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No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/18: LOC-HAK-459-16-713-7 cA-2 MEMORANDUM ? - ? ON-FILE NSC RELEASE INSTRUCTIONS APPLY THE WHITE HOUSE --WASHINGTON MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Henry A. Kissingetp5)0 SUBJECT: Actions on Cambodia OSD, State Dept. Reviews Completed INFORMATION SEP 1 7 1970 MORI/CDF C03319276 The following is a report on actions taken or underway on Cambodia from September 8 through 12 midnight, September 14. Military Operations: -- Ground. Enemy harassment of defensive positions continues. GOC Naval forces opened the water route from Kompong Chhnang to Kom.- pong Thom on 9 September. The clearing operation started last week has met stiff resistance north of Skoun and is stalled pending the arrival of reinforcements. -- Air: B-52 TA CAIR Reconnai s sauce U.S. 30 329 218 VNAF 229 21 25X1 -.T.-O.P-S-F,C7-Pc-Er-T-46rEfieffecr-E- No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/18: LOC-HAK-459-10-13-7 wee No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/18: LOC-HAK-459-10-13-7 TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE ? Military Assistance: Equipment deliveries during week ending 12 Septem- ber were considerably greater than preceding week, $4.0 million compared with $1.1 million last week. Material delivered follows: U.S. Source Captured 25X1 Individual weapons (carbines & M-79 grenade launchers) ? 165 40 22,279,000 7,776 39,357 9,026 40 6 25X1 -served weapons (machine Crew guns and mortars) Small Arms Ammunition (rounds) Grenades Mortar Ammunition (rounds) Howitzer (rounds) Communications Eq (radios) UH-1 Utility Helicopters (on loan) ? ROK Assistance: Two ROK aircraft delivered a shipment of uni- forms and boots to Phnom Penh September 12. - ?Diplomatic: The preparatory meeting of Foreign Ministers for the Lusaka 25X1 non-aligned Conference went as predicted, with no decision taken regarding Cambodian participation. Neither the GOC nor Sihanouk's representative were seated. TOP SECRET/SENSITIVE No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/18: LOC-HAK-459-10-13-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/18: LOC-HAK-459-10-13-7 DEPARTMENT OF STATE Washington; D.C. 20520 TOP SECRET/NODIS/KHMER September 15, 1970 MEMORANDUM FOR MR. HENRY A. KISSINGER THE WHITE HOUSE Subject: Weekly Report on Cambodia No. 5 Third Country Military Assistance 2 5X1 3. Korea. Two ROK aircraft delivered a shipment of uniforms and boots to Phnom Penh September 12. TOP SECRET/NODISTICHMER No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/18: LOC-HAK-459-10-13-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/18: LOC-HAK-459-10-13-7 TOP SECRET/NODIS/KHMER 2. ? 4. Australia. The Australians have indicated that they wish to confirm the inclusion of arms in their aid to Cambodia by providing a modest quantity (say $200,000) under their newly-announced $1 million program. Thompson submachine guns are under considera- tion. Diplomatic Steps 1. Lusaka Conference. Discussion of seating a Cambodian delegation at the Lusaka non-aligned summit proceeded along predict- able lines, with the preparatory meeting of foreign ministers shelving the question and seating neither side. Sihanouk's propaganda has claimed a moral victory in the "vote" of 21 for FUNK and 7 for Lon Nol; this ignores both the fact that the conference proceeded by consensus, not vote, and that the Zambian presiding officer exaggerated the number of delegations speaking for FUNK. Many of the pro-GOC delegations did not bother to speak. 2. Delegation to Europe. The Minister of Community Develop- ment heads a delegation which is making a "good will visit" to France, Czechoslovakia and East Germany. Although the mission's purpose . is primarily to meet with Cambodian students and attempt to hold their loyalties, the decision of the Communist countries to receive it is another reflection of the apparent Soviet intention to maintain correct relations with the GOC. 3. Foreign Economic Aid. The President's letter to Xapanese Prime Minister Sato was delivered September 11. Commenting on it, Deputy Vice Foreign Minister Hogen expressed agreement for the principle of multilateral cooperation in aid to Cambodia, and cited the Lao and Indonesian models. However, he believed the reactions of finance ministry delegations at the meeting this week of the IMF/IBRD might be cool, negatively influenced by the report of the IMF mission. He said the GOJ would take the initiative in developing a multilateral framework, but would wish to develop a rationale based on both political and economic grounds. Indonesian and Malaysian representa- tives have been invited to Tokyo on their way to the UN General Assembly to discuss follow=-up actions to the report of the Djakarta Three, and this subject will be discussed with them. 4. Son Sann/Habib Conversation. Former Cambodian Prime Minister Son Sann, who has arrived in Paris, called on A mbassador Habib September 9. After describing the background of Sihanouk's TOP SECRET/NODIS/KHMER No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/18: LOC-HAK-459-10-13-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/18: LOC-HAK-459-10-13-7 RIP TOP SECRET/NODIS/KHMER overthrow, he explained that he has been in fairly regular contact with Lon Nol though because of his health and a feeling that he could be more useful outside the government he has refused invitations to take part in it. He considers that some means must be found to end the war in Cambodia and return to neutrality within the terms of the 1954 Geneva accords. .A meeting last month in Phnom Penh, presided over by Chief of State Cheng Heng and including representa- tives of intellectuals, religious groups, and the National .Assembly, reached a consensus that Son Sann should take "soundings" in various quarters as to how this objective might be reached. He has, therefore, come to Paris with the GOC's approval, for medical treatment and to take such soundings. He said his instructions from Lon Nol allow him to talk unofficially about means of protecting Cambodian neutrality and territorial integrity but not to make specific proposals or to have direct contacts with the Chinese Communists, the DRV, Or the NLF. However, he hopes to make contact with Sihanouk's most distinguished personal follower, Penn Nouth, and also with Soviet Ambassador Zorin in Paris. 6r, Theodore L. Eliot, Xr. Executive Secretary TOP SECRET /NODISTICHMER No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/18: LOC-HAK-459-10-13-7 C Ts- - t. ?? No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/18: LOC-HAK-459-10-13-7 EYES OM TOP SECRET rNSITIVE INflNAUONAI SICIMITY AMISH{ ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON, D. C. 20301 In reply refer to: 1-35975/70 MEMORANDUM FOR THE ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT FOR NATIONAL SECURITY AFFAIRS ATTN: MR. HERBERT LEVIN SUBJECT: Weekly Report - Cambodia Attached is the subject report requested in your August 15, 1970 memorandum. Enclosure: 1 Report cc: SecDef DepSecDef C/JCS SENSITIVE AttulAi Upon removal of attachments this document becomes /1.4.1 hail IN irf% r% r% r- /In r-ir CONFIDENTIAL No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/18: LOC-HAK-459-10-13-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part2012/10/18 : LOC-HAK-459-10-13-7 SENSITIVE .1-0P SECRET Rts ONLY REPORT ON CAMBODIA, WEEK ENDING 14 SEPTEMBER 1970 MILITARY OPERATIONS Ground. Enemy harassment of outposts and defensive positions continues throughout the country especially in the Siem Reap area. Naval forces involved in Operation KAUKTLORK opened the water route from Kompong Chhnang to Kompong Thom on 9 September and returned to Kompong Chhnang on 12 September for reloading of cargo for a second trip. Operation CHENLA forces have met stiff resistance north of Skoun and their advance has been delayed pending the arrival of reinforcements. ARVN units had light contact in the vicinity of Svay Rieng and Kompong Cham in southeastern Cambodia. Air. U.S. VNAF B-52 30 0 TACAIR 329 229 Reconnaissance 218 21 MILITARY ASSISTANCE. Equipment deliveries during week ending 12 September were considerably greater than preceding week, $4.0 million compared with $1.1 million last week. Material delivered follows: Third U.S. Source aylla* Captured* Individual weapons (carbines 165 & M-79 grenade launchers) Crew-served weapons (machine 40 - - guns & mortars) Small Arms Ammunition (rounds) 22,279,000 - - Grenades 7,776 - Mortar Ammunition (rounds) 39,357 - - Howitzer (rounds) 9,026 - - Communications Eq (radios) 40 -- UH-1 Utility Helicopters (on loan) , 6 - - , 25X1 ? d No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/18: LOC-HAK-459-10-13-7 ? / No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/18: LOC-HAK-459-10-13-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/18: LOC-HAK-459-10-13-7 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/18: LOC-HAK-459-10-13-7 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2012/10/18: LOC-HAK-459-10-13-7 25X1