickering)
-Proposal that Julie Eisenhower greet French Students (Scowcroft
memo to Parker)
4 Urgency of Approaching PRC on Their Grain Purchases. (Cooper
+ Letter from Former Lord Mayor of Fuerth, Bornkessel (Sonnenfeldt
~- Integration of Lao Irregulars (Kennedy memo)
Request for Appointment by Person from Juerth (Sonnenfeldt memo)
+ Exchange. of Correspondence between Carrington and Clements
on Super Antelope (Sonnenfeldt memo)
+ .Soviet Shipping and US Maritime Policy Toward Cuba, North
Korea and NVN (Sonnenfeldt memo to Scowcroft)
+ Soviet Espionage (Sonnenfeldt memo)
- NSC Meeting on MFBR (Kennedy memo)
+ State Dept Y.!Guidance on Year of Europe (Sonnenfeldt.memo)
tat r I s
+? HAK letter to Goerge Bennett re/visit to Tehran
NSC Technical Assessment Panel desire for DOD
contacts to handle information requests (Dave Elliott memo to
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
August 1973
2 + Economic Relations with PRC (Eagleburger.memo)
2 j- Appointment with- Walter Levy XSaunders memo)
-American Legion.' s Relations with Eastern Europe (Scowcroft
memo to Baroody)
t" Recall of-`US. Ambassador to Jamaica (Davis memo to
3 -Response to Cone. de la Garza re Desirability of Encouraging
Mexica.n' Construction of Flood Control Works (Scoweroft memo
to. Timmons)
3 StaffApprovals for HAK (Davis. memo)
3 US-Soviet Commercial Commission Meeting io.M oscow
Sec Shultz Would Like to go in Early October (Sonnenfeldt memo)
3 HAK Letter to Frank Horton re Col. Christiano + MIA
3 - SVN Economic Deterioration and Cooper Travels (Cooper memo)
3 * Amb. 7#Rivero Reports.on Meeting with Spanish President
Carrero Blanco (Sonnenfeldt memo)
3 . - Proposed Meeting with Zahedi (Saunders memo)
3 HAK Wrap-up Meetinq,:ith Amb. Helms (Saunders memo)
4 Chile
3 4. Possible US Defector (Jorden memo)
3 Deterioration in Cambodia (Carver memo. to.Scowcroft)
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
August 1973
+ Protecting Power for US in Cambodia (Stearman memo)
4 Soviet Formal Inquiry at State re MBFR Consulaations (Sonnenfeldt memo)
1 Draft Are nent on Lao Settlements rotocol
(Stearman memo)
+ DRV Note on Mineclearing (Stearman memo)
4 NSSM 177 re Military Missions involving Naval Forces. (Hak memo to
Anderson / Odeen memo)
+ Invita1 on to US for Mrs. Liu Hsiang-pin (Hak memo to Armstrong)
+ Polish Ministerial Visits (Scowcroft memo to Picketing)
.4- GVN Mekong Escort for Cambodia (Stearman memo)
Swearing-in Ceremony for DCI Colby (Davis memo via Scowcroft to
4 -CIA Reclam Lion on LOn Nol Departure (Stearman memo)
4 Hak Mtg w/ Rep of China Amb.Shen on August 6, 1973 (Froebe, memo)
4- Reply to Israeli Note on:F-4's to. Saudi Arabia (Davis memo to Pickering)
Courtesy call on Pres by Pres of Honda Motor Company of Japan (Froebe
+ Cambodia. Situation Report (Hak memo to Sec State, Sec Dod & Dir CIA)
f- Other Countiies' Economic Assistance to North Vietnam
Sec State)
(Hak memo to
f Reconnaissance_ Flights over the DVN (Scowcroft rxeercno to Wickham)
}-.Assistance for Cambodia (Kenne0y) ''memo)
-Reply to Congressman Minshall on efforts of USSR C , zen to visit US
(Davis memo to Friedersdorf)
4. Speech "The Best is Yet To.Be" by Eugene Rostow ogewA -ko l-tPc .
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
August, 1973
7 + Lehman memo to B. Scowcroft re: "September Plan".
7 Saunders/Quandt memo to HAK re: Presidential Letter
to Faisal ~awli Niwh 6+ (ith Oi! kc li
7 +`' Scowcroft memo to Pickering re. consultations on the
Korean Question
7 + Reply to McGeroge Bundy's letter by HAK re. imprison-
ment of Larence Lunt (with Bundy's original letter)
7 +HAK letter to Richard Maass on Lists of Soviet Jews
7 + HAK letter to Robert Murphy on Dainelli's report on Italy
7 'f' Parker memo from Scowcroft re. HAK's accepting Silver
Helmut award with Sisco
+ Bill Quandt memo to HAK re. HAK's meeting with Walter
7 + Davis memo to Pickering re telegram on Whitlam Visit
7 -} HAK memo from Marshall ozl'Soviet Grain, an Intelligence Failure?
7 4- Scowcroft memo for Wickham/Pickering re "Annual Report of
the National Military Information Disclosure Policy Committee
(NDPC) IT ; report attached
{- Quandt memo to HAK re SLIMED Proposal Reaches EXIM Bank
-~- Cooper memo to HAK re Export Controls
+ Odeen memo to HAK re NSSM 169--Nuclear Policy
Odeen memo to HAK re Verification Panel Meeting on Nuclear
f Clift memo to Scowcroft re Law of the Sea Developments
4- Cooper memo to HAK re Invitation to Flanigan to be Interviewed
by Tass Correspondent
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
August, 1973
8 Stearman memo re Talk'ng Points for HAK meeting with
Mrs. Welles Hangen (i*Siprtw_ M14- a, Cm++ , t)
8 + Odeen to HAK re Meeting with Walter Levy
8 -Letter to the President from Barrow, the PM of Barbados ur
8 Davis memo to Timmons re Reply to Sen. Brooke on Welfare of
Soviet Writer Andrei Amalrik
- HAK letter to Sen. Dominick re letter from Geo. Brada
HAK letter to Prof. Rostow on Rostow's discussions
with PM Heath
8 + Hyland memo to HAK re Correspon dence with Scheel and
Brandt (with return cables to each from HAK) (1A FRS' &_Y"LA)
8 +- Rodman memo to HAK re Lee Kuan Yew Follow-Up--three
cables to Martin, Unger
8 4- Stearman memo to HAK re CIA Station Chief Meeting with
Lon Not
LAw rt y zv~o Y CI 'v i-3 a t. ~YryLc wt-
HAK memo to Timmons re Congressman Ben Blackburn
Correspondence concerning Indochina policy.
8 HAK letter to Dallas Coors who recommended Kimny as
possible intermediary in arranging cease-fire negotiations in Cambod
8 4. Scowcroft memo to Pickering re Guidance for Responses to
Correspondence on Jewish Emigration from USSR
K letter to Sir George Catlin, special consultant to Harold
Wilson, who is establishing Atlantic Union Council of the UK
$ 4 HAK letter to Robert Ellsworth on US-European Relations
4-HAK message to Sir Robert Thompson re his itinerary in SEAsia.
4 HAK letter to Senator Gaylord Nelson re Dr. Yee's interest
in educational exchange programs with PRC
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
4P qp
August, 1973
+ Stearman memo to HAK re Lao Negotiations
+ Froebe memo to HAK re Consultations with Thailand on
US Military Presence There
9 - Scowcroft memo to Pickering/Wickham/Latimer re Cambodia
Situation Report
9 j Cooper memo to HAK re NSSM on Future International
Cooperation in Agriculture
9 + Jorden memo to HAK re Presidential Statement fL417?- +r Caft ;k
+"Rodm4n memo to HAK re HAK's meeting with Prof. James
9 + Stearman memo to HAK re. Thai Initiative with Sihanouk
9 Lehman re Ambassadorial Appointments
9 -F Odeen memo to HAK re Recent lnnelligence Developments
4- Lehman memo to HAK re Admiral Gaylor
+ Horan memo to.HAK re Burundi Problem--A response of
African Leadership
+ Solomon memo to Scowcroft re Assistance for the Chinese in
Solving Their Housing Problems
4 RN memo to HAK re recalling Amb.. Swank to D. C. for
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
Au a.st.10 - 12, 1973
August 1973
10 3. FY 75 Defense Program and BudLyet (Odeen memo)
10 {- possible Exporpriation of US Mining Company in Colombia
(Jorden memo)
I0 + Telesxram to Sinqapore Re Lee Meeting With HAK. (Davis memo
to Pickering)
Jorden Visit to Mexico (Jorden memo)
10 Presidential .Rep to. ZaOreb International Fair (Davis memo
to USIA. Director)
10 r' Presidential greetings to Daniel arap Mai, VP of Kenya
(Horan memo)
`" Page (Northrop) Request ` ,- to Continue Negotiation to Provide
an Air Defense System to Libya (Elliott memo)
ley + US Ambassadors (Scow.croft memo to Haig)` : Jas}-a Gleam A/ ,i:r
1 + UK draft of NATO Declaration of Principles - re Year of
Europe (Bland memo to Scowcroft/HAK)
11 HAK meetint with Kurt Kiesinger (Clift memo) (Campbell to
Scowcroft cover note)
Scowcroft letter to Henry Cabot Lodge re Lodge's. visit to
"-Significant Military Exercise RIMPAC 73 (Scowcroft memo to
+ Embassy Phnom Penh Evacuation (Stearman memo to HAK)
:(Cover cable to Phnom Penh)
+' HAK Cable to Amb. Moynihan re. Gandhi's handling of Congress
Party reaction to accidental bombing of Cambodian civilians:.
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
W 1P
August 13 b 15, 1973
August 1973
~yt+a wl'G h
13 -Schedule Proposal for A 4z&4. Ambassadors to see Pres in
13 ? Safety Rules for Minuteman III Test Launch (Odeen memo)
13 Unger Request for Information on Cambodia (Stearman memo)
13 `-' Thank You to Mr. de Muns for his gift of Spanish books to Pres, etc.
(Scowcroft memo to Rose Mary Woods)
13 US Presence in Thailand (Davis memo to Pickering);
13 'F Civil Aviation - CAB Abtion Acrainst Aeroflot for Ticketing
Violations (Scowcroft memo to Pickering)
13 + German Report on US Intentions in Cambodia (Stearman memo to
= Scowcroft)
13 $ Legislative Coordination in National Security Affairs (HAK/
Timmons memo to SecState, SecDef, CIA Director)
13 + Recent Libyan Developments - Tuesday's SRG Meeting (Quandt
14 + HAK Letter to Martin Peretz re Anton Freidin
14 4- HAK Letter to Jacob Javits re US-Japan cultural exchanges
14 - Reply to Governor Egan on Salmon Fisheries (Davis memo to
Jame sFalk)
14 - HAK meeting with Col. TC Pinckney re departure (Kennedy memo)
14 ?- HAK Lunch with Indian Amb. Kaul 8/15/73 (Appelbaum merno)`T"` 1,
14 1- MBFR Negotiator (HAK memo to Haig')
14 .- Sir Robert Reports on Phnom Penh Visit (Stearman memo)
14 --- Message to PM Rifai (Quandt memo to Scowcroft) ( 1t t,)
14 4 Martin Agronsky Wants AdministratioxSpokesrnan for his Show
(Janka memo)
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
W 1, P
+HAK Letter to Frank Kellova re latter's recent mission abroad
HAK Letter to Daniel Moynihan re summit meeting of Indian and
American scientists
? HAK letter to Newton Minow re Federal City glut speech
Implementation of US-Soviet r~, s }l .Transportation Agreement
9 (HAK memo to SecTransportatiozi)
Soviet Approach to UK on Accession to Preventionof Nuclear War
Agreement (Hyland memo)
-I" Troubled Waters (Lehman/Solomon memo)re US G wimmin.g Team to
Talking Points for WhitehouseMeetina (Stearnian memo)
?- Energy-related Foreign Policy Objectives (Odeen memo)
Proposed Foreign Travel of Adminitration Official (Davis memo
thru Scowcroft to David Parker) A/o tit e~f+`~ 6 Zv.%v^4 4? fro (1/'
Speaking' request for HAK from.Aig-C1ib 'ophic So .ety- a
Princeton (Lehman memo)
15 4- HAK Meeting with Pak Amb Sultan Khan 8/15/73,x3.. ' (Appelbaum)
15 +"Foreign Assistance Policies for Seventies Cooper memo to
Ass't to Pres for InternationalEconomic Affairs) t-$F(tp?k Pfip---
15 f- MBFR Negoitations (Lehman memo)
15 +-Proposal that Senior Members of Joint. Committee on Atomic
Energy visit PRC (Scowcroft memo to Max Friedersdorf)
15 4- Talking Poidr s for HAK Telephone Call to Ivan Head (Cooper memo)
Kennedy memo)
15 4- /Visit to Mexico (Jorden memo).
15 -~ US Psychological and Information Programs - Cambodia (Kennedy)
15 Proposed Foreign Travel of Zumwalt to UK (.Davis mere o thru
Scowcroft to n:4--,rvA Pa nlro,?l
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
IV ip
AUG 1973
O'Donnell Memo, re: Proposal for a
Presidential Meeting with Indian Ambas-
sador T. N. Kaul before leaving for San
Clemente. (Meeting to establish Presidential
framework for U. S. -Indian relations) e-pir*r)
16 + Lehman Memo, re: Ambassador to Guatemala
(Nomination of Francis Meloy)
16 }
16-18 Aug 73
CIEP Role on Aid (Cooper Memo)
(CIEP trying to establish a central
role for itself.on aid policy)
J. F. Lehman memo, re: Speaking
Invitation (Capitol Hill Club invitation to
address their "VIP" luncheon (Di rwwd)
Tanzanian Ambassador Paul Bomani,
requests courtesy call on HAK (Horan Memo)
... Cooper/Hormats/Solomon Memo, re:
Problems in the China Trade (Problems
regarding the National Council for U. S. -
China Trade and USG Involvement in the
Canton Fair)
+ Odeen Memo, subject: Breakfast with
Schlesinger (Subjects to be discussed:
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
RP w
AUG 1973
16-18 Aug 73
Froebe Memo, re: Your Meeting with
Japanese Ambassador Today (8/16/73).
Subjects discussed: Korea, Declaration
of Principles, energy problems, results
of Tanka's visit)
-- Letter to Mr. Maass from HAK, thanking
him for invitation ; Backup letter from.
Clift to HAK, re: Maass opinions on
USSR Emigration Policy and invitation)
16 4-- Memo to Stein from HAK, re: Trip to
Romania and Yugoslavia
Cooper Meo, subj: JEC Negotiations
Options (MS- DNWW)
Scowcroft memo to Gen Wickham, subj:
Technical Points of Contact for NSC Mili-
tary Technology Consultant Activities
+ Stearman Memo, subj: Report to the
President on Cambodian Developments
(Military, Political, Economic, and U. S.
Froebe Memo, subject: Thai Request for
USG Participation in Feasibility Study on
Proposed Kra Isthmus Canal
17 + Odeen Memo, subj: Love Visit to Japan
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
0 U
AUG 1973
16-18 Aug 73
+ Horan Memo, subj: UN visiting mission
Odeen Memo, subj: Your Meeting with
Fred Ikie
$ Scowcroft letter to Kent Crane, re Lehman's
performance on speaking tour
+ Lehman memo, subject: Olympic Sports
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
I 4P 1P
19-21 Aug 73
AUG 1973
Schedule proposal re meeting with
Indian Ambassador T.:N. Kaul to
demonstrate U. S. interest in im-
proving relations.
20 +" Abortive Coup in Laos (Stearman Memo)
USIA Film on Brezhnev Visit (Sonnenfeldt
Memo to Gen Scowcroft from Sonnenfeldt, re:
Additional State Request for Background
Information on Soviet Jewry
4- Stearman Memo to the Secretary regarding
reply to Le Duc Tho's request that the U. S.
use our influence in Vientiane
Memo to Scowcroft from Saunders, re:
Proposed Appointment with President for
Indian Ambassador (1- - -1,11,4)
20 4- Sonnenfeldt Memo to Kissinger, re: Im-
plementation of US-USSR Bilateral Agree-
20 Cooper Memo to Scowcroft, re: International
Development Conference Speech. (Kissinger
invited to speak at closing luncheon)
20 Odeen Memo to energy principles, re:
Yakutsk and North Star LNG Projects. Kissin-
ger request for committee to conduct study
of national security, economic and foreign
policy aspects of the proposed projects
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
AUG 1973
Scowcroft Memo to Jerry Jones, re:
Fulbright Letter regarding ground rules
for ambassadorial nominations.
Davis Memo to Thomas Pickering, re:
Postponement of Gierek Visit
Jorden Memo re: Salinity Problem
with Mexico
f' Kennedy Memo regarding PL-480 Wheat
for Pakistan
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/07: LOC-HAK-37-4-1-5
4P a
August 22 - 25, 1973
August 1973
22 + US Aid in African Famine (Scowcroft memo to Hair)
22 + NSSM 174 (Energy) - Executive Summary (Odeen me= to HAK)
22 Ralph Earle to replace Sid Graybeal as ACDA Rep on SALT
Delegation (Lehman memo)
22 + Cuba-Latin America Relations (Jorden memo)
22 Proposed Call on Pres by Our Amb to ROC, Walter
McConauthy (Froebe memo)
22 + Strencth of CIA Station in SVN (HAK memo to LtGen
Vernon Walters, CIA) (1Ze.duck-., rvV-+wc4)
Civil Aviation Policy Toward Belgium (Scowcroft memo to
22 HAK Letter to Daniel P. Moynihan thanking him for
observations on climate in India ( i" ~`(