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w.: i C 1'S~ C.. ^A-k ~L VbV, No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/02120 m I r'-HAK-459-5-5-2 .n> -- ; y L Lt" , I L C.-/ , Q S c h ~-or~ lp NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL ACTION June 13, 1970 MEMORANDUM FOR DR. KISSINGER FROM: John H. Holdridge SUBJECT: Actions on Cambodia The report for the President of actions on Cambodia through 6:00 p.m. June 12 is enclosed. The reports submitted by State, Defense, and CIA are at Tabs for your information. That you forward the report at Tab A to the President. JCS, NSA, DIA, OSD, NSS, DOS reviews completed. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/02/20: LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2 C Tc-- ~4 k - P~ hZ-t o No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/02/20: LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2 MEMORANDUM WASHINGTON INFORMATION TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Henry A. Kissinger SUBJECT: Actions on Cambodia The following is a report on actions taken or underway on Cambodia through 6:00 p.m. last night. Military Operations: Search and clear operations netted one small cache. There were two significant engagements. Foreign Lon Nol has told the press that five Thai T-28s have been loaned to the GOC, and that Thai troops are "on the way. In fact, Thanat and Praphat Thursday reversed their field and indicated publicly that Thai troops might be sent; our discussions with the Thai have not yet resulted in a definite agreement, but they now seem prepared to put a Black Panther battalion into the Phnom Penh area even without U. S. allowances and logistic support. -- The RLG has covertly sent a token shipment of 447 carbines and other weapons to the GOC. -- Shortage of recruits required that there be only two additional Khmer Krom battalions. Target date for their readiness has slipped to July 14 or before. - Arrangements have been made with the GOC to give them 40 trucks, to be driven to Phnom Penh about June 25. Internal: The enemy strategy seems to be to harass or deny communi- cations into Phnom Penh. Kompong Speu, astride Route 4 to Sihanouk- ville, is under attack. An attack is expected on Kompong Chhnang, on Route 5 to the Thai border. -- Pressure on Siem Reap eased, though some VC/NVA forces are reported dug in at Angkor Wat -- presumably recognizing that they will not be attacked there. -- Some shellings of Tonle Bet and Kompong Chain. Enemy move- ments reported in the environs of Phnom Penh. TC D CT: C UL"-r/Ct'7~ToTmr 7L~ No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/02/20: LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2 Z, 7 ~-h1K -AAz kk'),,. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/02/20: LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2 ' 'a DEPARTM ENT 01 STATE TOP SECRET/NODIS/KHMER June 12, 1970 l'4EMORANDUM FOR MR. HENRY A. KISSINGER THE WHITE HOUSE Subject: Daily Report on Cambodia No. 48 Military and Economic Assistance 1. FANK Request for Supplies at Bung Lung (Labansiek). Embassy Phnom Penh June 12 requested immediate grant on an emergency basis, without charging cost to MAP, of the request by Cambodian general at Bung Lung for ammunition, equipment and food. DATT had visited the scene and verified the need for the items requested. The FANK director of logistics had approved the request and assured DATT that he would ensure FANK's compliance in the future with MACV's requirement that future requests pass through DATT and that field requirements be related to identified lines in the MAP program. 2. Cache Identification. An Indonesian officer has told the Charge in Djakarta that Les Kossem had information on arms and ammunition caches well inside the Cambodian northeast provinces but that he was unwilling to give this information to GOC or GVN for fear of being accused of being pro-VC. The Indonesian knew that one of Kossem's officers was working with MACV in current operations and was uncertain whether this meant all of Kossem's information had been turned over. 3. Bandung Munitions Factory. The Indonesians hoped to have an answer June 13 to our request to send technicians in on the Bandung factory project. 4. Trucks for Cambodia. The Charge and ARMA have informed General Sak Sutsakhan of the planned delivery of 40 M35A2 trucks and the proposed training of drivers and mechanics. The general agreed to ask ARVN to start the training effort and to have 50 drivers and 5 mechanics ready to leave Phnom Penh June 16. The Embassy will ask VNAF to fly the men to Vietnam. FANK will be responsible for the convoy when it reaches Neak Luong. TOP SECRET/NODIS/KHMER No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/02/20: LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/02/20: LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2 w TOP SECRET/NODIS,[KHMER 2. 5. Further Employment of Khmer Krom. GVN cessation of recruiting requires reconfiguring the proposed 3 battalions into 2 battalions of Khmer Krom. General Vien prefers to commit them directly to Phnom Penh and General Abrams concurs. General Abrams proposes to train the men in SVN rather than in the Parrot's Beak and to deploy them to Phnom Penh as soon as possible after July 1 and not later than July 14. Cost where possible will be met out of FY 70 MAP, addon funds and/or programed into FY 71 MAP. General Abrams has requested approval of this proposal. 6. Possible Australian Assistance in Improving GOC Broadcasting Capabilities. The Australian Ambassador is expecting the visit of a high-ranking expert in the radio broadcasting field. However, he is notifying Canberra that unless GOA is prepared to follow this visit with an offer of concrete assistance, he would prefer to omit the visit. He strongly favors assisting Cambodia in this field. Diplomatic 1. Historic Monuments. U Thant told Ambassador Yost June 11 that he believed damage to sites such as Angkor Wat was more likely to occur from aerial bombing than from ground action and that he hoped the U. S. would avoid any attacks on such sites. Yost replied that the U. S. had already indicated its operations in Cambodia would be limited to approximately 20 miles beyond the Vietnam frontier and pointed out that Angkor Wat was several hundred miles distant. Moreover, U. S. forces operate under standing orders to take protection of cultural monuments into account as much as possible in their operation. Ambassador Yost personally urged the Department that there be no bombing of the Angkor Wat complex by U. S. aircraft and that we insist to GVN and RTG that they not use any substantial weapons, aircraft or artillery against Angkor Wat. An instruction has been sent to the field on this subject. 2. ROK/GOC Relations. The Minister for Political Affairs in the ROK Saigon Embassy recently visited Phnom Penh to review the situation and make recommendations to Seoul regarding re-establishment of diplomatic relations. He has recommended delay in the actual establishment of an embassy until certain local problems, most1v administrative, can be clarified. He nevertheless believed his govern- ment wanted to move ahead in providing assistance to Cambodia and that the establishment of formal relations was not a precondition to progress in this effort. TOP SECRET/NODIS/KHMER No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/02/20: LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/02/20: LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2 TOP SECRET/NODIS/KHME! 0 25X1 3. Thai Parliamentary Delegation. The Thai delegation visited Phnom Penh June 11; met the President of the National Assembly; and received a briefing from the Deputy Chief of Staff. The latter asked them to work so that international opinion would know that Cambodia was fighting against aggression for its survival and that it lacked arms. Internal 1. Proposed Increase in Mission Size. Rives, after consultation with DATT reported that he assumed operations and intelligence personne to be assigned would restrict themselves to that field leaving the present DAO staff free to perform regular attache functions and assist the political-military counselor. Since operations are virtually limited to Phnom Penh because of insecurity in the country- side, he wondered if that many people were needed to work the limited sources available. In any event, the increase in size meant we would have to forget "low visibility. " It would also require the addition of 3 administrative positions, 2 file clerks, I secretary and 9 more locals. PATT would need I Army officer and either 1 secretary- stenographer or a warrant officer who could type. Rives pointed out that 3 SSO personnel are already on board in TDY status and are using the present communica- tions facilities as agree He reported 17 permanent Americans on board now plus 11 TDY and.5 Marines expected July I for a total of 33. Even without the proposed increase, he assumes he will eventually be instructed to talk to GOC on this subject and hopes to receive press guidance on how to explain the increase. 2. Rumors of Government Changes. The Embassy expects some sort of government change in the form of "widening" and "division of responsibilities. " The Embassy does not foresee major changes but feels that senior government figures are carrying too many government portfolios to manage effectively. For example, the Foreign Minister also holds Justice, Public Health, Social Welfare and Public Works portfolios. Press Briefing Department Spokesman's Comments. The Spokesman June 12 declined to comment on an AP report that half of Cambodia would be ceded to the communists. Asked the size of the Mission in Phnom Penh, he said he would provide the figures. Asked if we had military advisors with the Phnom Penh government, he said he did not want to use the word advisors but that our Mission was aware of what was going on militarily. ZZ, Theodore L. Eliot, Jr. Executive Secretary No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/02/20: LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/02/20: LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2 TUP EYES ONLY, THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON, D.G. 20301 June 12, 1970 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT Attached is the daily report you asked to be provided on the status of activities related to the situation in Cambodia. Attachment o Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/02/20: LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/02/20: LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2 0 .TOP SECRET--SENSITIVE--EYE'S ONLY 121600 EDT Jun 1970 A. MILITARY OPERATIONS 1.'US Support to RVNAF a. Ground. The following, artillery support (all calibers was provided in Cambodia during this period: Toan Thang 42 Than Thang 43 Toan Thang 45 Toan Thang 46 (BA 367/706) 263.rds (BA 352/353) 570 rds (BA 351) .0 rds (BA 350) 0 rds Cuu Long I (Riverine, BA 704/709) 0 rds Cuu Long III (BA 704) 0 rds 7 Binh Tay III (BA 740) 0 rds (1) The following tactical air sorties were pro- vided in Cambodia: Than Thang 42 Than Thang 43 Than Thang 45 & 46 Cuu Long 'I Cuu Long III Binh Tay III This Period Cumulative 0 22 1.,554. . 502 0 . ..o 0 0: . 2 . 265 (2) The following ARC LIGHT sorties were provided n Cambodia: This .Period Cumulative Than Thang 42 Toan Thang 43 Than Thang 45 Toan Thang 46 Cuu Long I .Cuu Long III Binh Tay III 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .315 85 .120 0 0 23`` TOP SECRET-SENSITIVE-EYES ONLY No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/02/20: LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/02/20: LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2 TOP SECRET-SENSITIVE-EYES ONLY 121600 EDT June 1970 c. Sea. The surveillance group off the port of Kompong Som (Sihanoukville) reported no contacts during the reporting period. 2 CAMBODIAN (KHMER KROM): a. Troops in Cambodia: 1,787 b. Total Supply of Special Items: 197,072 pounds ? B. MILITARY ASSISTANCE 1. Total Military Assistance a.. AK-4 s : 6,01. 8, rifles 134,050 rounds of ammunition b. M-2 CARBINES: 15.025 carbines 2 976,800 rounds of ammunition c.' 1000-MAN PACKS: A'total of 4 have been delivered d. UNIFORMS: e. AIR MUNITIONS: 114,904 lbs delivered 746. incendiary, anti-personnel, and napalm bombs; 454000 rounds of 50 caliber ammo; 762.75, inch rockets; and igniters f . MAPS : ?g. COMM EQUIP: 1,100 pounds 15 AN/PRC 25 radios b. TOTAL WEIGHT OF ALL CARGO AIR LIFTED (including special items for Khmer Krom but not including troops): 787,983 pounds : TOP SECRET-SENSITIVE-EYES ONLY 2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/02/20: LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/02/20: LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2 R TOP SECRET-SENSITIVE-EYES ONLY 1216.00 EDT June 1970 :C. PRESS POLICY There are no major public affairs problems or. significant developments today. Some members. of the press have begun to call to our attention the implication they have drawn from the words of several Administration officials to the effect that, while all of our forces will be out of Cambodia by the end of the month the "bulk" or "most" of them will be out . by the middle of the month. These reporters are noting that the middle of the month is upon us and looking for evidence that additional U.S. withdrawals have occurred. At the moment our statistics show only a slight down trend in our strength inside Cambodia. From the public. affairs point of view it is important that this down trend continue in a steady fashion so that we may meet the public expectations not only that all troops will be out on the 30th but that "most" of them will be out before that. D. CUMULATIVE TONNAGES Cumulative tonnages of captured enemy materiel as of 120400 EDT: Category Tonnages Food .6,3.84 Weapons 138. Ammunition 1,598 GRAND TOTAL . 8,12.0 TOP SECRET-SENSITIVE-EYES ONLY No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/02/20: LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/02/20: LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2 TOP SECRET-SENSITIVE Date Opn Base Started Area (EDT) 367/706 28 Apr (TT 42) 352/353 30 Apr (TT 43)- 354 (TT 44) 5 May Max.. No US No.. US Involved Involved in in' Cambodia Cambodia This This Opn Opn Now . 930 103700 2,300 370 6,ooo 0 3 51 45) 5 May 6,200 (TT 350 46) 5 May 19 5,800 Date as of 120400 EDT Date 1st US Units/ Peas Out 12 May .9 May 8- May 23 May 15 May 13 May 702 4 May 3, 869 --. 0 ` (Binh Tay I) 701 13 May 83 (Binh Tay II) 740 19 May 71 (Binh Tay III).. 704/709 8`May 2,313 (Cuu Long I) 704 16 May 86 ?Cuu Long II ) , (Cuu Long III) 28 May *'Date based on planned operation. Termination tactical situation. Phase I of Binh Tay III terminated. Planning for Phase II is.continuine TOP SECRET-SENSITIVE 26 May, **12 Jun 321 113 M y. 0 . 22 May 704 - 24 May 59 25'.. Date All 'US. To Be Out NLT 30 Jun NLT 30 Jun 14 May (Opn terminated) NLT 30 Jun NLT 30 Jun 24 May (Opn terminated) .27 May (Opn terminated) Actual or Planned Termination Date ' *20 May 70 29 Jun 70 14 May 70 30 Jun 70. .*12 May 70 24 May 70 27 May 70 30 Jun **12 Jun 70 NLT 30' Jun 30 Jun 70 24 May (Opn terminated) NLT 30 Jun 24 May 70 30 Jun 70 date subject to prevailir No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/02/20: LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2 A. LEVEL OF E#FOR (Pereonne No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/02/20: LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2 In Cambodia: RVNAF 24.145 US 12.529 In RVN s RVNAF 6,29S B. CUM.UTATIVE RESULTS (As of: 120400 EDT Jun 70 ) Cumulative totals shown include previously unreported 'adjustments, Enemy-KIA Enemy PW/DET ARYN tU ARVN' WIA US KLA Individual Wpns Captured . Crew-Served Wpns ? Captured *Rice (Tons) Rice (?;an/Months) !IPARROT' S BEA !1 BA 706/367 FISH HOOK. (BA 352) BIN H TAY II B!1 740 GIONG TO BA 351) HAC MA (BA 354 CUU LONG I' ' III BA 704/709 { CUU LONG BA 704) n V. ~_?,? `.. TEBN'ATED' GRAND, OP .:tATI0NS TOTAL . 2,512 2,403 137 944 55 1,116 216 2?,430 9,813 1,115 ? 283 3' 50 9 . 164 190 346 2,160 253 . ` 93 24 17 94 ? .27 126 634 ?'. 1,041 ?579 65 0 87 348 -. 118 583 2,821: .9?. 111 0. 104 0 6 0 56 236 65 ? 679 7 #238 0 4 1 249 . 1,243 1,809 4,559 586 2,335 317 2;661 505 3,395 16,X,67 457 117,.. 133 ? 3.55 31 142 12' 441 2,288 877 2,838 ? 411 1,077 68, ? ? 38 17: 926 6,252 38,588 124,872 1'8,48'4? 47,388 . ?2,992. 1,672. 748 40,744 ?.275,088 ? 852 5;250 316 390 176 V.0 0 2,384 '9,368 25 ?234 22 96 2 8 . 0 .6 3930 0 4 ?' Q 0 0 50 0 '40 90 50 137 0 0 2.. 1 236 38 Bunkers/Structures. Vehicles Boats Radios =l ton of rice will feed 1,333 WA/VC for I day.(1.5 Zbs/Man{Day). Operation ROCK CRUSHER IV, TIA CHOP (BA 354) , BIh'H TAYI . (BA 702), BINH TAY II (BA Tais amount is lower than previously reported and dehotes,field adjustment. CON'FIDENTIAL' i 701), CUU LONG - . No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/02/20 : LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2 II (BA 704). .l17. r.. cD ? K O H. ci E O. 8-t~ cD ' U1 fD O 'zi to U J 0 Oar rn x H '1 n cr ~? t Cr c~.r I-s cr ti< P P P Z3 (D C-t- rO CD No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/02/20: LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2 C.. AlOTL ITION BY TYKE PARROT'S BEAK FISH HOOK BINH TAY III? ' GIONG TO .1 MAC MA I CUU LONG I ? f CUV L0 II7 TERMLNATED (BA-706/367) I (BA 352) (BA 740) (BA 351) ^_((BA 350) (BA 704/709, (BA 704) 0P MAT 10.' ? *Sma l l-Arms Ai:m=nition 3,177,900 3,744,708 2,400 5,620,670 17,800 25,000. Rifle Rds (less'than .50 cal) 2,076,950 3,353,262# 2,400 3,2].3,810 17,800 15,000 Machine$un? Rds. (.50 cal or larger) 1,100,950 . 391,446 '2,406,860 10,000. Grenades 1.1,592 4,654 13 .. 32?,769 412 '. 502 Antiaircraft lids 0 2.5,352 0 ?.140,104 0 0 r `Mortar Rds 28,923 7,524 10 12,754 2,222 P.oc I:e t Rd s (107-ran and larger) 152' 695 695 0. Rocket Rd s ' (B-4018-41) 16,515 6,937 592 Recoilless Rifle Rds ` 2,932 ;'10 , 2 23 10,951 ?1;090? 4 .#1,208 2,005 0 144 I50 0120 1017' *: io des are the suns of rifle rounds and nu chinegan round's. * ,era Lion LOCK 'CRUS!'~R IV, ? TIA CHOP (BA 354), BINH TAY I (BA 742) , 'BIM TAY II' (BA *701),. CUU != II. (BA *704) .' his amount is lower than previously reported and denotes field adjustment. i Tois of ammunition no breakdown reported. . CUMUJL TIVE TJTALS SHOWN INCLUDE PREVIOUSLY UNREPORTED ADJUSTMENTS CONFIDENTIAL No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/02/20: LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2 tab a c~ N cC P U o H. C- q ct v (D tMJ 0 F- - 0 n ?? r- .Q. CD 1.. '1--. ? (D ~7 N' f-' t i i~. '?Q? pct ~3.o P) 01q FJ - cr o n -I' ~- n cr? f-' c+ L 1 f-'? ct? Nom .' tilCDn0 o t a o SEC FT No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/02/20: LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2 12 June 1970 1218 EDT Subject: Air Operations in Cambodia N fv'I U U W RO MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD The attached information on Cambodia Air Operations and associated map for the period 101201 to 111200 EDT June 1970 are provided. 2Atch a/s Distribution: 1 D0 ADDO CCOC AC DIV, J-3 PAC DESK W . Rear. Admiral, USN Deputy Director for, Operations (NMCC) THE NATIONAL MILITARY COMMAND CENTER WASHINGTON, DC. . 20301 . SECRET No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/02/20: LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2 ' SEC No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/02/20: LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2 AIR OPERATIONS Following is a summary of tactical, air and'ARC LIGHT operations in Cambodia for the period 101201 to 111200 EDT June 1970: US/VNAF DAILY CUM ZONE H J K L U V W TOTAL TOTAL STRIKE 32 18 61 31 4 0 23. 8 .177 8)394 TACTICAL - RECCE 15 13 21 21 1 2 3 76. f,426 - .B-52 ARC LIGHT 0 0 12 12 0 ? 684 STRUCTURES WBL CRAFT .GUNS TRUCKS ROAD/TRAILS. CAVES/ TONN.F LS STORAGE AREAS TROOP KDA - 0 SECONDARY FIRES 0 SECONDARY EXPLOSIONS - 1 DESTROYED DAILY CUMULATIVE DAMAGED DAILY CUMULATIVE 66 8,728 15 1,492 .0 .30 0 23 6 136 0. 3-0 2 41 0. 100 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0, 1,179 312 ,387 SECRET - No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/02/20: LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2 JB~--I^2 C SNUOl.. ;~ / - - ',} Q LOC N I NH ",fra GREY veNG --- No Objection 1438' VI j f~.R V L= B -- B-52 ARC LIGHT R - RECCE SORTIES No ObjectionIto Declassification in Part 2013/02/20: LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2 o Declassification in Part 2013/02/20: LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2...~- 104. 105.- 1060 ;-,A' R-2I 'rRAE c 5~y~yl 33 V. R-15 58r Tren S-23 I R-2 107? CAtv,aODIA CEOO COCA 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/02/20: LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/02/20: LOC-HAK-459-5-5-2