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r- r~ R tt i[ ~ r~r-R ~ G. ~ ~? No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/27 : LOC-HAK-542-14-9-5 NATIUNAL SECLiRITY CO TOP SECRET/CODEWORD MEMORANDUM FOR: GENERAL HAIG FROM: HAROLD H. SAUNDERS SUBJECT: Status Report and Reflection an Sadat's Decision NSA, DOS, NSS, reviews completed MORI/CDF 003323219 Attached is a reflective rnema far the President an (1) what we know today about Sadat's decision and (2~ what prarnpted Sadat to move, A one?page summary is on top. - Gerry Livingston contributed the portion on Soviet reaction. Recaxnrnendation: That you send the attached to the President as soon as passible. TOP SECRETJGODEW?RD No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/27 : LOC-HAK-542-14-9-5 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/27 : LOC-HAK-542-14-9-5 THE WHITE HOUSE WASIIIxCTON INFORMATION 5607 TOP SECRET/CODEWORD MEMORANDUM FOR; THE PRESIDENT FROM: HENRY A, KISSZNGER SUBJECT: Perspective on President Sadat's Decisions Attached is a longer analysis of President Sadat's decisions on reducing the Soviet military presence in Egypt. The following are the highlights; --There is a sharp difference between the official summary of Sadat's speech and the reactions of those who heard it, The summary is moderate in tone and reiterates the therxxe of Saviet..Egyptian friendship. The actual speech is described as a heated attack on the USSR. .,?It is still. not clear haw many of the Soviet advisers will actually leave. "Instructors" seem to have been excepted, and Soviet operational units have not been mentioned. Sadat has called for consultations an future e r atio 25X1 ---Sadat's move seems to be a combination of {a) response to daxnestic frustration over his policies and lack of movement toward an Arab Israeli settlement and (b) disillusionment at the dawning realization that the Soviets are not wholeheartedly supporting a military solution. .-There was na official Soviet reaction to Sadat's moves until a TASS announcement of July 19 which seemed an attempt to minimize the damage: "Now the Soviet personnel in the Arab Republic of Egypt has completed its functions. With the awareness of this, after the exchange of opinions, the sides deemed it expedient to bring back to the Soviet Union the military personnel that had been sent to Egypt far a limited period. This personnel will return shortly to the USSR. " that Sadat anted mai.Ix125X1 to ease internal pressure and to pxess the oviets to change their attitude on the need far a Mid~East solution which he considered too relaxed fallowing the US-USSR summit. Sadat is not expelling the Soviet strategic presence, and the Soviets will turn the other cheek and try to minimize the damage, .t.r?-~ c~r~~-~r ~r.nrt~'wnR t~ No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/27 : LOC-HAK-542-14-9-5 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/27 : LOC-HAK-542-14-9-5 ,~ - ~ ~ f~ , TOP SECRET/CODEWORD MEMORANDUM FOR: fiHE FRESIDENT SNFOR.MATION 5b07 FROM: HENRX A. KISSSNGER ?. SUB3ECT: ,The Situation in Cairo-.?Backgxound an the Reduction of Saviet Military Advisers The purpose of this memorandum is to review what we now-knaw?. about President Sadat's decisions and to put them in the context of recent Egyptian thinking about the Egyptian..Saviet relationship. President Sadat's Decisions ` One important point to be made at the outset is that there is a sharp difference between the tone of the official Middle East News Agency suxxxrrxary a? Sadat's statement and the toz~~ of the speech described by sources who hear it. The tone of the summary is moderate and dominated with the theme of Saviet-Egyptian friendship. Those who heard the speech have apparently characterized it as a heated attack an the U55R far holding back on arms deliveries and for pursuing an "una.cceptable" policy of "na war, no peace" in the Middle East. The disparity supports the argument that Sadat is trying to use this move i.n one way domestically and in another internationally. Following are the three decisions that President 5adat announced Tuesday along with comment about their possible mear.-ing: 1. Sadat said that the mission of Soviet military advisers and experts in Egypt is terx-ninated as of July 17. It xernains unclear just exactly how many of the l5, 000 Soviet military personnel in Egypt will be affected. The authoritative Al-Abram this morning says that the termination of advisers does not affect Soviet personne], involved in training Egyptians. Since training is one of the missions of the operational Saviet air units in Egypt,' it is passible that the 10, 000 or sa military personnel in ~::. TOIL SECRETICODEWORD No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/27 : LOC-HAK-542-14-9-5 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/27 : LOC-HAK-542-14-9-5 '1`dk~ 5~'~R~T1~QD.~.~'C'~I] thrse uetita coxxld ~t~ i~ 1~ ~ t ?enc:irx, the qut+~cxxx~~: ~f ~~yptia.a- 2. Sadat aa,id th~a,t rxai3.lta inr~;:~l1~tEwic~sx~ and etaui~m~nt ~~t u~a in F"~ t ~i~ce 1,97 ~~e_t+~ n~ tfirx ~~3:~1~~s~iv~_ ~~~c~raext cad. ~ ~+ axxc~ uxxcier lh~ ae:ExxxaszasCr~~;i,~rx c~~ ~ Y,,~zta~n ~.:^xr~ec~. ~d~res ~. 'x`lzi~ prarraisivn px'ahai7l.y r~~ie:ct~ r~.~~:x~txn~~xt Y:.&.~.t tyre haws hen are~.e at ttxm ia~~ts~li~atic~na 'rah~x~as Se~vi~t: ti~s:.its axe s~t~ #ioxxed trot have be:ex: gaff tixni.t~ tc~ ~f~Yl~ti~zz~. :~,t ane i;hi~ c~tatexxac~cat xatx that the ~:~~rptiana v~rere "natir~n.r ii~itY " ttxeee axeaa an~i the ~sgzzip- xxz~sxxt an tia~xxa. ~,.t a lc~~~er i.ev~:i, ~i c~ttx~~, it cczu~.r3 ~z.~piti~r rx~~~n that ~e tr.~i~piiz~a p? ~?~Ypxiaxi ~+averei~nL~ a~c~ ~gy-ptia.n acce~~ ttt them ~re~~ wc~~ald be xxcie na~rre ~.p~sarent. ~. Sadat said that arx ~'s~~f~,n~SL~~~~i~t eetin~~ txexci~ar t~~.e Qr~~riaicara~ of the trea.~c~ va3.i ~~ ia~:id a;t ~, l~~v~:i t~ i?~ af~re~d xxp~rxx far ran~au~ltatinns vn ~ zrc~re e~~ec~i~*~ rxz~:thcsd of c~operatie~zx fir thy: f~xure. Thf~ ~arratzld seexa~x tee ~e~.~~e,a~t t%a~t, wrhii.!~ ~~e cif tixa xxa,oxe pex~iph+~aral: ~dvi~er~ xnay l~axre,tade ?utear~ ref the t~vex'~.i1 Sa~riet pr~~~rx+ce rex.Irx~ an~aject to neigotidti~z3,. 25X1 2 25X1 `~heae eiecieiaxx~ were pref~.~ed fn tl~e r~ffi.ciai axxrazJraa.~iry by a xxiradex?ates at~terrx~;xxt ap~lli.n~ vu,t ttx~s evc~luti~~i nt I~:.~,rpCiar~-Soviet fr;ezaci~hip anxi tha pc~inta can wl7ieh ~~ypt%an:s and Sow'iets had aiffexed withixx t~~e contest cif friendship. )~a~s~:d pan that c~~~.nzaxza~, ti7~~rinr.i*ti.t airLtR t~f differerxce wi4:h tk~e Sovi~:ts itierxti!~:c~c~ b t_~~u~~C caercxxz~ tcz bav an.._thcse three; 1. &~~ ic~~catifiec~ ~ ~eaer~l diff~:rerzc~ n~~rt~fae~s,, n~ta~~ rt:hat such differences are zxatura~l. "i-x~ s~bct at c}r.~ iac>zxat tk!at the Suwiet Uniaxx is ~ bid Mate vvixich hay ~. c~rc~xid xo~~ tivh.ich ~~yiat cannot ~~nore. Y~Ixil~ Sadat seexnec3 re3~;~cd about this poizxt e~:x?Ay in his staterx~nt, later it ~cerrxa to have '~~c~~nrxx: a pcxs~eibie i~taiaxt cf irri- t~.tiarx. Hm rxot~e that the rleci~asaraa a.nn?xuxxccd gresterctmy were x~zxa.cte ~'C~~ S~f;R~T`J~4P~~'Y ~ft~ .........._-. a _.,.........~ No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/27 : LOC-HAK-542-14-9-5 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/27 : LOC-HAK-542-14-9-5 TtJ1' SECIIE'1'/~COL~E~"DFt~S after Egypt had received[ tie Soviet ex,gl:~.nation sheaf the ~,TS-U xSIZ talk. lic iax ~~iaa~aly fcarsz tiYn~e ~us~-rrrxit tr~lk~ will load to a 1.S5-:savict c~.iidt~raGandin~ tta ~reeae the T~iddlcs East eituatian. One paia~t the l,S~-~~=;ili ~urx-~rxait a.y I.~.a.v~: l~rntz~ht hcaa~ to Sad~.t is~ tha;t th~~ wiaviet~ swill not suppoxt ~ military ~olutios~.. ~? Sadat sxat~~ tan sa~veral acca~ioxx~ dit'fere~nccss avcx tae kind of arxxaannent ~+nd the li~:~in~ of ?trrxa~ cl~liv~:ries. F-l~: al~ca ~a,ys thaat h~ re,j~cted rcp~~t~cily any rc~trictiasx~ b~:ir~~ pl~.c;~d oz~ the u+sa of arms Ly E~ylst. '.~hi~ scc~ to r~:icr to the aftcrz mer~- tioned EF~YFtian frus~tratinrx at ~~ot f:'ciia~ aly1~ ka ,~~t ~ x~uch a,cvances~ w~r~aponzy ~.~ it warzt~. h~c~re f~raaaxCant, ba~~rcver, fl. ~y yell r~~~r tc~ tl~ pa~~ii,l.:: f:~ct tine prc~ence of Se~viet aclvi~~ra~ with ~:Yi~9:i~ra uni,ta c~-~altl s~rv~ .~ a Soviet l~x~,ke on ~g~y~~ia~ af?er~~iva ~?~av~~,~:nts. >~~~~t ~v~~:za ~ay~ th?~t ~c~vi~t to delivre~a r~i~roci~ic tyg~t~s of ~reap~ar~~ an the ti~nct.ab2e which he had laid dcao~rrx vs?re res~~ta~a~ilal~ ~'ar hip inabiiity to ~~~ak~ T'~7'i a t'y~ear of dc~i~icsxa. E~ 3. At a c~ra.~h la~~r~ r level of ipartancc, Ism rsat~~ tlaa~t then ]exrlarzese~ incidcnt.~ frz , Gil l~'7~ -- reva*l~~tic~n cif ;ac~vit ~xax~gort tar ~. ca+xp -.,.. a.~ain~t tf~,~ ::wu.dar~~~~ ~'r~r~i.c7~x .t -- lxad t~rngi~raxiiy affected ~~y,~ti.s:x? Soviet r~latiara~. ~~~ac3at ~ay~ t.ha~ he slid suc~cc~:d in. sz~~oathing cav~:r tha~tt clif?eren~e~f la~xt ~e ?~llu~icaxx fxa~ br~aa~~r coaan~aE~tic+~x~ since it would refer to cii~Cf~x~n.ces~ lx~.t~ve~n the ,'laviet d~~ira~ to use EYpt fvx epa~.din~ Savict i~xfYti~c~ncr~ ti7e rvl.idclie East and the r3e~ire of atiaer Arabs like tk~e Lilayaz~:g, Syria~~a and Sast~dis tex ~~ S~vi~t inf~tuax~e~ xeatricted. It ahauld be xxzer~tian~d that, apart Frain th~r r~f~-r~nce~ tv thm US-"E7~~SR, S~.dat ag~parentl,y toalc ar~ly one pat~~in~ rs~vvip~ a.t i7S stxpgort fax Tsrael.i r~bstinancy ,- mt it~a~st acrnxdize~ tp tine Officiai ~exxxltia.a~t'y. S~.dat cloesed with a reitera~tiart that trie~e eacticaua will nvt po~tpQne the+ hattlm v~+ith I~xael. F~~ said that i~a h~sd ne~r~x intended that tJ~a ~+avtct acfviscrs lee used in tl1~t battle. lie: aiftxna~d k.t:~.t h~ elae~ nvt seek a con,frantation laetv~aeeta the ~~c~vi~t C]'~ican ar~d the LTuited Stats~e~? The 1:3acktirtsund df aada.t'~ ~e-ci?~ian Tc~ put these deci~iore~ ix~ caritesct, it i~ warth noting the following eiexxsr~nte in E~yptiaxY tbinkin~r aver the last few x~nonth~: T ~..J ~ 57L' ~.,/ ~ ~ ~:~ .41 ~ 4~/ L.d d.J1`.r 1f~! \.JLt 1J - -__ - __ __ .,~...nrr....~r.., No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/27 : LOC-HAK-542-14-9-5 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/27 : LOC-HAK-542-14-9-5 _ ~ ,! ,. '1'pl' S~CR~T/GC~]~~.~~'OLtD ~., Lt has been sppa.rr~sat in. tlae Laat t~racs rx~ax~th~ t&iat the ~'~y~tiana hive rer~i~xrxed t.e~ the. f:~,ct th~.t tk7er~ w~~ill ~~ I.iet1~ c~a~alori~~tic ~::~yy~^xx~a aF csrt tha~ 1',~::xt~wisr~e}.x '..~~ ~"h,i,a x~~~si~na.tic~tx px c~Uloin y~ r ~~c~~?.E>~? c~sf ti:~ ;~;;: c.lecti.~~n~. }~e~an tc~ appoar a.~' +~aa?1y ~.~ }r~acaar trii~~tcs ~=eiri~~~; aztta folla~ra~d tkzrprxgh your ~~!La~ccsw trim. irx .Tung, they ~,uiet~y turned a~tir3c~ th.e~ lxxvita.tian ~~~cretary L:csgYera h~~ hacl a:~ t~~.e t~sU1.e six~oe ~"cbx-uary to join itx ~'prc~~cirnity" talks ~.~ith iarael on a.n itxterixx~ settlexx~.ent at this tixx~e, ita ~ rxladrd of depres~sic~t~ ~verr'ulfilled i13S prorxaiaree of la?~t y~ax? and re~in~atiaez tlsat khe CAS won't pre~sur~ Israa~l t~efaarei~avexr.~c~r. 2. .Des~aite this ~.r~~are~a 1~.(w't~1K~ei (~.~ ~'t~J'J~I t~7 ~V[: the ~ _ caLctxl~ati~an, S a.~iat his faced l ;~.T~lt~~,~~?~` ~~-~r~ss~~~ae a. ~"l~.xr1GltM,!~..' ..~~ i~S,.`,ti' tt'iixf3 ~13:.~1 17, t`,~;J?~L ~ ~'?C3~~ ~{'~T ~ix~zd ~~aliic~wi y~rr~?~ic'xr+ ~'ox? a~i~~-a~.. k~"~ a~.stx'~[;i.oc~ r~~'E.r t:~r~ i~aolc c~~ x~o?~ex~~z~i t~x~ Lkae d~ya?c~tr-~i:~x?~~~~#a. Ar~~au~ Fx~~ he~~~. I~i~;ia in C~ares, ~~td u? this censti.tutes~a ~,r,x~:~n.t tin ::>~ac:at'~a policy. T~~~y,~ti~r.~s have n.atu.zal praclivii:y far fincfira,~, sc:~l:~t~~:~a~-ts, ~,n;ci ;~~~ad~,t waxy a lyrlxx~,e c~x-~dida.te. `~"lae cz?itici~xxa ~n Lael~: cif xx~.exr exa-~ei~t r.a.~:x~.a frara~z three ca~r~~xex~r: ga) `,i'~.sure l~s.e ~}~~ra criti~:irrxx froxr~ t);ae ailit~.x?y eitii~:r fc-r his xxc~t havi~~~ i~:~t &he e~~u.ipxrient fr~am the L.~~~S~ that =~~auld x~~ake it ga~siblc: tc- fight israk eftcctively or hec;aca~c~ they xeserat ~x~easiv+~ presence in thc;ir u:rxits. (b) `Where ~~.;~~ lcan~ beeri c~t~ti.~tun ~:man~ ~;,~yptian civilian L~e~dex?+~ abut t.~a ~"~ir~:t.ia~ x~~~w ticsr~ship wfth the USSX~'. (~) ~:herw Laas 1~eera stud?nt criticisrrx oaf Sad~t',a 3, It has Yeen convetaicnt for Saclat to blax-r~.e the US anal the ~JSSR. for th3,s Lacy c,f nxc~; ez:`~;~nt. Tx~ l~~a px?evir~u~ly rc3~ vexy strc~n~ pcabl.ic: ~t~t~m~ntsi on hc~.v tl~e U xxsir~led lzirxa a~xd Lit hixcz dc:~w>a, last y~ax. Thin wreak h~ bl~ar~~xed tl~.~ `~aviet Ucaitsxa far Lick of ars.ovex~xxesxt. Sadat said that the a.rxx~s he had roc;~cr~ted c:id nQt ;arxiva in L?irxxe in. 171 tc~ take d~:ci~i~re ;~etiora. 'Ihtyn c~th~r de~relc~pxx~ents such ~~ the South a4~ian war and the TJS-U~~:::~ sun^~rr2it ~:~~rther preaccup~iecl the Soviets. He also lxxxpll~d that the Scsviets ha~re tried tra place Limitations a~a the a,x?rntt that tlY~.y xx~ve r.~ulalsli~td aT~d ha~v~ root lsrovicled X11, klv arras requested. TQTw7 ~C~.I~'T/~C?DTrai~~QT'tZ~ No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/27 : LOC-HAK-542-14-9-5 ; No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/27 : LOC-HAK-542-14-9-5 TCyI~ ~k~C2~.ET/GQE~EVI~Q~~ 4. The C3S~i3~R s~a~7sit cE~nffrxz~ctl the ~~xa~e tfa~it nathln~, wa.6~ ~_ Y._. -..._...?.._.__.w _._. -...~... -- - ~;csin~ kd ha~-~n Ord bz?ear;z~~1.at_ta a hc~r~cl r,~itici::',xxa. of t}.c~ .___~-~ Staviet rca~.e t~,at haci i.~~:4xx ~yaiaa~ vza in G~irc~ c~w~:n licfcxz?e^ti.e ataxx~;it. l~~ykal..~thc~ iz~?Yu~=n~ai. ~dikva~ a? ~J.p~~faz?t ~t~.~L'ct~~ax ~~~~k~ t~~~ E ~~~a~t~~r~ra~~ t~~ ~e~ x~n.s~c~aar~~. "?~~aa~ C c~~~~?`t ~ra~~xt ~.~a t?~: ~'~~~~~, a~~cr:;a~~~~c~ ~~ ~ r~% ~x~;~~ ~~~~~~~ its ?n~ti,sa~, ~~~'& ~~:~C" r'~.~{s'~$`~"k~a~."`~s~ &~~ .~Y~6p ~,~.y~`X' ~~~w R.`:.t,`~~w~.t~kyE" ~,s, f:3LIf$lt~l:$~ ~~i &]~C}~'~ d~~rr~r~ ~t ~:~~t t~~ f~~i~a;~ E~ ~ c~~ tk~ :~e~ra~,~:t ~.~~x~n t~ ~~:~it~r~ ~r~?~~~~e~ test ~~d ~~~a~ a~~at t~ ~W~~~wt ~r~r ~ ~~~at;~ r:~~~ :~~~ia ~~r~G~~l ~~rt~t. it ~ arc3 t~ ~its~rv^?~ tl~:~t tt~~ ~acxviCtE~ c~~a~ci ~~~w~ .t~~:i~t~dl tka~ ~vx~ea:~~n~~ m~c~ ~r~~a~~~ csf ;~~~8f+~ ~ct~a~~, ~~e.x t~zca:~~rlx t3~~r ~~~ ~x~~~z.~~~ S~svict..:~Y~ti~x~ ~x'i~tzarx~ s~~r~r ~~~:~~cc~r4r'~ x~tl.~t.~r ~a~e~~c~ ~af7d ~~~~strac~ dtxx~aa~ t~a~ ~~~t ~cv~r ~~;r~-t~~x. ~'~~ t>ta~t~?~~~s~..-~~za~~~ :~"~~ - ~nr~.ncatxn~~~t ~rraa~~c~ t.r~c~i~~at~ tf7~t t~~ Sr~vi~tt~ ire ~arrr~~~~.y ~c~~a~a~,~~ir~~ ~ia~- &b~~ ~~x~ ~t ~tt~~x tc~R r~~~ar ~~~ 4i31T7c"?`~"~$' L'~ll~~ii31~.t u~* wZ~X"~ff2 y ~i;3 ~~A~" ~'~r4'7C'~,G~ ~GY ~3~1~~ ~~~~re~ a p~ri~t~?~ ~t~w tts te~~lr ~~xcrst.asr ~.'~.~~ c~~creat.~ e~m t~ ~r~'~^~rt r~~~;c~a7s~a~~ ~a~f.ti~~l~,. ~~ ;:~;~~u~~~~ ~~t~ ~e~r cs~ee:~~.xi~a~ii~ars `:~ ~ ~n~ tom. u~te tlavs~ con~ultaei~~t3 ~~ k~ w~~* L?t~ tip t~ ~r~Y~'i~gr~~ exp ~r~ ta~~,:~c~t?s.~tio~x~r c~~ t~i~ ~e~x:ic~ ~f ~iEtx:zy~~rv~.~o ~ia~ir~ t~ t~i~ ~? ~" tea ~s~~~r~~ t~~ x~t~t ~e~s~eatl~k ~~sp~:ct~ ~i LFa~:~r c~rr~rt Z~r~?~~ra~~s ire tkx~ ~~nda C~~t~td~ ~~ ~~~~t Et~~~~, t~~ ~eavi.~t~+ ~~~~ ~~acz~tt~ c~~a~nE~~~ ~~ r~3n~r~i,n,~ fir :~rf~~ft~x'r~,re~z~xt t~~c:t. ~I~ofxa, t~i.~g~a~ ~~~~, ~~ ~ ~az~~r a~ r~xx~c~r~~trati:z E~~~tt `;+~~d~tr~,~ ~~~i~;i.~~. ~,ri~k ~a~t ~~~~ t~+~axz fires, t~ ~~~Y ,~ ri~~i~xv~ t~l~' axe tlx+~ ~r~~. .T~~r~awt~;~, ts~~, ttz~~ .~s1~ ~a~ i~~~:t Yi"x~7~' ~~:~litic~i ~tfi~~skiaz~ tca tkas :t~~~rsiar~ calf ~~2~t1?'~, r~rx ~~ tc~ ~tr.nt~~~. t~r::tr c~t~~:r ~~ti~,ao~.c~s ~aa~ t~~ ~ r~~ vrc~rl.~.. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/27 : LOC-HAK-542-14-9-5 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/27 : LOC-HAK-542-14-9-5 ! ,, Trr~sp~ct~tr~ ~? t~.c~vra 7C~~.~~~a~~ ?&r~.lX~ ~~~~~ ~~,s~~t'~ ~~~~t~r~ x~ ~ r~?'t' t~ ~~x~~L~a~v. ~ha ~~~ i~~ e~~ k~~t ?;~,~~:~~cl putic~. ~~t t~~ ~~-~r~~~~~~. Its mc~t ~t ~t~in~ of ~su~cr~F~a~~s; rs~~~"a:a~,~' ~ ~~~vii~~ ~~ ~r~i~~a~ ~if~~~~ ~~,~ ~~ tr~~t;x~~ ?~rit~~ 1`ti'~~~ C:~r~x-r~~~~, ~cx #~~.~ ~z~~~~p ~~ ~t:t~~~k ~~~r~~k~~ ~3y s~~s~~ t~i~ ~ra~r~s ~aea3tic~ra. ~~er~ ~at~a~ ~..`ti~~ D~~~ ~~ fc~sE ~~~~r ~'iak Sao ~~~a~ ~i:~:e~~t, ~ ,.~~un~~ar~rin~~a:71~9/7Z _ No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/27 : LOC-HAK-542-14-9-5