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Inhibition by Glucose of Induced Artulase Synthesis by Aspergillus 2gzae, by A. S. Tikhorarova, 4. A, K. Kulill'ova. 5 pp. I RUSSIAN, per, Mikrobiologiya, Vol XXXII, No 4, 1963,0 pp 4577-561. CP 96 May 64 2598697 obe=-113-aeue and Its PorlYatulvePi 'by A. D. Petrov# A. vt " . 4 pp, Uff"Mo a .3 RUWDHj, bfto porv Iz Ak Nauk,, Otdel Rhim Nauks NO 41. 19520 PP 763-765. dowatuuu / 6), 9 J-?~v Scientific - Chemistry as/bu ) Kulikovs,, 1. B. 1954 Comparative efficiency of several types of plankton nets (Sravuitellns.ft ulavistovst' neekollkikh tipoT planktonnykh a at e-U) - ?rudy Institut Okeanologlij 11; E33-Z37, in R4S~,,Qn Tranel. 3c+23p., Nov. 1962, by Z. Kabata, avail. Dept. Agriculture a4d Fisheries for Scotland, !Aarine Laboratory, Aberdeen as Transl. 803. A'Iso avail. loan Biol. Lab., BCr, seattls~ Original Article Checked ...... M low BIG Mtn I (Dow um *r tho F&r awtom BOA sm *be S'Aft (pitoes, &"did")* V B. D. mama Vora 2-m-ft Nom-aft"Im" Nakm Mo. Vbl X006 19mi pp 166-X*. Dept of burim FlA *ad VU4Uf* ScrIl" Bw"u of *muuul GTOIAII Of Deep-Sca Fiaheso by X. D. Kulikova, UjjCL 103SIU2 per, Trudy Just okesnol Ak iftuk SMR) Bio--, Norey,, Vol =, 1957.. PP 347-355, Cousultants "-v;au - Biel oot 59 The Feasibility of Using Ccinfervoid Algae for the Purification of Radioactively C&~~a~natied Water,, by G - M - RUSSIAN, per Dok Ak Nauk SSM., Vol CXXXV, No ~," .~ 1961., pp. ~76-980- AIBB Sci ///,. 7 ~?1,7 1 sept 61 03a P2W&mtlm of the Protective Addition for Sheet PinkIllm s by A. V. lUreym, 1. M. Eii~p~va K. 0. PlotLikm., N. S. &dxm., 2 pp. IWBBXM., mo Ve'rx Met4lurg., No Is- Jon 1957, P 31- Bureau sai - anerau/Ittas J-al -i1 j- / Ser 57 The Preparation and Use of Lm4hcbquV Umbranes for Blectrodialysim,, by 0. N. Grigirwov, F. ftlikovap A. le mmopmy 6 Olt Rumuso mwicerm perj Dok Ak ]kuk SM, V91 XMI No 3,% lm, 00 501-503. 41,9 Sci Me Llb No 54/3673 .ICLN Scieurific - Blectriew Mar 55 CTS mWtaft ww vlaw Luiw ma ftoUarA 1 8 ~Etri3i 6 awl", 1. .1k. 3m. ~1~0 1 gn=p.jwj ---- - va mo so 40 vp powsom Dot Ap An Experimental Study of Ways and Methods of Prepar- ing Live Influenza Vaccine -- 11, Adaptation and Immunogentcity of Influenza Virus Cultured in Chick Embryos and Human LuDg Tissuep by M. 1, So'kolov, K. S. Kulikovp, 6 pp. RUSSIAN., per.. Zhur Mikrobiol Epidemiol i Immunobiol, Vol XXX, No 11, 1959, pp 28-32. pp Sci lagZ ~&la Sep 60 .11 Reactivity of the OrGanism at Intranusal Introducticn 0:C Live Grlrjpe Vaccime (Authox"s r-po-t), by PC- S. Q pp. RUSSIAN; no [Toro Zhur Ililtrobiol j3pedimiol i lm=obiol No 8r 1054j, P 52- ,/,tor',3051 IIIIH Sci - Biolo, All J,an 1957 CTS/dox 'Tractionatice af fr= Icbe Uvarl G. Tcaigur, 4 Uss per., *-ul Uffw Mol i My Vol =112 lqo 4if ig5g., IV 66-6.,. Cmm,.ltmts Bum 9A Dee 59 /0/, Y-?o KuUko", L, 1. BPFBCT OF WPHRENT AMOUNTS OF DIETARY 1. Kuuk&4, L 1. MANGANESE ON BONS GROWTH AND D9V9LOP- 11. PASER-S-105-3 MENT IN ALBINO RATS (VIlyanie Rhollchny1ch M. Federation o(American KoUchesty Marpnisa. v Pishche Betykh Krys as Rost SocleUcsforaxprl- I Raxyltse Kosti). [19631 115p) 6refs PASHB mental Biology. manuscript no. S 105-3. Wabbingion, D. C. Orler from OTS. SLA, or eTC $1. 60 Tr-64-13501 IV. ScrijuTechnica. Inc.. Washinglon, D C Trans, of Voprosy Pitaniya (USSR) 1962, v. 21. no. 5, p. 47-52, DESCRIPTORS: *Diet, ONutrition, OWWApnesc, Bow, Rats, Growth (Physioloo. (Biological Sciences --Physiology. TT, Y. 11, so. 9) Behavior of indium in the oxidized zone5 of some polymetallic deposits of lastera Transbalkallys B- X~ F., XWjKO 8 PJO - 141c RUSSIAN. per, OeoWdmVa,, No ?, 1962 Geochem Soc Sol Jun 63 a V~2-' 216 9 'Ihe Efiffect of Enclosing Rocks ai the Behaivior of Rai-e Eleirents in the Oxidized Zcnes of the Lead-Zinc Deposits of Eastern Transbaikalia, by M. F., Kulikova, 3 pp. RU f� -''"`pie"r'_,,_Ij&"Ak Nauk SSSR, Earth Science Sectims, Vol CLXIX, No 1-6, Mar, Apr 1963. Airer Geol Inst Sci Jul 65 A Cons-truction Problem Concerned With the Distribu- tion of tho Fnetion-el P=,b of an Zxpmenttiel by M, r. Iculilrova.. 3 PP. RUSSLO., per., Dok Ak Sauk, 89M., VcA CMIII,, No 31, 1962p PP 522-524- Amer Math -Soc Sov Math - Dok Val 127., No 2 Sen 6*-, Cadmium in the Oxidized Zones of the NerchinskiXi Zavod and Klichkin Lead-Zinc Deposits (Eastern Transbaikaliya), by M. F..,Kulikova, 6 pp. .1 .......................- RUSSIAN, per, Geokhimiya, No 9, 1963. Scripta Technica Sci May 64 258,728 NCH-201 274 Field 13L, 11E Kulikova. M. F. OF KAPRON ELEMENTS 1. Safety In Mints FOP. SHOCK-ABSORBERS NTENDED TO PEOTECT Research Establishment. MULTI-ROPE WINUNG 1INSTALLATIONS DLTRtNG Buxton (Eng)Rnd) OVEJI%%-*WDLNG (Eksptrimentalne Issledovaniya Kapmnov-ykh Elementov Amortizatorov Dlya Zashchity Ninopkinalmykh Podemnykh Ustamovok pr Perpodeme). Jan 65, 16p. S.NIRE-Tr&ns-5091. Order from 'YLL Trans. al' Na.chno-IsaledovatelskIl InstItut po Bezopasnost] RIM v Cornoi Prornyable"0311. TruAy (L'Mi AA -9 p209-19 1962. 3 The Coastruction of a Number a for Which the Fractiowa Puta Lae) are d1str1buW With Rapid Uniformity., by K. F. Wikovas 3 PP. RUSSUN; per, Dok A Iwk 8=9 Val "MIT.9 No 4s 19621 pp T&O-7%. Axwr $6+h aa* Bov vAtb - Wk Vol M.* go P- Sal - Math Sep 62 --~t in 6-io Oxidlljzed ol' FAst.Pi:-n Transbailczlllv-~. kv per, GeoklhLmlya, 'I'lo 2, 1962. Geochem Soo oP PW SabotAlrij Vy A. 1. Togunova, M. F. Kullkovup M. L. KbAtenever, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per$ Zhur VAkr ObiOl SPid8MiOl i Dm=bLo1j Vol XXIXa Wo 3# 1958P PP 3-7. Peripmou bat sci - Med Jan 59 (4652-1) Anton IWI" lip the Blood ftom the Effect of Ionizing Radiation in minti WItb WIP"t Tuvrop by V, P, DshaWladova, X. Le Kallkmy 6 pp. itussia., per,, wit ftaiolos,, yo 6,, ig6o. im 5a9 B01 - M04 Oct 60 /JO 1 /-S7 p.,jr=trjc i3tudy of -bbe B101M of 1 1113191" talzdm-Lm ruel, bd- Nt - N. Sc;bOlOv., S. 9. Fri&, wma-i~ve' E-. V. La*=&,, a. M Roffil ~. M. 5jju=lnp 6 pp. RMIM per., zhur Teith rjz; Vol XM., ft 4, 1-95% -op 5o6-513- AIP sav-Pbv-Tec*k" Vol IT, No 4 ;c Nov 59 (SP-1593) mikh-il Vlaa&l 'Yevloh Warkm, by N. M. Rmlikm,, 11 W. MMIAN., pert DotanicbeakI7 2bnmW, Vol XXW) No 9y 1960., 1w 1380-1385- im 45M USSR Biog /-", 4 ~ 7/ / -~ ~ ,4r 43- Anplar DistxibutLons of 11botofissiou F'rag=ts .%;I- From Uraniump by B. P. B&=Jkj N. M. Wikovat L. E. Lazarevs, V. A. YalcovIev, 2 pp. HUSSrML, per., Vaur Eksper i Teoret Fis, Vol XXXiII, No 1. 1957o pp 53-55. Amer Inst of Phys sov Php-jm Vol vi" No 1 Sci - phyBics MY 58 02,, 7;71 H(NY-3000) MxdernizIng the Metallurgical Plants In UA Stallnekly M=omdc Regi=j by YoL. Mill 11rov., 3 IV* RMVJ,, op., Bkonmichesksys. Goseu., 12 i%b 1961. JPSS 10036 usm //, 7,* -704 scou sop 61 ft cf Rl=k Moo (D:rytjnvp &Amalidnc) in ERVOUS~ by Z. V, VwMjj S. P. ftUbm; .12 Vn., rMmng.o Pwt lbtomDlog Cbexp Voll XM-n) No 4; JL9;iuj PN 86~~- AMM sa " ~ s 7,~ "7,gr, zbn 61. GREATER CENTRALIZATION REWIRED TO 1WROVE AND STANDARDIZE SOVIET TV RECEIVERS, BY G. KULIKOVSKAYA, 7 PP. '2; PP 17~ 16- RUSSIAN, PER, OG0NEKj NO 25) JUN 190' JPRS 15953 XSEER USSR ECON SCI-ENGR NOV,62 215,142 Gon6itiom or .5u]mr-ffIgja Frequency L"Icnro- mzgnettic Field IMAIRUM or Muse Worul-ag ma the Zudug aud Testing of Radio Engineering lastruamts, by Yu. A. Ostpov, Ye. L. WIkov- pp. RUS8UN3 per, Gig I San, Vol XXVII, No 2~ 1962, pp 100-102. JPRS 13691 Sci - Electronics AEC-tr-4509(p.137) Uncl. RIEMANN WAVES IN MAGNETORYDRODYNAMICS. A. G. Kulikovskii. Translated from Voprosy Magnit. Gidrodinamiki i Dinamiki Plamy, Trudy Konf., Akad. Nauk Latv. S.S.R., Inst. Fiz., Riga, 1958, 159(1959). Original published in Doklady Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R.) 121: 957(1958). C-34 P NSA N-4 An Analysis of the Transient Processes in a - Diode Detector With Calculation of the Influence of the Detector Input on the Preceding Circuit,. by A. A. Kulikovskin, 7 FP - RUSSIM, per., Radlotekh i Elektron.. Vol IVp No 3, 1959. FF sep 6o The Stmctwm of Mew Hope bWdTodpamic sbook'Waves vith BuvtMr,, by A. G. "! r~s a me WNW, per# Dak Ak Sauk SWRRI Vol C=Mlj No 4, 1961, pp MO-M3. 9670737 M UM-U3k/I Sci - Geopb7as Pbys / ~ S; .6 ~; C/ 1 Sept 61 A and the Gorrelation Functions for a PIAWM.(T),, by S. V. Iordanakiy, A* Go PP& MMUN., per, Zhur Eksper Teoret FU, Vol XLVIs No 2, 1964j pp 732-744. Amer Inq& of Pbys SOV Pk*wp Vol lIl,'Ho 2 Sci Sep 64 266s560 Gas-Ionizing Mgnetohydrodynamic Shock Waves,, by A. G. Kulikovskiy, G. A. 1wbimov, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Vol CXXIX,. No 1, 1959P pp 52-55,, Amer Inst of Phy8 Sm Phys-10oklady Vol 7.v, No 6 Sci jui 6o A General Condition Err the Stability of Higher- Order Correlation Ameticns in a Plasma, by s9 Ve Yordauskiyo A. G. Kulikov 14, -.- -- ~! y, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk- Physics Soctions, Vol CLVI, No 1, May 1964, pp 35-37. Aaer last of Phys Doklady~-Sov Phys Vol IY. NO S Sci x Jan 65 270,871 on the structure of an Incllned Magne+,ohydamdynamic Shock Wave, 'by A, G. Txlikovskiy.,.-Q. As Liubimov) 9 PP. RUSSIAN, per) Prik Matemat i Mekb) Vol XXV, NO 1) 1961. Pergamon Press Sci jui 64 263,532 Kotgnetohydl~~esj. by A. G. Kulikovskiy I", tc i I.; FUSSIM) moao., Mapitnaya GidrodiawiM,,kl9u'2 *Scripta Wabnlca, Inc sci-phys, Nov U3 by A. G. jg~jillovskjy, o - - - G. A. LytfDir,-,.Ov. RUSSIPdi bh) 250 PaGes * Scripta Tcchiiicv. L--c. Sci - P~~; 0 c 'u. 6.,), sc,M4; oil 'uh-- Structur,- l. Klll~i I I . riagneto-hydrodynamic Shock Wave~ Or A. (.I,. G. A. Ldub-imovip 4 'Op. l,U3SI.tVl, per, 'Prii,, Vatema-~, i Vol X;iT-,'- pergamoll FreG8 jul 6o The Simplest Problems Concerning Gas-Ionizing Shock Waves in an Electromagnetic Field, by A. G. Kulikovskiy~ G. A. Lybuimov, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dak Ak Nauk Q90,; Vol CYYR, No 3, 1959P pp 525- Awr Inst of Phys Sov Pby!%-!1Dok1ady vol iv, No 6 Sci jul 6o About a Certain Nonparametric Device for the Detection of Binary Radar Signals. by J. Kulikowski. CZECIi, per, Archiwum Elektrotechniki, vol. 13 no. 1, 1964, pp. 15-24. NTC 70-16985-171 ~~tatistlcal Vr*,,vrtios ef m4wpulso StIls tki, ' y - TYPO -vilitu i4"r Systex4,, L .10 i~usliklwixis, Vol X1116 3o 419, J,.7, IV-.,3. IL I A* ct Jzai !v6 siugle slida-~Plm loctqngular-Cb-.7-zd2-,late Ac Comp-e-wators, by L. F. MAikGvsl-d.Y',- -A. L. Tbiler, 4 pp. Russ!=- Wl:h, No 3, 1960, S'n; rel-- 61 Photoolectrometric Amplifier and Its Uses; by L. F. Kulikovskiy, Yu. I. Vidmanov. UNCLASSIFIM RUSSIM, per, 1z Vyoohykh Uchob Ztved Priborostra, 30 5P 19589 PP 37-45. Navy 2693/M 822 Sci. - Mysics ~-7 117 ~,--2_ f ' iiov 6o j 0 -?,/ A Device With Two Degrees of Freedom for Measuring Vector quantities,, by L. F.-,NANL2XjkLD P. p. Kemeshis, 5 pp. RUSSIANy per, lzmerltel Tekh, No 10, 1959, PP 28-31 - Instru Boa of Amer Sci ~Op 69 '/ C;;7, (~ 5 // CwTc-.i-ative Assessment of Some Laboratory Methoda fc'r the Diagnosis of Infective Hepatitis--I. Study o-f the Diagnostic Value of the AVB and the 1-Taterohaemagglutination Re-actions, by L. S. Segal'7 1. 1.1. Kulinich, 3 PP- Z~~- L'. RUSSIM4, per, Voprosy Virusologiy, Vol IV, No 3, 11059, PP 326-329. Pergamon Preus Sci ti U-11 6,') E=erimcntal Serological Examination of Patient.-, Suffering From Pyrexin of Unknown Origin Ultb the Object of Datectirg Typhus in the 111ranscarpathian Oblast; by 1. M, Kulinich, V. M, Meshchenko, A. L. Tovb1n,, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Yirusologiy, Vol YVI No 3; 1959, p~ 280-284. Sci T Oun 6o Polariv'stion of So 46 Nuclei in Iron, by A. V. Kogan, V. D. Imy ikitin p 4 pp. . ~, L. P. R MSSIAS per Zhur Emper i Toorst Fis, Vol XXIX, No 1 ~7~, 196'09 pp 47-52. rfqv-JLTF Vol xno NO I sci Ab 61 Oxi&tlon of ftbylerke into fthyle 0:-,idxt over it 81bler Gawly"I It uwrLmauul 5%Wy of the Reaction Kinetics# by A. I. Kurilleuko., 5- V- Ma#-kofto et alm 17 =SV%D, per,, Zhur Piz MAmj, 1958t ~Tql X=I.. No 4.- PP 7W-W5- Sel jan 6o Vol 2 0 va 8 The~ U.,.,,e o:P Variow Metals irn tho Study of Ormie Compoundz by the Alectromotive-Force Yathod. Part 1. IrdivIdual Organic Compoundap by B. V. Tronov; R. H. Kulikovas 7 %,)P- RIFSSIM~ per,, Trudy Tomsk U,, Nol C=I,, 1954., PP 96-1(;2. ATS 6TX23H Sci - Chem Sep 59 Vol 2,t no 2 -1. r, +V it -::,Z3TA. m r MRS 50*IL6 Sci Aug 60 tonmo-rarla), by V. 01, Dallihova, YUJI$ per:. DrAt A %sulc 89,2~ Vol MAI~ Sci Transmission oT Strontium 90 to Progeny by Ferna] by V. G. Kulikov&, 3 pp RUSSIAN, pero Dok Ak Nauk SSSRp Vol CXU1, No 6, PP 103-1436 lip Sov Phys - Doklady Vol V, No 2 Sci Nov 60 7,;' S-525-1 (NY-") - 1714 Ponetration of Sr, 44 Cs: Ru) re Through the Placental and Mmmmry Barriers, by,,V. 0. Kulikova, 9 pp. NUSSTAN, per, Ned Radiclog, 'Vol TV, SO 5~ 1959, pp 23-27. JMB-T~-929--m Sci - Yad, Radiology Se-O 59 The Usa~ of the PUP * 1wresse Refkotlou for - The Rapid Dstectio6 Or MbUrlo C=msp I. V. Dor"r-, Askiyp C. T. AnoMmaj T. L. KuLIMY&l L K. Denisonko, 0. N. Knolwal, 4 RUSSIM., pero Zbm Mikroblol Ipmestol I Immblols Vol.XMO 'So 7p WSo VP IXU-I-L3 revgmn 3148,t Sol - Ned Agr 59 The Effect of PastwArella Festis an Cartalu Aopeoto cX 's"ha ~btabqlizw.of Animmiz Suacoptiblea to Plague-I.j Tbi Action Of.RUZYJN Inhioltors of the.11ricarboxvIia Acid Cycle onAnimin AffoatW by P..P;atls Toxin# by.M. N..Debaparldze V . L. Xtu~.Ukoft~ 7 RUB910,, per, Zburo Mro6lol Spidesiol i Immnoblol, Vol XMX4 No 9, 1958, pp 122-1A4. Fors"Con may 59 m The ~aitibiobic PrapertieB Of the Ejaciaaten of Man%aIB and Man, by V. N. Kulikova, 3 VP, ir"LU-11 Per., ByU Eksper Biol i Med, Vol UIIIP No 2, Feb 1957, PP 89-90. Consultants Bureau Sci - Med PAY 58 A Case of Hermaphroditism in the Gonad of the Medusa Rathkea octopunctata) by V. N. KulikOva, :2 PP - RUSSUN, per, Dok A Wauk SSSR, Vol CXIV, No 11, 1957, PP 899-- Amer Inst of Biol Sci Sci - Biblo&v Aug 58 e 2 TTZect of RwqAL% tbe Corten of the Cercbml H=4 - spbares of Dogs on the Sallne Conteat of the Blood, by V. 9. Kulikova,, 3 Pp- RiSSUI Vol ,, w pers Byul Eksper Biol I Med, ap Bo UP 19561 PP 3-5- Consultants Bummu Sci Ned of t2ovL, 7 Z'33311V Per- -7-bll-- Prilt KlAr 0j. '~'TWXTT. t;7, 61-21103 Kulikovskaya, Ye. L. and Osipov, Yu. A. ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS IN INDUSTRIAL I. High frequency heating-- PREMISES HARBORING EQUIPMENT FOR HIGH- Physiological effects FREQUENCY HEATING (Elektromagnitnyye Polya v 2. Electromagnetic fields- - Rabochikh Pomeshcheniyakh pri Vysokochastotnom Physiological effects Nagreve). 23 Jan 61, 6p. 9 refs. JPRS: 7551. 3. [ndustrial plants-- Order from OTS $0.50 61-21103 Hazards I .Kulikovskaya, Ye L. Trans. of Giglyena Truda i Professional'nyye H. Osipov, Yu. A. Zabole~aniya (USSR) 1960, v. 4, no. 6, p. 3-6. 111. IPRS-7551 IV. joint Publications Research SLrvicc, New YorV. Office of Tochoical Somicts (Biological Sciences- -Physiology, TT, v. 5, no. 9) ~nausvicjl Frt~mrUos of 6iLitais in I %slitude lypo butallAti iLAIS , Te lzklx~~aL ALIL. -',tu 410 lbioSo " r~r /')~O LU S 3 Ll~' pal-all-,~wro of a Datuctor "A" 131C~;L'o by A~ -4. TUlikOVEtlr-IY,, ULIM., Fjuasit.N. psrs Ilektrouvr-Azi, 10., 71-73. DSIR Law Im 3170 7101-4 59 Lq 0 76~ Build-Up Processes in Detection of Pulse Signals., by A. A. Kulikovakiy, 11 pp. (Ar 68542o) RMIAN, per, Radiotekbnika, go 6, 1955p pp 21-28. (' I- /~ 6- e ~:' - 3- _~ -/' ATic F-Ts-loo66/v SCI - Electron -.1-7 F ~~'Y Jan 58 Comparison of the Theories of Tube and Semiconductor Ampliflers and Their Possible Generalization) by A. A. Kulikm~~, 13 pp. RUSSM, mo per,# Radlotekbnika, Vol X, No U, 1955; pp 3-11. J Morris D. Friedman $6.5o 3 -607 A J ;0; ScIezitISIc - Electrojalca jun 56 cTs /dex A~ W o lied; 00 9) pp '?2-74. CIA ATIO F-TS-9186/v 5ci Rizatronica CEA-tr-R-i~i76 Uncl. QUELQUES PROBLEMES SIMPLES RELATIFS A UNE ONDE DE CHOC IONISANT UN GAZ DANS UN CHAMP ELECTROMAGNETIQUE. (Some Simple Problems Relative to Shock Wave in an Ionized Gas in eld). A. G. Y an Electromagnetic Fi ~,ujikovskij (Kulikovski) and G. A. Lyubimov (Liub'i'm-O-VT..1.1.1. Translated into French from Doklady Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R., 129: 525-8(1959). 12p. 57Z /5~3/1/ Magnetohydrodynamics; Particle Physics; Translatlor,s MC - ~54 C-34 NP NSA Dep. (mc) 1. 6 0 ( f s) , $ c .8c) (mf N-6 JCL o 0 C o b3 l tinuitica .bj'~ DI-15c"ll on For'll - G. A. DyubimO'V,- 3 PP- ,oy I nauk- otcla BUISSIAll, 110~, z Nauk 3.3o, 131. mash, 1.10 1999) pp MorTis D. FriedzW jun 60 aeous "r ins 1,1Jt2i Cs;' by ae.~obydYOdi u'~ 4 pp. lat, vk1l 14o 5; !958, t"2, gj)&tLj (w-%MruGiOrI'W--I Nfoti= leitb rjaifO-rin Womt1low.; by A. 0. Mllilwskiy) 2 pp- BUSSIAN.. 'r, Bok Ak MR* U=i Vol Fb 3.~ 1958~ PP G5, 486. Nbrrlo D. Friedman K-182 P.00 Iftr 59 On the ft1sations of a Plaura Filament, by A. G. Xulikovsk~y 4 pp. R=UN,, thrice-mo per Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol cm, go 5, 1957,, pp ;64-987. Amer Inut of fWr- Sov Phys.. "DoXIc-dj" Vol IIP go, 3 Sci - Phya Mar 58 on motionz with Hmogeneous Deformation in Ik9gnoto- F,ydrok-.4-mics, by PL. G. Milikovakly-, 3 PP. RUSSIAW, per) Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol M No 5, 1958, pp A= lust of Phyl; Sov Phys - Doklady Vol 1TI, No 3 Sci - Phys Jul 59 A. C, 17w,-jh,-)Vaj9jjj 4 ',)P. Derr Dok A Hauk SIBREIR, Vol 190 4,, 967'. - Amar Inst Of MY:; sov 'PhY3 - 'LOtlcdj Vol II-.L., no 4 5 9 on -the PJ~OQ of S CondUCtIUS FlUld AroUnd - hagnetized Body, by A. 0a Kull'sovvk;Ly,, 5 00. RUSSIM,, per, Dok Ak Nauk WSRj Vol =11 No 2, 1957, PP 199-202. Horrid D. Priadmu K-172 Sci - Phys f3eP 58 '0 KuUkovBW, A. 0. ~d LyulAniov. 0. A- MAGIJETOWDRODYNANUCS. 1963, 250P Order from Script- Teehale-a. Inc.. M VerMOM Ave,, N. W., Washington, S. D. C. Trans. o( mono. [Magnituaya Oldrodinamika. Moscow. 1962, 246p]. DESCFUPTORS: *Wpetohydrodynamice, EqUAtiORS, *Plasnia physics. 1. KullkovskU. A. 0. I[. Lyublwy, a A. M. SCriPt&TCCIWCB# 1--t WuhMpi4 D. C. 6 (Physics - -ElecrroWcs. 77, v. 10. no. 12) Onkt of Todakal kMw ,11eia=terring Ccmpewation Device for Limar Tamsferancet by A. A, KolOtsovg L. F. Maibov skilp,. lltssm,t Pero, ATUOt i Telemekhs Vol No 3., 1958P PP 280-- Ustzu Sot of Amer sci Apr 60 00-21976 Kulikmskiy, L. 17. and Vidmanov. Yu. 1. A PHOTOELEC17ROMETRIC AMPLIFIER AND rrS I - UMS tFotoeicktrometricheskiy Usilitell i yago 2. Title: PhNixlectrometric Ispol'zovaniye) tr. by A. Pingell. 1960. 12p. 6 refs. amplifier N R L Trans. no. 822. 1 .Kulikoveldy, L. F. Order from OTS $0. 50 60-21976 11, Vidmanov, Yu. I Ill. NRL Trans-822 Trans. of izvestiya Vysshikk Uchevnykh Zavedeniy. IV. Naval Research "b., Priborestroyeniye (USSR) 1958, no. S, P. 37-45. Washington, D. C. The instrument of the type has three meas- urement limits: 100, SOO, and 2000 mv. The time of damping of the instrument is 0. 3 sec. The error at a 100 mv limit does not exceed ITO. The value of the out - put current for all measurement limits is 5 ma, with a loaded impedance up to 300 ohms. The use of this apparatus in practice has demonstrated its high opera- tional properties. (Author) (Engincering- -Electronic, TT, V. 5, no. 11) Offim of TchWrd Soims ( ~, TO 23~") int,---mtional C=Xmas of Aatronommms in Diblinj, by P. Milikmrskly: 84 Yp. XSSIAU.o bim perp AstM Zbur~ Val ==t No 2o 1 .-b,qcow.. I&r/4ir 1956p vp 281-303- cu/m u-go66 listavam -~4el 514te Oct 56 m New Advances In Aotroa=W (Xth International Astronwidal Ccngregs) 0 by 13, V. MxbW&u; Ps Go M;lilDmki, RUSBIM, pers Vest A Nauk SSSR, Vol XXVM, No 12, 1985,p PP 6 sLA 6l-i3o6B Sol 14 0~ 7ax sep 61 P. G. (Ida)p Otudiee In the History of AstromWp Mviewed by A, A. Mikhai3zi pp. FMGW.. %, Axtrm Zkwo Vol M=VO So 3p Imp pp .40 Alm Imm of Pbp &m Astran - AJ Vol 1. No 3 Boi - Astran Apr 59 (FM 19623) SecaiA PoUsh Astroacalml CooMess, by P. G- maikwaty., 8 3;P- MSSWj biw'Veri Astraft Zbw, Vol IVI No Hwcov,, lov/Dai 19$0, vv Xi6-:3~8* . . CU/OM/U-5&0 um Bel. - Astroamw, co0erenc* a7 The rntexmatiaml Astrmcmima Coacrence in Llege., by ft-lalkmklyp (Ar 65001) MUM, per., VeBt Ak lauk SM', No Up 1954s pp 81-83- 41'7ZA= rim-sw/tn 071 Sclwtific AstronoW Jun 55 M/M Table of Semiconductor Device characteristics, by A. A. bliko"kogo. OMABSVM --.--AT- RaBBIM, bk. Radio Amateur's Hudbooks Incl to-9- HAV *zcovO 15-58. Jkvy Tr 1687/01 192 SCI a ENV VAY 58 ~ IS ~la ponalbluties of Docrommaw am quKuty Substance Used In the IlAnulatture of Colo by do IGHPW Moft4 by J. Nodd"Wicza G. wifidwowd- 9 m PCI 0 No So 1938o pq I OTS 61-11351 PL-M W-M lk m JUM 64 261,758 I NO -#*Ant Gnaw !at V 34, 66 ,wT.iC GOAVUMT 0 Lv/ ;*rx wills lxi3q wv7551 38' 5' LW C*tK*W "'W"q py I* L 9 XUIWkV&M, Vol ~iu 10 Ix FT L. T I "P