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No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/03: LOC-HAK-489-2-17-9 TOP S.FrefrgIT MEMORANDUM FOR: THE FILES SUBJECT: OSD Review Completed ? INFORMATION ? 5260 ? July 3, 1972 ? Minutes of the Indochina Ad Hoc Group Meeting of June 28, 1972 State Dept. review completed U.S. Forces in Thailand MORI C05077835 Ambassador Sullivan noted that in connection with our announcement of troop reductions, the principal fallout will be on how many of these troops are going to Thailand. He noticed that Defense is getting together a package on th.e actual troop strength in Thailand. He noted that we are in somewhat of a bind with the Thai over the U.S. troop ceiling, since there are now 49,000 troops in Thailand. He added that we must make our public relations posture clear. Although this is a self-imposed ceiling, we have announced it jointly with the Thai. Haig 1' tip to "Vietnam and Cambodia Ambassador Sullivan announced that General Haig was going to Vietnam and Cambodia for an appraisal of the situation. He noted that the new South Vietnamese Ambassador attached great significance to this trip so perhaps Saigon will come to the same conclusion. ON-FILE NSC RELEASE INSTRUCTIONS APPLY Paris Talks ? Ambassador Sullivan reported that there had not been any requests that week for a meeting in Paris. He attributed this to the fact that there are probably now meetings in Hanoi to decide the future military and diplomatic strategy; he also noted that Pham Van Dong is reportedly ill. Pentagon Papers Ambassador Sullivan stated that now that the 4 volumes of the Pentagon Papers have been released, he has asked Mr. Askew to check to see if there are any complaints from other countries-the British have already launched their complaints in advance. In any case, he added, this more or less "shoots our case, that revelation of these documents would be a diplomatic disaster." TOP ET No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/03: LOC-HAK-489-2-17-9 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/03: LOC-HAK-489-2-17-9 TOP SECRET 2 Situation in Congress Ambassador Sullivan noted that the general trend in Congress has been favorable, and noted the defeat of the most recent end-the-war amendment. Mr. Nooter observed that the security mark-up in support assistance level is pretty good although there has been some ear-marking of support assistance funds for refugees, and so forth. Ramsey Clark Invited to North Vietnam Ambassador Sullivan reported that Ramsey Clark had been invited to North Vietnam to inspect the effects of U.S. bombing, especially on the dikes. Ambassador Sullivan said that it is hard to judge how much effect Hanoi's propaganda on alleged U.S. bombing of dikes will have on U.S. public opinion. He noted that publication of the latest list of U.S. POW's released by Hanoi drifted away without much public notice. Payment of Third Country Troops Mr. Nooter noted that there is presently a GAO report out on the payment of third couxttry troops. He opined that this could open up the whole subject. French Meddling in the Negotiations Ambassador Sullivan said that he was authorized to send out a cable instructing the Embassy in Paris to convey to the French our displeasure over Foreign Minister Schuxnann's latest suggestion that a cease-fire and the formation of a coalition government might be carried out simultaneously. Hanoi's Capabilities for Carrying on the War response (CIA) described replies that had been prepared by CIA in to NSC questions on the capability of Hanoi to carry on the war. noted that according to these responses, Hanoi has the capability ot meeting its minimum economic and military requirements and that we would not be able to stop the flow of military supplies to the front. He noted, however, that the replies were more optimistic on the impact of allied operations on Communist troops in the South. It stated that close to half of these troops had been hurt quite badly in the offensive. Mr. Stearman noted that CIA replies excluded all food imports in the No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/03: LOC-HAK-489-2-17-9 S TAT S TAT No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/03: LOC-HAK-489-2-17-9 TOP SECRET minimum required imports, whereas normally the North Vietnamese have to import at least 400,000 tons of food a year. Ambassador Sullivan added this is why Hanoi is so sensitive about the possibility of floods this year -- and this is why they would try to shift the blame for such floods on us. Laos Rainy Season Planning Colonel Brady noted that the Mission submission on plans for the rainy season lacked the specifics and definitions DOD would like to see. DOD is still reviewing the proposed schemes for southern operations and finds them somewhat ambitious and doubts that Laotian forces have the capability of carrying them out. (CIA) said that one can't compare this STAT plan with the one submitted last year. Last year's was more realistic; whereas, this year's was a bit overwhelming. Moreover, he asked, how force structure plans could be implemented, given these projected dry- season operations. Mr. Pratt felt that we did not have to make any comments on the wet season plan since there was really nothing very "outrageous" in the plan. Symington Ceiling ? Mr. Sullivan asked whether or not we were going to stay within the Symington Ceiling limits this year. Mr. Pratt said that we will be within the ceiling. Colonel Brady added that it looks like we might be as much as 9 million dollars under the overall ceiling. He later added that arrange- ments would probably be made to spend more than this by the time the authorities ran out for FY 1972. Military Region 2 Plans Mr. Pratt reported that a message is going out to Vientiane saying that we received a different version of the MR 2 plan from Vang Pao (who was recently in Washington) than we have received from the Mission. More- over, we would like to have it made clear how this plan is to be budgeted. Colonel Brady observed that there seems to be an over-emphasis on rebuilding installations at Long Tieng. Cambodia Ambassador Sullivan said that Representative Morgan was trying for a 320 million dollar appropriation by dropping PL 480. TOP SECRET No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/03: LOC-HAK-489-2-17-9 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/03: LOC-HAK-489-2-17-9 c, TOP SECRET Personnel Ceilings Ambassador Sullivan said that the issue of whether .or not TDY personnel should he included under the Phnom Penh personnel ceiling would have to go back to the State Department lawyers for resolution. Mr. Stearman said that the NSC opposed including TIDY personnel under the ceiling and that if the Department had difficulties resolving this issue, they could refer it to the NSC. He also .said that the NSC supports Defense's. position on the senaing of two individuals to Phnorri Penh to help the. FANK with personnel problems. Colonel Brady added that this sort of thing has been- done before and authorized personnel have not been designated as advisors. Therefore he saw no particular problems with sending these ,two personnel specialists out to. Phnom Penh, ? (The State lawyers oppose this .because they believe that these Iwo individuals would meet the require- ments of advisors and therefore should not be allowed to be sent to Phnom Penh.) Radio Phnom Penh Colonel Brady noted that Radio Phnom Perth has been out of commission since March 21, Mr. Hayes (USIA) said the equipment for the radio has been on order and is to be delivered by mid-July. This equipment is designed to get the 120 watt transmitter back on the air. The problem is, he added, that personnel is needed to install the equipment. It is not yet clear whether this personnel will be provided by AID Or the Australians. TOP SECRET No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/04/03_ : LOC-HAK-489-2-17-9