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No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/10/05: LOC-HAK-543-7-1-0 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 2t to-h er 1973 INTELLIGENCE MEMO1 3DUM MIDDLE EAST Si'tuation? Report -Number 74. (as of, 0630 EDT) THE. MILITARY..SITUATION 1. Both Israel and Egypt agreed to a second cease--fire Lo. take effect at 01.00 EDT this morning. The second cease-fire proposal Y+ad been adopted Tues- day' evening bar tbd UN Security. Council. Syria also announced 'latia last night; 't'hat' it accepi:.ed the ? UN .cease-fir e, resolution. Egypt and* Syria Conditioned their acceptance : upon complete: Israeli withdrawal from all occs pied Arab territories.. . 2. . The Israeli Chief of 'Staff instructed all Israeli forces along the Suez Canal ..to ohserve the .25X1 cease-fire ?as . of the 0100 deadline stir estcd by Is- raeli_ Oef6hse Minister. Dayan. 25X1 3. ' Following the ' cease-fire, air `activity in Syria and-along the Suez Canal included defensive pAtro1.ling, reconrialssance flights, and po ,sibly some Israeli air. support .-for its around units on the west' MORI PER C03223216 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/10/05: LOC-HAK-543-7-1-0 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/10/05: LOC-HAK-543-7-1-0 bank. Licjht groulad sl .irmishi ng had ,continued also along the east bank. Of the canal and near Suez City on . the west bank where an Egyptian naval facility At Adabiya was under attack by an Israeli armored unit. 4. Tel Aviv has admitted that the Egyptians Con- trol.. areas. along the east bank of the canal. to a depth of up to six miles.. In the north Uie : 'Egyptians hold a sector. extending from, a point., east of Ismailia north to the. ma.r, sh. region southeast :of Port Said. - The-southern sector-.extends from ' a point east of the south- ern tip of, the Great Bitter Lake south'to Port T'awfiq, . opposite-Suez City on the Gulf of Suez. The Egyptians had not been able to. expand ? their fn'o-(ho3,d in the Sinai? since Monday. 5.. On the vest bank the Israelis claim control of a broad area from a point about .20 miles west of Is- mailia; south to near.:Jaiiai al Jufrah, and roughly - south-bast to' the outskirts .o.f Suez City. Israeli advances on the.west bank ;since Monday. have been mainly confined to "the `SU-sz `City ,.area where they. claim .to have isolated the southern concentration of Egyptian 'forces ?on the east bank. No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/10/05: LOC-HAK-543-7-1-0 day for Middle Fast destina.tL011s., SOVIET, SF.LIFT No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/10/05: LOC-HAK-543-7-1-0 SYRIAN FRONT 7. The Israelis claim, control Of all territory . from they suirurit of Mount Hermon. southea t throuyhh Sas&. ? and ex ttmdiny to a point east' of 'Tell Aaxntar,, and then west to the 1967 aease-Mire line.. There is no evidence that any Syrian forces rexnai.n intact within this area and .ire .still offering resistance. There had bean no significant ad-. vances by either side since Monday's short-lived cease- fire. 8. Last night, Israeli Saar--class missile 'boats participated in, the shelling og the ports of &ani,yas and Latakia.. Srn&11 fedayeen units were active* near the Golan Heights. No major ground force activity was noted .on either sire. Ai.r activity Was limited to defensive patrols' and reconnaissance SOVIET. AIRLIFT 9. Soviet transport ? f.liyht activity to the middle East on 23 October ' drOppecl to its l awes t level. since the military airlift began two weeks-?.; acgc.: Only 20 aircraft ...arrived, down f, orn 55 the previous day. Of 14 AN-12 ar- rivals, eight wurit, to Syria, three to Iraq , two to Egypt., 'and bne to an undisclosed locattion. - Five of six AN-22 arrivals landed! in '.Cairo.' 'The:-c:. aircraft carried 440 tons of military cargo, - about: one-h'Yalf of the total delivered it each of the three previous days'. 10. A of 0 morning, no Soviet transport aircraft have been n ruto to or scheduled for the Middle East.. The a seznoe. of, fiiyht activity thus far today, while unusual, does not preciudo.the possibility that sizable number of aircraft . will, icave . later in the No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/10/05: LOC-HAK-543-7-1-0 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/10/05: LOC-HAK-543-7-1-0 AT THE UNITED NATIONS .12. The: UN Security' Council resolution approved last. night, again,'co-sponsored by the US and the Soviet Union, -reaffirmq -Mondaiy's call'for a ona3c-fire and urges, all. parties-to return to the positions they occupied r at the time the truce: became of tectiva (1: 00, PR EDT Octo- ber 22'. --requests that the Secretary-General dispatch UN observers to. supervise the cease--fire. along the Egyptian front.. +~ V 12. This first effort.o?f flee' Council to enforce its much-violated cease-fire should.bring UN Observers quickly into place*- It avoids , howevor. ; the difficult problem of ? where the cease-fire line should be drawn. and also failed to' address the ?quostions oi: h1aw:to initiate peace negotia- tions or how to implement the arrsbiguou Resolution 242. While there is coratinuiny risentrnc-.nt of US-Soviet dominance, Council rlemhers seers to be awaiting initiatives froth Wash- ing-tun and. Moscovr :on these issues also. 13.. Three observes: teams were lacing sent immediately to the west bank of the Suez Carial; Fgypt has approved their deployment. Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan is scheduled to meet today with a. US repr.cscentative to discuss placement of observers along the east bank, Some UN ob- server teams have :retnai,ted ? on the Syrian front throughout the war. The Council will, eve ntua lly have to consider, how- ever, the haed. f6r additional observers in both areas. opposition, the meeting was nt .r cad by stormy debate. China, which again rerusod to participate, in the vote, vehemently Objected to superpowers' use of ,the Security Council as a rubber stamp. ;A heated exchange :between Chinese and Soviet Ambassadors on this point forces the president to adjourn the session for a quarter of an hour. while. non-aligned ?14. Although the resolUtiorr was approved without No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/10/05: LOC-HAK-543-7-1-0 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/10/05: LOC-HAK-543-7-1-0 25X1 states ; lso deploXcd the lack of tin le for. consultations, there we=re no efforts to' oppose., the resolution or ? offer alterriati.ves. ; . 15. Israel: accused Fgypt of continuing attacks in violation of the ce+aso-fire. Ambassador Tekoah stated that. xsrae'l..wouid. stop fighting as soon as Egypt stops and reiterated th requirement .that.' all. prisoners of war bG returned., '16yptian Foreign L~Uinister Zayya ? emphasized the Z rab~ demand that all occupied territories be returned, indicating that Cairo now consiao s this a responsibility of .thr su~7ar~cwcr. 1;:~`;T TA'L PNT aQdINST US IN ;JORDWITAN QF?'ICC:R CORPS 3.7 .. ,I I resentment: 25X1 25X1 is growing --ire ;the',Jordanian P.rmy over the US resupply . effort to Isre~ .; The resentment rc:porterdly has been in- m~-nt from the i p 25X1, tensified by Jordan's jnabil,i.ty. to get e u i b US that has been provided the Israol .? SAUDI 1\1 BIA 25X1 A' Ktai3 VIEW OF TILE- s TUIVrIo1`S 19. A 25X1 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/10/05: LOC-HAK-543-7-1-0 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/10/05: LOC-HAK-543-7-1-0 CHINA ? 20. The Chinusc pros, in its first direct comment an the US-Sovi.eL resolution calling-for a Middle East cease- fire, accused Washingtr~n ari * d..Moscow of trying to "put out:. the blazing fi e of this just war.." The Chinese 'charac- terized calls or an in-place cease-'f'ire as an effort by the 'US and tho US R to maintain. the 'stalemate- for their own .selfish ends. The comanentary by the' Ncw China Newa Agency fol lowed ._closely the arguments put- forward by. China's UN ..ralr:esentati-vas who ? dea.lined? to support the Security Coun-- C?il resolution 25X1 No Objection to Declassification in Part 2011/10/05: LOC-HAK-543-7-1-0