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No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/06/05: LOC-HAK-152-1-10-0 NSS, OSD, USAF, JCS, State Dept. reviews completed Farland sent his m.aaage,.. of exactly how this is to be worked out, and it is ia,that context that SUBJECT: US Military Personnel Support for Iran In the back channel message at Tab B, Ambassador Tarland directed your attention to an embassy telegram which I have attached under Farlamd's incoming message and asked for your guidance. The subject is the "blue-gaiters" -- the US military technical personnel --which the President promised to the Shah. We are now getting into the specifics li'1't7Mr HAROLD H. SAUNDERS MEMORANDUM WOR: DR. KISSINGER Since that message, g'srlsvA haiNt s s tar regalanr telegram (Tab C which removes the issue he ratsed. Hoarw*"r, I want you to be aware of the issue and believe you Will want to respond to p'arl nd in say case, and the Iranians are working on now. dependents-that could raise the American military presence toward 10.000. But we cannot intelligently discuss the total number until the jobs to be done are identified, and that is what the Pentagon required. This will take about two months in Iran and here. At that point, there may be some question about the magnitude of our operation. The number could reach 2500-3000 and with --A lot of work will have to be done at the military level in cooperation with the Iranians to identify the Jobs that n.eel to be done, and that in. turn will affect the numbers of US technicians addressed as we work out the kind of Mission pare emd& Just to put P'arland's initial esble into context. and to tell you Where we stand on this whole subject, there Will be two general questions to be --The immediate issue is to set clear exactly wbat kinds of jobs the US is coamitted to doing, and it to on this plot that Farland sent his first cable. For the most part, that is a job for the military to figure out, but there is one policy l that should, be addressed now. SS,, No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/06/05: LOC-HAK-152-1-10-0 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/06/05 SECRE The issue I. that the Iranian air forcer prase rated to our MAAO chief projections which include US-personnel to occupy operational positions in Iranian units As we have previously talked about and applied. the "blue-suitor" approach, we have not envisioned operational personnel such as air crews to fly the S-4s1 our picture has been that we would supply people to work alongside Iranians .in their units to train their x n the use of equipment and in US operational concepts. In milixw ry terms, we have operated and envisioned a very sophisticated on-h -job training program. Now the Iranians have added this new o n ..e this more concrete, our MAAO so far has had requests for: (1) ! USAF pilots to fly F?4st (2) h boom operators for air refuelers (KC - 7 0 7); (3) 84 USAF crewmen for P3E aircraft to fly maritime patrol; (4) lZ 1~11ots and flight engineers for air v'iduAorp. 'fir last two requests could W met by civilian contract persvnnel;a# smell as by USAt me Other request* could surface from th t as r, a navy,, The is a ae. therefore, is whether a, ' -sAwi.,, .. d ""tic 10 -rrrr rriH draw a line +rt of annin Combat ealem rats of antan units th USAF yersgM )?iM1y~~i1Rl S r. "f per'-W' b" ~4 ry ~ H ~' `wM1 s J'~Ms Anna ca-r.aador Farland in his first, embassy telegram primed that thin lane b~n. He used it tentatively when bead with. the Initial Iranian proposal.. He proposed telling the Iranians that our concept to to expand the well defined technical training teams which have operated is Iran so far but to draw v distinction between those and the assignment of US personnel for on line o erational responsibilities. Farland would make It clear that we are prepared to help in every way possible but recaanmended telling the Iranians now that an operational role "to not possible and was not contemplated in previous discussions. " This could be discussed fully with the Shah, so if would not appear that we were backing out on a promise. Presumably the Shah himself has an interest iu not looking as if his forces are being run . by the US. A. I understand it, US forces do have arrangements with some of the countries of the British Commonwealth for exchanging operational oaers. The logic I. that if we were some day to co duct joint operations, as we have in the past, it would be useful for each aide to understand the operating procedures of the other. We could do this on a small scale with Iranians, ton, if it'seemed mutually beneficial. However, that exchange relationship is a somewhat different concept from sending active-duty US military personnel to operate some combat elements of the Iranian forces. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/06/05: LOC-HAK-152-1-10-0 No Objection US operational personnel could be provided if xtecessaarre but s ce allow our personnel. to participate in such .ail. operatton."A Saudi opposition. for instance, we would Lacs the problem of WLI 'heer to this for others like the Saudis or Pakistanis might arise. Also, U the Shah were to use his military forces against someone in the Chill with ng The Congressional implications aze obvious. TxLwu ther question o o would give other governments some control over further US involvement. i f d home is the issuer of our intimate military Lavolvirnout in ways that considering some of the problems that would a rt The mate? epee at lbat so far is a relatively small portion of the overall job, it to worth Simply m atte, 2S00-I000 it vie ' - have s, Implication'. ate. r deting the same in lrs -wsspei iallyyin the woks of Sadat'$ t h a t the ' C T S has made a major issue wL t a . u ssc. =or iwe ?aara~:& u . The west imisartant consideration, wbtcit stands in a class by itself. Is to stop short of operational personaelan combat mrtitra? slip in as an exception. But as a general rule to start, it might be wise contractors could do the job and we might even.let a few US AV technicians speeding up the training and iffostiven* U tho Iranian forces, while our doing the job for the Iranians 18, AU the helpful in the long run. In the low cases where operational people are r.qu red for a' time,' civilia - oar technical assistance #ie14 teams ' can maks a major., contribution to what the Shr-h The basic tats 'teems to altos of WAUL wants without ettin into then obl ^. r; A substantial enlargement Of but I a,s ucrae ser r iks+tr removes the issue, but I propos ._ rat you still give Worland an answer to at all to Tehran,, and in any case the Shah hixnse& hss now told his people that he does n want A=*ricans in &n-operational role. After Farlaud's initial cable, he was informed by Court Minister Alum that Iran did not envisage an operational rote for US tochmiclans and that these proposals were the result of overzeilous*ess at lower levels. This essentially My assumption is that this ?issuersally was got by the President his question. to AMbaasador Freeland &cd lhat i use thin as gn#danc? n g,ECOMMENDATIONz That yoat approve the message at Tab A to be sent formulating Yarlaxsd's formal instructions. . Approved ECRE No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/06/05: LOC-HAK-152-1-10-0 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/06/05: LOC-HAK-152-1-10-0 formulating the formal iesponse to it. aura response. As you note I b-4, be ar,travi g read Tehran 4639'which see ua s the commitment made was a e n withor ege Ief r o to the kinds of details which we must now address distinction you described to your initial telegram-Am we possibly can to provide technical asslstaneet training short of actually having US personnel occupy operational general practice forces?-is a sensible one as it important that this not be handled in such a way, e,* ft dissipate the advantage gained from the President's very forthcoming respons.. If you need to discuss the subject confidentially any further, talk with Alam seems to indicate that we are over that hurdllc might consider noting the following points EGRET E 4 L No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/06/05: LOC-HAK-152-1-10-0 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/06/05 JEC /EYES ONL The pentagon and MA,ACi have been iustreucterd to work with ... .:..''.. the Iranian forces to identify the tasks yr sere US personnel can be useful. you understand this Will take s eoup'e of months in Iran and in Washington. We want to be sure we are organizing aeelkvea to do this properly and do not want to go at it Pis our and find later that we have to go back and start over. YOU are Sara that constatations will tbie. 16, as elueickly as pos "~1i... ) x 2 N Fh..': M q~?.u[x."'7P'Gi4 .3 i,Zx idea Tani "-,w "eao~ ta'' eaa~rltt# ple,asmw arki with a training rather ~: 0 ieas-ootl ~ppetawta,talsrelon.' We"would like to maintain that di*tinctton'tor two IM e will as share that they go, ,r. fAN, it k eat seeaaoi~N-e (1) t perr~atioaal involvement would raise domestic oppositlc+n avtr "sr~i itrr-a t volver- C meat which we could otherwise avoid. ) l Bring attei-cked the persistently operational axvl+ In Egypt? we would Soviets for their prefer not to assume that role now ourselves and. wet 'want to avoid ran we to somehow dependent anything that would make it appear as If l on US forces. Sine training is the main misstono we feel almost all of what the Shah wants dome can be done this way and we do not feel making this distinction as a general practice will uignUtcantllr cases where minor excerptions seemed logical for a period. we limit the etfectivenees of the new program. U there were a few certainly b e- flexible. ALCRETIEYES ONLY- No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/06/05 SECRET/EYES ONLY I ou may not need to use this, but I did wwA to eonf s we z. s in accord with the distinction you hsv Wis. 1 -1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/06/05: LOC-HAK-152-1-10-0 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2013/06/05 LOC--HAK 152-1-10-0 4 # T 0 P S E ?C R C T ***'* P"ITY 20RQn2Q rn 1 ~ ~L~?Z~.~4 111,2Q0 p 2 OalOZ JUL 72 FM TEHRAN To THE ;vHITE HOUSE ;T 0 p 5 E C R E T 26O741Z JUL 72 ..~ ARLA-10 TEHRAN 042 FM AMBASSAOUR F ER TO THE tiiHITE HOUSE, FOR MR. HENRY KISSING BELIEVE IT MOST IMpf1RTSh;` ITNUStuJRj~CTiYUUS MILITAkYy TU TF:HRA~'dI cy.h ~?Iw~ICM ut=AL PERSr1N, E SUPPDRT FOR IRANIAN ARMED FURCESGARON BASIS INFO PREVIQU?SLYSUPPLIED ME, AM LNCLEARDIEG DIU UPON PRECISE PRESIDENTIAL CGM '1ITMENT. COMMITMENT, PROBLEM iiUST BE APPROACHED FRONTALLY ASAP. TU PREVENT IT FROM Bt7CUMING APPKECIATE YOUR CUMMENT5. WARM REGARDS! 150 n ^, . _No Objection to Declassification in Part2013/06/05: LOC-HAK-152-1-10-0 T('. : 7(1()n 161