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~-~ !1'1I /x"1/1 3 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/01/04: LOC-HAK-447-7-1-7 TOP SECRET SENSITIVE -HAK .CHRON: Complete Log February 1-28, 1970 ON-FILE NSC RELEASE INSTRUCTIONS APPLY -Memo from Morris and Lord on South West Africa. Memo to Zeigler: Press Guidance on East-West Trade Controls. Memo to Buchanan: general guidance on his Soviet press attache contact. - Approval of Sonnenfeldt recommendation re Presidential patronage of'Thi.erry Maulnier Franco-Americain-Group. - Memo to Mollenhoff: suggested reply to letter on Panama Canal Zone privileges. Memo to Moynihan: Thanking him for copy of Dahrendorf Statement at CCMS meeting. - Memo to Eliot re possible Pompidou attendance at Congres- sional prayer breakfast. - Memo to Haldeman and Sloan recommending Presidential appointment with Shirley Temple Black. - Letter to David Lilienthal thanking him for letter to President suggesting public report on economic. programs in SVN Letter to Packard thanking him for copy of his letter to Senator Russell on status of US-FRG tank program. - Memo to President proposing appointment with Venezuelan Minister of Mines. volunteer army. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/01/04: LOC-HAK-447-7-1-7 - Behr memo asking permission to accompany Bill Anders tour of US space facilities (rejected). Letter to William L. White replying to his letter on ex- changingcnewsmen with Communist China. * Memo to Rogers asking for game plan for Warsaw talks. Holdridge memo with Habib's draft of statement for 53rd Paris meeting. Letter to Ambassador Keating thanking him for note. Memo to, Timmons with suggested reply to Representative Hanna's letter on the draft. Memo to Alex Johnson re support for Asia Foundation. - Watts memo re Osgood attendance at Ditchley conference on Sino-Soviet- We stern relations. - Holdridge draft reply to Ambassador Unger on TCC consult- ations. Memo to Rogers with response to Kosygin letter on Mid-East. Memo to Ehrlichman re Laird remarks disparaging all- No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/01/04: LOC-HAK-447-7-1-7 TOP SECRET SENSITIVE Memo to Col. Hughes advising vs. President meeting with visiting Chiefs of Inter-American Air Forces. Watts memo re Martin Anderson information memo on all-volunteer army. Letter to Ambassador Porter thanking him for letters, re Panmunjom talks and Chinese broadcasts. - Memo to Harlow with suggested rq ly to Representative. Farbstein on Mid-East. -Osgood memo re Professor Beckmann's letter complaining about cutback of NDEA fellowships.. Watts memo: Eliot recommendation that Apollo 12 visit to Athens be put off. Letter to Dean John P. Lewis thanking him for his book on Indian economic problems. Memo to Ambassador Sullivan asking for status report on "District 8" and Local and Village Development programs in SVN. - Letter to Samson Wijesinha thanking him for letter. Memo to Harlow with draft of form letter for Congressional replies to constituent letters on Mid-East policy. -' Sonnenfeldt memo re Otto Habsburg recommendation that you talk with Spanish cabinet Minister Silva. - Holdridge memo: correspondence with Peng Ming-min. *.Memo to State, Defense, CIA: Presidential decision on WSAG options re Chinese road-building in Laos; HAK memo to President re same. Bergsten memo: Presidential statement on oil imports. Letter to Henry Rosovsky thanking him for letter proposing session with President on Mid-East. Approval of invitation to address international delegation of students from 28 grad schools of public and international affairs (Osgood memo). * Memo to State, Agriculture ordering study of world food and population capacity. * Letter to Richardson: thoughts on draft cable to Unger on Thai relations with USSR. - Memo to Daniel Hofgren thanking him for report on his visit . to Nicaragua. Memo to Clay Whitehead approving his ideas on US policy to Costa Rica and Venezuela. on INTELSAT. Vaky memo urging speeding up of action on naming Ambassador No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/01/04: LOC-HAK-447-7-1-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/01/04: LOC-HAK-447-7-1-7 TOP SECRET q SENSITIVE Letter to Ambassador Unger assuring him of advance warning on TCC consultations. - Memo to Harlow with draft letter to Congressmen on Mid-East policy. Lynn memo recommending Presidential meeting with Gates Commission. Letter to Stennis re oil import program. Reply to Ambassador Meyer thanking him for report on ,US-Japanese relations. - Memo to Shakespeare thanking him for comments on Mr. Pionzio. * Memo to Packard on WSAG jurisdiction; Packard memo to HAK and Richardson. *Memo to Laird re forwarding of his report on forthcoming visit to VN to President; Laird report. Memo to Richardson thanking him for his thotg hts for Annual Review; Richardson memo. Letter to Rev. Herschel Halbert and group replying to letter Cover memos to Keogh and Safire transmitting further sections of Annual Review draft. * Letter to Gerard Smith thanking him for his paper on Safeguard 11 options. * David Young memo re talk with Dr. Mayer on Biafra relief. urging US ratification of Genocide Convention. Letter to Gerard Smith thanking him for suggestions for Annual Revie..v. Memo to Moynihan re Wilson visit and CCMS. Cover memos to Safire transmitting draft sections of Annual Review. 10 * Memo to President: Summary of Peterson Report on foreign aid. * Memo to President; Proposed points for HAK to make in 1-11, meeting with Dobrynin. * Draft instructions to Beam re approach on Mid-East. State Department paper on Peterson report and State role in foreign aid. - Memo to Tom Whitehead approving naming of Robert Charpie to National Science Board. 11 * Letter to Danielle Hunebelle "agree[ing] in principle with [her] proposal subject, of course, to discussion of modalities and substance. " No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/01/04: LOC-HAK-447-7-1-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/01/04: LOC-HAK-447-7-1-7 Pederson, Cargo, R. Jack Smith, Gen. Cushman. Report to Packard, Lindjord, Shakespeare, Richardson, Helms, Mayo, Wheeler, Alex Johnson, Nutter, Nels Johnson, Karamessines,' McCracken, Allison, G. Smith, Loomis, Cover letters transmitting advance copies of Foreign Policy - Memo.to Kent Crane. re proposed European trip by VP. of ROK. - Approval of President's birthday telegram to President Park tions re enlisting public support for President's policy on CBW. Letter to Professor Hugh Barbour thanking him for sugges bases: TOP SECRET SENSITIVE 1I 11': 1Z Memo to President transmitting ACDA annual report. 12 Memo to Laird transmitting draft of Annual Review. V Memo to Flanigan re State /CAB agreement on Dublin US-naval- shipyard requirement for naval construction. Memo to Cole approving Laird proposal of waiver of landing rights problem. to Javits proposals on textiles. Bergsten memo re Stans recommendation of quick rebuff * Memo to Treasury, Commerce,, CEA transmitting economic policy section of Annual Review for review. Review. Cover.Imemos to Richardson transrraitting drs:fts of Annual 11 * Draft NSDM on Spanish base negotiations, 1.2 - Memo to Ehrlichman transmitting FBI Intelligence Letter 1.2 Sonnenfeldt memo re talks with Portuguese on Azores. and Current Intelligence Analysis. Jeanne Davis memo re allowing Col. Legere to attend VSSG meeting. of new Ambassador from Honduras. - Memo to Rogers: Presidential concurrence in designation Letter to Rene Maheu of UNESCO enclosing Presidential proclamation of 1970 as International Education Year. 16 * Memo to President: Letter to John McCloy re his General Advisory Committee. 16 * Memo to Chapin re Interior invitation to Prince Philip to speak at-banquet. 16 - Acknowledgement to Mayo re his memo on value of Spanish No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/01/04: LOC-HAK-447-7-1-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/01/04: LOC-HAK-447-7-1-7 TOP SECRET SENSITIVE 16 17 Approval (by Haig for HAK) of Lynn reply to letter from Edward R. Finch condemning disarmament. Memo to John Whitaker assuring him that domestic aspect of continental shelf issue is not being ignored. Memo to, Flanigan suggesting changes in proposed Presiden- tial statement on oil import policy. Memo to Sloan (by Haig for HAK) stating no objection to Presidential invitation to "Diplonots Club". Note to Chapin.re proposed addition to Pompidou-Dinner, . .. guest list. Memo to Shakespeare noting President's disapproval of Paris Match request for Presidential interview. Letter to Dr. Stuart Mudd thanking him for letter on micro- biology. * Memo to Richardson requesting Under Secretary of Commerce's views on jet aircraft sale to Latin America. - Memo to Shakespeare thanking him for British press sum- mary and report from Stockholm. 17 Memo to Richardson setting deadline for certain reports requested by NSDM 30 (!A-ECOSOC position). 17 - Letter to Dr. Makoto Momoi (Tokyo) thanking him for letter 17 re proposed US visit of Minister Nakasone. - Cover letters transmitting advance copies of Foreign Policy Report to Cabinet and subcabinet. Cable to Cy Sulzberger setting up luncheon appointment. 18 Letter to Edward Teller thanking him for his thoughts on Biafra and Middle East. Memo to Sloan re request from Mr. Paul R. Freeman for Administration-speaker at pro-Israel rally. 18 Memo to John Brown confirming that Senator Case has been told of President's appreciation for his statesmanship during Fulbright hearings on VN. - Approval of Sonnenfeldt memo urging that Haig contact USIA .re proposed Shakespeare visit to Siberia. - Memo to Sloan recommending that US-Can. Interparlia- mentary Conference delegation not receive Pres. appointment. * NSDM approving jet sales to Argentina; memo to President recommending decision. 19 Under Sec. Comm. memo to Pres. re jet sales to LA. 19 * NSDM implementing Pres. decision on toxins. talks. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/01/04: LOC-HAK-447-7-1-7 19 - Memo to Mayo thanking him for his memo on Spanish base No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/01/04: LOC-HAK-447-7-1-7 TOP SECRET SENSITIVE February 19 19 .19 .19 19. Cable to Claus Jacobi (Welt am Sontag) thanking him for prompt information re article; Jacobi cable. Cable to Claus Jacobi asking for retraction of article.. Memo to Ken Cole recommending approval of proposed Exec. Order re allowances for quarters for servicemen, without dependents. - Memo to Garment thanking him for passing on Dobrynin suggestions on activities-for diplomatic corps-'in US. Ellsworth cable warning HAK to "watch Shr fiver" during Cable to Ellsworth (Brussels) thanking 'him for cable; Pompidou visit. Memo to Harlow with draft reply to Rep. Chamberlain re UK ship visit to NVN. 20 - Letter to Sam Popkin thanking him for memo on Phoenix Program. 20 * NSDM on US policy in Spanish base talks. 20 * Memo to Richardson requesting memo on quid pro quo 20 re Spanish bases. * Letter to Gerard Smith thanking him for recommendations re Safeguard. * Memo to Laird re reports of Communists having advance warning of B - 52 raids in Delta. Memo to Richardson, Packard, Helms, Wheeler, and Sisco transmitting working papers for Special RG meeting on Israeli Assistance Requests; attachments. 20 - Houdek cover memo to John Brown transmitting copy of 20 zo 20 20 zo 20 Safeguard rationale guidance for Ziegler and Klein. - Letter to"Rep. Devine re US policy in Mid East. Memo to Chapin with lukewarm OK for Pres. appointment with businessmen's group at State Department. - Letter to Rep. Rostenkowski re admission of Polish vessels to Great 'Lakes and Chicago. -Letter to Sen. Mansfield thanking him for Father Moffett's views on VN. * Holdridge memo re clearance of 2 cables on Laos. Holdridge info memo commenting on Boun Oum proposal for recruitment of additional guerrillas in Laos. decline invitation to Mme. Tussaud's celebration. - Memo to Eliot concurring in his recommendation that Pres. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/01/04: LOC-HAK-447-7-1-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/01/04: LOC-HAK-447-7-1-7 to VN. Memo to Cole re Mollenhoff recommendation that we stop buying F-111's. Draft of Pres. letter to Sen. Saxbe naming him and his wife as US representatives at wedding of Nepal Crown Prince. 20 Memo to Chapin recommending that Jova (our Ambassador 20 20 Letter to Maxwell Taylor thanking him for paper on strategic deterrence. Memo to Chotiner re proposed visit of US businessmen to Canton Trade Fair. Memo to Flanigan re reported comments of Archbishop , Casaroli that "world is headed for Communism. " - Sonnenfeldt memo.re USG participation in American Assembly conf. on arms control. Letter to Brad Morse urging him to drop by after trip to the OAS) be included in the next Presidential meeting with Ambassadors. Memo to Rogers, Laird, and Helms adding State as action addressee for Jan. 26 directive. Memo to Rogers indicating President's approval of new Guyana Ambassador. 20 - Memo to Bobbie Greene (Cole's office) re changes in 23 * Approval of Sonnenfeldt -recommended procedures re con- Pres. report to Congress on COMSAT. Memo to Ehrlichman re free air travel on world'tour for Los Angeles and Denver boosters for 1972 Olympics. Z3 - Memo to Ehrlichman passing on FBI Intelligence Letter. Memo to Lyn Nofziger enclosing material for Reagan meeting with Pompidou. Memo to Richardson with Unger cable complaining that he hasn't been kept informed of strikes by Thai-based B-52's in northern Laos. Memo to Shakespeare stating no objections to his proposed trip to Novosibirsk, Moscow, Budapest, Sofia, and Prague. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/01/04: LOC-HAK-447-7-1-7 tingency planning for Pompidou visit; State memo. * Letter to Sen. Mansfield passing on Sihanouk article. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/01/04: LOC-HAK-447-7-1-7 .TOP SECRET SENSITIVE 24 24 . 24 Memo to Chotiner re Ambassador Hill's complaint re State handling of ambassadorial cables to President. Letter to Oskar Morgenstern thanking him for proposal that US disclose to USSR our safety procedures re nuclear weapons. be done to help Prof. Kuczynski get US visa. Letter to David Landes informing him that not much can Letter to Bernard Feld thanking him for Pugwash papers on Mid East. Letter to Sen. Javits thanking him for copy of his remarks on time-frame of Vietnarnization. Memo to Flanigan recommending against Profs. Purcell and Ramsey for position declined by Dr. Baker. Holdridge memo re Pres. preference for stag dinner for Chiang Ching-kuo. 25 - Memo to Ehrlichman passing on word that David Freeman for Cultural Affairs. is not in the running for Deputy Assistant Secretary of State 25 - Approval of Jeanne Davis recommendation that RG meeting on Panama be postponed. 25 - Memo to Chapin re procedure of NPT ratification ceremony; 25 Memo to Chapin advising that appointment for Billy Graham Sonnenfeldt memo to HAK. 25 - Memo to Klein enclosing CIA report on alleged subversion in Mexico; Vaky memo to HAK. this time. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/01/04: LOC-HAK-447-7-1-7 Letter to Amb. Rush (Bonn) re Wehner visit. to HAK. with Willy Brandt is being arranged, Sonnenfeldt memo Letter to Secy. Stans thanking him for report on his trip * Memcon of Pres. talk with Freedoms Foundation. of untying of aid. to Yugoslavia and Ethiopia. Osgood memo re HAK appearance at SAIS international students forum. Memo to State, Treasury, and AID ordering overall study Portuguese feeler for U. S. visit for Gaetano. - Memo to Secretary Volpe thanking him for passing on Cable to Aga Khan regretting that meeting not possible at No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/01/04: LOC-HAK-447-7-1-7 26 m Memo for Richardson, Packard, Helms, Wheeler, McCracken, and Mayo establishing procedures for DPRC Working Group; Lynn memo to HAK. * Letter to Amb. Unger re Thai relations with USSR. Sonnenfeldt- Lynn memo on scenario for consideration. ,of Spanish base issues. * Memo to Butterfield reporting sense of Pres. meeting with the Blue Ribbon Defense Panel. Memo to Rogers, Laird, and Stans with Pres. order for interagency paper on options inimplernenting-I .9,6.9. Export Administration Act. Letter to Berent Friele explaining relation of Guam Doctrine to Latin America. Letter to Helms praising 1st issue of "President's Quarterly Report" on Soviet Strategic Forces. x Memo ,to J. F. C. Hyde, Jr. (BOB) with suggested additions to DOD's proposed Congressional statement on bills to establish independent review of defense budget. 2.8 - Memo to Haldeman informing him of scheduled HAK meeting with Blatchford re Peace Corps volunteers' activities in Africa during Rogers visit. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2010/01/04: LOC-HAK-447-7-1-7