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March 9, 1973
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No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19 : LOC-HAK-475-1-8-5 ~1 t ~ vi r 7 .TOP SECRET~SENSTTTVE~EXCLUSIVELY EYES ONLY ON-FILE NSC RELEASE INSTRUCTIONS APPLY PARTICIPANTS: Ambassador Rabin T~enry A. Kissinger Peter, NSG Sta?f (~f~+yj 4J J~~`` DATE ANI] TIME: March 9, 1973 6:00 - b:20 p. xn. P.~:,AGE: The Map Roam Dr. Kissinger: 'Wh.en do you leave? Axnb. Rabin.: 'I'anzorraw night. Dr. Kissinger: ,Really! Amb, Rabin:. It's tixn.e to go home! Dr. Kissin er: Ydu are ante a? the ?ew people T will gesauinely nniss. I dan~t say this just to be polite, Yaur successor is not ia2 your league, frankly. Tell. him whs.t we donut need is a clever Israeli.. S mean, you are clever bat steady. _ Amb. Rabin: 5~'au want zne to tell hint this. Dr. Kissinger; Tell hixn don't be cute, don't try to xx~neuver arov.rzd fawn. You were reliable. Azxzb: Rabin; I maneuvered when I had ta! If you ask me what I worry about, it is the pxeparatfon ?or the Summit--the Middle East an one side and M'E'N. Ar, Kissinger I tell you, if the ~'ewish cona~xnux~ity blacks MFN, ;there will. be violent reaction from the President. Amb, Rabin: 1 keep telling them. at hoxx~.e, the .security grablexn anal ..the au arie~l s not the issue. Relations with the U. S. and -the whale TOP SEC. ET N ITI~TE EXCLUSI"~TELY EYES ONLY CL~'zSSl~=1~~ bY: N~i~~Y ~. d'i.:3ait~~~~t No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19 : LOC-HAK-475-1-8-5 - _._ ,....._~._ _.~__~,.-,,..,.......rr-,,. ., T No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19 : LOC-HAK-475-1-8-5 philosophical problem,: is the real issue we will ?ace., 3f the President had not raised it with the Prime Minister, she would not have realised it. Dr. Kissinger: ,Does she realize it now? Amb, Rabin: Z think sa. X will tell xxzy ,successor this is what b.e will face.. Dr. Kissinger: Did you see Marquis Childs. today? Axnb.. Rabin: Yes, and .the. Jackson people. have ?4 Senators. Dr. Kissin,~ex: ~ I were, the Israeli Ambassador Z would pray to lose this o Axnb. Rabin: Z will tell m?y successor this is what he will face. On the aircraft, Rogexs called Mrs, Meir and repeated the cornnzitxnent, Dr. Kissinger: I told you all that. Axzzb. Rabin: Yes, but it was a. .good call. I got it in writing on pracluctian now, There ie no clear-cut definition of what and what. Sut I lunched with Sisco, X asked him, "Are you going to sue it fox blackmail?" He said, 'There is no politics, this. is the spirit of the instrtxc: ticrns from. the VtThite Haase. r' !Dn the planes,. he had nothi~.g in writing, but he xepeated the cammitam.ent. Sisco said they were working on a projection for more A than two years ahEad. Dr. Kissix~.~er: Z told hixn to do that. Amb, Rabin: So it wvould take a few more ~vrueeks to do, I said fine. On the political issue, what will happen? Dr. Kissinger: That's what I want to talk to you about. ~ told you what the situation is. Arnb. Rabic:: Y understand it, I understand it. 3.7r. Kiss,ix~~er: Does she understand it? Amb, Rabin: Yes, .:she understands. Dr. Kissiaa.~e~: I have briefed you; twice. Arno. Rabin: Yes. TCP 5ECRE SENSITIVE EXCLUSIVELY EYES ONLY No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19 : LOC-HAK-475-1-8-5 T No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19 : LOC-HAK-475-1-8-5 25X1 Dr. Kissinger:. You must not squander it. I have now defused .the issue for you. When thexe is a Summit-- it will probably be in dune; this is far your information only. Dobrynin came back and brought great pressure on the Middle .East. I used the Egyptian thing against him: "The. Egyptians don.'t want you in it. As long! as we are talking to the Egyptians, we can't get into detailed negotiations with you without total confusion., ~' But they put it at the top o? ta.e agenda. ]Or. Kissinger: Trade they regard as already settled. It;'s our obligation now, 25X1 .Amb. Rabin: Higher than trade? Amb. Rabin: Yes. .You might take a Iaok at it. Rabin reads it. ,This dbesn't mean anything in itself, ,but... [Rabin continues xeading, and hands. it back. x i s'n er? et rx~e sho au the. "mpressions of Let xne tell you. what xny thinking is. Amb. Rabin: I understood you, would like, . Dr. Kissi~er: I would like to have came aut? of the surxzmit the same. principles that caxrae out of Moscow---or better ones. I would like to sell 'them the same principles again. .But this time they may have to be public. 'This is an excuse, .first of all, to stay outs of detailed negotiations, and it could be an excuse far. you.and the Egyptians to have an interim, agreement. This will tape us through the fall, Then, given their reluctance to have full peace, we can have interim security arxangexnents~-which I tried to tell them, and if we can believe this, has at. least sunk in. This takes u.s to 1974. Amb. Rabin: What we lose i:~ the comxraitxnent of the United States to the sovereig;raa?ty of Egypt. You use to say "rectificati:on" in your principles. Knowing Egypt, rectification means no Gamma. The ~xime Ministex asked you and she asked me--what: do the Russians have an the Arxiericans? .What is it they have on you? Dr, Kissinger:. ~ar.Ambassadar, you will lose something.. But you will, .gain tin-~e. You wi11 not be able to maintain far "the next four years the position that you caxr do nothing, that you can dust stay whexe ynu are. Z T C1P SECRET SENSITIVE. EXCI.,USIVELY EYE5 ONLY No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19 : LOC-HAK-475-1-8-5 '~"OP_S_E_CRETjS~I~~STT~~J'E/EXCLUSXVELY EYES ONLY -4- No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19 : LOC-HAK-475-1-8-5 am being hit Pram every direction. When I get hit this much,. it means the President is being hit ten times as much. Sint you cax~ txy the gamble. Arx~;b. Rabin: To `came with principles publicly, say ,duly arAugust, will . be very unpleasant to the Prime Minister. That is two ox three months before our election. Dr. Kissinger: There is no countervaili.n,g influence on t}ie President. The only thing restraining things, is the belief that T will carne up with some solution. Arnb. Rabin: But there is the belief that the U, S. has to make a serious effort to find a soaution. . Dr. Kissinger: Nothing will happen until April.' IO when Ismail comes hack.. He has never dealt with m.e; T can make him feel he's part o? a profound agexation. I ca.n use hire to kill. the Gromyko talks but not to kill. everything. You can corrxe in tomorrow to xead th.xough the transcripts.. Yau will see ..that Z just asked questions and evaded answers. Ore thing which you should tell your successor he should not dcs is try to check up on xx~e around town, or try to be clever. Amb. Rabin; ?h no, we knave your role, The Prime Minister knows your rate. And we have no xeason to destroy the one channel we can rely Vin. Dr, Kissinger: Yes, but. Dayan, .for example, thixaks he can rxaanigulate everybody, Axrib. Rabin; One .question, the Prime Minister wanted to raise with yaex is Africa. Houphauet-Baigny sent a message to hex saying that Africa will be lost unless the U. S. will da something. Dr, Kissin~~:x: `He is coming here and the President will see him.. Amb. Rabin, 5o everything is fine,; Fox the next ten~rt~nea.tes Dr. Kissinger and the Ambas.sadox conferred alone, End of Merxxcon .TOP SECRET/SEA3'STTTVE/EXCLUSIVELY EYES ONLY Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/12/19 : LOC-HAK-475-1-8-5