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No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06: LOC-HAK-558-21-14-4 ARMY, DIA, USAF, NSA reviews completed. Report 39 9 June 1970 D - rSE INTLILLTGE NCE AGENCY REPORT RELATING TO CAMBODIAN OPERATIONS Latest reports on the situation at Siam Reap now indicate that the government troops have retaken the airfield and. that Khmer troops have relieved the pressure on the towns of Siam Reap and Kompong Thom. According?to recent COMTNT, messages passed between 9th VC Division associates indicate that the Division has received replacements. The receipt of which would be a logical step following enemy losses reported during the engagements at Kompong Chom and in the Parrot's Beak which are believed to have involved 9th Division elements. The replacements may also presage increased attacks in the Kompong Cham area of Cambcdia where the Division headquarters and its subordinates, the 271st and 272d VC Regiments are loca?k:ed. 7th NVA Division was located northeast of mo , Cambodia. the Headquarters of the arear services element in the same area is moving a large amount of rice, probably to relocate rice supplies deeper into Cambodia to avoid capture. COMINT of 8 June placed the Division headquarters in t h a t , eral. area. *SIGINT continues to reflect problems with in the COSVN command. On 6 June message traf'fi,c passed from a subordinate commo-liaison unit of COSVN to the commo-1' .ison section of the SIB indicated that combat and support elements wer.. moving south. The message reflected confusion on the part of the units due to a lack of direction from higher authorities. The unit was particularly concerned over what to do with three American prisoners and suggested that the prisoners be given to "R" (COSVN). Major elements of COSVN are presently located in three areas north of Mimot, Cambodia. Since 25 May, SIGINT has located seven major military and political terminals serving COSVN in an area along the Chhlong River, 15 miles north of Mimot. The majority are military associated. Of the four major political authorities, two (Hq, COSVN(PO003) and (P0876) have been located along the Mekong River since 4 June. The remaining two have not been located by COMINT since 20 and 21 May, when they were located in the area north of Mimot. Termin l.s serving two major intelligence echelons, Military intelli- gence Bureau (MIB) and the Strategic Intelligence Bureau (SIB) are presently located just east of the Mekong 30 miles north of the Cambodian/RVN border. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06: LOC-HAK-558-21-14-4 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06: LOC-HAK-558-21-14-4 communications with higher and lower elements continue to be sporadic.. schedules with higher and lower authorities.. On the other hand, Hq, SVN Senior Watch Authority, has not. met daily schedule . requirements and. . 7 ,June 70, COSVN EIq (P0003) has maintained. an average. of. 50% of ? its normal Several :terminals are accomplishing nominal gains in this respect.. Since . It appears as if the major echelons of COSVN are again dispersing, probably in an effort to find a way riich will enable them to stablize communications with higher and lower echelons ? and thus provide more effective command and control. Regarding the status of LOCs in Cambodia, Routes 1; 4 and 5. are open. Routes 1 and 4 require escort. Routes 2, 3, 6, 7, 13,.15, and 19 are closed due to a combination of bridge danAge/destruction and/or enemy presence. Route 12 is closed fromKompong Thom to the border.of Laos. The railroad line between Phnom Penh and Kompong? closed due to destruction of at least three bridges and enemy presence; the line between Phnom Penh and the Thai border is operating with armed guards. The Mekong River is open south of Kompong Cham but requires armed escort vessels. ' 1 pry - - ::-.-~ t +R',, j' .. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06: LOC-HAK-558-21-14-4 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06: LOC-HAK-558-21-14-4 t s .. _ No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06: LOC-HAK-558-21-14-4 L / r , r B A NB A ^4 ~t B'AN PAKKAYONG ., i f(Jj ; ~~`'?'~ .. ..% i~~ r >~ 1 ~ X64 'w....-~: } J . y .. .- C 96 ! .~ O S t , LA ., THAI: ,' ,-x?~: " vr. f } ~. 1 LA -,40PEU ODDAIt MC 'i`C'H1?Y 1 s-.. of 97 1 `-"-PKFA'IVIIIkAK ti.tx'NG (~TAgA7cl,r tt til'1)`(i ,y / 19 51SOpHLtiN \ ~ ! ~-,r B:'fA\t C c ST NC QTR,(ZNG?~ ? Hjtg..--~,"~.?r yi ( \` SIFM `I(EN FjF_AFj' 10 % ---rlv~? ~'? / j 'ter' \ jrtil ()\iP(G TIIfj1! 4U)NUALKtkI ?~ 1 F'SlA`F.v~ K` MPONG TsItDM, J ! KRAQ I R r 13 14 1:k? I L (F`{LSy~9 t; q Q [ V l ~ p . ~6 x ' . . P( \( t~tt RSAT )\I ? `i 111 M1 '~..~ GOMPQNGt:(COSVN STATIONS I3 11 ~ J ~ ~?'~~~ ~._.i `1 ;~_Jr,?~Q.IJ~1~1 < \I .r*... -.NUQ(.. ~,...~ 6 ~ Flt b~ a ~ ~ ~S KOlI F:On(i Q MIMOT { q k d F'Ftl) UT Nk l . c; \ :-Fy Fa~ 1 t r Lt5 4 " r ! ~l REPUBIA OF' a. 1 V 1T - iV P iV1 ~L1 NT ,\ (11) 10 ~ SVAYING EA L" REN 1.A I'Elf` ~:'~.,..~ . =~ Q KOMPONG S M 3 (SIHANOJKVILLE) KAMk'.r3T C ~~ti?',~;yr SOL"1'P7 ? Pn 9 .~ - _ ` R S clt' sr t . ~ 1G lt[ 0[ /riU CU 0t Ji _---------- ~._---- a CAMBODIA 10 .~ GULF at ' 26 MAY 1970 OF b,. SIr{,li ROAD S-?,-I I RAIL s- S 23 30 75 100 123 STATUTE MILES ..amss~vw~*+csaeeannr I" acsx..?x.s-~.n - - - +? 105~~ ~~. SECRET No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06: LOC-HAK-558-21-14-4 THE NATIONAL MILITARY COMMAND CENTER .9 June 197.0 i iEJOINT STAFF MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD Subject: *Air Operations in Cambodia 1357.- EDT The attached information on Cambodia Air Operations and associated map for the period 071201 to 081200 EDT June 1970 are provided. 2 Atch W. 9. ? MI LLER a/s Rear Admiral, USN Deputy Director for Distribution: Operations (NMMCC) ?DDO ADDO CCOC . 'PAC DIV, J-3 (2) PAC DESK SECRET ' _ No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06: LOC-HAK-558-21-14-4 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06: LOC-HAK-558-21-14-4 AIR OPERATIO Following is a summary of tactical air and ARC LIGHT. operations in Cambodia for the period 071201 to 081200.-EDT June 1970: US/VNAF STRIKE .TACTICAL - RECCE ?.8-.52 ARC LIGHT ' H J .. K L M U .,v W. 33 29 43 12 0 0- 6. 14 10 3 '22 6 1,? 1 4 0 0 0 23 .6 0 0 0 01 RESULTS (BDA) DAILY `DESTROYED CUMULATIVE STRUCTURES 40 8,395 WBL CRAFT . 0 13 GUNS 0 115 TRUCKS 3 37 ROADS/TRAILS 0 .0 CAVES/TUNNELS 0 0 STORAGE AREAS 0 0 TROOP KBA 0 ? 1, x79 SECONDARY FIRES - 2 301 SECONDARY EXPLOSIONS - 0 365 DAILY TOTAL CUM TOTAL 137 7,863 47 Is 224 29 657 DAMAGED DAILY CUMULATIVE 10 1,'433 0 21 0 10 0 .100 0 93 0 23 0 0 SECRET No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06: LOC-HAK-558-21-14-4 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06: LOC-HAK-558-21-14-4 - .--. L=-: _---~ 103.. 104 105'...... .1.06?.. ... ..: 107? ..r I03? ,r ?,,.. 1040.. 1050 106,? 1070 ti 1080 S-33't . VIETNAM L L t E CAMBODIA CBOO OOQ No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06: LUC-HAK-558-21-14-4 OF THAI .,AND. .i . ?'! B - B-52 ARC LIGHT -J R - RECCE SORTIES ~' S - STRIKE SORTIES No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06: LOC-HAK-558-21-14-4 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06: LOC-HAK-558-21-14-4 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06: LOC-HAK-558-21-14-4 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/09/06: LOC-HAK-558-21-14-4