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No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/04/27 : LOC-HAK-67-1-4-2 ~- 7 ~ HAK. CHRONS ON-FILE NSC RELEASE ,INSTRUCTIONS APPLY. ~~ Sr~,aysex Memo to Gen.. Scowcroft ze proposed c,a1l nn th.e Genexal by fQrr:~er .and ,Future Arnbas sailor s tv Thailand. 14 Qtxix~;n ll~exno to H,PiK re political axxd rxailitary situatian in Saigon. ~,.~ Davi,~, erno to Jon I;j'awe re Norwegian Axnbassa~dor request for appai~a~iaa~~~t. 14 Sc~S~p~roft Merxlo to Gen,... Wickham ;re Culebra naval weapons train:i~g. St.,~aa.rrri2in.lVIexno to HAE~ re Sough Vietnamese oppositonists reportedly o~~er to negcltiate with, H~.noi. ~'anka~ lVi~m,o to Scowcroft re LIG xxxeeting on Indochina emergency legislation. 1~ Butler Memo; to Seowcroft re President's luncheon on World Food ~?roblexn, ;and. Secretary's reserve initiative. atxd p;ichax~d Murphy [Damascus]. hilts [Giro], Kenneth Keating '[Tel Aviv], Thames Pickering [Amman], '~'alk.c~; Paper from HAK to President re "meeting with US Amb. Herman. 14 't'alking Fa.per for; muting with Senate Foreign Rela.tians Coxxxmittee. ~ttenc]. April ~0 reception. `loran Memo to HAK re invitation from Zaxmbian Exx~bassy to the VP to 14 I I7~a.vis Memo.to Creo. Springsteen re President's message on Israel's ~T~.tional Day. ~xn:al stags of negotiations. ~,~ ;t~:emo t?-:the President re reply from Prixrse'1VTinister Rabin..: on ~s~tr~ errao tc+ Scowcro#t re US force xedu~tions in .T.hailand. ~a~vx,$ 1Vletno ~`a l~ustand re travel of Eximba~.k President Casey. Suo~`veroft Memia to Paul Theis .re camm~xats- an: proposed Presidential ~r~tna~ks ~,t p],d North Ch~xrch, April l$. ~~~earan~~exno to Scowcroft re North Vietn:atnese att~ocities. No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/04/27 : LOC-HAK-67-1-4-2 No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/04/27 : LOC-HAK-67-1-4-2 ;~A~ _~~RQN~ [contint~ecl] .. ~_ l5 Srny~er 1Vie~.no to Scowcroft re cable. frO~Xl Graham Martin regarding diplomatic initiatives. 15 Y~;obt.>Gates Memo to Buc1. McFarlane re Presi:denti:al Message on Clpening of Soviet Art Exhibit. 15 Smyser M~exr? to Scowcroft re telegram to Ambassador,Newsom. 15 Stea.~'m.an Memo to Scowcroft re New SA-7?Missile confirmed in South Vietn,axn. 15 Lods:l Memo to Scowcroft re Minuteman groduction. ~5 Lod~l Memo to Scowcroft re coxxxxx~odities issues. l5 Gates Ivlemo'to Scowcroft re request for President's participation in Portuguese~A~xxerican Gitizens Rally. l5 ~ Ford ltr to Dr. Ephraim Katzir, President of Israel, thanking hire for gifts he presented while visiting Washington. l5 Smyser Memo to Scowcroft re cable to Ambassador Martin. 15 Gable to ~oz~ Howe, Taipei., from Scowcroft forwarding talking .paints afar VP's rntg with Tran Van Lam, President of V:ietnarnese Senate. ~5 Scowcroft Memo to William Walker re Board of Directors of the Inter-American Foundation. l5 Scowcroft Memo to Philip Birchen re Nepalese Ambassador Khanal's. request to pay, a farewell ,courtesy ca11 on you. 15 HAK memo to Sec Def and Deputy Sec of State. re ,~ordanian Air Defense. l5 Granger Memo to Scowcroft re Presidext Sadat~s helicopter. ,I5 A~.exs Johnsfln mex~no frc-m HAK re ,SALT gua.dance. ~,5 Robert'B. Q~tkle~ txiemo to Gen. Scowcroft re follow~up action related tis~ Middle East reassessment. 16 Davis Mem?~ to Springsteen re telegram to Embassy Manila re A.rnbs:ssadar's rntg with President. Marcos. No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/04/27 : LOC-HAK-67-1-4-2 x No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/04/27 : LOC-HAK-67-1-4-2 ~-TAK C,~HRV NS [cantinuea] - 3 .~._... lb Granger Memo to Scowcroft re President Sadat's helicopter. i6 Ford Memo to Sec State and Sec Agriculture re finding anal determination under Sections 103 (d) (3) and 410 of the Agricultural Trade. Development and Assistance Actr. of 1954, as amended ~ Syria. 16 Springsteen Memo to Scowcroft re revised White House announcement of King Hussein's Visit. . Ford ltr tv President Nicolae Ceausescu, Bucharest, Romania., congratulating him an hiss reelection. 16 Gates Memo to Scowcroft re denial of v(sa to Soviet Trade 1Vegotaator Sergea Glebov. lb Smyser Memo to Scowcroft re telegram from Prince. Sihanouk to Sen. Mansfield. l:b Gates 1Vlemo to Scowcroft, re International Women's Year an G"rent Britian; invitation to Sec. Halls. lb Memo far Gen. Scowcroft from Gerald. W. Nensel, Acting Special Asst. to Sec for National Security re extension of blocking controls to South Vietnam. lb Gran~~er Mexxap to Scowcroft re impres~x~ns.froxn Saigon.. 16 Springsteen Memo for Scowcroft re parole for Cambodiaxi and Vietnamese refugees. 16 Ford ltr to King Hussein re King's visit to America on April 9th. 1b Lloya Bent~Qn ltr to HAK of 4/10/75 re VOA censoring and supressing mews of events an Southeast Asia. 16 Stes.rxnan 11~exao to Scowcroft re VGA Lana. on America departure vnd the April l9 deadline. lb Butler Mema to Scowcroft re Friday meeting with President an energy. 16 Robert, B. vakley Memo to Gen., Scowcroft re Egyptian desire for Brxtiish MK-44 torpedo. . Briefing memo from H-Robert J. McCI?skey re Vaetx~axn -Congressional action an the evacuation. No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/04/27 : LOG-HAK-67-1-4-2 ezi evracsxation. Briefinng xnexxxa to the' Secretary from EA Philip C. Habib re position. I-i.A.K. hCHR;~JN$ Ccontinued] ~-4- i.7 David. Ransom memo to Scowcra#t xe visit of Jorcla.n.i.an Chie# a# Staff. 17 h~talcalxn Butler Mexna to Scowcrwft re meeting with Jim Cannon an resource policy and Finance Carparation. 1? No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/04/27 : LOC-HAK-67-1-4-2 ~. Granger Memo to Scovvcroft re KAF Assets. Rustand Memo to Jeanne Davis re S. P. far meeting with.President far prominent citizens and opinion ncaakexs to .express support for a Free Vietnaxxi. ,l'~ Smy~er/Stearnzan Memo to HAK re HAK's discussion with President ~sn Vietnam evacuation. l7' Gates Mexno to Scowcro#t re British.Axxibassador to attend comxxzexnor- atia~: in Concord, 1v1as s . 1? Stearman Mema to HAK re schedule proposal for Vietnam Foreign Minister Vuong Van. Bac. 17 Ford ltr to Rep]. Thos, P. G'Neill, Jr., ,re U, S. forces to carry out evacuation efforts. 17 Talking Point ~ #r om HAK to President Far rre sting with. Eugene V . Rostow, professor a# Law, Yale. University.... 17 Ford Mexrio to Sec Def re use of riot control agents in Vietnam.. l7 Jeanne Davis Memo to Springsteen re request-far call on the President for Axa~.b. Kenneth Rush. ~7 ~,cowcroft Memo to Ruxacisfeld re Pierre 5ali,nger's proposal regarding ];7 tkx~' A,xarnericazx Hospital in Paris. Indochina 'T~:s.k Force situation report Na. 3Q re Situation in Vietnam :'and C aimbadia. Cable .on SCC meetin~AApri1 l7, 1975: 17 Cable a~a Commissioner t?sti.nov's Statement an Concealment Measures. Williarxa L. Stearxraan Memo to Gen.. Scowcraft re ending map o# Garnbvcli.a, No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/04/27 : LOC-HAK-67-1-4-2