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Experimentat Use of Cablea with InBulation in the fligh-Voltags AARGUE Electricity Undertaking, FRENCH, per, Butt. ASE, Vot 59, PP 929-934. 0. A. Trane. 1017 Polyethana Netzxrk of the by E. WernU. 14 Sept 1969, scilElect feb 7Z Waablou of FmiLttj In BhorFy Ulatribution Networks., by 11. Linder. GERM, per, Bulletin ASE, vol 6o, 12 Apr 1969, PP 340-351. CEGB-1026 June 71 P MOSSUreftnt Of the FaUlt NVA in RV Systells Without Applying a Faultv by F. Schar. FR=CRj per, Bull. Assoc Suisse des ElectrLcie-n-S., Vol 609 Jun* 10690 pp 535-537. C. S. Trans. 5231 ScL-Slec Dee 70 Assesmant of the Condition of the Insulation of Stator Windings, by R. Schular, G8RW,Nq per, Bull A.S.& Vol 609 Aug 1969, pp 777-7850 Cog. Trans 5325 Sci. lk June 70 Data ProessaLft on ths SM W% LLquid Oxygen and Itydroges Motor, by a. Mercier. 21 pps ME=v pery IkIl 4am EMU juritim et Agrotts Val 69v 1969p pp 169-191. USA TT F-139127 ScL-P"p & FMIS Oct 70 The Baltuice and Franklins Lightning Rod,, by "I ,v jacabo FlUNUIg perg 4ullotill ilaIgp doj~strojogjc No 306, 1966" P11 ou--61. Dept of Comm Nat'l ijuroatt of btwidards Sai-Electr &' Elect I!ner Jmi 67 316p817 Poutical Vtoponvation of Africa Sm As Undtrlylw Com Of CQUV8 DlNtAt&o by Andre GIV141"'P 5 pp. FS95MA, parp bdAtAs Bf A -ire do I IAWNW 22 Nar X966,. pp. 5-9- JM 3M Africa-Intra-Africa poi Apr 66 299,9268 Chemical Carcinogenosis of Hat Liver. Comparison of Biochemical and Ilistopathological Points of View. by A. Lacassagm, PRENCII, per, Bull Cancer (Paris), Vol 53, No 18, 1966, pp 7-26 9 HEW NIII 4-24-69 Sci/Srim Jun 69 383,135 BMW CoqXMUVG DAU = tbil Homat i w 961 ~ Aotion or S.A imlwg2wrlm 1z, un Rate al3d ftst Of ND&=ft2-AmLnoazdbanzww and Mlst4WI- DitmudrAl.. by A. & OUSSOM. IRM24 ',, JBuU--Csnc-wVOI 53, No 2, 1,96T, pp 171-1w. MW N3H 6-26-69 W-B&M Sept 69 390,9142 . . . . . . . . . . . 9 -54'"06'1 I'm5suldsed Cab.)Cj'l LILOD(ida 'Ibst Lcops, by G. GuUu,.~r. 17 ,k). III;4CI, Ifir, BuIL Wnto liadie L-WaLs Ciatou Ao 140, 1965, lip 3:16. i=/,vI,L/tr 1091 CV;T1 sci/ nucle-ar zici cct 69 394#338 & ~-aL L k- /A I'll-, O-C-1 OULLVIN. COTHE Ot RLCHtRCHES LT OfESSAIS Ut CHATOU 1~ . lYbb N14 P17-bu AERE-7RANS-1092 I=> Geochemical Significance of the Bxtraction of Amino Acuds of Sediments, by J. Cmamn. FREN01, per,, -Bulletin du Centre do Recherches. P"IGHM Vol 1,-, No 1, 19670 pp 165-1714 NASA 118268 GOVERNNMNT USE ONLY sci-Olem Jan 68 547#652 DLagenatia Ufftets, on tho Ustributian of Amino Acids in Sedinontsg by Me Hajorl, 0, Vva der waide, FRENCH,q zpts Bulletin du Centre do Recherches, PAU-SNPA Voi 14, No 1,, IN7, pp 173-186, NASA 110289 GOVEINIENT USE ONLY Jan 68 347,643 Scisalem misotropy of Stool Shoot, Formation of Preferred urientatimis and Their Effect on 11*~anical Properties, by G. Ilomy. FIU-401, per, Bull. Cercle Etudes mat., Vol 9, '40 11, 065, pp 439-482. CdSI 4743 298,409 Deterdmt4ori of ProlUo of Burden Surface in & Mast Furnace# by Le Tojare CZECH, per, Itn9altin CnMU and Toi Chern No 20, 1W9 p 33. Hot, u ?408 soi/mat June 68 3589261 Ilic Riglits and Duties of tho Cartographer, by H* Gaussen, I)or,, Isullotin du Comite Framais do Carto6r!j)lLiQ,, No 2S, AuL'--'lSrO"P 1995t pp 196-201. ACIC TC-970 zil- Franco Sci/Earth ~;ci F'Ob 66 294,683 Grq)hic Lsuguao ah Cartography,, by Jacques Bortin, MINClig 11) . bullotin du Comite Fruncaiso do Carto,r hio, flo 2,, 106, pl) 60-46. C 1 Sci-Ear Sci 1, Ocean Oct 66 990 Selections from: Bulletin of the French Cnrto- graphy Committee. FRENCH, iqit, Bulletin du Cwdte Francais de Carto- grNilde, Fascicle No 29,, Ilulletin No. 3/1966, Aug/ Sept 1966, pp 106-112. ACIC TC-1166 sci/Larth Sci Apr 67 322,456 Bulletin of the French Cartography CAmmittee, FREN018 per,, AHIIsUp du FAI30213phles 98AGLAU4.u 300 No 4. 1966 pp 129-130,9 132-133; 135-141i 146a ACIC TO-1316 sci-E. Sci Jul 67 3310451 Cartc)cjraEI,Lic CcuVilation, by Jaa4ues Bertin. FUEMI,, lxw,, Bulletin du Ccndte Francais de EM-t-curalido No 36,, Vlay--%Ame 19600 14) 6 5. ACIC IIIC-1478 sai-Ear sci ,elk- 68 3670095 National Cartog)myhlc Foportp Tzunm# by R. caussen I '"MR, per., Dullatln du Comite Fftneals do CNIMMV~&L So 37* July-Augut 19W,, 24 pp. AACIC TC-1502 sci-Rarth sci Feb 69 ratunational. information. the International a AssoalatIca. per, Bulletin du comits hvZoals do cartooRtis, No 10 lgbgp pp 142-14b. ACM-TC-15W 601-Mar SCI, 398, 114r, fto 69 ftoblem of the 2b$mtla CouplateMas of Natlowa and Beglowl CaqgAx Atlame by LA. SaUsbabov. IFMM, per,, Bulletln do Couilte Yzanouls do WeAW!* W 1,, NS:W 1969.. pp 33M5. ACIC-TC Sol-Ur Sol D" 69 398p466 ra oulogropuc an Of ()Nblftl pbotoplabop by J. J. BWAMWOMO FBINM per. SoLbrUn dtL Comite JkmnoaU do On i -illl~-Mev Vol 41.- M3WM I lrw;~ 0 A= 7ro-16M sol/aw & omon YAW TO il-( CSO: 2217/72 Prosecution of the Builders of Auschwitz Gas Chambers 23 pp. GERMAN, per, Bulletin des Comite Internationa A2j_Cznp.j (CIC), Vienna, No 44, 21 Feb. 1972, pp 1-11. Prinos SihanoukIs Party Develops labansisko kW Preap Simethav 8 ypt dowimin uss o= FWM. per, JklIetin du "Can to R"str !U140 Phnom Pwiho No$ 717-720t 18-21 Mar 1969, pp 50 6, JPRS Quo 3Vw SE Asia- Cambodia POI Jun 69 382j229 Abiograpble Study an FbAvgu"o Otdnea, tq Fg2imido Ropdo QuInUnoo 35 PP* PonUGUBSEs rPto Bol CvLlt da WVA Lor~tem . BLesau. Jan-Apr 1967v pp 5-40. JPHS 4?292 AF-Fortugumc Gulns& Soo Feb 69 3749589 ~kn4oko-Brww and Balantes of POrtuguese OUInfto by Antmio Carrelme 27 ype PORTUGU64 rpto IhI Cultural ga MM 41-73. Portuome". Bissau, Jan-Apr 1967, PP JPW 47292 AF-Fortugueae Gidnea Soo Fab 69 374,590 Water Flows in Fissured Rock and their Hffects on the Stability of Rock ~wssifs, by Claude Louis, 207 ppo FRENC31j, rpt, Bulletin do la Direction des Etudes et Recherclies,, 5er A (Nuclear/Hydraulic/Thermal), 1,0 3. -1963 pp 9-131. AEC/UCRL-Tr-10469-70 Sci/Nucl Aug 70 .1 - q ll;imll. -' .:: % - f Uil wo e p no 3.6 1& 68 - -- - I P"Mes 40 jobs"Som Ws it. cows* #,loom item FZM sou. 6. 1 ( 16 DO VT(;) 1253-~ no rtWAft - Wt f*r Vast Asm Gomm ready *ON r 'be wood Treatment of Severe Hypertension Appearing during the Sixth Mwth of Pregnancy, by Me Chartierm Me Dubosit# st &1& 5 pp, FRENCH, per, Bulletin Federation des 11*946tos do GYnqSjf2 ~-eet-~M-3~681rlgq do Langm TrMcalse. Vol XVIL, NO zo 1965, pp FAMT50. W-65MI sci - Opt Jul 66 3050318 an of a lyntboUG BEUV-ftcgw$~Smo e.g. Iwo in ormopufff V obow"tionop by P. ouilhome As POUSOVMMC* DMoUn MMIOLM 4" ions" do 43 do atwovem f nW,6q-irrjll-o6o gkd-M Sept 69 Use of Chlormadinone in Obstetrics, by R. PallieZ, M. Delecour. PRENCII,sper, Bulletin Paderattion des Societ do Gynecologle ot d'OT;s-t-e=tr - ifue de Lanjue Francalse, vol 19, Rj; 2, 1967, pp 110-111. NTC 69-12629-060 Sci-BrIm Aug 69 388,494 Clinical nxpariment with Chlormadinone Acetate in Gynecology and in Obstetrics, by M. Vitse, L. Silberberg. FRENCH, per, Bulletin Federation des Societes do Gynecologie at dlobstoi-ri- quo CIO Langue Prancalse, Vol 19, Wo 2, 1967, pp 113-114. NTC 69-12628-060 Sci - It 01 Aug 69 388,493 YOKOTA, T. and GOTO, K. moisture through coniferous desorption processes. Bull. For. Exp.Stn, Meguro (GB 397/3632) Diffusion coefficients of woods in the sorption and (198):ZOI-Z4 (1967) Aobivitlen gnturaotry,, 5 pp. IUMANIAI~lt Buchnrost, JPI(S 11.61~21 of tho Conter for Photo- by 1. '-,'ogheru,, S. Rodu), :)er,, Buletin do Fotogrannetriej March T966, pp 3-6. Sci/!:arth Sci '~ Oceanog. 364P361 oct 63 Resistance of Cutfish to Sudden Tomperaturo Changes, by N. Charlon, 35 pp. FRENCH, per, Bulletin Francais do Pisciulture, 1968, Vol 41,, No 2SO, pp 6-25; VoT-41, No 2310 1717TI-si. Dept of Interior Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Office of Foreirn Fisheries A-34-Dec 1969-No 16 Ott Loan --X C Ft-~ TT -2 Sci/BGNI Mar 70 404,7S4 Vlvltr, P. 1970 Influenae of orKanic P0114tion on the aquatle fauna of r1wing waters (Ifirluallao do la pollution ori;anique our 1* fbUns squatique des eaux aouront&s) Bulletin Frangaia do Pisciculture, M(236), Mar. 2970j; 09-104, In French. Trwirl. b- TM for Tr,101, Feb. 71, 24p., t~pemorlpt. Avail. On Loan - 1JMFS, Wash.. D.C. Ociglriol ArtlciG Gravity and the Figure of the Earth, by M. Caputo. PUNCH, per, Bulletin Goodosique, No 77, Sept 1965, pp 103-202. ACIC-TC-1489 Sci-Ear Sci Apr 69 379,972 soon-ion of the Nubtle nattedng and Gmvlty t~-Twm of tJw TWLrd Offtr lncl=ivoo by T. L Xbristav. PMKMo pwo BaUAU No 90, Doe 19Q., IPP 435-W-- ACIC-TC-1557 sci-sar sci fte 69 398.,461 A Now Method of Statistical Analysis of Gravity Data, by J, M. Monget, GOVERNMENT USE ONLY FRENCH, per. Bulletin GoodesiSue, No 94r December 1969, p0 T27-ZZ t International ASSOCiation of Geodesy, Paris. ACIC-TC-1682 Sci/Ear Sci Jan 71 ((Z,~; bT-C OULLOIN UU GROUPE FHANCAlb ULS AROILES Ilbb Vlb N12 Pb7-b9 70-11580-086 o> Morphological md Histological Research on Rushton's Intracystic Hyalin Bodeag by M, Bouyszou, at &I, FREMN, per, Bull Group Int Rach Sci Stomata Vol VIII, No 29 19650 pp 81-104. ILEW NIH No 5-27-" Sci - B/M Jun 66 3026371 :Enformation Bulletin. DUENCIlp porp.LUU2 4,w2mWmI 110 17P June 065. Dayt of Navy 141C tr 2_5D8 sci/asc Mar 68 3509970 Hng.Ush litle Uaknown, FIUli(21,, perl Bullatin dyInfarquipao, No 180 Doc 1965, 67 ppo Wlit of Navy/LNI No 2244 Jan 67 3180161 Informtion Bullatinp 31 pps FRUNUIO par,, Bulletin DtInforMion, Vol 11,, No 10, War ANDOO pp DIA LN 90-67 Mar 67 320m452 nro-- - -,- - -- .4 tion B Un, MNCHO PWO " No 200 Doe 1966. f NA Of N&V -NIC tr 25D9 swaso Mar 68 33D,971 Some Randon Functions Used in Gravimetry and Thakr Prpparties, by J, M. Mongetp 29 pagear GOVERNMENT USE ONLY FRENCH, per. bulletin dlinformation, No 21, Nov 1969. ACIC-TC-1683 Sci/Ear Eci Feb 71 L'stimation of Unknown Anomalies by means of a Stochastic Model, by M. Albuisson, 20 pp, FRENCH, per. Bulletin d'information, No 21, Nov., 1969, pp 1-5 to 1-22. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY ACIC-TC-1708 June 71 Mirly Development@ of Neutron Radiograpby in France.0 by J. P. Barton, J. L. Boutsins,, 3.1 Vp. per0 Bull.- Inform. APP1. Tad. Pladloolem, 66p 196TJI pp 4-9. P91138116T ABC OFML-TR-1780 Bel-Metbods ancl EquIpment, Dee 6T 346,203 Role of Armed Forces in French Nuclear Program., 5 pp GO&MU USE ONLY FIMH., per. Bulletin d'Information des Armes, No 36, 8 Sept 1966, pp. 1-5, JPRS GUO 2179 WE-France Mil Nov 66 312.,6013 The Test Center at Landsoo 6 ppe GOVERNMENT USE ONLY PTd=ll, per, %,Iletin dInformtion des Armees, No. 44, 3 NOV 1966o PP- 1:67- JPRS GUO 2257 WE-France mil j)ec 66 315o903 French AMW Foron FAMUtor PA"IMS Nuclear Armment P6UV. by Pim" Mm poll. 6 pp. FRMHs per# 4#znbmpmm AGAAMb No 31. 3 Au; 1967. pp. 1-4. JPRS GUO 2,%7 WE-Fm o Mil Sep 67 340,608 aw Prut- --11. Comaoft ft onta, Vessa of the bjW I WO&UW CNOWp by X-P ROMWt aal Ps LWASYS 5 ppo I 1 11, c I# VMS, 9-41. -T-fW= A* jj.0, a 6iv x966, PP 21-23-~ P9213mw AM GM Tr-1705 S"-~w sept 67 34IP537 Obnervations on the Use of Radioactive Blements in Gam Flow Messuramentep by 0. Courtolop B. Tbudoirlb. Fump Pero ESM 'o DAU. d-= A.TOB.N.p . --! t No 63, Jan.-Yeb 19bT, pp b-12. CIM mc. Tmu 4957 N', L (, 11 (~, )') - ~ V Sci-Nucl Sci oat 69 394,586 The Production of Mel Menenta in France. FPMQIj per) Association TeatmiMa de 111hergie Nualeaire. Bulletin d'Information., Vol 63., 79-67,pp 12-20. NTC D-14oo4-18j Feb 72 Some Problomo arid Now Woldbig Tedmiquea Applied to the Gonstraction of NuLlear Reactors., by H. Foaquier. FRENCH., per., Association Techniciua de 111hergie Nucleaires Bulletin dlInfomati-on, No 63j, 1967, PP 32-43 - NTC 71-144o6-18T fhb 72 Chinon I - Humn Penotrabim into a Reantcr Af ter 24,, OOD Hours Qf Power Op eratim, by M. I~atem. FRENCH, per., Bulletin d'Information ATIN, No 78, July/Aug 1969, pp 19-31. CEGB-5369 Jun e 71 Two Explosions in Combustion Chambers of 400 T/H Boilers, by P. Duquesne. FRENCH, per, Bulletin d'Xnformatin des Centrales Elactriquet, No 56, Apr 1967p pp 5-16. CEGB Digest C.E. Trans 4765 Sci- Doc 66 372,156 problems of uciter Maintenaticep by Jq 13SaCv Ot a'0 Bull d'Inf des Centrales Electriglue!.L FRENCII, perp , T, No 60, Apr 119 WO-P 11-13SETS-". ,-,~ ~ CE-C,B-'fr S075 Sci/Niech 384g,523 jun 69 VISIM a oogorxw to "in a Wit ovorbaul pxogt*JMP by F- IRS"B' contrales =80- lmx=p 1wr -P Val dlUf des - . ula"Mi so 0 5204 p pp am7F.-Ic. "I-M.ee 400p290 Jan TO ~ ~ -,:, . ~ I 6 le(c, J k-7 0- UMLLTIN -ul sfooft"A rich cu"111K tumoptc" J* klKyoft, .11 . 1967 "U.64 70-0801-13M 0) -1. PM "N l4lOt09mmwUc servioe tkidWmts Inftnatica OU110tin Of thO NAtiWAl GftgTopMo b~UtUtel, 7 pp. FRENClie POrv bg:jetin d'Informtion do 113h! "t a-609muciu 1-ma ~z -m 1 Nati cat 1966. B 92 Soi-Ear jai ;op 68 363,n0 The Nationo-I Geographic Institute Center in Madagazcar3 by R. Sallat, 12 pp. FRENCH, per, Bulletin dlInformation de l'Institut Geographigue National, December 1969. ATC, GA 101, B 102, ~?- '61- 45 Dec 1969, No 9 S'Pt 71 , I ,-- ~ ~; 'l. f, t, ~ 1971/70 .. 27 Mar 1970 BULLETIN WINFORMATION DE INSTITUT GEOGRAPiRL NATIONAL, 9 Dec 1969. Provision Technical Documents at 1/10,000 pp 46-48. .I I.V- f.c 6- q)dqL) OULLETtN WINFOR044TION, LANORATOIAE CENTRAL DES INDUSTRIES ELEC741OMS 1968 N62 P7115 9022.09(52041