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No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19: LOC-HAK-543-5-9-4 NSA reviews completed ? . CENTAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY [State Dept. review completed] 20 00tOber,197.3 ? INTELLIGENCE MEMORANDUM: DIA review(s) completed. ON-FILE NSC RELEASE INSTRUCTIONS APPLY MIDDLE EAST SItution Report Number -61 (As of 2230 EDT) ' . . THE MIttTARY SITUATION . , 25X1 IMORI/CDF CO32232261 GENERhL 1. Israeli spokesmen expressed growing confi- ? dence today as the Israeli force on the west, bank of the Canal expanded its bridgehead. A senior Egyptian intelligence officer, however, denied Israeli claims of successes and suggested that. tha Evyytlans were preparing a major effort against the Israeli forces on the west. bank. Late today thu Israelis apparently staged a raid against the Egyptian naval base at nurghada on the Red Sea about. 200 miles south of the Sucz Canal. Egypt has denied that the raid took placei There is no information concerning action on the east bank of the canal. ' _ . ? 2. The Syrian front was 'relatively quiet today. The Israelis slightly expanded their salient in the area between Sasa'and Tell hantar. There are indica-. tions that additional Arab forces may be sent: to . Southern Syria. Jordan is preparing to send a second armored brigade to Syria and the Iraqis reportedly -intend to or four divisions.. 3. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19: LOC-HAK-543-5-9-4 .25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19: LOC-HAK-543-5-9-4 TUE EGYiTIAN FRONT 3. Enraeli forces on the west bank of the canal continued to expand their bridgehead. Tel Aviv showed growing confidence during the day and spokesmen talked of being on the way to "destroying the Egyptian Army." According to a senior Israeli military official, Israeli units have now bypassed elements of the Egypt- ian 4th Armored Division which was reportedly badly inauled.earlier today. In the southern region of the west bank, the Israelis claim to have surrounded a - number of small Egyptian units*, and Tel Aviv says that. -Israeli tanks are firing across the canal at Egyptian forces on. the east bank. Tel Aviv reports that its forces on the west bank captured 50 SAM sites today. There is no information concerning developments on the 'east bank of ,the canal. 4. In contrast ..t the optimistic Israeli reports, a senior :Egyptian intelligence officer stated that he ? toured the west bank today and was able to use roads that the Isaelis claim to have cut. He did, however, , admit that Israeli forces controlled Fayid, and that the Egyptians had lost 60 tanks in today's fighting. The Official seemed to display little 'worry over the .turn of events and stated that-it'is the Israelis who should be concerned. His later remarks suggested that the Egyptians plan to mount a major assault to cut' -off the Israelis fighting on the west bank, and .he ? promised to give full details "in three or four days." . . 5. On the basis of all 'available information, We 46 'not believe that the Egyptians have either sufficient forces on the west bank or the three or four days necessary to prepare a major operation against the Israeli force. The Israelis have the _initiative at the moment and the Egyptians are res- ponding to Israeli moves. 25X1 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19: LOC-HAK-543-5-9-4 25X1 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19: LOC-HAK-543-5-9-4 THE SYRiaN trwal. T. Action was comparatively light on the Syrian front today as the Syrians and their Arab allies ap- parently continued to put pressure on the Israeli salient, but did not mount a major .coordinated counter- attack. The Israelis expanded the'salient slightly in the area between sasa.and Tell Aantar. Israeli Defense Minister Dayan's statement today that the majority of the Syrian Army had not been put out of action indiCates that significant .forces--re-equipped by the Soviet air and sea lift and reinforced by non- Syrian units--still face.the.israelis in the north. 8. Additional Arab forces may soon join thos?0 in southern .syria. King Husayn is reluctantly pre-- paring to mend a second armored brigade to Syria, providing that the brigade and the one sent earlier will operate under a Jordaniah commander, The 'Lebanese military attache-in Baghdad said that the Iraqis plan .eventually to commit four divisions to the Syrian front and that the Baghdad-Damascus road was packed with troops, tanks, and trucks on 19 October. ?IsRAELI .SHIPPING THREATENED 3 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19: LOC-HAK-543-5-9-4 25X1 : ? 25X1 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19: LOC-HAK-543-5-9-4 the Israelis' have asked the US naval -attadhe if there were any US shiPs in the vicinity of the Hanna. ISraeli naval action on the Egyptian Coast may be intended to prevent Egyptian missile boats from intercepting the ,Hanna.:., JORDAN II. the Jordanian Ajr. rorce is particulariv anxiclub obtain pitot tubes since three Hawker-Hunters are cu t .fault o ui ment. . ? One possibilit is to tr ment via Kuwait, 25X1 25X1 25X1 . 25X1 SOVIET_AIRLIF7 4 NO Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19 LOC-HAK-543-5-9-4 25X1 25X1 25X1 ? 25X1 25X1 ? No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19: LOC-HAK-543-5-9-4 EGYPT ' 13; a "large number of palefaces in mufti" arrived in Cairo on 14-15 October. The group, estimated be- tween 200-300 men, moved into apartments, 'Which until July 1972, had been occupied .by Soviet military advisers. ARAB OXL 4 14. Algiers radio announced late tonight that Algeria has suspended all oil shipments to the US And is reducing its.oil production by 10 percent. Algerian oil exports to the US have been running about 150,000 barrels pot day, or less than one percent of daily US oil consumption. Saudi Arabia, Libya, Abu Dhabi, and BAhrain have previously announced a total , embargo on US oil shipments and other Arab producers are almost pertain to follow. ARAB REACTIONS ? ? - 15. Although the radiosof the Arab states have broadcast robcrts of Seare.t.a,ryiciasinger,s. trip to Moscow, the only commentary yet rocoived comes from Libya. Radio Tripoli said that it was surprised by _ . the US-Soviet discussions, and suggested that, the aim of the talks was "to make Us desist from liberating our lands." Tripoli added that "the super powers must not impose .on us steps that are not in the benefit of our (Arab) nation." 5 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19: LOC-HAK-543-5-9-4 25X1 25X1 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19: LOC-HAK-543-5-9-4 040 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19: LOC-HAK-543-5-9-4 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19: LOC-HAK-543-5-9-4 040 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19: LOC-HAK-543-5-9-4