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Document Release Date: 
May 10, 2010
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Publication Date: 
December 18, 1971
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MEMORANDU1u W No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-19-3-25-0 CONFIDENTIAL NATIONAL S URITY COUNCIL MEMORANDUM FOR: DR.. KI SI GER FROM- ON-FILE NSC RELEASE INSTRUCTIONS APPLY SUBJECT: w RICHAR134T KENNEDY HELMUT SONNENFELDT INFORMATION December 18, 1971 Termination of Certain Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe Broadcasting Activities cut $4 million from our $36 million request and will force a 7 percent - reduction in the activities of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty. Even the $32 million figure is dependent on our getting an extension to the Con- tinuing Resolution past mid-January, since Congress will recess before the necessary authorization is enacted. Moreover, the high overseas termination costs involved in getting down to a $32 million level threaten to eat further into next year's operating activities, in effect forcing a greater reduction. The FY 1972 supplemental appropriation, enacted on December 15, 1971, To meet this problem and minimize the damage to the radios' activities, OMB, State and CIA are planning to use some of the flm'ds in the CI. 's termination trust fund. This will enable the ra ios to give notice of termination to affected employees by December7(contracts require six months notice). Without use of the trust funds, the high cost of terminating overseas employees would oblige RFE to cease broadcasting in one of its five languages and would require RL to cease operations altogether. Senator Ellender and Congressman Mahon are expected to agree to use of trust funds. Thus, State and CIA believe the radios' highest priority missions will remain intact: -- RFE can continue current operations by using the trust fund and $600, 000 in private donations originally planned for ON FILE OMB WAIVER INSTRUCTIONS APPLY Other options for retaining some of the activities such as the Munich capital improvements. -- RL will be able to continue broadcasting in its nine: highest priority languages, by using the trust fund, dropping broad- casts in nine lower priority languages, dropping broadcasts from Taiwan to the Eastern USSR, and closing the Institute for the Study of the USSR in Munich. These arrangements will minimize the damage to the radios' operations in the near term. Moreover, they keep our options open to retain some or all of the affected activities if we can get a further supplemental later. (We have a case on grounds that dollar devaluation has raised greatly local costs. No Objection to Declassification in Full 2010/05/10: LOC-HAK-19-3-25-0 CONFIDENTIAL Institute also are being examined.