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I* awaft or stay Rmftw owatt"s K as Drmu Wnt of jbx it, nm A*Uidtr ft BW by V, N. Budiwo V. & UMusk$rp st 1 W4 vislirm., pw#.,Zbw Vo PWIDW&S VOL l*' ib 3j, py Sol aw 62 Study of 14-igher Nezvous Activit,' in F-Verimental -iuberculoaisa ComiuMcation Tv CondJtIcyned Pood- "oerc -tory Reflexes in Dogs on a 'Background of Tuber- ..Aosis 7infection and TMrin.- Streptemycin Therapy, T. E. Gaber., G. S. Kan, V. K. Krasuskjy, 4pp. VOSSTAN, per,, Ryul Rksper Blol 4 'Aad, Vol L, No 7.. 1960s PP 46-50 Mar 61 CB DOtmw-dmtlM of -17pes of allber r~=~ A*UvIV in L)Ws tW UP FOW,S5Oftt=V I*tho4 by Vo K, 4%*Uskiys 11 ]pp* InamU- 19%o Fp 3Z-Wo **WJA%M-v u's Aug 68 364o833 YZ) The k4tbg)d: a IvalvAtUs at PnPwUos of the hmotto Procems in Om an Oad tv the Laboft- tay of Pkmloloa mod GeratIm 6f Types of Ifthw 114nme A*AwitWi bV V. 9. bameMys 19 ppe liml"* IN= 299meaRda Eats Emma 91933as go" Wlxc~,LhL 19649 pp 197--U3. 11100183668-Y L4 Y Aug 68 W+ uerta-.-n By-pe-rimental Data Regardjng~the Byft-aijil.v~, of Ccd! Blemepto Wltb Vywexd and Dowmiar-a Viov of al4o-Fhaae Mixtwes.. by L.-Yu.-Krasyakova. 1--l-I kn Lp T- I I rl=,, I-plowaarsetika, Fb 1., Tm -:22. WL/RM 1956 z2 / 7,.7",, ep~,?- 6 Some CbjLracteris tics of the Flow of a Two Phase Mixture in a Horizontal Pipe, by L. Yu. Krasyakova, 21 pp, RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Tekb Fiz) Vol XXXI, No 4, 1952, pp 654-669. Sci Mus Lib Tr 57/3671 ABRE Lib Tr 695 Scl - Fhysics A., le A" 58 pr Effect of Local Asphyxia oV Bone Wxrow ua the Cotmie and Outcome of Radiation SicImess, by P. G. Zherebehenko, I. G. Kruoykh, N. P. T-ebkova, S. P. Yamoneako, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Wk Alh, Hauk SSSR, Vol =IX, No 6, 1559, -P-P 1427 - A=r Inst of Mol Sel Sci Jul 6o 1.2 3 Nm Pbob*anvUo lbtarial lbftlt". by Va. U1406M&I L. ft=qrl-AdmWl. Rmam" w smam, -MR. Va. 240 no. 3a 1064. m 38 jj~,~A.4 1965 (11,024) .4 , X~ R, /9 1 Yt,/- - A D P) Bel - AuO 337-629 4ork of tba; Croubtwg ftami immtvu by A* D* ftykwo -A. It. 'Huslus, JFRS 4WI75 Amw* 40 14 - ~ --le- ~ -S L/ ml Qmm Fab ?o M150? I M octr. *Am% cc notaAl VNIMPWA Edited IV S. A. MMW]k. 176 IV MMs bko - - - Dnwuo N.Y. 1965M UL Of Oel 3 C B B, /-) i Kr(~t 5 y LL J-,' SCI-SK Air 66 30OP336 How io RevmI the MiaMtrutum ef N(M-ZtW2ing Surftce IV= ca ferrme Motdop by 3. A. &a". RUBOW'r SO IwS Zavad Labs Vol MMj No 5o 1956o pp 556-558- lawy Bmtober Tr No 3920 An 1,4 Sci - His/Hauls Apr 1957 M/dWE DifitributIm of Carba In ftjwjW Cwting cg steel, by N. S. -Xraxyukp RUSSIAN.p pero Metal Tom Obra Metai3xm, ;oo 6j. 19590 PP 38-41 - Sci - Chem Apr 61 The Cbelce at PrImIpa Diumlow of FlWwr7 un Tu"Iso by V. B. Mngpft~ MSSIM, per, S%dcwtvanda, Va XZvIIg So 7j, 1961t P 55. NLL K. 3W1 Sol Now 62 KzaaAiuy.~~ THE SELECTION OF COKING INSTALLATIONS. ti'46316p. Order fron, ATS $8, (A) ATS-RIMN Trans. of Khirnfiyaj j Teklinollogiyal Topliv i Marc] (USSR) 1962, v. 7, no. 11), p. 32-36. DESCRIPTORS: *Coke, Installation. 63-171 ii 1. Krasyukov, A. F. It. ATS-8106711 Ill. Associated 'I'Leftnical Services, ble" FAst rrange, N. J. (Engineering- -Chemical, 17,v. 10, no. I) z "tic- VOI Atli, VXb.% ~1'1 4z' 4s; 45-!) 21, 'rUnW* :Q"A ICL WANWM lbrVift mutmou ft 4% 3 a DW4 9 ( by S. 4uobly W4 A* iiT-==LMvUM K=4 pal 1b Z4 $ tm" I U&S, w A-W. 314353 vwv?~, 4nits DOW" aw 00 so" mismaw wade tw st"tolow StMokly* A*4*swj Xgmxem*4 1 / ~ musaw for* soul" idgmtkowlm -40 120 Jun 06 TreatrAmt of flatioau Kith Hnwdlolcs- terc,-Aa Ath gem by 1. Knamnsi, at alo ')rug 1.4-Twaumv Mo OrwMI fietilapp No IN" 62-16263 Kra&ma~. Isivan and Toth. Zoltan. INVESTIGATION OF THE DETERMINATION OF 1. Krasznat. 1. 1,3-CHLOROBROMOPROPANE IN THE PRESENCE OF It. Toth, 7- ITS 1, 2-ISOMER BY MEANS OF AN ACETONE SOLU TION OF SODIUM IODIDE. f[9621 l4p. (tables omitted) 6 refs. Order from SLA $1. 60 62- 16263 Trans. of Magyar Keiniai Folyoirat (Hungary) 196L, v. 67 [no. I I p. 36- 40. DESCRIPTORS: *Chlorine compounda. $11romine com- pounds, *Propanea, Determination, *Molecular isom- erism, Acetones, Sodium compounds, Iodides. By investigating cite reaction between 1, 3- and 1, 2- e'.- ke chlorobromopropane and the acetone solution of sodlurn iodide the following facts were established. A small amount of sodium bromide separates out from 1, 2- (Chemistry- -Analytical. TT, v. 9, no. 2) (over) C--, th.- Positive Maxge W the Mmp by v._HLutj 6 pp.. 1.728YMI., per,; DDk Akad Rauk MRt Vol LYo No3j 1947, pp WT-aO, W4004 AiD mort T6.63-W Sal '. FIVS aa 63 oU41990 Systematic Errozr, in Processinr, Aerial Yhotor, in Stercomcjcers~ by V. KmtlW. ----- ---l-, ROSIAM, jrrj Goodez i Kartqg) vo 6) 19581 pp 58-70. IRMs Ft Bolvoir T-1353 ~ Soi - al9r, fts Aug 61 /o~ DaterminlM Me jot4ma;LjW gMkUto gC Ithq Lima at the 802" n Wmaimbers, by'ro vo mats 20 ppe RMUffs put ImatIft SUmol astrancodebookoi obserntArii V PalkoVep Vol =a No 5s Wo Vp 20-30. AwrLm Matecavi sm for GeopbpIes Res D1rj ARIA Bel w oembpIcap a &Y 10 N Reteror.enaity of the Solar Chrol=3ghere end ;-,he Problem of -Excitation og Helium., by V. Ifrat.. RUS810j, per# Dok Ak Nauk SSM,, Vol CVI,, wo 4, 1956.. pp 619-6~2. GSIW-3368 SIA R-394-6 *ATIC F-TS-9633/v sci Jul 59 Co-imuscular Solar Radiation,, by V. Krat,, 7 pp, USCL. - _- RIPSIM, per, Dok Ak Nsuk SWRI Vol LV111; no 7, 1947, pp 1313-1316. 6,M16 ATIC FJM -9770/Y 81-1 - Astrcn Jul 59 ~/ If ~ 61-19171 Krat, V, CERTAIN ERRORS IN DIFFERENTIAL LEVELING. 1. Geodesics- -Errors Trans. on Soviet Geodesy 1925-40. 17 Mar 61 [91P. 2. Geophysical surveying-- 1 ref. JPRS: R-109-N/17. Errors Orde r f rom LC o r SLA m i $ 1. 80, ph $1, 80 61-19171 1 .Krat, V. 11. Title: Soviet... Trans. of Geodezist (USSR) 1931 [v. 71 no. 213, Ill. JPRS- R- 109-N11 7 p. 48-52. IV. joint Publications Research Service, New York OFR-. of Tdical Sotic.% (Unannounced) Phowig,raphic Ymthod Used in BolO %xctrt.,graphy., by V. A. Kraty 9 pp. RUSSW9, perp Zhur Bauch i Priklad Fo-.odraffl i Kir,cmLoa-ui'iip Vol In$ 11o lp 1958) PP 68~-72- 59-24--W Sci - Astron Sep 59 1,7 -.2 vo I ~) Origin of the Earth, by V. A.__rxat .20 pp. MJSSIAN, per, Voprosy Kosmogonii, Vol VII, 196o. im 24734 Sci jun 64 260,093 on the ConWur of a Ma-cocispheric H-Alphm Line.. by Y. A. Xmts 9 pp. RUSSIAJVra Dot Ak Hauk SMp (AfitrOnOMUR)t Vol I 11, 195 a pp 45-57. ATIC IF-U-#TWY sci - Geophys Ydb 59 Ws 61-18837 Krat, V. A. and Pravduka, L. M. HOT ZONES OF HELIUM EXCITATION IN THE 1. Krat, V. A. SOLAR PHOTOSPIFERE. [19611 Bp. (2 figs. 2 tables 11. Pravduka, L. hl. ornitted). Order from OTS or SLA $ 1. 10 61-18837 Trans. of lAstronoml&.eakaya Observatorlya, Pulkovo. Iz,.,eF;tlya I (USSR) [ 1058 1 v. 20. no. 6(159) p. 5Sff. DESCRIPTORS: 'Solar atmosphere, *l-l0hLV11, *FXC1ta- tion, Radio waves, Cases, Interstellar mamr, Gas Ionization, I ligh altitude, Coarnic rays Solar flares, Radic ast! on(nny, Solar corona, USSR.' ' (A,.,trc,.-io~ny--At,trophysics, T7, v. 6, no. 10) T-h.r-l S-1- On the Question of the Dissipation of the Solar Coromp by V. A. Kmtp RMSIM, bimo pm, Astron Zhur, Vol EMI., No 1,, 1955., vp 90-92 - XorrU,, Friedman $2.50 Scientific - Pbysice an 69/jun 5 5 /OP Krat, V. A. and %boluv, Y. M THE SOLAR CHROMOSPHERE. [19611 32p. (illus. tRbles refs. omitted). Order from (ITS or SLA $3.60 61-18839 Trans. of (Astronomicheakaya Observatorlys. Nlk&o. Izveadya (USSR) 19571 v. 21, no. 1(160) p. 116ff. DESCRIPTORS: *Solar atmosphere, Cosmic rays, Solar comna, Radioastronomy, Radio waves, Inter- stellar matter. Electrons. Density, High altitude, Helium, Hydrogen, Solar flares, USSR, Gas ionization, Gases, Atmosphere. A th,~orctica I Li~lcrininaliun is made of the average phy6ical characteristics of the four groups of chromo, spheric filaments and their distribUtion by height, The differences in chromospheric filaments are mWed by the appearance of variouu stages of Home elementary (Astronomy- -Astrophysics, TT. v. 6, no. 10) (over) 61-18939 1. Krat. V.A. II. SObD]eV. V. M 0M.. Wr-hfil-I 5-A". on the origin of fhe Solar System, by V. A. Krat, 58 pp. RUSSIM, per, Voprosy Kosmogonii, Vol 1, 1952. JPILS 24735 Sci i Play 64 258,9719 61-18838 Krat, V. A. and Sobolov, V. M, EXCITATION OF HELIMI IN JjJE CilROMOSPHERC 1. Krat, V. A. AND CHROMOSPHERIC FLARES. 1196111261p. (refs. U. Sobolov. V. M. oTnitted)- Order irom OTS or SLA $2.60 61-18839 Trans. of (Astronomicheskaya ObBervatoriya, Pulkovo. Izvestival (USSR) 1960, Y. 21 (no. 4XI63) p. 2ff. DESCRIPTORS: *Excitation, *Helium, *Solar atmos- phere, *Solar flares, USSR, Solar corona, Electrons, Gas ioni=ton, Temperature. Density, Interstellar matter, Solar eclipses, Solar spectrum, Atmosphere. The goal of our work is interpretation of questions of the excitation of helium atoms In hot elements of the chromosphere and flares in the so-called helium and sub-coronal filaments. The origin of these elernents is (Astrmomy--Astrophysics. evidently connected with transfer of chromospheric rr, v. 6, no. 10) material into coronal and vice-versa. Because of this they merit special scrutiny. (Author) The Structure of the Solar Chrownphere, by V. A. Krat , I. A. Prokof Oyeva, 19 pp. RUSSM, per, Iz Glav Astronom Observ v Pulkovo, 'Vol XIXP No 5f 1954$ pp 9-19. Lir Research and Dev Canmnd T-230 R SS N - 7-., 1