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Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP83-00415R009200080009-2 ~Rl'~~LL~EaX 9 CLASSIFICATION jIH"1~9 ~M, CRI T/CON"MOL-U. S. Ll~~~~~OAGENCY OF~~ I~IIREPORT NO. , INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY SUBJECT` PLACE ACQUIRED 25X1A DATE OF INFO. US511 (Ukrainian SSR) CD NO. DATE DISTR. 25 Oct o 1951 Elucidati :ns by the Provid of the OUN in the . NO OF PAGES 4 Ukraine on Ideological and. Political Planning Questions FOR CRITICAL SECURITY REASONS IRIS REPORT IS NOT TO BE FURTHER I"?ISITTED WITHIN THE UNITED MATES, OR BEYOND THE BORDERS QI~ IR,I ITkA STAT ~ vnT=T THE tx?k S IN RELEAS- THIS DO=N@NTCONTAW INFO11IIATIOFJAPFSCflIIOTH8l1ATTONALDIl6N8H OF TIM ONITSD $TAT88 111 114 TEO EIERWIle OP THE ESPIONAOF ACT 66 a. S. C.. as AND a2,. As AEEEDE. ITS 1R1A;a8WI891011 CLI THE HNVE1ATIOH OF Ill coma= IN ANY DAHHF.H TO A'A DHAUTHOWIIED PCh9Od 14 PRO.. MUM N! 4AV, REPRODUCTION OP THI6 FORM 1D PHOHINITBD, SOURCE NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED t3ELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. Elucidation by the Provid of the OUN in the Ukraine on Ideological and Political Planning Questions Having read a number of publications which w"re and are still being edited b"- the emigres, we ascertain that amongst the'Ukrainian emigre movement there is some confusion with regard to some very important questions concerning the ideological character and political program of the liberation movement in, the Ukraine. To make these matters clear and to put an end to the deliberate or unconscious twisting of the truth concerning the liberation movement, the Provid of the OUN in the Ukraine considers it absolutely necessary to make the following statements: a. The basic purpose of our struggle is the building of an independent United Ukrainian State (USSR).. We regard the national State as the fom of organlzatlonal life. of a nation which should secure the best conditions for an all--round development of the nation's spiritual and material. force,, to secure her right place among other nations and the most effectie p,srt(c pation of the nation in all international activities, as well as in the process of creating universal human values. Only through the building of their own independent state, will the Ukrainian nation bring to an end, once and for all, her status of an enslaved nation, and enter the family of free and equal nations on an equal footing with the rest. b. We are opposed to all kinds of unions and federations,, because, in practice, they turn out to be an enslavement of some nations by others. We-believe a in the right of every nation to its own national independence, 14'e consider that the best form of organizing international relations is by a system of free national states and by the close friendship and collaboration between all nations which must be entirely voluntary and based on equality. This i we fighting ng so resolutely to split the USSR into free and independent states of all the nations which the USSR vould correspond to the deepest longings of all the enslaved nations CLASSIFICATION S :CR1iT CQNTRk)L U, S. OFFICL'LS ONLY I I )11 DISTRIBUTION NAVY ._.. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP83-00415R009200080009-2 Approved For Release % N9/DS-Y& h~t:P-O94TihbB9Z0V080009-2 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY the USSR would correspond to the deepest longings of all the enslaved nations of the USSR,as is proved by their heroic fight for liberation.' Such a reconstitution of the USSR would also correspond to the most vital interests of all freedom-loving humanity, c? In the struggle for the Independent United Ukrainian State, we have relied. most of all on the strength of the Ukrainian nation,, By this we mean the national.eonsciousness arse political maturity of the nation, always active and ready for the greatest sacrifices, a nation united around her organized and leading political forces guided by strong, united leaderships Only by relying on its own strength,can the Ukrainian nation save itself from national, spiritual, and physical destruction and achieve freedom by taking advantage of favorable circumstances for building up her own. state? We want to wage this war of destruction against the USSR and Russian-Bolshevik imperialism alliance with,all t Le nations of the world. This is the natural outcomes, not only of our ideological and political views, but also of our deepest conviction that such an alliance is dictated b",.the highest political necessity,. in that it represents the most vital interests of all nations. Russian Bolshevik imperialism is the mortal enemy, not only of the Ukrainian nation, but also of all the nations enslaved by the USSR and. all the enslaved nations of erns 3outheaUtern,,and Central Europe, and China. And today it threatens to enslave and terrorize all the nations of the world. Freedom independence, and culture can only be saved and final peace secured through e the speedy destruction of the USSR and Russian Bolshevik imperialism., A single front of nations which are either enslaved or endangered by Russian imperialism has tai,, become a burning.necess t 9 To'be indifferent, to ignore all this,, and to fail to make practical arrangements may have fatal conseouences for everyone,, We think that, under the present circumstances, the Ukrainian nation, like all the enslaved nations of the USE, will be able to build her own state by means 21 a vo r a jev ut on_ _ The Russian regime in the Ukraine was imposed by' force, is maintained by force, and can only be overthrown by force. Any ideas of changes by evolution inside the USSR, or changes brought about by moral or political pressure from without, for instance, the pressure exercised by the United Nations Organization? we regard. as naivete or. complete ignorance of Bolshevism,, We also consider unrealistic the view that the revolutionary tactics lead to great and unnecessary sacrifices, The Bolshevik systemm, by, its very,, nature, cannot do without sacrifices and millions are being condemned to death even if no actual fighting is taking place, The revolutionary struggle does not lead to unnecessary sacrifices, -but it does make sacrifices which are, in any case, inevitable under the Bolshevik regime, The revolutionary character of the underground struggle in the Soviet countries seems to be the only right one,-if only because under the. present conditions it is the only possible one, All other methods of struggle. will end in failure,, as was demonstrated so clearly in the failure of the; tactics of legal opposition in the countries of Central and Southern Europe, The success of the liberation of the Ukrainian nation clearly proves the pol itical suitability and the correctness of the revolutionary tactics of this struggle, It. We consider it a gross oversimplification to consider that the'revoluttonary liberation struggle in the Ukraine is limited to individual and group terrors The present, struggle has been organized'on all levels*of national life and in all sectors, political, economics and cultural, and the struggle continues to preserve the nationals. spiritual, and physical forces of the Ukrainian nation. Military activity is only one of the facets of the widespread struggle. g,, We are fighting to have the international organization of the Ukrainian state based on healthy. democratic ri nc ,files a We stand for really free elections, fo:, freedom of political and social organizations, for a real, freedom of speech, writings, meetings, religion, and convictions, for an independent political system, and for true protection of the rights of man. We believe that. a healthy democratic order creates the best conditions for the universal development of tie creative. forces of the nation and of the individual, that it creates a healthy atmosphere 'for the nation's high political ideas, prevents the forma- tion of anti-nationall cliques and classes, helps towards internal regeneration .th as little. pain he possible, and upholds the dignity and the value of Inman beings. At the same time we are against a decadent democracy which Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP83-00415R009200080009-2 Sr CRFE 'TCONTROL-.[145. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP83-00415R009200080009-2 SECRET/CONTROL.j3,S. OFFICIALS ONLY CFMTRAL INT ILIGi OE Ai NCY leads to an impotent state government, to the putting of party interests before those of the nation, to a decline, of political culture, the de- moralization of the nation, and to the undermining of the very foundations 04 which a healthy society.and democracy are built, all of which leads to the ensl e t avem n of the ration or to ttlitiid aoaaransm insie the country,. As to the social order of the Ukrainian state, we stand for a ssl~gss ex l ers d p ,_.. a W, F a $oviet . of fie . - - - - y peasants, workers, and working inte3li entsia Ex ie g a per nce has proved that the exploiting classes may be formed under the private ownership system, but d,so?vnder the system of socialization of the means of producton f n $ oras soo as political dma delin ths ,,eocrcyces,e nation ceaes to ;pvern and its place is taken by one totalitarian. party. This is why we object to the return of capitalism to the Ukraine and are in favor of destroying the Bolshevik system of exploiting industry, transport, banking, and the kolkhoz system of agricultural economy. We wish to build our Class- lose society on the State or communal ownership of the means of production on the one hand, and, on the other, on political democracy which would ex- elude the possibility of the existence of exploiting classes, either of Capitalist or-Bolshevik types. tie are against identifying-ourselves with all sorts of doctrines. err theories. Our ideas and political conceptions spring. not from any doctrines but fros the real needs and necessities of the Ukrainian nation and are based on the progressive- tendencies of the contemporary world. The. fact that. these ideas and.conceptione are accepted by the Ukrainian nation that th b f k~ -Subscribing to democratic-principles, regarding the UPA 'as being'above all parties, and desiring the union-of all active independent Ukrainian forces,.the OUN in duly 1944 joined the Ukrainian supreme Council of Liberation, which ,took over the functions of supreme leadership of the liberation etrugj le of the Ukrainian nation. From that moment UHVR has gained great authority among the Ukrainian nation. The uniform boycotting of the Bolshevik elections to the?Suprcme Soviet in 1946 and to. the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian. -SSR ip. 1947 has provided the manifestation of the trust and support of the?UHVR by the Ukrainian national masses. Members of the UHVR courageously share'the fate of the ? Ukrainiant nation and mazy of them have fallen on the field of battle. The ('h'eerrM mss+4^" f a. L., to---1-J -- ?r_, .. --- .. . o art ram su he Ukr inian Supreme Council of beration in the same = to _aMd the sAmn Av+.P n+F +-^ :.d,4 ^u 44. 41 C-1 - ed he v . vna-aL (y,p national.-- masses, We. are convi.nc ' that, with good Wf All the acti e , v , ep indendent Ukrainian parties which have so far. abstained could join the UHV,L, SECRFT/CONTROL-U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY 3? r ,96V I direct and read, successes' in the resent struggle 0 ra h P niggle and find a lively e echo o among other nations is the best proof of the practicability and rectitude of these ideas and conteptionsq. Although conscious of the'great contribution of the OUN towards the creation and development of the UFA, we recognize the necessity for the UP to be A ye ang part.,.. When we mention the fact 'that our organization has .created and $trengthened'the UPA argr, protected- her politically, armed her ideological. . 1y, and reinforced her ranks (more than 50 percent of the UPA are members 'of . the 01JN~ we do so for the sake of historical veracity and not in order to moll polize the UPA-for ourselves. The UPA belongs to the whole nation,as .people of various political convictions formed its ranks, the masses of the .nation from every part of the country and not only members of the OUN, The UPA is the armed instrument of the whole nation-and not of one party only; it is an all-national armed insurgent force, centralized under one.comaand, and not a union 'of storm troops of various parties. The members: of the O1:IN in the UPA. are subordinate: not. to their own party cells,?but, like the rest of the .UPA, they are under.. the command of the UPA. Because of the type of warfare in ..which we are engaged,' all members of the OUN who 'are permanently underground arms . car ry Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP83-00415R009200080009-2 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP83-00415R009200080009-2 3ECR1'T/CONTROL'U.S0 OFFICIALS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLXGI! CE AG1?NCY The first General Meeting of the UHVR has clearly foreseen this possibility of including in the UHVR representatives of all these independent parties . which. will come to life in the future and-which will recognize the rightness and usefulness of the UPA struggle, We welcome every healthy union of the Ukrainian independent parties outside the UHVR. But-it.such a union implies a slighting of the. UHVR or tries to exclude the UHVR or oppose it' we believe such a union to be of short duration and an offspring, of 'the emi v's mov nt u t in t - name of the fi t Ukraine , ea` The Provid of the 0UN in the Ukraine believes that the above mertigned affirm- ations will.-help to clarify to the entire emigre movement the ideological .political attitude 'and tactics of our organization' in the 'UIVaine and our views with regard to questions so widely discussed bar the emigres as the UPA and the UHVR The Provid of the OUN in the Ukraine expects that all, the Ukrainian political parties in exile will accept our statements' seriously and judge them tr tly''and impartiai]y'.o .1 October 1949 Ukraine,. in .the underground The Provid of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists in, the Ukraine :SECRET/CCI#T L..U.S, OFFICIALS ONLY 4 Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP83-00415R009200080009-2