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No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/06: LOC-HAK-8-5-16-0 May contain sensitive Congressional information. INFORMATION Septen-zber 30, 1970 MEMORANDUM FOR HENRY A. KISSINGER FROM: J. F. Lehman SUBJECT- Latest Leak ON-FILE NSC RELEASE INSTRUCTIONS APPLY At Tab A are pages from the Syinington Subcox`imittee Transcript ,on Japan/Okinawa published early in September. The lines high- Ii.glzted in yellow are Top-Secret references to psyops activities in Laos. There are many cogent reasons to keep those activities in Laos highly classified and the SFRC staff was told this many times. But, as usual, they declassified them on their own authority, At Tab 13 is a memcon in which Pincus was told for the last time before publication that the references must remain classified. He did not agree, because "in his view" there was no good reason. A ,compendium of leaks from SFRC is under preparation. DOS, OSD, DOJ Reviews Completed No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/06: LOC-HAK-8-5-16-0 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/06: LOC-HAK-8-5-16-0 1359 Senator Sxlzzxc'i'o~. Were there any Chinese troops liglitiiig III Thailand, oz' in Laos, or in Vietnam? Are Tai\vallesa troops? Ii'. PI\cus. Tllcl:e is a psychological warfare tealll in Vietn1Llz1. Senator.' SY-IIJ GTO . In V ietnaln from Taiwan? Mr. PJNCLLs. From Taiwan. Senator S) ~xl~Gio~. [)Deleted.] (Mlm:l) AS EXEnCIS1 1) nan-a was the same 5cussed both today .rings in November Okinawa the exer- 3ovenuncnt has to inland. The theme. ng our briefinc oli !g part, or at Feast :el'clses. I have gone from )l)af L.S. military that of iii-oviding ;es which the U.S. ald in the past on t efforts Wed on itlu?e )lecl China ? 1 said as far as the were practices to )ody's career, but put in the record id they not?'- 10's, tflev carried lie Was the first into lied China? on Taiwan siniu- )ublic of China's .Xercise, and they controlled by all yet 111 that drop, rican Pilots who ,scribed the exer- ~to the luailll,i,d. ACTT\T1J1:S IN TIIA1tA D =tiNITYA-o p Mr. 1n,-cis, The major 7th Psyops operation .is its support of Vietnam, and this is Where Most of their motley O'oes for preparation of leaflets which are dropped in "ietn'1111 and also for other publi- cations. Because of the-thrust of tlto comlliittee'sactivities we did not go into too lllucll-IN?e (lid not go into any detail in V ietnalll. There is another detachment from the Okinawa group in Thailand where, 11-itlz USIA people in Thailand, they have in the past been sup- porting psychological warfare operations by the Thais, the effort being to try to get the Thais involved in coullteriiisu ' e11CV in their own Country, to pick up Psychological warfare as one of the elements of the eountevmsllrgellcv moveIllelit, [Deleted.] Senator SY7IINGTU1. What. Was that: again ? llr. P1.c-s. [Deleted.] We were toldthat, a new high and znecliun1 altitude leaflet prograin of four leaflet drops it month, of 45 to 50 million leaflets per drop, was to begin some time 'subsequent to this past summer in Northern Laos. Senator SI 3II\GTo1. The .U SIr.J- comes before this committee. We Jno\\- solllethhlg about their recruiting people. - Mr. Knaue, Secrerarv Laird did not tell YOU this himself, did lie? .Mr. l~ti;at-lz. No, he dint not, sir. rut I lvould like to suite that we ai'enotUna~ filling to tc ti#v oli this. Seilatol'S1,xi~r.zos. It is 1111 vervcolnplicated. - t? Mr. Ktiaz.-1t. The illstruetioi that. I received were with regard to how the testimony was to be taken and the special protection that was to be given it. Senator Si7llticroti. l\`e had the same nliaup about whether or not military. people in Laos could te.?tii' because they were part of the attache operation. I know Secretary Laird well enough to know he \voulcl not give you su,_I1 instructions: We have not had any pl-oh- len-iwith the I)~:Z,.tl'Llllent of 1)efeu-c in tl!ese Illatters. Mr. KN,k lz. Sir. if I can. perhaps, correct a nlisundei-standing, we Ire not trying. to witllllolcl either the illfol-matloll oz Colonel Uctuz front the conlnlittee. Seilatot? S1--lILti! 'I'u c? If you all ~voulcl like ailothel? l eat i!! lie1LI?inp Ni C will have allotler We should llnt b- -told that ci.'rtaili tllilig. Why do they call it 7th Psyops? Is there a Gth, and 1th, et cetera.? Mr. Pxxcts. There is a limit to my knowledge. I clo not know how they were numbered. That is a question that they would be able to ? testify to. T,EAFLETS Co\ C1:II\ I\G 111IAI FORCES IN YIrTx A)I PIi0DU01:D B 7T11 PS1 Or S Let me see; they have also put out a cartoon book about the Thai, about the Thai forces in Vietnam. Senator Sx _m:I\ GTON. Thai? Mr. Pxxcus. These are the Thai forces in Vietnam, and I am not sure in my own mind as to where it was distributed., I think it was distributed in Thailand. Senator SY_Ix\GTON. BY whom? 2%fr. Plxct;s. The mariners of distribution and the attribution are both questions that I think can be reasonably raised. We were told that Overall the 7th Psy ops plans to put out 11.8 billion leaflets in fiscal 1969, and in fiscal 1970 they were aiming for 16.92 billion. The leaflet drop program, in Korea, Which we used to fly-. and I -would like to put these in the record Senator SYMI cvox. Wait now. It says frame 1, this is a story of our troops in Crietnam where they have been fighting the VC. What has this to do with Thailand? ..Mr. Pixcrs. This is about the Thai troops in Vietnain. Senator SYSIiXGTOx, I see. Is this put out to the Thai troops in Vietnam? Mr. Prxct-s. I think it is put out to tale people back home. Senator S"YM.I\GTox. There is nothing wrong; about that, is there, if the Thais an,, fighting with our people in Vietnam?'It is nice: to have it known that they are so doing.What is the matter with that? kr,, T)----, -T)----, Sir It ,i. Y h ~? e a 1lJ people in 'Thailand? The contents alre something I have ni,~- fade through, just the manner of how it is done. 'We have a real interest in it which is basically the coordination. Is there a policy decision with the military-= Senator SYarrxGTON. We are paying for it? There nrust b e sonic coordiliatloll. . Mr. Plxcr,-s. Well, the. military is Paying for it. The question of where the coordination comas in is a matter to be explored. I would imagine there, is, but I think the, only way you can find out is, one, to know what. they are doing and their to go back and ask what kind of coordination leil up to what they are donrn-. Senator Sv ir\r,?rox.'These. people arc fighting in Vietnam, and that is reported back- and dropped to the, people in'1'hailrund, r?4fllt Mr. Pixc>:'s. I drink that is what happened. I (To not know. Senator S] ,11NCTO . We are Uivin time 'Timis a break as against the American people; maybc.l. do not. know either. No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/06: LOC-HAK-8-5-16-0 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/06: LOC-HAK-8-5-16-0 ? y:4.wrKY .u%..'3%M r.... i~::.a~u..ew. ~.r?..???S.I:.G'w-:W .lof'~a?)I.i..wLw-w+ar+atti?J?..?+.+ -.+.+ew~lew from briefin 5 you have received, do you ]:Holt anything lneo]1sist et with the various attrilnltioll,? n1[t?. Pthe toy 110, and it is the same type of attribution that. tile. USIA people e a\-e 115 111 Thailand t:,~.c1. -latto~ and testit'ied to dur those hearing-. \5t: PAUL. 1 would lilcc at~this T)?rectto put the clekrec of of this giving ails hearing this dac~uiuent that \ . is 1 l Pltv"C11010g'ict11 Operations C7roup, Senator Sr~r1~r,TO . Without objection. is to the Cxover]1]llelli 0 . la [Deleted.] by the U.S. 1.111ba-Sy ~\ttrlbnttrin o f Tl ilinel llr. That. is correct, _ 1Tr. Pa With reriil?d to the operations, in Thailand, this clocu: meat s;ivs t is `o? 1Llilnlijt ~llill>1)re1F'inn1Oper1tion. I)i~er_torate, aclvi=.ekl Goverdiellt, C' f the,ze miscellaneous Taterial? l 1D . U.S. GOl?e1'11l)lellt-Spo11=01'eCl orcrallita biitioll of this rlcllo llew5 \votllcl llo all i _. t..z ,. Another Colllltry? ],Ti. I'i~ccs. T do not know why We \vcre not briefed on it in Korea. Because they were sln;lll there were a number of these units oil lwhic t we would have to ask for special brietin-s. I G 1 l our trip did not feel that Ave wanted toTmo\v about it. and, of cour=e, we did not, request to be briefed on it because we never heard of it before we left here. Senator Sx,rt~clt7~. Anything else? AT17'ItIRC:TIO\S 01' plFl?];1;t;1T FUNCTIONS Oil PYSOPS \fr. PAIrf.. I have a docunl, tle1 h 're e that tl e itll l'Lj '11D1oo'ic t me bv 'Mr. Opera- tions. 1i11 llll' 11) ' ]]1t1Ci1)11tTC]11 a ()lll I T t was given to i11C yesterday a f tei? the IllOi?iihi ' se-' ioll and left' far aiseKorea with ane until ItiOu of the icli(letent lfunct onS, respect t tiara of attl?ibut 0 is concerned all of ttlhe activities are attributed to the United Nations Conlntancl ex; ept for the leaflets Which al?e su1posedly elllallatillF from the Peptlblic of Korea sources. The o )erations iu Okiiia\\a are attributed to either the TIigl1 Conl- mission tdcleted] and. it sa\ s, the 17.S,. Civil A(Iiiiiiii -trittion, Rytlltyu Island . conlif Al1fr?ntla Tao S under talulfrom \\Iitlt yrnt stiyt t',lcrCRr, t1lat 1S.r. l'txcl-s., .'hat. is the thru.=.t of the illfornlation that we picked 'it). all C1 \\"111C11 we \\anted tO llse as the basis of n cletailecl explanation ,tll(1 ti detailed di seruation of the faets of this organization which \~`e hacl ho )ed to get for the. subconnnittee. e1lato Sx,r.itic;xox? I)) -coll kllo\v why you were briefed by the ~Lruly, ;a\ }',Air I''oice, thud the Embassy, l)ut clot gii en this inforlita tia)1 n hich you found yourself by- looking at a telephone book in 1364 WHAT \\ l rl~ 7 nn 1:1: 1SO S w 1.15;1.'I tiC.S \ o r ol?`F]:I.l:n a 1 7TIr P. s3 ol's? (The docllll]ellt ]'efei'1't.- d iT11, 1'3YC a. rollowing the merger raft States Army. Pacific (C'S.\i: wntrol of 1'5101' phinui;i;; uatinnal political iitrpli ;iti t: farces should be centrillizal ward as possible near area. (1uettee, the United State- -\ (USAI1\`AFE), in Tokyo n?Li