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Effect of Relative Contents of Sodium CyanJde and Hydroxide on Electrogalvanizing Baths on Mechanical Properties of Steel Plated, by I. I. Moroz$ N. T. Kudry&vtsev. RUSSTAN, per, Metal i Obrabotka Metallov, No 41 X Apr 1958t PP 25-28. Brutcher Tr 41X $3-85 Sci - Chem Aug 58 Electrodepwitioa of Silver by Be-versing Current, by Re To KudrysVtsev,, R. Ya. Bek) 8 pp. ------- HUSSM: Wo Zhur PeAk M11M., Vol MV.- No I, 1.962., pp 553-561. In CB Bel i= 63 233,912 Influenoe of the NO - Anion on the Cathode Prooess In Electrodeposition o? Silver from Cyanide 'Electrolytes with Superposition ot Alternatim on Direct Current, by N~ T, Kudryavtssv,, R,- Tu. Bek, 5 pp.- RUSSIAN, per, Zhw Prik Khim. Vol XXXV, No 5, 1962, pp 1030-1034. CB Scl Apr 63 Electrol~ytic Coating with Zinc-Hickel Alloy for Protection of SteelArticles Against Corrosion, DY N, To KUdrjTaVt*OV, & Y, Tyutjna~ 7 pp3 RUSSUN. per, Zhu Frik Din, Vol XM, No 5, 1962, pp 1035-1042., GB kpr 63 Influence of Ultrasound on the Blectrodeposition, of Zinc, by ff. T. Kudry&vts*v# A. M. Smimova, 6 pp. RUSSIANj per, Zhur Prik Xhim., Vol XXXVp NO 2p 1961, pp 328-333. CB Sci J~m 63 234.9086 Electrolytic Depositan of a Tin-Nickel Alloy FrOm Chloride-Fluoride Solutionst by K. M. TpAina, N. T. Mub7avtseY,, 4 pp. RUNIAN) pers Dok Ak I%uk SM.$ Vol CXVj No 3j, Jul-Dec 1957, pj? Conmatants Bureau Sc J - Chem Aug 58 Eard Cold xPlating, by A. GI. Atamss3~anto, N T. und V. M. KoxotaYev, 5 ~P" _.iSIAN;: pert Zhnr Prik Yh4m, Vc-I *f pl, Con5 Ultanto Bu"eeu Sci - Chem Sep 58 Reasons for the Formation of Ziuc Sponge oa the Cathode and Mechanism of Action of Impurities in Zincate Electrolytes, by N. T. Kudryavtsov. RUSSIAN, por, Zhurnal Fixicheskor Xhimiy, Vol 26, No 2, 1-952, PP IT57281. Dept of Navy NIC Z838 '1~211 sci-chem June 69 383,172 lfhe cewes of local Sponu vokmtious on the ea~,hcde in Zincate Mectrolytes,, by S. T. Kudmvitaeva R. To. I. F. Kusbovich, 4pj. RLEBVJ,, per, Zhur PrIk Xhin, Val XXX, go 7, 1957, pp 1093-161A Cmealtents Bureau Bel Chem 0 Cle, 5 91 B~udivg aP ,,. clirm-Aar Platc T.,,,:Ltii ca by P, ~,wve (Illrl(i7ll rx M-am"'icity); by -q. v. Knavartsair. RWSIAN, rierp Dok Ak NalLk SSS-R. V01 LIT-T., M 2.,, !9,',6p pp 3X-110. qV996 XAPr 63 A Controlled Nonlinear-Resistance IMultiplier, by O.M. Kudryavtsev, R.A. Lipman, 5 pp. RUSSIM, per, Avtomat i Telemekh, Vol XXIII, No 2, 1962, pp 190-19S. ISA Sci Aug 62 P-13,289 Controlled Norr.-Linear Semiconductor Resistances, by 0. M. ~~q~~vevj V. 1. M=hiaiza, 5 Pp. RUSSIAN, per, Radiotekh i Blektron, Vol V, No 6, 196o, pp ioo6-ioM pp sai aa 61 16 71 -3 1~-r Transmission of Central (ftscov) !3ewspapers by Photoelectric I*thod by R. A._Ludryavts" 9 pp. HUMAR, per, Vestnik Svya--Ir No 6, 196.31) pp 4-6. . JW 23245 Sai - Elea oct 63 2.14)-106 ~ rly~-r-079) 0 The YTAP Facsimile Telagmph, by -R, A. Kudryavt-sev 6 pp. - ~L~ RUSSIAX~ perz~ Vestnik Svyazi,, No 10, 1958. JPRS 7015 sci Aug 61 a / ~ 76?" Datermination, of the Electronic Tran#ition mownts Of the Schmann-Runge Bod Sptem in O.Vgan,, I By N. 1. KrIndaebi R. H. -Ibdiry&vtvev, pp. RUSSIm- Pere OPtMm I ZPaktroo Vol M. No 3. 1963, pp. .351-361. Osh jq /0 9 sai Jul 63 SyntheBis of Ethyl Alcohol, Containing the Heavy oxygen Inotopeo by R. V. Kudryavtoev,, D. N. Kxwsanov,,-. 4 pp. RTJSSIAN, mo per, Zhur Obahch Khim S8SR# Vol XXVIp No 11, 1956., pp 2984-2986. ConsUtants Bureau Sci - Chem Jul 58 1!~ 7j 6U-4g- Study of the Yechanism of Hydrolyeis by Means of the Heavy Oxygen Isotope. II. Hydrolysis of Dimethyl Sulfate in Acid and Alkaline Mediumv by D. N. Kursanav, R. V. Wadryartsev,, 4 pp. RUSSIAN., mo per., Zbur Obsbcb Xhim SSSR~ Vol No 11, 1956, pp 2987-2988. Consultamte Bureem Sci - Chem Jul 58 6 7j,.r,7? natiam ~ at fte 286twu com carowitlan in OWmb Oxvm&p IW Re To I a Do V# Ottemp= D" we, 6 pp. WOM m* pw* Sm Obabob WAmp Val Mlp go 4p AV 794j, vp 1035409* ]kwm3 &d - *mAxtL7 70b 1957 M/dox ,04.f-4 Study of the MecLaaism of Polyorgmaoborcsiloxane Formation With a Heavy CaWgen Isotope, by R. V. Kudryavtsev, D. H. Kuraaaov, K. A. Andryanov) 3 pp. RUSK^ pers Zhur Obshch Khim,, Vol XXIX,, Ito 5,, 1959, pp 1457~ 1498. (%Amltanta Bum Sci jul 6o 7~ Rr ,jr;, of a HeaVy lootqpa df 0-. c M-chanl~, ol'7' Xlkali Transeater4 ill cetion of Esters, by R, V. Madryanvtsev 9-nd D. 11. NWaaaov, 2'pp-& P,.- iAlip qcr, awx Obahch Khim, Vcib )MVIIIj !~a 1957, PP 16CEM, 1687- Coasuttanta Mzeau Sci Cbem Sep 58 'k. - .. 4 c ~-- V -ry t!IZI, 41- -- Faters" by a. V. Iri7-,,tp R. V. 4 pp - --- RU,367,441;~, jk~-r, Zhur ObRbeh Xhim., Vol YMJ.~ Tio LO-,. 1957P pp 2799-2W5- consultants Bureau Sci - Cbem 7 wra n 5 9 StUV Cf the NednAn of M*dWds sdib the Ald of the RMY Otalsen ZWb**o I- ftft"17819 Of INW1 ProPlauft JA Alkm3J= U9dimp bY D- I- MWBGwys R. T. two It w I IF== no vw So Obsbob Ofts, Vol =Is No 4j, AVr 5R, p? W MA - ahm"try 09C 150r 4 .67 m I"? =/dim ZMq,4~qh - - _1 _ -uti4ts;~~ Under the Done of a Parachute, b7 S. Kudryavtsev RUSSLO, np, Krasnaya Zvezdal 20 Jan 10.156 *A ID C USSR M I ilitary Hellcopterap by Captsia S. Kudrypytoev. RUSSIM, per.. Voyenniye Znanin No .iO, 1954- Eurasian Branch TK-65-i USSR Military - one copy only Fat. 72670 1 /J- V/ R67 &--7f 7; More Attention to the Development of Aviation Sport, by S. Kudryavtsev RUSSIAN, np, Krasyana Zvezda,, 25 Oct 1955. .1 :AA I-D USSR Military- Comparad" EVduatim of t1w Vftm~~ at B&Cftr% CaUecwn In Deumnbft Bfficuidal Aorwd Cmcanustion, V. S. Klktwft~ S. 1. Kudryavtom et a4 7 % RSUM, per, NO 10, MS. pp 45-48. JPRS 23M sci-Biol Fab 64 240,272 (DO-5867 Photoelectric Count of the Sumber of Aerosol Particles or Organic and inorganic Originp by V. S. Kiktenko; yu, F, Safranov~ S. 1. Xudryavtoov, ate, 12 pp. RWSIA17,0 per; Gig i San~ Vol XXVIj No 2;, 1961y pp 47-53. JPRS 8334 Sci - Mad jum 61 (ay-68oo) An Apparatus for the Automatic Counting of Bacterial Aerodol I Particles,, by V. S. Mtemko, Tu. P. Wronov., S. 1. Wmxdwl R. 1. IL I man, B. F. Fye4omp at ai 1, 6 pp. RMSIM, per, Leb=torwye Delo, Vol VII, No 10, JM 11238 Sci - Chem 7 4) Dee 61 (JJY -69W) M Inolt-rument for Bacteriological Iovestiga- tim of Air 15 at negative Temperaturea, by V. S. Mtenko3 N. 1. Kashavova,, S. 1. Kadryavtoev, N - I - Fushchin p 5 PP - IRLSSL 4,71, per. TAboratarn"e Delo, No 3, 1961s JM 9316 J 17~1 Iry e jun Q m Bettering Avlaiort Becoxds,, bV Yoo N. Stepawv, S. a. Kudr. j, 6 vp* -!F? Itaev RUBSIAN., per,, vest Ivom mtes ND 9s 1960, 9W559. ATIC sci , W,,/ /// /0 I Apr 61 -r. ( TANKS ATTACK ON VIRGIN SNOW; 5 PP. RUSSIAN., PERp VOYENNYY VESTNIKI NO ?-~ 196?-. ACSI i-o424-B ID 2194530 . sci 13 JUL 62 2o2p5-76 (11Y-6502) Comf&vence on the Psychology of Labor Education and Distnicticaj by T. _ . 5 PP- RUSSIAN, per., Bowt Pedagogikao No 41 1961l pp 156-158. JPHS 3.0031D U38R 14 7, 7Al- Soo sep 61 Numerical Calculation of 114 luveriaions iio Medis with Phase Shifts as a Criterion for Determining the Temperature Shift, by V. A, Wag yey, V, Go Iblamedi 3 PP- 3!L_ RUBSTM., per,, Iz Ak Nm* B=p Ser Geofizp NO 12 t 1960 s 1)1) 1796-ift, AM Sci 7 jun 61 Cn 11-he Role Of ULIJIt IntcnsJ.tY CIM1 R-Uftuctt',rc FIrczcsE;Or- in thE., rfcrrat--*,on of Repraductive Orran!; in Plaatt-,, uy V., A. -Kufh-jav,;scv,, 4 pp. RUSSIA-U, pcrz, -1-110'-- A': M-al: SSSR,, Vol Ir4o pp sai "'an 61 v T-r,-,;t of Dilol 'L,~A Ferrlte8 w1th a lu*glj "turation migAetixation and a narrow moson"aa aboorptlon cume at ouper-high TmaquoDclez, by V. A. rrabrikw, V. D. Rudrjavtoev 86 Z. M. Ganhelim, It. PP. HUSSM, wr, It Ak Sauk 8MEt) Ser Fix, Vol Will I'vro 3, Colimbla Ti~ch Sci JV, f, X/ Apr 6o -:~ 0 b9,! ni c:,, Taylor Wfely'e, 2 I'M C-r-'=008 M-UiZatiOn Of ASI-lr~7'0~~ttY.Nlg Yeasta kCandida robuta,, Cav4lft pulderrim.) emd eexLt-:dt% nlbirsrw) Vith lk-stlag M-P Nff^r~lrt Ybrriimloav bv V. T. *y ~",tqp- and M V. r, -Itecim Nov 63 Photo-Electric Method of Rotation of the Plane of Waves, by R. Ya. Keimakh, 4 pp. Measuriag the Angle of Polarization of Light V. RIBSTAN, per, Priborocitroyenlye) 'No 11, 1959, pp 10-14. Taylor & Fraacia Sci I~Sdl -17~-5-~ oct. 6o PRECISION DETEfNINATIOM OF THE LATTICE PERIODS OF BORON CARBIDES OF B2.75 To B6.75 COMPOSITION BY MEANS OF ROENTGENOGRAMS OBTAINED WITHIN THE RANGE OF LARGE ANGLES OF SCATTERING) BY V. 1. KUDRYAVTSEV) G. V. SOFRONOV) 28 PP.- RUSSIAN) PERj BYULLETEN' INSTITUT METALLOXERAMIKI I SPETSIALINIKH SPLAVOV, NO 5, ig6o. JPRS '7"9 SCI CHEM FEB 63 221.,249 Look Rllv-tews2 by V,T. Xildr yavtssev.~ RUSSIA'Ne per, Milcrobdiolceya,, Vol 'AY:jX'. F~ I., !960: P; 150-1.553. Al rb Dec 60 Collect'ions of 'I",me Cultures of l'icroo-rL'anisi~3 Jn ,,17 J ,,-I&nd by V. i. Kudnyavtse-T, 6 un. a I I I Sep RUSSIA., per, I-Tilzrobiol, Vcl XMI, NO 5, Oct 19,~3, 902-910. CD sci Se-) 6!~ Reduction of A1203 by Carbon,, by.Zh. L..*Vert) M. V. Kamentsev, V. I. MArymyte". M. I. Sokhor pp. RUSSIAN, pero Dok Ak Nm* SSMm Val CXVI., No 5., Jul-Dee 1M, PP 834-837- Congaltantg Bureau sci - Chem Aug 58 &.3 Titanium &LIfide in R1ectrocoxund=,, by N. S. Filonenko., V. I. PP. RNSIM., per,, Doklady Ak Neak SMI Vol IXMIIIj, 195~~ PP 891-893. MA R-770 Sol - Chod stry If 9 Oct 57 1 ~ ~, ~7 ? (FDD 29064) on the Impm-tauce of Systematism for the Selection of Hicroorpaism., by V. I. LWT;&I(W2,p 13 PP MISSUNI bluo per, Klurdbiox Vol XXIVS, No 60 Hwcow, Nov/Dec 19", pp 665-670. CIA/M U-Cfl17 Sci - Medicine, microbiology /// ., Irv Nov 19%/CTB T lhe Lmm Gomming the lbrwUon of Mkftrolytic %--on powjdex-s,~ Iv A. T. Tagra*=,, V. N. jDadryaftserg I:;-- RUSSIAN) porp It Ak Vvmk W814 Mal XhIm X&ukj, No P. 1963; pp g3~im% sai a 2- q, I/ o Z-1 15 Jan & Conditions fQr ElcetrolyLic Fo=atior-, of IL"",",ELI FoWderO, by A.T. 'JaGragyan, V.17. judrypvto-ey, V-11. J 5 RUSSIAN, per Zhvc Prik Khim, Vol MIII, No 12, 1960, pp 2719-272.'-4,. CB by V. s. Kudr O_Tt on quasiclassical Qmut'wt'oa# 4 pp. RUSSIAN.-narp Zbjw moper i Teoret MY Vol so pp 6W-693 - Awr Imt air Soviet " JETP Vol V 8 so Ite 1798 Sci - "Ice Jun 57 Determination of Specific Swface of qmrtz and Comen Powders by the Sorption Method With the Use of Tagged Atoms,, by V. S. Kudryavtsev,, Jb RUSSIO., pmv Trudy Vaes Nauch Tekh Konf Primenen Radioaktiv i Stabil lzotopov i lzlw.,hen.li v N�rod Moz i Haukep 1957Y Vol IV,, 19581 PP 21-W. AEG Tr-42D6 Sci - EW 24 Feb 61 aFcwti(-. Violet, Tsy V. 1~ ----------- rvilzo, ika Pm:ple-la UPI tuiyj vol tVRS L>?9?- ~,r 0 Energy Diffu'GiOn Of PUBt IONS in an Zquijibriwa laaamas by v. s. midr4vtoov.. 3 pp. RMIn. r Our L Teorot Pisp Vol xumt No 6, f5,rr,,65. Amer lot Of sov Pbys - im Vol VU (30s, NO 6 Sci - phys Igy Jan 59 &~nSy'xfftsion of Past Ibm In an XpAUbrlm PIWMO by T. C. 9 pp, 9 RMUX,, pwl 2h Map l6war (014 vu XRN=Ibl L IMMO lb 6,9 295% p0 150-150. Morris D. Irle&mp Im. 1-183 ft 59 OTSJ V. 11 to 5 nestle CoUlsion Cross Bectlon for EVdropn Atom.. by V. S. mI&"vuevp 6 pp* IMIMp per.# 2.bur Eksper I leorat Piz, Vol XXXM,* No 4 1957v pp 243-250- Awr last of fts SOV Phys-M Vol vis, so 1 Sol - P*sics My 58 (my ,pectPoscopic lavestigat1cm Of the State Of GM Behind a Shook WaVe., ll.j by F. S. FSY2UUOVt 14. N. Sobolev5 Ye# 9. Kudry&VU6vs 16 PP* 1~UBSJMj per,, Optika i Spektroskaglyaj. vol vni, No 5j PP 585-593- JFRS 7000 sci - Rye 25 Nov 6o (NY-4889). u Kudr.~aamt-,-ev, K. N. Chakale,,-i, 10 py). 11 ~ 1. --.- . 'hur, Vol 111, 110 T - ?" ,,- nhererno AM Tr-4c,34 A- A Roport on Scyvlet Anti-Submarine ftercises, by Capt 2nd Rank Yu. Kudryavtsey, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, np, KraMaa zvezda, 13 Doc 1964t p 2. MRS 28466 f / O'L Ussr Mil Mar 65 275,997 L'Ic ~ruwjoaiscy ivtavd -of 'Aiasuftwuc la Lo~,t,-JL4 ~uSe=p-libililtys by Vu,l, KwiryaVvit-W. ~,zeayo ~Uiski UA-1, ~Ieriyu M A/uc/ .'ey Iq v /- -5 e, Y -64 54) Rypathermia and Extracarporeal Circulation in Cardiac Surgery, by A. A. Vishnevski-y, T. M. Darbinyan, A. 14. JS~~ ~seva, et al, 22 pp. RUSSM, per, Eksper KUrurgiya i Anesteziologiya, Vol VI, No 2,, Har/Apr 1961,0 PP 3-14. im 9566 3 7 jui 61 Solubility Diagrams for the Systers f-Caprolactam- I-icblorethane-Water, f-Caprolact4m-Chloroftrm- Vater~ (-Caprolactam-iftOylene Morlde, by 0. 1. !;~~4eva2 A* D. rMtikM, 5 PP% IMSSW,, par,,Zhur PriX-Khix# Val XM8, No 110 USSR# llov 1953o PP 1190-1194. CIA D 167132 Consultante Bureau USHR Scientific - Chemistry CTS 65/.Peb 1955 Results o:r Rocket Measurements of the Vertical Distribution of Atampheric Ozone, by L. A. Kudryavateeira. RUSSIANO per; Trudy Tsentral Aerol Observ, No 37p 1*.. py 24-29. MLL Ref: 5M.4 .1963 (5 341) (Loan) Sci - Earth Sai & Astron 2- Aug 63 (DC-6639) Besurts of Maouxements of the VertleP-l Distri- 'y via-vi of Actmapheric ZK Ozone Made in a RocImt, by L. A. KhdnT~~ ~evap 11 my YAMIAN', bk;, Atwafeimn ozan - rievA lt.&ty Rabot Mezlidimarodnop GeofizicbeskoSO GOda V SSSRx XOnferantslyat 28-31 atyarya 1959 Gor) Doldady i ptezolyutsiij, 1961, pp 6-33. JM IA5 3ci - Geopbr / tric la"irbigatics of the Lv4Mr Up to an of 60 Im) by A. V. Takovimo L. A. Midryavtaevz - ~ .~- ~J,, bk,, IMMISOUGMA 4Ut%W ZOMU., VOI XV.P pp 57-68. CB ,~ v 11// (? 91, An zxW?:Lneat on the D:Lrect Measurewtu~ of the Variation in Atmospheric hmidity with Eeight, by a Spectral M~jt4c4p by D. S. Nleporeut,, V. F. Belov, 0. D. Dmitrievskiyo G. tsev I V. G. Kastrov, M. U. Kiseleva, L. A. KtrW)EavtsM, 1. V. Fata3AXhin., 5 PP. MWIOj per., 1% A Sauk SM,, Ser Geof iz,, No 1957s. -PP 552-555. Pergmm Imt Sci - Geopbys Der. 58 7fj /-0-'/ Multiple Slip in Zinc at Room Temperature, by L. I. Vasilyav, K. L. Zaring., L. A. Kudryavt8eva, 4 DD. . I.- RUSSM, per, Kristallografiya,, Vol IVj, No 5,~ 1959~ pp 768-772- Amer Iu3t of Phys 8ov Phys-Crystal Sci-Phys // ~~ 3// jun 6o ~Syrzthcsis Cyclchexmiol-l, by G. V. Kandratteva, " F, Kudryavtseva, jSIAN I., per, Zhur Obs'ack Khim,, Vol XXXI,, No III, 1961, lip 3~21-362S* cl; sci 213,,949 Liquid-Vapor Equilibriwa in the Systems Acetone- Hexane and Hexane-Ethyl Alcohol at 35, 45, 55 and 760;-mL of HIG-, bY L. S. J.CuL-javb~eva, P. Susatev, 6 I?p. RUSSIV.,, per, Zhur Prill- Khdm~ Vol XCMI, 110 7, 1963, pp 1-471-1470" . Sci Sep 0"', 573 Liquid-Vapor Equilibrium in Chloroform-ifexane and A A& Acetone-Chloroform Systems, by L. S. Kudryavtseva, M. P. Susarev, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Prik 10iim, Vol XXXVI, No 6, 1963, pp 1231-1237. CB Sci- Aury 64 264,886 f The Iffect of Temperature and Pressure on the Cosposition of Terwy Asedrape, bV A. V. Storon)dn, A* 00 ftsch"Wdyv LO Be, 10 P. ~-i-aAtA, R~.4 RUSSUN per Zhur n& Xhisp 195T) Val XMp No 2j. vp 393:0- AN-73L35B Sci 114 fty 60 7,?7 Vol 3o No 4 Horizmtal Mqxet a a FlimtUS XUJWe on en MmeaWmasible Fluld, by I. A. MArlwtaeva., by Ii, A - lArl4vtwm, 7 PP- MWIM ' P",v Prik Mateo" I m*kU,, vol MaV., No 2., 196D., pp 258-261. Horizontal Mspwt of a Flostlng Ellipse on an 3heaqpressible I?1uLdv by N. A. 1QidrIwvtmvaj, by 11. A - Wrlavtsmp 7 pp. RMIM,, per., PrIk Matemt I XMI Vol =IV., No 2., 3.9W.. pp 258-961. pp , f ~~ sci / !;,p ion 61 'Llie Fiffect of bunazine on Inert Foci of Increased Excitation in Dogs* by X* N. Kudryavtseva. lUJSSlNU,, per,, Trady Iustituta OksperimeAtallnoy ~Leditsiml X-11 SSSR,, Yezhegodnik za 1958, god, 7)-pi8-42, 1959. NIH 9-49-64 (LOAN) jul 65 Y*U stepwUmou xqauw., by IF, W. vaaaovt. N. ff. A. 1. XUARmai 4 IPA it porp Flit ow am 14 1. M. aom=uo Val AM so 90 IMP vp 9u-914. P*"PM Lut 8" - Ned Feb R 417d i-f. ~. I. t-'. : - , 4, ,11-3 RfTuct of a Oraduall IuUna!Xicatian of v, Inhibitoxy ;~tUmlus on Positive Ocad-l'tioned 2--?lexc.z, by J. M. 9 pp. P',% Zhw VysaLw*y ImrwAt3'r Do 5, Noceov4 19571 pp 7o6.73-o. U8 TT-65-63744 Field III Kudrya%,tseva. T. A,; Chirkov, N. M, POLYNIERIZATIONOF TETRAFLUOROETHYLENE AT SUBATM03PHERIC PRESSURES (Polimerizatslya T-Arafto- retilena pri Davleniyakh Mzhe Atmoslernogo), Tr. by B. Bergmanis. 1965, 15p (foreign text Included) 23refs. Trans-7271, loan from CFSTI as TT-65-63744 Al'sla-l-lie4 go f Trans. of Vysokomulekulyarnye Soedinenlya (USSR) v6 n9 p1717-21 1964. Ano'.her trans. Is available from ATS $8.50 as ATS-WROOR. C S / 5,z., 7-2 71 Special Properties of a. type on Prolonged Use a inhibitory Stimulus, by 4 pp. Dy=4a Stereo- a P~xaerful W. W. Kudijavte,~ va, ---- RMSDS, per, &ur V~,sshey ftrv- Deyete-I Imeni 1. P. Pavlova, Vol X, No 2, 1960, pp P-70-273, pp Sci 5,eb 62 /-,I Ale Structure of the Plectron Energy Spectrum in Th3ph - Type CrystAls., by 0, F, Karavayev and N. V. K!!d pp 10 RUSSIA'!, per, Fis Tverdogo Tela, Vol 1Vj No 129 10 ,621 pp M71-3481. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - Solid State Vol 1v't No 12 Sai Jun 63 :Cinetics of the Mucleophile Replacemoat of CLL1o--tne Ln Phemy-L $-Chlorovinyl Ketone) by IM T. "' A. IWd-rYav- M. Chirkov, N. X. Kochetkovp 4 pp - AN, per, Dok Ak MMA SSM, Vol =Mly No lj pp 108-110. Conm1tants BUT Oci .kug 6o The Cross-Resistance Of DysentOry Bacilli to Ant1biatics.. bV G. P. Belikor., T. T. RWrYavtaeva and A. A. Anton- ova.. 6 pp. MWIAN, per) Zhur Mikroblaij Spidemlol i mxambiol, vol rmn, No 61 1957,, pp li&i2l. Pergamon Institute wd Jul 58 Lied 4~j 77 I- kro 2816M Reeistuce of the Dyseut=7 Pacilluz to Syatomyain Streptomyeiu* W Bl=piu. Attempt at the Compare- tive Study of Drentery Strains Isolated in 1953 -in Moscow and Kisbinev, by 0. P. BeliUmp T. T. Midrynytoeva., A. A. Antoam.4 1. S. GuMayev, E. W. 15 PP RUSSIAN., mo per, Zhur Wikroblol, ~Lidemioi i 1==O- b1217 Val XCMP NO 2., mcow, Fab 1956~ pp 35-41. CIA/M V-W~8- um Sci - Medicine, i=uunology Oct 56 (FW 2&V4) Experimental Use of Bionycin in the Treatment of Anthrax in Man,, by G. P. Belikovv T. T. Q!Lr ~Y~Vli I. E. GUWI~x L. Ya. Bleyo 14 pp. RUSSM, mo per Zhur Mikrobiol,, 2pidemiol i lumoblol, NO 4, Moscow, Apr 1956., pp 106-112. . CIA/FM U-9021 Sci - Medicine, therapeutics #/J//? Oct 56 Kudtvaviseva, V. NJ. RAMAN SPECTRA AND STRUCTURE OF SULFURIC 1. ACID. [1961112p. 11. Order from ATS $17. 95 ATS-79MOR I Ill. Trans. of Akad[emiyaj Nauk SSSR. lzveBtliyal. Ser[iyaj Flzficheskayaj 1941, v. 5, no. 2/3, p. 131-143. 61-2240S Kudryavtft-va, V. M. ATS-79NSOR Associated Technical Services, Inc., Fast Orange. N. J. DESCRIPTORS: *Raman spectroscopy, *Sulfuric acid Tuyere f or Blowing Powdered Wterials Into .Molten Metal, by Z. M. 1~ ~rYav~tseva., 3 PP. RUSSUN, per,, Stal, No 5., 1961, pp 46k-467. Iron & XVW Steel Institute Sci /6 ~ / 6 '~/ sep 61 THE MAWTIC WCOMOURl BY V. A. IAVM* V. I* WAXONM. Russi ^ Ms, SAN~A PMM,6 VOL XXVI It ND It# Ims pp As6. "LL H. " SCI - ENGR ocT Ce 214435 Anwendung von Ultraschallverfahren bio physikalish- chemischen Untersuchungen. 1955- (Hochbucher fur Physik, Band XVI). B. B. Kudr~4ze* Translated from the Russian original. 1952- DSIR 534-821-9:541.1 Lending Lib Unit G. 11412 7r45-29069 Flaid ?A Kudulm. DETERMINATION DES DIMENSIONS I)OS EPAISSINEUPIS INDUSTWELS D'APRES LES REBULTAT3 WHOSAID IN. LABORATOIRE, CNIIA-M-403110ij.183,6237, Order front CNR3 &s-0/11-4031. True. In French of Obopabobands Rud (USSR) ul p15-25 1062; L Contra KaUcag de Is Recherche sciscomquat. Paris J?raws) &perimental Investigation of the Conditiom of S, the Reduction and eredpitation of Uranium bY 11inwals.9 by R. P. Walfskiyq K. 4 pp HussuNj, pwj, At*= Baerga Vol V11* No 4a 1959., pp 329-332 CB ad VAy 61 "h" rometbylation and Subsequent Reduction of -;~imlic Nitro C=pounds, by V. M.. Berezovsky, V. A ..aryhoy!~" A. Predbrazhensky, 4 pp. no per, Zhur Obahcb Dims, Vol XXIj, No 6, 1951o pp n63-n66. Consultants Bureau 14'74 -i,.-ific - Chemietry 61-18973 Kudsk-jorgensen. B. ROOF OVER THE NEW LOADING AREA OF THE 1. Kudsk-JOrgensen. B. RAILWAY GOODS YARD AT COPENHAGEN, tr. by L. M. L. Booth. [1961111111). Order from SLA $1.60 61-16973 Trans. of Ingentoren (Denmark) 1958, v. 67, no. 3. p. 118-122. DESCRIPTORS: *Railroads, Cargo, *Roots, Design. Construction, Structures, Denmark, Shelters. 5424210 (Engineering- -0vil, Tr, v. 7, no. 1) Office *1 T~4wfcsl sero~$ - T-r-65-28059 Field 7A 1. Centre National de In Itacherche Scient4fique. Kudukov. Paris (France) DETERMINATION DES DIMENSIONS DES EPAISSISSEURS INDUSTRIELS D'APRES LES RESULTATS D'ESSkI8 EN LABORATOIRE. CNRS-G/ft-4931; Org.182-337. Order from CNRS as G/R-4931 Trans. in French of Obogashcbenic RQd (USSR) n6 pIS-25 1962.