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No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/11/23: LOC-HAK-459-10-16-4 MEMORANDUM /44 etcwr-- NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL Tor SECRET/SENCITIVE MEMORANDUM FOR DR. KISSINGER FROM: John H. Holdridge ..,11+141/N1 SUBJECT: Actions on Cambodia ACTION October 7, 1970 The report for the President of actions on Cambodia from September 22 through 12 midnight, October 5 is enclosed (Tab I). The reports submitted by State, Defense, and CIA are at Tab II for your information. I assume you will not wish to pass them to the President. RECOMMENDATION: That you forward the report at Tab I to the President. Enclosures ON-FILE NSC RELEASE INSTRUCTIONS APPLY ' OSD, DOS, Reviews Completed. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/11/23: LOC-HAK-459-10-16-4 -Kr? 62 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/11/23: LOC-HAK-459-10-16-4 MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Henry A. Kissinger / SUBJECT: Actions on Cambodia ION OCT 14 1970 r 10, 1970 The following is a consolidation of two weekly reports on actions taken or underway on Cambodia from September 22 through 12 midnight, October 5. Military Operations: -- Ground. Enemy activity follows the previous patterns of harassment and raids with emphasis along Routes 4, 5 and 6. Operation Chenla forces continue to patrol and to consolidate their positions around Tang Kouk despite increasing enemy pressure. ?0.8. VNAF B-52 31 0 TACAIR 289 355 Reconnaissance 472 38 25X1 25 25X1 TOP SECRET /SENSITIVE No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/11/23: LOC-HAK-459-10-16-4 1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/11/23: LOC-HAK-459-10-16-4 TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE Military Assistance: Equipment deliveries during week ending 3 October were slightly less than preceding week, $1.650 million compared with $1.7 million last week. Material delivered during week ending 3 October follows: Aircraft Cargo, C-47 Small Arms Weapons Crew Served Weapons Small Arms Ammunition (rounds) Crew Served Ammunition (rounds) Mines Communications Eq (Radios) Howitzers, Towed, 105 mm U.S. Source Captured 2 1, 097 16 4, 332, 000 76,759 1, 818 20 2 (on loan) 5X1 ? Admiral McCain's Visit to Phnom Penh: Ambassador Swank reports that the lavish reception and maximum public exposure given Admiral McCain during his October 3-5 visit to Phnom Penh was Lon Nol's way of thanking the U.S. for our military aid while demonstrating his government's confidence in Cambodia's political-military position and foreign policy orientation. In the course of briefings, Cambodian generals described the inadequacies of their equipment and their need for better communications equipment and armed personnel carriers. ? - Cambodia Proclaimed a Republic: State reports that the Cambodian National Assembly voted October 6 to amend the constitution to eliminate the monarchy-and establish a republic. The change will be proclaimed October 9 to take effect November 1. State will not comment publicly on this change since it is an internal Cambodian matter which does not raise any question of diplomatic recognition. TOP SECRET /SENSITIVE No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/11/23: LOC-HAK-459-10-16-4 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/11/23: LOC-HAK-459-10-16-4 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/11/23: LOC-HAK-459-10-16-4 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/11/23: LOC-HAK-459-10-16-4 TOP SECRET/NODIS/KEMER -2- Political and Diplomatic Developments 1. Proclamation of a Republic. The Cambodian National Assembly voted October 6 to amend the Cambodian constitution so as to eliminate the monarchy and establish a republic. The change will be formally proclaimed October 9, immediately before Chief of State Cheng Heng leaves to attend the UN General Assembly. It is scheduled to take effect November 1. Our line will be that the change is a Cambodian internal matter, on which we have no comment, and that it does not raise any question of diplomatic recognition. The change is an interim one pending preparation and adoption of a new constitution. 2. CINCPAC Visit. Ambassador Swank has reported that Lou Nol and his government gave the warmest possible welcome to Admiral McCain on his visit to 'Phnom Penh Oct. 3-5. Although Swank and McCain had hoped to keep the visit in medium to low key, Lou Nol ruled otherwise and treated the McCain party as State guests. It was evident that he was using the occasion of the visit of the highest-ranking U.S. military commander to come to Phnom Penh since resumption of diplomatic relations to signal his sincere gratitude for U.S. assistance and his increased confidence in the GOC's position. A point of special interest in the military briefings was the emphasis which the GOC is placing on psychological operations - e.g., in the current offensive up Route 6. Ambassador Swank notes that unless we wish to indicate a significantly higher degree of commitment than we have done thus far, official visits of high ranking officials will have to be judiciously spaced. (...?7001404:t C- Theodore L. Eliot, Jr. Executive Secretary TOP SECRET/NODIS/RHMER No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/11/23: LOC-HAK-459-10-16-4 imr) or-nr)r-lr QINRITIVE No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/11/23: LOC-HAK-459-10-16-4 Z-1-rcs. 1(..- WI:U=1141 ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON, D. C. 20301 6 OCI 1970 In reply 'refer to: I-37,113/70 MEMORANDUM FOR THE ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT FOR NATIONAL SECURITY AFFAIRS ATTN: MR. HERBERT LEVIN SUBJECT: .Weekly Report - Cambodia Attached is the subject report requested in your August 15, 1970 memorandum. Enclosure: 1 Report cc: SecDef DepSecDef C/JCS Upon removal of attachentS this document becomes -C____ONFIDEnAL ____ EYES ONLY No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/11/23: LOC-HAK-459-10-16-4 TOP SECRET SENSITIVE ArriNT?r'ir No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/11/23: LOC-HAK-459-10-16-4 LJIUfljLJ 1.41 6.0.1 I : - REPORT ON CAMBODIA WEEK ENDING 3 OCTOBER 1970 MILITARY OPERATIONS Ground. Enemy activity follows the previous patterns of harassment and raids with emphasis along Routes 4, 5 and 6 and in the vicinity of Siem Reap and Battambang. Operation Chenla forces continue to patrol and to consolidate their positions in and around Tang Kouk in spite of Increasing enemy pressure. Air. U.S. VNAF B-52 19 0 TACA 116 120 Reconnalssance 264 15 MILITARY ASSISTANCE. Equipment deliveries during week ending 3 October were slightly less than preceding week, $1.650 million compared with $1.7 million last week. Material delivered follows: ? Third U.S. Source Country* Captured* Aircraft Cargo, C-47 . 2 Small Arms Weapons 1,097 Crew Served Weapons 16 Small Arms Ammunition .(rounds) 4,332,000 Crew Served Ammunition (rounds) 76,759 1,818 20 2 a/ Mines Communications Eq (Radios) Howitzers, Towed, 105mm a/ On loan from U.S. Forces * No third country or captured items provided. SENSITIVE PirR mut TAP crnPFT 25X1 25X1 Copy-'-- of_Copies 1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/11/23: LOC-HAK-459-10-16-4 Pvges No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/11/23: LOC-HAK-459-10-16-4 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/11/23: LOC-HAK-459-10-16-4 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/11/23: LOC-HAK-459-10-16-4 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/11/23: LOC-HAK-459-10-16-4 25X1