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No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/22 : LOC-HAK-45-6-16-8 THE ~1~IItT~ ITbU5~ . WAAIIIN(iTON for. as a follow-on to his November 5,:1971 letter.revi~alizing the.lntellig~nc.e Commu-- nity, This set.: of questions and ~ the' pi~.at evaluation process should form., the basis for t~ri evert route uses"ul set az" ri:GQs ,for. the cani~.ng year. l wou~:d .appreciate the opportunity to review with you the. comments on these KTQs submitted by the other members of the National Security Councix xntel.lJ.gence Committee,.. promising beg~.nning in your effort to iden~- tify intoll~.gence topics of importance to policy makers, 'phis process is prec3:sely the sort.. of step which the Prosident,l.ooked Apxil.22, 197 The Key~Intelligence Questions referred to in your memorandum of March 9, 197~'are a` Warm regards, Henry A. Kissinger Mr. William E, Co3:by 173,ractar of. Central xnte~:7.i.gence Washington, D.C. 2050 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/22 : LOC-HAK-45-6-16-8 .~,~ No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/22 : LOC-HAK-45-6-16-8 ,viEMORANDUM . f~,` ~ ' ~"'~ * ~ - ~ `" ~?"~ NATIONAL SEC~RTTY C UNCIL SECRET ACTION March 21, 1974 MEMORANDUM FOR: SECRETARY KISSINGER FROM : RICHARD T . KENNEDY~y~'~~~~ RICHARD OBER ~s SUBJECT: Key Intelligence Quest~.ons .for ~'Y' 1g74 BAC KGROUNl7 The DCI has circulated to NSC Intelligence Committee members the Key Inte113gence Questions (KIQs) for FY 197 (Tab B). He has chosen this route to obtain concurrence and comments of the Chairman and Members of NSCIC, since it has not been feasible to hold an NSCIC meeting on the KIQs a.s we had hoped. wa coirir~iexi~eu Wiz] ~~ie n.i.Qs as Arley wez'e devel~,~eu as ~r~e .u~..I Hated. (Tab C ) . A gaol start Y,as been made.. We believe that an indication of your interest.in the KIQs will help to keep viable the support needed far the DCI from NSCIC and the direct Presidential concern and support your chairmanship represents. We therefore recommend that you commend Mr. Colby for the effort to date, and ask that he review.w3.th you the comment s on the KIQs submitted by the other NSCIC members. Mr. Kennedy has discussed this approach with Mr. Colby who agrees ~.t would be very helpful in continuing to assert White House concern for, and direction of, the Community Intelligence effort. RECOMMENDATION Tha'c you s~.gn the letter at Tab A. Sl?,CI;ET -- CDS No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/22 : LOC-HAK-45-6-16-8 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/22 : LOC-HAK-45-6-16-8 !~ SECft~T ~ ~ Q 4~.~ THE DIRECTGR ?F CENTRAL INTELliGENCE WASHINGTON, D. C. Z05Q3 9 March l97~ MEMORANDI~I PCR: The Chairman and Members, National Security Council Intelligence Committee SUBJECT: Key Intelligence ,Questions for FY 1974 1. Reference is my letter of 9 January 1974, subject as above, which forwarded a copy of the "Key Intelligence Questions (KIQs)" and commented on the inputs which had been received from each NSCIC membex. I noted, in the letter that the KIQs would be considered at an early NSCIC meeting. 2. Since it now appears that the Chairman's schedule will preclude holding an NSCIC meeting, I am writing to request the individual concurrence and camanents of each member an the KIQs. 3. As the fiscal year was mare than half over before the key questions had been compiled, I considered it necessary to start the evaluation process as soon as passible. The USIB agencies alxeady have been tasked to respond to selected KIQs as a test of the system. This really xepresents a "shakedown cruise" on a program which I am hopeful will provide a goad management tool far measuring the effectiveness with which the Intelligence Community responds to intelligence topics identified as being of major current ampartance to policy levels of the Government. What I am seeking, as you are aware, is a better linkage between the substantive functions of intelligence and the allocation of resources. n~d~l~l~"~' No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/22 : LOC-HAK-45-6-16-8 No Objection to Declassification in``P~a"rt~~,~~2yy..013/03/22 : LOC-HAK-45-6-16-8 1i~~11l~,,, 4: During the summer, we will review the "Key Intelligence Questions" and develop a revised list for FY 1975. By that time, our evaluation process should provide a basis both for improving the statement of questions and for evaluating the Commcmity re- sponses. Any coQmnents you may have as to the kinds of questions on which to focus in the next iteration would be most appreciated. SECC~~T No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/22 : LOC-HAK-45-6-16-8 ~~~ ~~' ~ No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/22 : LOC-HAK-45-6-16-8 THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE WASHINGTON, D. C. 2Q305 I)C I~~ C 7 4" 0 9 0 5 9 January 1974 MEMORANDUM r:OR: The Honorable Henry A. Kissinger Chairman, NSCIC SUBJECT: Key Intelligence Questions far ~Y 1974 1. Attached is a copy of my Key Intelligence Questions for FY 1974 which, as you and I have discussed, is being submitted to the NSCIC for approval. In the interim, T am distributing copies to the United States Intelligence Board so that we can be getting along with the many tasks which face us in the evaluation effort for which the Key Intelligence Questions are the basis. 2. The set of questions sent to you on 30 October has been revised on the basis of proposals received from your staff, from other (vSCiC~ members and from the ii53B pri nci poi s. ' T hi s f ~ na l 115 accommodates many of the changes and additions your staff proposed in the response which General Scowcroft forwarded on December 10. 3. I was very pleased to note the care with which the original set of Key Intelligence Questions was reviewed and the thoughtfulness of the proposed changes and additions. The total number of proposed additions was so great, however, that accommodating all of them would have changed the character of the listing. I wanted to keep the total number of questions small enough to be manageable, so the problem was to identify proposed additions of sufficient importance to substitute for some of those on the 30 October list, or to revise the wording of the original questions to accommodate ideas presented in recommended additions. The list, as it is being submitted to the NSCIC, actually has fewer questions than were included in October, but 23 of the questions are new and 38 are revisions of the original questions. 4. The essential criteria applied to each question were that it identify a problem of major current importance to policy levels of the government, and that it provide a basis far measuring the effectiveness of the functioning of the intelligence community. Overall, an effort was made to keep the list relatively short and to include questions dealing with matters on which a considerable amount of resources are being or are likely to be devoted. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/22 : LOC-HAK-45-6-16-8 No Objection to Declassific_ ation in Part 2013/03/22 : LOC-HAK-45-6-16-8 5. As I reported to the President in my National Forei n Intelligence Budget Recommendations, Fiscal Year 9 5: "I intend that these questions serve as the primary near term guide to national intelligence collection, analysis, and production. They will be followed by an evaluation ~? process to determine the degree to which various elements of the intelligence community contribute to answers. Future resource decisions will then be influenced by these Key Intelligence Questions and the comparative effectiveness of various intelligence community elements in~answering them." 6. In my opinion, fundamental obstacles to the achievement of the related goals of improved product and better resource management have long been the separation of the substantive functions of intelligence from the allocation of resources, and the absence of a system for evaluating performance. Overcoming these obstacles will be difficult and any approach will have to be evolutionary, but I am initiating the effort through the articulation of the Key Intelligence Questions. 7. The evaluation system which will be used in following through on the Key-.Intelligence Questions effort is being described it separate cui'resp~tiiueiice to the members of the U5i8. 8. In order to take full advantage of all of the ideas which were contained in the material submitted in response to my request for comments an the 3O October version of the Key Intelli- gence Questions, I am making a complete set of the inputs available to my National Intelligence Officers and to my Intelligence Community staff. I want the NIOs in particular to be aware of the various topics which all of those who reviewed the first listing considered were candidates for addition, so that the NIOs can use this information in development of their own programs. 9. Again, may I express my personal appreciation far your contribution?to this project. -2- _., m~ No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/22 : LOC-HAK-45-6-16-8 ?~ ?r _- No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/22 : LOC-HAK-45-6-16-8 Secret Na Foreign 1"~~ssern ~IRE~TOR o~ CRNTRAL INZ`E:LIrIOENCE Key Intelligence Questions For Fiscal Year 1974 Secret 4 January 1974 DCI/IC 74115 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/03/22 : LOC-HAK-45-6-16-8