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No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 SECRET /NODIS/XGDS MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION ON-FILE NSC RELEASE INSTRUCTIONS APPLY WASHINGTON DOS Review Completed. Simcha Dinitz, Israeli Ambassador to the United States Hanan Bar-On, Minister, Embassy of Israel Or. Henry.A. Kissinger, Secretary of State Alfred L. Atherton, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs DATE AND TIME: Saturday, July 31, 1976 8;45 - 10:05 a. gyn.. (breakfast) PLACE: The Monroe .. Madison Room. Department of State if? Atherton: [Shows Kissinger an MENA ticker. item of an Egyptian "dis- closure" of meetings between Israeli and Syrian intelligence officials in Geneva. ] Why didn't they tell us about it? Kissinger: Some day, for a week, I will accept every recommendation I get on the PLO. Then you will be on your knees thanking me for what I saved you from. I don't see why it couldn't have been put out at once that we needed PLO security protection, instead of dribbling it out. Dinitz: Yesterday he said U. S. officials were being escorted everywhere by the PLO. The impression it gives is that you have no freedom of action. It doesn't look right. [He shows an AP report at Tab A. ] Kissinger: It doesn't look right to have officials assassinated in the streets. They just tell the PLO in order to hold the PLO responsible for security. We don't know the mechanics. These people that are close to you are harrassing us every day. SECRET /NODIS/XGDS CLASSIFIED BY Henry A. Ki.ssin er IrXt:at17l? FROM cl:Nt.i:.\t. DrCI.,1sS!FWATON sCU Ei)UL1~. OF ()" )1?.R 11(621 I;l;t;\}1rFIO L' i \TEGC.1'_ 5 _ (1, 3) _~-~-- ~--- ) to det. AUTOMATICALLY 1)1',CLASS!F11`J No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09-: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 SECRET /NODIS/XGDS Dinitz: The newspaper men who are harrassing your spokesman are also harrassing us. Kissinge I am not mad at you. I am mad at the bureaus, who can't give a straight answer. First, dealing with the PLO in Lebanon is totally different from the PLO in Israel. We have been meticulous in not having contacts with them. Even on the assassination of Meloy, we dealt with them through the Egyptian Embassy. We deal with them only on questions about the local situation. Atherton: There was suspicion because we didn't explain it the first day. Dinitz: We have said our piece in a clear way. [He shows the Secretary the official Israeli statement on the matter. ] Kissing er: I have no problem with this. We have told you everything. There is no issue. This is one case where we didn't have to convince you and you didn't have to convince us. If we had done what you reconimended, the Syrians would have taken on the Christians. Now the Christians are strong enough. There weren't even tactical disagreements. Dinitz:' That is right. Kissin : Why is the guidance so weaseling? Was I away? Atherton: It caught us by surprise, and we had to say something. You weren't here. Dinitz: I heard Marvin Kalb on the radio today on the way over. He says there is quid pro quo between the United States and the PLO. [See Tab A] Kissinger: When we threatened them [on the evacuation], we didn't even go to them. We went to the Egyptians and the Saudis. When we got a firm date -- when they said there would be "no obstacles" -- only then did we send a note to the PLO saying: We are leaving on Tuesday. Confirm it. " When they confirmed it, we had talks on where the ships were leaving, and exact times. SECRET/NODIS/XGDS No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 SECRET /NODIS/XGDS Dinitz: No, as a friend. You see pictures of U. S. Marines shaking hands with the PLO; the President thanks all concerned, and the spokes- man of the President says it refers to the PLO. We are bombarded that we are blind. I am afraid it could be an issue -- an issue in the campaign because it shows the impotence of a great power. Even if it is the Mafia that controls the road, as Peter said, and you have to talk to them. But . Kissinger: But these people are also saying we have to talk to the PLO. Marvin is one of the better ones; he ought to understand. When we are actively working to weaken the PLO, why would we do something to build them up? If it was clear that the PLO was key to getting a negotiation started, then we would have a motive. Dinitz: We would complain. Kissinger: Of course. But there would be a motive. If Seelye talked to Arafat tomorrow, why could we get out of it? Some Arab -- in a report I saw -- analyzed the Egyptian-PLO relation- ship: The Egyptians were trying to exhaust both the Syrians and the PLO so that Egypt could then make an independent deal. Dinitz: The problem is not the Jordanians, because they think the Egyptians and the PLO are trying to move closer to each other. Kissinger: You and I have always agreed that at some point in this evolution, the Syrians would go back to the PLO. Dinitz: But has the moment come? Do you think the arrangements will not hold? Kissinger Unless the PLO is weakened, the Syrians will stay there permanently, or else the PLO will gain ascendancy if the Syrians with- draw. If the Syrians were to get any long-term benefit, they had to weaken the PLO. Dinitz: There is small likelihood that this agreement will be observed. The PLO is damned if they accept it, and damned if they reject it. The Egyptians are very mad at the communique. Cairo announced that Arafat won't go to Damascus. SECRET/NODIS/XGDS No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 SECRET/NODIS/XGDS 4 Kissinger: I think the PLO isn't weakened enough to make it a sensible Syrian move. Whether the Arabs ever act out of strategic interest, or whether they are under such pressure from the Soviets, we can't tell. It didn't require Syrian withdrawal. It looks like Arafat might not sell it to his people. Why did the PLO get so involved in the Lebanon situation, in retrospect? Dinitz: They probably didn't plan on much involvement, but once they started attacking Saiqa, the Syrians were furious. Kissinger But why did they get involved with the Christians? Dinitz: They thought it would be an easy victory. Kissinger: They [the PLO] couldn't take over all of.Lebanon except together with the Syrians. Dinitz: They thought the Syrians would stay out and Jumblatt could do it. Kissinger. That is how it looked at the end of March. Dinitz: But the situation changed with the Syrian move and the Christians' resistance. The Syrians can't even accommodate the PLO now because there is the Christian element. Kissinger: But it is a mistake to partition Lebanon, because it would guarantee the Muslim part would be PLO, and a radical government. Dinitz: Because of geography, we are not for that. Kissinger: There will be some federal state now, perhaps. Atherton: Probably. Dinitz We don't advocate partition. Kissinger: If the Christians were in the southern part, it would be different. SECRET/NODIS/XGDS No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 SECRET/NODIS/XGDS Dinitz: I was asked to raise our concern with the growing Egyptian- Syrian political warfare. This is something we have been concerned about. [Tab B] Kissinger: Is this Allon's week? Is this his problem this time? Peres has been quiet. Rodman: He's been running the soup kitchens on the Lebanese border. Dinitz: The Salvation Army ! Kissinger: I read that some of the Lebanese in the south won't let the PLO back into their villages. Dinitz: Three thousand people have been treated by our medical people. They go shopping in Kiryat Shemona. This [Tab B] is with regard to Egypt's influence on other countries not to establish relations -- the pressure on Spain, on the Africans, in the ECOSOC. The speech of Sadat is not one that produces great . . . . The speech on the 23rd. It was very belligerent. Kissinger: Against Israel? Dinitz: Against Israel. Inciting the people [on the West Bank] to rise up against Israel, with the PLO. It was more belligerent than Asad's. Kissinger: I am going to see Eilts.. I will raise this with him. [Dinitz gives Kissinger and Atherton. Tab B] What are the other worrisome aspects of the speech? Dinitz: It doesn't show any interest in negotiation or peace. It is reminiscent of the pre-Agreement situation. Kissinger: We haven't been in contact with the Egyptians and others on the negotiations because we don't want to be asked questions. SECRET/NODIS/XGDS No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 SECRET/NODIS/XGDS Dinitz: And they are not really interested. Kissinger: We haven't discussed it anyway. I will raise it. Dinitz: The other point is the Egyptian attempt to change the status of the Buffer Zone. [He hands the Secretary Tab C. ] Kissinger: That is the arrant stupidity of Waldheim. [To Atherton:] Have we answered that letter? Tab D. Atherton: No,. we talked to his staff people. Kissing_ It is not new. Waldheim has suddenly asked us for a formal opinion. Dinitz: But there is a weakening of the UN position. Because Siilasvuo has gone on vacation. The Swedish chap has also been recalled. The new Commander doesn't know anything about the history of the thing. So there is a vacuum, and the Egyptians have escalated their demands. Kissinger: I think we should just bury it. Dinitz: We are not raising it; we are just calling it to your attention. Atherton: Somebody talked to Urquhart. He is a sensible guy. Kissinger Yes. Have Scranton talk to Waldheim or Urquhart and take care of it. Dinitz: Siilasvuo was due to be back on the 28th. Kissinger: Right. Dinitz: Another point: The Iraqi Government has lately requested to admit the PLO in the International Atomic Energy Commission [Agency]. [Laughter] Rodman: That is good, because the safeguards would apply l SECRET/NODIS/XGDS No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 SECRET JN0DIS_/XGDS Dinitz: I need not tell you the ramifications of this I Kissinger: Have we got a veto? Dinitz: Here is a paper on this. [Tab E] Bar-On: You have considerable influence; it is a weighted vote. Kissinger: We will oppose it. Dinitz: One additional thing: When former President Nixon was in Israel, we signed a joint communique which referred favorably to increasing land- ing rights for El Al. It is very important to us and also has important political and psychological effects. We are the only airline which has only one point of entry, New York. Kissinger: Where does it stand? Atherton: The CAB has it. Kissinger: But it hasn't come up in the last two years. Dinitz: If I may: We've requested Los Angeles, Chicago and Miami. We understand there may be some differences because these are major points and TWA uses them. It could be San Francisco instead of Los Angeles; Cleveland or Detroit instead of Chicago; or Boston and Wash- ington instead of Miami. Kissinger: That is the last concession you will make! It's like Mao and Kosygin: Mao swears it is true. He says he told Kosygin, on the way back from the Ho Chi Minh funeral, "We'll struggle against you for 10, 000 years." Kosygin said: "That's not the way to talk among Communists. " Mao said: "All right, 9, 000 years, " [Laughter] So Kosygin said: "Come on now. " So Mao said: "8, 000 years, and that is the last concession we will make!" [Laughter] Dinitz: Who told you this? Kissinger: Mao told me that. He swears it is true. SECRET /NODIwS /XGDS No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 SECRET /NOD]S /XGDS 8 Dinitz: Because I don't think we can ever reach agreement with the CAB. Atherton: There were a couple of rounds of negotiations with the CAB after the Nixon visit; but there was no result. Dinitz: They were very courteous., but they said, "Of course, TWA would object and it would have to be a political decision. " It is the same in our government; the Minister of Transportation would be against it, but the Prime Minister and the Cabinet could decide on other calculations. So you should talk to the President and see what can be done. You are doing good business in Israel. TWA is one of the few airlines that make money. Kissin er: If you pave it all, you will have more room. The tanks are moving. Dinitz: No, nothing has moved on this or on the 105 mm guns. The same thing with the German thing. Kissinger : The problem is we haven't figured out the bureaucratic thing. Dinitz: Leber said let the U. S. purchase it on a token basis. Kissinger: But we have to do paperwork for a purchase. Dinitz: I think it is simply a little goodwill. Scowcroft says the Pentagon is investigating it. I go to the Pentagon but the Pentagon won't see me. Kissinger: Why? Dinitz: Rumsfeld won't see foreign Ambassadors. Atherton: Brent says the Pentagon promised an answer in the middle of next week. Dinitz: They now tell us we don't have money to cover all the orders. This is true. But we aren't putting orders beyond our money. There was a rumor that Rumsfeld was keeping it because he was going to Israel and wanted to give it to Shimon Peres in Israel. I don't care who he gives it to. SECRET /NODIS /XGDS No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 SECRET /NODIS /XGDS Kissinger: I will talk to him again. Dinitz: I have two pleasant items. The Israeli Philharmonic will be at the Kennedy Center on the 27th for the Bicentennial. Zubin Mehta will be conducting. I understand the President may go. Rodman: You will be at the UNGA. Kissinger: I am giving a speech on that dayat the UN. I am almost sure my boys in 10 scheduled something else for that night. Rodman: But I told Jock about this. Kissinger : If there is something else, I'll try to un.schedule it. Dinitz: Now, with Nancy and you in Iran, maybe she could come to Israel. Kissinger: There is air service between Iran and Israel? Dinitz: Yes. Kissinger: She could go to Jordan and then to Egypt too. Dinitz: She could go through Cyprus or Greece. Kissinger: Not someone named Kissinger! That would be dangerous. Dinitz: Rome? Kissinger: The easier way would be through Jordan. If not this time., I may go to Africa at the end of the month. Dinitz: East Africa or West Africa? Kissinger: Probably East Africa. But I would like to go to the Ivory Coast on one trip. SECRET/NODIS/XGDS No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09 : LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 SECRET NODIS/XGDS 10 Dinitz: That was our recommendation. Houphouet wasn't there. Kissinger; He was in Paris for a rest and he hates flying so he didn't come back. But I saw him in Paris. Dinitz: He'd welcome Scranton, but he wants you. Kissinger: The Nigerian Foreign Minister came to see me. He was very worried about our not seeing him. It's true. Dinitz: We've heard things about the situation in Nigeria. Kissi.ngerr: We have too. There is not one Nigerian Chief of State except Gowon who left office alive. Bar-On: Because he was abroad at the time. Kissinger: Yes. It's a death sentence to be made Nigerian Chief of State ! All right. Can we talk alone for a minute? [Kissinger and Dinitz conferred alone from 9:32 to 10:05.] SECRET/NODIS/XGDS No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 P PLO DYKENNETHJ. RED WASHINGTON (AP) ---.THE PALESTINE LIBERATION ORGANIZATION IS NOW PROVIDING PROTECTION FOR U.S.. OFFICIALS TRAVELING IN THE MOSLEM SECT IONS OF Bw;,i i3T, TllE STATE DEPARTMENT ACKiNOWLEDGED TODAY. THIS WAS TIE NEWEST DEVF.LOPME:NT IPN STATE DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTIONS OF WI-tAT HAS TURNED OUT TO BE AN E 1PANDING RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND THE PLO. UNTIL LAST FRIDAY, THE UNITED _STATES DEN; ED ANY DIRECT CONTACT WITH _HE* GUs:. i:!F.Li~ 0 AiiiZAtIO:Np cIO:IVGBy TIE D;PARTt1ENT HAS SINGE AC+f;IO 1LZD GZD- TI-{AT CONTACTS 3,?GAfN L LATE JUTE. SPJ'tfESf Afi :1.0:4RT FUNSETII SAID TODAY THAT ALL CONTACTS WITH 'THE PLO A:RZ L T;:1 I TED TO S, EC UR ITY f$ATTZRS. STATING THAT THE PLO IS A PRINCIPAL . FACT OR IN THE SECURITY SITUATIOY I'N?NOSLE i-, LD WEST BEIRUT, LOCATION OF THE U*S.. EMBASSY FUNSETH SA D, x HAT THE M A3 GROUP HAS PROVIDED . 4 v ESCORT VEHICLES TO ACCOMPANY U. S.. OFFICIALS I N PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS AREAS. "i . ON AT A LEAST' ONE OCCASION, THE PLO ESCORTED ACTING AMBASSADOR TALCOTT SEA YE BEFORE HEA WAS EVACUATED ALONG WITH SEVERAL HUNDRED OTHER, AMERICA"S AND OTHER. FOREI.GNERS EARLIER THIS WEE F UN ETH 1.10ULD NOT PVOVIDE. DETAILS ON THE TYPE OF PROTECTION THE TERROR__`+ST MT O IS PROVIDING, 6JOR' WOULD HE DISCLOSE THE FREQUENCY IN ADDIz?OfNy, 'HE SAID HZ COULD GIVE ;~10: DETAILS ON WHAT PARTICULAR AREAS `..:'.E UIRE PLO PROT :CTION. HE _ALSO_DECLI :ED TO. ANSI ER 1iWHEN~ ASKED IF THE PLO ITSELF- WAS NOT THE. PRINCIPAL SOURCE OF DAN= R TO AMERICANS 1.31 SOME . OF THE WEST' BEIRUT SECT IONS. IN A RELATED NATTER, _ FUNSETH SAID THE UNITED STATES ALSO HAD BEEN I DIRECT CONTACT W'I THE' P O' 'CO-ICERi1ING THE JUNE 16 MURDER OF AMBASSADOR FRANCIS tjEL O'! ? AND TWO OTHER U.S, EMBASSY PERSONNEL* WE -HAV : PASSED TO THE PLO A STFO NG ?BEQUEST THAT THE' t;URDERERS BE IDENTIFIED, APPREHENDED AND PUNISHED, !. F i`1SETH SAID, THE PLO ITSELF ' AID ON JUNE. 2Q THAT IT HAD CAPTURED THE KILLERS% WHILE NOT SPECIFICALLY DISPUTING THAT CLAIM FUNSETH SAID THAT v.vWE 41 ATIOf1 THAT THE PLO IS HOLDING THE HAVE NO I`NDEPE.: ND.E'NT CO N.FIR 07-30-(a 1G>43EDT No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 Jut' 31 ~ (97; . ~lorhic~~. PALESTINIAN ESCORTS FOR OFFICIAL MSERICANS Neil Strawser and Marvin Kalb, CBS Radio, World News Roundup. Egypt, in one of its strongest attacks on Syria in recent months, has accused the Syrians of working with Israel to destroy the Palestinian commando movement in Lebanon, Cairo calling the new Syrian-Palestinian accord a document of sur- render.- Here in Washington, some eye brows are being raised by the State Department announcement that Palestinians are providing protection for Americans in Beirut. Ziiarvin :alb reports. Kalb: The spokesman, Robert Funseth, continues to maintain that American contacts with the Palestine Liberation Organiza- tion are limited strictly to security matters, and that ?mari-- can policy toward the PLO has not changed as a result of these contacts. However, the official definition of!security' seems to expand with each day, until now a channell of cor,,munica-. tion between the two sides has been established which, in the long run, may turn out to be much more significant than the contacts themselves. That channell is in fact the 'quid pro quo' :which the Palestinians are getting in exchange for for 2znericans who work, live and travel through West Beirut. There are other leftist armed groups in West Beirut, but the U. S, is dealing with the PLO. Ti,,-at- is the diplomatic signal' that the U.S. recognizes the imoort- ance of the PLO. It's a degree of recognition and respecta- bility that the PLO has. wanted from the U.S. for a long time. Now, it has it. (State Department). No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 s No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 #S "t C R E T 30 July 1976 EGYPTIAN POLITICAL WARFARE WE ARE CONCERNED AT THE INCREASE OF EGYPTIAN INITIATIVES AND STATEMENTS OF A RATHER VIOLENT ANTI-ISRAELI NATURE TO WHICH WE HAVE BEEN WITNESS IN THE LAST FEW MONTHS CULMINA- TING AS THEY DID ONLY A FEW DAYS AGO IN SADAAT'S SPEECH OF JULY 23rd.- EGYPT IS CONTINUING TO BE ACTIVE IN TRYING TO THWART ANY MOVE DESIGNED TO BRING ABOUT DIPLOMATIC. RELATIONS BETWEEN ISRAEL AND SPAIN. ON-THE AFRICAN FRONT, WE KNOW THAT EGYPT EXERCISED PRESSURE ON MAURITIUS TO BREAK DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS WITH US. EGYPT HAS ALSO BEEN ACTIVE THROUGHOUT AFRICA IN TRYING TO PREVENT ANY WEAKENING IN THE ENTIRE ISRAEL STANCE OF THE AFRICAN COUNTRIES IN INTERNATIONAL FORUII?S. WE KNOW, FOR EXAMPLE, OF A PARTICULAR EFFORT IN THIS DIRECTION IN SIERRA LEONE. WE HAVE INDICATIONS THAT EGYPT IS f$G IN EXERCISING NOT ONLY PRESSURE BUT ALSO ENCOURAGES THE OFFERRING OF FINANCIAL INDUCEMENTS TO SOME AFRICAN HEADS OF STATE IN GIRDER TO PREVENT ANY WEAKENING IN THEIR ANTI-ISRAELI STAND. 2) EGYPT IS ACTIVE AGAINST ISRAEL AT THE U.N. IN ITS SPECIALIZED AGENCIES AS WELL AS IN OTHER INTERNATIONAL BODIES. EGYPTIAN ACTION AT THE BEGINNING OF MAY IN REQUESTING A MEETING OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL IS STILL S E C R E T 2/.. No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 S E C R E T -2- 30. July 1976 REMEMBERED BUT ALSO LATELY EGYPT HAS BEEN SPONSORING ANTI-ISRAELI RESOLUTIONS IN SUCH BODIES AS ECOSOC, HABITAT AND OTHER AGENCIES. WE ARE OF COURSE PARTICULARLY CONCERNED ABOUT SADAT'S SPEECH OF JULY 23RD IN WHICH HE BITTERLY ATTACKED ISRAEL AND, FOR EXAMPLE, CALLED ON THE ARAB POPULATION OF THE WEST BANK IN THE GAZA STRIP "TO CONTINUE THEIR STRUGGLE AND RESISTANCE AGAINST ISRAEL" AND TO UNITE BEHIND THE PLO. THIS IS CERTAINLY AN OPEN INCITEMENT AND.THEREFORE OF CONCERN. IT SHOULD BE SAID THAT THERE ARE ALSO OTHER WORRISOME ASPECTS IN SADAT'S SPEECH WHICH CAST DOUBT IN OUR MINDS ON THE POLITICAL DIRECTION . IN WHICH HE SEEMS TO BE ENGAGED. AT THE MOMENT. S E C R E T No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 1AEL JANUARY , MAY 1976 Since the signing of the interim agreement in September 1975, the Government of Israel has been watching.cerefully for signs and indications that might.reveal something of Egyptian intentions regarding the gradual normalization of relations with Israel, as called for under the agreement. It now transpires that the trend has been precisely the reverse: not only has there been no easing of Egyptts propaganda effort against Israel, but Cairo has, on the contrary, been campaigning actively in various international forums in an attempt to isolate and condemn Israel. Clearly, this position is totally inconsiete.nt with a readiness to reach a settlement, and Israel must take this into account in weighing any future moves in the area. In-the pages that follow we present hard evidence to the .effect that Egypt, its moderate rhetoric notwithstanding, has not changed its basic position towards Israel and its rightful existence. A. E tian Cloves Against Israel at the United Nations and Other International Bodies .1. At the end of April, Egyptian representatives lobbied among 'leaders of the European Socialist parties with the object of preventing their participation in.a Socialist symposium in Jerusalem (Al Shaab, Jordanian daily, May 12, 1976, and other sources), 2. On May 3, President Sadat requested the convening of an emergency session of the UN Security Council to discuss Israelis actions in the territories and in Jerusalem, charging that these were,among other.things, a violation of the Geneva Convention. No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 3. At the FAO Conference in Rome at the end of May, the Egyptian delegation proposed an amendment to prevent the acceptance of Israel as an original member in the Third Group of the Inter- national Fund for Agricultural Development. 4. At the prepatory meeting of the ECOSOC Conference, Egypt was at the forefront of those insisting on reference being made to the notorious Zionism-racism resolution of last November; despite the failure of this move, Egypt continued its pressure to have that resolution mentioned in the resolutions of the Abidjan Conference. 5. In May, there were Egyptian and other Arab attempts to work against a joint meeting of Israel and the European Common Market in Jerusalem. . 6. At Habitat (April 31-May 11, 1976) there was an Egyptian initiative,, supported by Iraq and Libya, B. E9yotian Activity at Islamic Conference 1. At the Islamic-Christian Conferences in Tripoli (February 1-7., 1976) the Egyptian representative was the most belligerent towards Israel and the Jewish 'People. He referred to Jews in the crudest terms ('scum of the earth" and similar terms), and reacted in a manner that can only be described as hysterical when the Vatican representative objected to his terminology. 2. At the Islamic Foreign Ministers Conference in Istanbul,an Egyptian-Syrian draft was presented to the Conference calling upon all the member States that still had not done so to break relations with Israel.' (Egypt opposed a demand by Syria, Libya and the PLO calling for the expulsion of Israel from the United Nations, but this proposal still formed part of the Summary Report of the Conference.) No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 C. ? Activit to Prevent Diplomatic Relations and Other Contacts with Israel 1. Since January of this year, Egypt has been. engaged in thwarting every move designed to bring about the establishment of diplomatic relations between Spain and Israel. (See, for example, foreign 'Minister Fahmy's statement at the Egyptian National Assembly on January 17, 1976, and an article threatening Spain, in Art-, June 1, 1976.) .2. The Ambassadors of Egypt, Libya and Kuwait boycotted a farewell party in Malta for the Ambassador from West Germany because Israel participated (according to a letter from the Embassy in Malta 'dated March 2). (There have been other reports of the deliberate avoidance of encounters with.Israeli diplomats, but Egyptian behavior in this respect does not appear to be uniform.) D. Statements by President Sadat 1. In an.interview with the Iranian News Agency (February 24, 1976), -President Sadat categorically rejected the notion of direct negotiations with Israel as "utterly impossible." 2. At a press conference in Kuwait on February 29, Sadat said: "We must not give .:Israel a chance to draw air into its lungs.... Egypt will not leave the battle, nor will it abandon its national responsibility, because it regards this as a matter of obligation and honor." 3. In a letter to the African nations on the occasion of International Day in the Struggle Against Racism and Discrimination (March 21), Sadat said: "Racist. discrimination, which is still prevalent in certain areas in southern Africa, also is continuing on Palestinian soil. In addition to the barbaric, inhuman, colonialistic repression in Palestine, there is also the cultural repression, manifested in the alteration of the status of Arab Jerusalem." No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 4. In a speech before officers of the'Second Army in Ismailiya (March 22),+Sadat said: "We must continue our efforts to find a solution to the Middle East-problem, either by peaceful or by military means.. If a peaceful solution fails, we cannot allow Israel to sit quietly and relax. We must keep pushing it back and remove it entirely from our land - that is to say, all the Arab land." 5: In a speech on May 1 in Suez, Sadat said: "The goal was, and remains, the liberation of Arab land in its entirety, and the realization of the right of the Palestinian people to regain possession ofjts soil and to establish a state on that soil. The Israeli occupation has twice retreated from Egypt and once from .Syria and the rin of world pressure has begun to tighten around. Israel as never before. The United States is now anxious to please us'- after it had tried to fight us, face-to-face, for ten full days. Europe, too, has approached us with the same aim, and I felt this myself during my recent tiip to -furope o ... M-ore---- important, however, is the fact that we conducted a political struggle on behalf of the Palestinian people, to the point where the status'of the PLO in the world has reached a level never attained by any other national liberation movement and it has succeeded in entering the international arena by the widest possible portal.... The Palestinian people, bending under the yoke of the Israeli occupation, turned to its own salvation when the West Bank rose to the last man, and its inhabitants -- including the old and the women and children - went out into the streets to raise their voices against the Israeli-occupation,, hurling stones in the abominable face of the enemy. From the Suez of the 6th of October, we proudly hail the Palestinian people, without prejudice, for their glorious achievements in the struggle they are carrying on in the occupied territories, under the leadership of the PLO. Through unity of will, goal and organization, with courage and awareness, it has succeeded in coming to grips with the new realities generated by the October victories, and to withstand the repression and the terror of the Israeli occupation. At the time of the municipal elections on No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 the West Bank, it even succeeded in imposing its own national representatives at a rate of more than 80 per cent of the candidates elected to the local councils. E. Statements bV--Foreign Minister Fahmy 1. In a speech before the committees of the Egyptian National Assembly on January 5, 1976, Fahmy said: "One of the manifestations of Egypt's adherence to its national obligations is the perseverence of. its activity against Israel in every It was Egypt that raised the matter of the Israeli aggression on the refugee camps in Lebanon before the Security Council an .December 3, 1975. It achieved, for the first time in the history of the Security Council, the agreement of the Council to allow the participation of the PLO during the debate on this subject. This was the strongest' challenge that the Palestinians had ever thrown at Israel on the international level-, and-'Eg pt? thus- managed, in effect, to upset the balance of forces in the United Nations, and in the Security Council itself.... Egypt took the initiative in the campaign against Israel on every occasion when Arab rights were involved..... You will surely recall that I issued a clear warning to Israel against keeping its gates open to immigration. During the past 28 years we haven't heard from any other Arab source a reminder to the Israeli rulers that the restriction of immigration to Israel will be one of the funda- mental conditions for permanent peace.'' 2. During a discussion at the National Council on January 17, 1976, Fahmy said: "Spain has no intention of changing its present policy, and the statements attributed to the Foreign Minister of Spain are part of Zionist propaganda. Contacts are being maintained and we are keeping track of every move in every country, in order to protect Arab interests." 3. During a discussion before the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly on February 12 (following the convening of No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 D .. the Jordanian Parliament), Fahmy said: "The only way to foil the plans of the Israeli administration an the West Bank is to step up resistance activities there. Thus our Palestinian brothers who live there will not co-operate with any Israeli plan seeking, ostensibly, to grant them an autonomous regime while, in actual fact, it sought to undermine the representative authority of the PLO." 4. During a speech before the National Assembly on March 15 '(following the abrogation of the Soviet-Egyptian Friendship Treaty), Fahmy said: It... the Soviet Union allows immigration of Jews to Israel, Zionist pressure, aiming to link the trade agreement between Russia and America to the subject of Jewish immigration, has succeeded. The Soviet Union signed the agreement publicly while secretly agreeing to this matter of immigration, and the Jews emigrated -- 40,000 in 1974 and 60,000 in 1975.h 5. In an official statement commenting on the demonstrations in Judaea and Samaria on March 20, Fahmy praised all people who are under occupation in general, and the Palestinian people on the West Bank in particular, for "their heroic stand and their rebellion against the Israeli occupation, violence and terror.... .It is clear that Israel wants to return to its Zionist goals, which contradict the international community's objective of a just and durable peace in the Middle East.... The Egyptian Government and people support the position of the Palestinian poeple against the moves undertaken by Israel in the occupied territories." 6. In an interview with Al--Abram on April 30, Fahmy said: "The responsibility for putting an end to the state of war with Israel lies an Israel's shoulders only, not on the Arabs' shoulders." No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 'Hr-71 1014' 1-4003- 00 . ?t t#p Department of State rMMr'IoE' TIAL NNOD119 USUN N 22994 2223172 COPY OF 15 COPIES. INFO OCT-21 ISO-90 /001 W A1 ? ............. rmage.aa?iss. 1119 R 2222147? JUL 76 ZFF-4 F USMIS"IOn USUN NEW YORK TO SI:+CSTATE WASHGC 8397 C D N F I D E N T I .A L. USUN 299.4 MDGI$ :R[7, 11652: GDS TAt3F LII~, PF(Th, MAPR, EG, IS SJF JECT: LETTER FROM SECRETARY-GENERAL WALOOi?ili-X?4 FOR SECSTA i E 1 FOLLG'WI"'r3 LFTT'F.P HAS 1PEN F?ECF.IVED FR0m $FCRETTARY- GY'~Et~s`tE_ =tiALUHI IM FOR TRAW3TITT7AL TO SEC ' T'Ai-Y KISSIfi1GEF TEXT IS T l bN ,`;ITTED DELOW Alan OF;It3XNAL OF LL-TTER t1ILL BE f t3R . n u . 2, BEGIN TEXT 21 JULY 1976 PEAR HENRY, IN CONTI?UATION OF OUR CLOSE CONTACTS. IN t-TATTERS PERTAXNING TO THE 10 PLF.MENTA.TIO^1 OF THE EGYPT/ISRAEL AUREEmFriT OF SEPTEm9EQ 1975, I COULD LIXE. TO 9RING TO YOUR t TTENTI1j N A MOST SE:4''IOUS F il~+L! rj RECENTLY F1ROU HT UP 8v' TnE EGYPTIAN Go;'ERP=`wVT, i;+IS PRUiILEh CONCERNS ThE LL(;AI. STATUS OF BUFFER 'LU'N'e it W,hIC'H EVCt]h~p!SS?w~ THE STFATt^GIC GIOuX AF?iO 14ITLA PASSES, THE SURVvILLA';C:r STATIrINS OF THE TWO PARTIES, '''.'_7 '_ THE UNI"t EO STATES GUVER'~"ENT' S WATCH STATIONS AND SENSOR FIELDS, AS YOU ~TLL RECALL: THE NATURE: OF THE PUFFE;k ZONE, UNDER THE AGREE."'ELT ON THE OISENGAGEHF:NT OF FORCES OF Lti JANUARY 1974, HAD NEVER BEEN CALLEO INTO QUESTION. NOT;, HOWEVER, CONFIDENTIAL . No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 NOT TO BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT TIDE AUTHORIZATION OF THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 r OR ~ 11 .;L N.4 _A ~, ~ tr ~1~,114 1 4 ' 4TE5 Ov Department of State US1.UW i 02994 222317Z THE CUSJERI-IME' T OF EGYPT M-AIUTAI S ThAT THE PRESENT c3UFFER ZE)NE 1 I'S. NUT A UNITED PATIO'S AREA, NOR A CO"1DU! X IUN BETIVFEM EGYPT .'A.0 ISRAEL, EGYPT AFFMMS THAT T4E AREA i;t'`AI`}S L!P;DE~~ FULL EGYPTIAN SOVEREIGNTY. '.o{IL.E EGYPT HAS VOLUNTARILY ACCEPTFU CERTAIN nESTRXCTIONS PERTAINING TO THE `,I 1 ILIT1 RY C) At;HCTEF CF THE OFFER ZOi'E, IT INSISTS ON ITS soVE^LIGN RIGHT TO 1!NGF?FiTAKE CIVILIAN ACTIVITIES IN THE SUFFER ZOt E." IN THIS CO,*! XIOia, IT IS TMPORT aNT TO BEAR IN MIND THAT TmF AGRLF.19EIIT CF SEPTE06ER 1:175 PROVIDES FOR A CLEARgR SITUATION IN 1HE SOUTHERN AREA (SOUTH OF LINE E AND WEST CF LINE 0). Th}:-"G EGYPT IS SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED TO CARRY OUT CERTAIN CIVILIAN ACTIVITIES RELATING TO THE OIL FIE LOS IN ABU POODEIS AN) RA5 SUL)AR, It CLUOING THE MAINTENANCE OF A LIMITED NUMBER OF CIVILIAN POLICE, THE GOVF=:R1`ft-l'1T OF ?FCYPT HAS RAISFD THIS FUNDAMENTAL OUESTION RCS.A'?OItJG BUFF" ,k ZONE 1 TN CO,N'3EXION I.IITHH ITS Xi4SISTENCE T;, T IT SL PC M):TTEU TO PROVIDE NURMAL CIVILTAU SERVICES TO THE F GYP'i XAi CITI7.1' N;S IN THE 6UFFLR ZONE VGL.OOUINS), AS YOU ARE AiIARF, THIS MATTER WAS FULLY DISCUSSED IN THE MILITARY WORKING GRC'UP THAT 1+&5 CONVENED TG WORK OUT THE PROTOCOL. FOR 7 HE Xr;PLEHEl4 T A T ION OF THE At^,.EEHENT, AT Th.AT TIME EGYPT REFUSED TO DISCUSS THE PRURLEVIS OF hGYPTIAN CIVILIANS WITH ISRAi.LI REPRESENTATIVES IN THE WORKING GRU10, UiiOFR THESE CIRCUMMu STANCES ISRAEL REFUSED TO AUREE TO THE TERNS uF TriE PROTOCOL UNLESS IT COULD RL:CEIV': SATISFACTION eitTH RESPECT TO THE STATUS OF TO.- CIVILIANS IN BUFFER ZIThE 1. THE MATTER ;IAS RESOLVED IN A WAY THAT LEFT OPEN THE OUE `i T ION AS TO HOW EGYPT SHOULD PROVXDE SERVICE-5 TO THE 6000I%JS, LATER, AT THE CU"PLETXOr4 OF THE DISEIOAGEMLNT PROCESS, GENERAL SXILASVUO, IN HIS CAPACITY AS CHIEF CO-GPDINATOR OF THE U,vtTEO) NATIONS PEACES' 1< PING MISSI()MMS IN THE MID )LE EAST, OUT, IN CLOSE COK,SNILTATIOI! k*XTH SOTri PARTIES, ARRANGEc1F.~NTS ;;HICr PERMITTED THE F. ,TARLISH;; NT OF AN EGYPTIAN AC)1?1ItNI5'1'kATI ,'E C$E.NTPE TO P.40VIOE SERVICES TO *THE i) L,UUIiiS. PiOW 1 EGYPT IS IMSISTING THAT UNEF PeRHIT THE IHTPOfUCTION OF UNIFORMED EGYPTIAN CIVILIAN POLICE INTO THE BUFFER ZONE, EGYPT HAS ALSO FORMALLY RE(UE5TEO THAT UNNEF SHOULD ALLOW EGYPT TO EXPLOIT ITS NATURAL RESOURCES IN PUFFER ZOi4 I. IN THIS CONNEXION, IT HAS IINFURMEU UNEF THAT IT INTENDS TO CONFIDENTIAL NOT TO BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE AUTHORIZATION OF THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/12/09: LOC-HAK-161-8-22-0 KWT Odd ' Department of State W 4TESol CONFIDENTIAL ScE,NU AN INTERNATIONAL 1 I\'It.iAM TEAM TO EYPLO E FOR OIL IN THE SUFFER ME, IN DEALING 14ITH T-1E EG~PTIAM RE;GUES1", THE. Cj IF:r CO OF OINATOr: AND THE FCERCL COHMAr:DEk t;F UNEI t'AVEp OF CQtiR:, :, COV5ULTEO WITH TWE. ISRAELI GOVIFRt?t;EN:TQ ISRAEL, IN OPPOSP?'G At`'Y EGYPTTAM CIVILIAN ACTIVITIES It`. THE 8LUFFE:R ZONE, VAIN T AIMS THAT EGYPT CAttrsC.T ASSN .RT ITS. S(IVEF EIG TY IN THE t~11'FEt ZONE, M+ICH 13 i--~.I;r4 A 'SPECIAL REGI`'E. CONSEt UEMTLY, ISRAEL IS OPPLSEt) TR HAVING EGYPTIAN CIVILIAN POLICE IN PUFFER ZO:iE It POINTING OUT THAT IT 15 ONLY IN THE SOUTHERN At~E A THAT THE AOREEhFr0 T PROVIDES FOR THE FRES; NCE OF EGYPTIAN: CTVII.IA-% POLICE UNDER SPECIAL ARRINGEMENTS. ISRAEL IS ALSn OPPOSED TO ALLLCiING EGYPT TO UNDO-ITTAUE. OIL LXPLOPATION It~i THE EiLIFFER XONLa UNDE THE Ii E:.RSTANOIriG 0RKE0 OUT r"iITH 60TH P; 1 Ir5, tlh4EF f?;ILL HAVE TO GIVE ITS F ESPO"ISE TO EGYPT SW"EE TIRE DURING THE FIRST WEEK IN AUGUST 19762 THE STATUS OF Tit_: BUFPEF ZONE Tar OF COURSE, ?A 1 tJ 'D i-