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June 30, 1972
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No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/18: LOC-HAK-547-10-11-1 ? MEMORANDUM THE WHITE ROUSE 8fC?1'V TOP SEGfli T'S771~?i d i / L./1-/J. WASHINGTON o X77 June 30, 1972 S V MEMORANDUM FOR: THE PRESIDENT FROM: HENRY A. KISSINGER SUBJECT: Situation in Vietnam ON-FILE NSC RELEASE INSTRUCTIONS APPLY NSA, DOS, OSD, & ARMY review completed The South Vietnamese counteroffensive into Quang Tri Province is moving ahead on schedule. Heavy fighting was reported yesterday by South Viet- namese Marine elements which had been air lifted into enemy held territory close to Quang Tri City. Some 90 North Vietnamese soldiers were reported killed in an eleven hour battle with the Marines. The Airborne units operating west of the Marines report moderate resistance to their advance. The enemy is losing not only ground and men but tanks, artillery, mortars and ammunition as well to the advancing ARVN forces. North Vietnamese units are continuing to put pressure on ARVN 1st Division defenses west of Hue. Fire Support Base Checkmate was attacked by infantry units last night. Communications have been lost with the defenders and the situation there is not clear at this time. Fire Support Bases King, Birmingham and Bastogne were heavily shelled yesterday also. Combat activity in Military Regions 2 and 3 was light yesterday. In Military Region 4,. the ARVN 7th Division kicked off operation Cuu Long 7/5 and has established contact with the enemy. No results of. the fighting have been reported thus far. Most air strikes against major targets in North Vietnam were diverted because of poor weather. destroyed shortly after the move was accomplished. Military Region 1 South Vietnamese forces continued to advance into Quang Tri Province against moderate resistance. Marine units helilifted into areas seven miles northeast of Quang Tri City yesterday are reported to be within a half mile of a link-up with leading ground elements. Last night, two Airborne battalions were helilifted to positions four and six miles northwest of Fire Support Base Nancy. Three enemy tanks were -T-49P 8ErC-;RETi8ETq8fT-LVr, No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/18: LOC-HAK-547-10-11-1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/18: LOC-HAK-547-10-11-1 ? W TOP SECRET /SENSITIVE CONTAINS C ODEW ORD -- One Marine battalion reported heavy contact with the enemy after being helilifted into a landing zone east of Quang Tri City. Ninety enemy were killed in that eleven-hour fight. -- In one -contact 13 kilometers east of Quang Tri City, .134 enemy were reported killed while friendly losses were 16 killed. Additionally, two enemy tanks were destroyed and 11 crew-served weapons were captured along with four tons of munitions. -- South Vietnamese offensive plans at this time are to secure Quang Tri City by July 2 and the Quang Tri combat base to the northeast by July 7. -- ARVN units in the Fire Support Base King-Birmingham-Bastogne area were heavily shelled yesterday. Fire Support Base Checkmate was hit by mortar fire most of the day and then attacked by enemy infantry last night. Communications have been lost with the defenders and the situation there is not clear. -- The NVA 2nd Division may be returning to its former base area in Quang Ngai Province after operating for nearly two years in southern Laos and, more recently, in the South Vietnam's central highlands. These moves, if confirmed, could indicate that the 2nd Division has been retargeted against the populous coastal lowland following its three-month participation in the Communist campaign against Kontum City. Military Region 2 Ground contact activity was at a low level in the region. No significant activity was reported around Kontum City. -- There are indications that enemy units badly mauled in attacks on Kontum. City in late May are continuing to withdraw from the area. -- ARVN units report some progress in the Route 14 clearing operation. TOP SECRET /SENSITIVE CONTAINS CODEWORD No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/18: LOC-HAK-547-10-11-1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/18: LOC-HAK-547-10-11-1 W V TOP SECRET /SENSITIVE CONTAINS CODEWORD -3- Military Region 3 Combat activity in Military Region 3 continued to be centered in the An Loc area and was fairly light. Defenders in the area received over 600 rounds of incoming fire yesterday. -- In Phuoc Tuy Province, ARVN forces on search operations engaged an enemy unit near Dat Do village. With the aid of US and VNAF TacAir support, 63 enemy soldiers were killed while ARVN losses were two killed and 23 wounded. -- East of An Loc, the ARVN 33rd Regiment killed 43 enemy while sustaining five killed and 43 wounded. -- The commander of the ARVN 33rd Regiment was killed yesterday when his command post bunker received a direct bit. Military Region 4 Activity in the Delta remained at a low level and was characterized by light shelling attacks and harassing actions. -- The ARVN 7th Division initiated operation Cuu Long 7/5 this morning in the northern Delta following B-52 strikes in the area. Na results have been reported but the 10th and 12th Regiments have established contact with the enemy. US Air and Naval Operations The following sorties were flown on June 30: MR-1 MR-2 MR-3 MR-4 NVN Total TacAir US 214 48 78 20 253 613 TacAir VNAF 52 31 51 25 0 159 ARC LIGHT 81 0 0 0 9 101* * 11 ARC LIGHT sorties were flown in Cambodia. TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE CONTAINS CODEWORD No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/18: LOC-HAK-547-10-11-1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/18: LOC-HAK-547-10-11-1 ? V TOP SECRET/ SENSITIVE CONTAINS CODEWORD -- USAF strikes against the Phuc Yen and Kep airfields and the Pho Hop railroad bridge were cancelled due to bad weather in the target areas. Sixty F-4's flew armed reconnaissance missions in southern North Vietnam. -- USN aircraft scheduled for strikes against primary targets were diverted to armed reconnaissance missions and other targets because of bad weather. Navy pilots report three SAM launchers, one radar van, ?11 buildings, two railroad cars and one waterborne logistic craft destroyed in central North Vietnam. -- Yesterday's airstrike on the Hon Gai rail and port facility resulted in nine buildings destroyed and nine secondary explosions. -- In naval operations, US ships are supporting the South Vietnamese offensive operation in northern Military Region 1. Elsewhere along the coast, US ships are continuing to shell enemy targets. Yesterday, three waterborne logistic craft were sunk by US destroyers in the area of the Chinese merchant ship at Hon La Island. Political/Diplomatic Canadian Report from Hanoi We have been shown a recent letter from a Canadian ICC representative in Hanoi who made the following observations: -- The East Bloc diplomats in Hanoi (including the Soviets) agreed that Podgorny's message to the North Vietnamese was "negotiate now before Nixon is re-elected. " -- The Poles and Bulgarians believe the Communist ,offensive in the South is finished and speculated that Hanoi, when it reflects more fully on Soviet advice, will resume serious bargaining. -- Vietnamese contacts who were jubilant when Quang Tri fell, are now "visibly saddened" by the effect of the bombing. -- One Eastern European estimated that recent air strikes have "put the DRV economy back five years. " TOP SECRET /SENSITIVE CONTAINS CODEWORD No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/18: LOC-HAK-547-10-11-1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/18: LOC-HAK-547-10-11-1 TOP: SECRET/SENSITIVE CONTAINS CODEWORD to Narn Dinh ~ bomb damage of dikes, there were more than 30 direct hits along one 500 meter stretch of dike where no road or anti-aircraft installations were located. Souvanna Phouma Expects Ceasefire In a June 26 West German TV interview, Souvanna Phouma said: "We are optimistic that there will be a ceasefire in Vietnam soon" which would be followed by a ceasefire in Laos. He stated that your trips to Moscow and Peking show that the three big powers are seeking peaceful coexistence and want peace in Indochina. TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE CONTAINS CODEWORD 'sue: No Objection to Declassification in Part2012/12/18: LOC-HAK-547-10-11-1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/18: LOC-HAK-547-10-11-1 - TOP SJ UKL'1' UMbl' A Ip QUAaa AM QUANf TIN UANG DUC Quang Ngai BINH TUT WIEN ",61AN N ~,N PTUYC`'MR3 7 It1RN wpm Capi Capital Special Zone VINH BINH TOP SECRET UMBRA Demilitarized Zons ua g TO Chanh defense line No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/18: LOC-HAK-547-10-11-1