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April 28, 1975
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I tJ 4 fz85 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2013/03/20: LOC-HAK-531-6-4-1 , r h VlC Ci~ISM . EVptGOf~Tlt*3 G~l.lNU~S NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL MEETING April 28, 1975 Roosevelt Room 7: 23 8:08 p. m. Participants: President Ford Vice President Rockefeller Secretary of State Kissinger Secretary of Defense Schlesinger Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, General George S. Brown Director of Central Intelligence William Colby Deputy Secretary of State Robert Ingersoll Deputy Secretary of Defense William Cl ements Lt. General Brent Scowcroft, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs W. R. Smyser, Senior Staff Member, National Security Council NSS, DOS, OSD, DIA, JCS reviews completed. No Objection to Declassification in Full 2013/03/20: LOC-HAK-531-6-4-1 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2013/03/20: LOC-HAK-531-6-4-1 TQP President: Brent Scowcroft this afternoon brought me the report that two Marines had been lost, so I felt we should convene the National Security Council to discuss the situation in Saigon. Who can bring us up-to-date? Colby: I think I can. What has happened is that the Viet Cong have rejected Minh's cease- fire offer. They have now added a third demand, which is to dis- mantle the South Vietnamese armed forces. Bien Hoa is in the process of falling. The Viet Cong have cut off the road to the Delta and are advancing on Vung Tau. It is a very dangerous situation. The North Vietnamese are bringing artillery within range of Tan Son Nhut airport. At 4:00 a. m. they had a salvo of rockets against Tan Son Nhut. This is what killed the Marines. This salvo was followed by 130 millimeter artillery fire. Some of this artillery fire hit the American side, not the Vietnamese side like last night. Three aircraft have been shot down. All are Vietnamese. They include a C-119, an A-1, and an A-37 helicopter. The latter was shot down by an SA-7 missile. The presence of these missiles increases the risk factor greatly. President: Has the rocket and the other fire now stopped? Colby: No. It's continuing. Schlesinixer The latest information is that there is still artillery fire against the airport. A flight of C-130's is going in to take out the DAO (Defense Attache Office). They hope to be able to land, but they can be waved off by a controller on the ground if it is unwise. North Vietnamese ground forces are one kilometer from Tan Son Nhut and advancing. Colby: Those forces are of platoon strength, perhaps one or two platoons. President: We should not predicate our judgments on two platoons. How many people is that?