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Adsorption of VaPOr at a MWOM7 Swf&Os. 00mumbstIOD 9 X~~t 6 pp. I., by B. P. BOU I 90i6mi Full translation, yo ye /Cvo~/ RUMIAN bim-c pem-, T., Ak U."Ir SMR. amel xhim N=&, Na 1, I;Mfiab 1955. to 9-16. GIA D IMU1 I COMMMU DMM Scientific - Obamistry r14 JUn 55 CaIcUation of Differentiai acat-E, of %"oi-ption or Vapozs on Active Charcoals, by B. P. Bering, M. M. Dubinin, V. V. Serplaskin 7 -pp. RUSSIAN'. par. Iz Ah Nauk 886H., vtdel, MIM M.11A., No 1959, PP 981-988. C14 15-7,9100 itm, 6i. Ad5w~pttiuti ul", Ajix-kl-luyeb ol Equilibrium in the System Water-EEthyl E Chloride -- Active Cbarcoal, by B. P. Bertag V. V. Berpinakiy, 9 pp. RMSIAN, per, Is A Nauk MR., Ottlel Kbim Navk,, No 7, 1959j pp 1186-1195. GB Sci jul 61 Adsorption Proportion of NamorlUoultO MAYBp B. P. Darin,-, V. P. Dr*vLMs A. T.Mselevj' v. v. Serpinskyg M. D. Surun,, K. D. ShcberbWkows 10 pp. HMBW# b1mort ~3101d Zhirl Vol XIT, NO 68 "~?Iov~ Dec)p iZ2-j,-P-P-3-994M7- Li conudtants DRM 6 9 * Scientific - Chemistry I&r 54 / CTSAU A&sor,-~-Ioa oZ G~-, ~~oa. Camm-mication 3. Pmnl- bRity of a StEitlLtiCal TrOBtMDtj of Ov AGGOrTitiola phorlavam of on RU, turm$ by bi FE Bdrlr~r,') V, Y, .w .. SM.trwL-jp 2.0 '7T. trarillp-ticn. 1IMST-45., bim por., -:[z Ak 'Memuk 930, Otdel- KLAm Mul, Bb 1, Jaa-Feb 1.953, -PP-37--IF7-- Adsorption of Gaseousa%t=ss n. AdsorptA(m of Etbylme md Frapylene cn Active Chamalp by D. P. Deringj, V. V, i~xv 8 pp. L.-, RMSIM, b1m per# It Ak Sak 88M., Otdal XhIn ..... wftd~ Lanks Ifo 6) K07110c 1952j, pp 99T-=. P&sorption of Gae Mixtures. Communicution ,I J~Clsoim-tjlcn of Wate-- and Lltlbyl 'Chlo-ride Vaporc ~,n Pntive Charcoal, by D. P. Bering, V. V. '.'orptrx-I"Y, 9 pp. Full translation. 0+,Ael nIM RUISSIPJTI~ bi= pcr~ 1: ".L, wo SE911 NaWtj V No 6. USER, nov/be-" 1953j, pp 957-967- CIA D 151103 CouaultautEi Bureau Scientific - Chemiatry CTS 61,-'/Mar 55 Experiments with Now blood SuSar-Lowering Agents, by A. Beringer, M. Panlitschko. GERMAN, per, Wiener Hadisialsebe Voch- anschrift, Vol 108, No 22, 1�51, jp.-TS3- S. NTC Scib&M July 69 3871566 A New Alkaloid (Banisterine) Affecting th'e =rapymmidalwtor Systemp by X. Beringw,, 29 pp G=Mj per) NervenarztO Vol Is No 1, 15 may 1928: pp 265-275. 5.1"4110 7 Scientif ic - Medicine CM 70/J-1 5.5 %Ao t:i in tlil~, ~yi~it-,-aulfol (VY-5375) Eightb All-Union Conference on Luminsacence, by N. A. .1~qrjWjq4,, X. A. Yeltyashevichp B. I. stepanor, 10B pp. RUSSIM.. per, Uspekh Fix Nauk, Vol MI, No ij 1960, pp 133-1-36. #M 7309 801 - fts am 61 1-1, i e Ccntral Asiatic Weldine Conference, by R. Ila. Ber-ishev, 3 P-P- Lz1va -11 jn6j, RU'SSV,!-, roc' Proiz; NO 7; 41-11-2. 7 Aus C9 2ou'; )21. ~,-..servatioos of vie ~,Sridtiall of the L~Ushcti C-Ow-wippAic 14 ~ds i I i ur Vol i4i 11490 p-j- TC-~ .7 Contribution to the Study of the Leading Characteristics of Oecmgaetia Storm with Sudden Comenementsl by G. P. Berishvilip 15 pp. RUSMAP Pf-r.. Tndy Akadmlya Na* Oruzinskoy SO Thatith%teGeofizWo Vol Olt 1937., pp 39-51. Amer MeUo=l Soc AF Owbridge Bm Center Sai - Geopbysica lky 60 . 7 1 -- . . I ~- .7 : , .-. - - . :, -... ". .--: . I . : .....I : 'o-~ -- -, . - -. I - , -- ~;. I 11.1d 1. - . I AL-,L~A 9 Medical JournalO by T. ~er!:~ ,j 67 pp. kc SERBO-CROATIAN, per$ Lijecnicki Vjesnik, Vol LXXXIV, No 1. 1962. Pli-450 OIS 62-11763/1 Sci - Biological & Mad Sci Aug 63 -V:? 'T jo/ The Temto~=Lc MM--%f c-P o!utm:!?-4mi& DeAvatives.. by 2. YArktwTLQp 3 Rp 9 9UMO-C744MMs Wo LiJacuiWd V305rdk, Vol LXXXIVj, 110 7p 1962ip PP 690--[a- M 60-U763/7 PLAW sci - Blol & )bd s4 1300 63 ~~ Industrial and CUzdml Aslacts of Occupotlaml PcIsordug Ath Y&upnm,, by T. ftdtle. SZRBD-CROATIAN, per, ArMv za HigUens ftad-a. vol- 4y 19532 PP- - - on lm XV 71-UO27-06J August 71 Drominf.4 by T. DerlUal 8 pp. WaO-CFMWp W Lijeculdd Vjom3ik) Vol U=Vj, No 8 ,# 2.96P-,, pp 797-AZ WS 62.U76318 PL-48o Od, - Biol L *d Sei Doc 63 .2- -l/ ~, 9 7 ~ Medical Journal, by T. Beriticp 56 pp~ sERBO-CRoATIA.4, per, Lijacnicki Vjesnik, Vol UXXIV, No 28 1962. PL-4280 M 62-1176312 Sci - siol & Mad Sci Aug 63 &J.?, er' 7 Y Medical Journai, by' T. Beritic, 61 pp. SERBNCROATIAN,, per,, Lijeaddi Vjesult, Vol LXXXIVO No 3s 1962, PL-480 OTS 62-11763/3 Sci - Biol 5 Med 30 Aug 63 1~1131 20 Medical Journal, by L 49 pp. SERBO-CROATIAN, per, Lijacnicki Vjesuik,, Vol LXXXIV, No 4. 1962. FL-48RO M 62-11?6314 Sci - Biol & Med Sci Aug 63 341Y Kalfo&UatLaus Cans" b7 GLUItarl-side Derivatives, by T. Havitle. A. Ma*ie&WiCe Si" A -4,10ATWO part uldenicki Lwals VVI .448 1962, pp 698-701., ATS CR-5482 Jum 70 R~3!cs in Clinical and Expz!rirmnt&a Tox icology; TihcOil Beritic, 59 pp. Vol II.. t.,-CLATIO, per,, Arkbiv za gkijenu Rada 3~ 1951: Pp 111-341. lt~tcntlfic - thdicine 14 Sop 53 CTS Ls tbn by pitr zhtT S~sp 1=ni sevh'-* nvvag zu~~t~ al'. ,m, s lit Ili., Edi - WA The Mechanism of Spatial Orientation in Man,, by 1. S. Beritov; 11 pp. RUSSMI., -er., Zhur Vy9shey Nervnoy Peyatellnosti imeai I. P. Pavlova, Vol IX,,'No 1; 1959s. PP 3-13. Royer and Roger sci Aug 6o the CombavI Cart= od Bps" by 8 wimm. ow, no Pw own# in x. u. sochasovaL. Vol XV, No Up mop w 1,911-1m. A is on lot &A - Jbd ow 59 s-5~;61- (HY-1843) Development of the Phyaiology of the Central Nervous Syntem in the Soviet Union Duxing 140 Years, by 1. Beritov,,-22 pp. RUSSM, per, Fiziol Zhur S88%, Vol XLIII, No 11, Moscow, Nov 1957, pp 1021-1036. US JFBS/NY-L-359 Sci - Medicine i1a Rat=** e- the Proceso of CeutVal Ithlbitioa; 1- EWtbgkp -17 S-P, r"=wo parF =Paray-.j--Z-u mezn~ VOL V, mv-Aiw 1955. An- 173-IB6. us Eel nw, S'Tat-i &I pmj"Uoa 4C pwo4dvod sai dr It" ObJeats bY Of avesptm*s MMAN, pw. Fis Mar BM Umni It IL Oftbowfts Vol n=o NOT# WT# py OY-630- pespla, Imutim Sa w Pbyx f jai A Un Qd&tiW-rs&x*dm VblwfitdO SUM4,v by A. Who CMM16 pwi, gnu Vol wo 106 vv 543-546. HvIun lob (21)4EN696506MCM& AvailaUe We a /-~~ Jon 70 4Ws3lT .Preparation of Cellulose Nitmtevp by X. Derls E. Berkenfeld OMMO w Ost"IN&U fuar.AnAM Chm, Vol XLI; 192B., yp 130-132. SoLeAs Vr4aa Scientific - Chodstry 151 A447 M/M 0, Cytolosiml Hinifestati= *f the loftatiow of RD cen With I Yq =v (senw Virua)p by 0. Dwo;A-t,, A. Borkaloff at al. Hj pers Awal a do IlInstitut ftsteur) Vol Mv 1963p pp 2&426 juH 6-4"3 Dial/*A ftl 63 Cytopathosenic Effect of (Lee ftr&in) an Cult= Theo Stussi" ot al. Influoma B *z*vizufi CaUsp by Andn BerkslW, . VRWH, per, J. Nlemoople, No 1s 196e, PP 351-36P., sm 6-2&4$ Sci - Biol/149d Sai Aug 63 pup,~v lerkengelm, A. M. &W Motu, E. F. SMULAIMM LAARICATRiG OILS WITH PRODUCTS OF SULFONA71ON OF MALE TAR. [196116p. 4 refs. Order f& OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-18178 Tram. of Zhurnal PrWadnot UdmiA (USSR) 1943, v. 16, P. 345-350. w1fooftes. Mum salts of suffoalc acids prepared from tWe tar fractions are a good emulsifier of lubricating oils. In conVexison vdth napkithenesulfordc acids a consider- obly smaller atnount of dds agent is required. F, rarlon Of con=rated emulsiou can be effected room temperature. vtdch simplifies the manufacturing process. No akdol Is required for the preparation of an emulsion. The corrosion of steel is completely pre- um A a rr emulsionup toO.55% vgjedbX&=to.%tLw I 61-19178 1. Berkengelm. A. M. p0junins. E. F, Office of Technical Set-0c.t sterialil - -Lubricants, Q~ Tr, Y. 6, no. 7) Permcide Products In the Catalysts of H20p by Barium and MAybdennftits n, by G. A. BoSdanav, T. 1. Rorkenholm. RMSM, Wo Zhur Fis Dim$ Vol in, ivo 6., ig%o PP L?23-lM- CBM Bel - ohm / 7 - V ~ Z Yhy 62 b-V S'l. WN11%;jj) purl U Vol PF ,O,ritish Iron aM Zteel -,Y1 (no numbor given) iiap 59 Method for Tinting Polymethyl Methacrylic Esters, Especially Contact Lenses Made of This Material, by R. Eerken-hoff,-2 pp. GEIRMAN, Patent No 302,613. Patent Office Sci - EnnT. Sep 62 Reality of the Lunar Cycle of the Weather,. by Z. Berkea. GMM,~ I*r., Meteorologisebe Zeitsebrift, Vol mij no 71 1944, pp 249-251. CSMO 5019 SOL - Geopbys lq~j /, -" A]w 62 it Yell smd- Ar -palrattinj bW 9 pp. WMAII perk Z Tech Phpikp Vol VlIp Dee 1926p pp ~99- 6oi. MA 57-1350 Sei -- ro !--, "I I ! z q ~e~s (9 1 WfO4 Of ft= ftt*14 au %*=7 ft=VUORp b7 it, so ijr 31~0 =Mal DW* ftso MW am IMINd 1. DL geabft&Ml TOX Im=# No Op I=* J? 78fo-Me ?-I tmutvu sa. pboFe a" 58 6 6113-VS ')L k-vil~raj. Orl Di"e-sis, by E. B. BerMin, 8 PP RUSSD.N,, per, Fiziol Zhur 533H ima:L 1. S. Seaenovan vol nvi, No 5, 196o, PP 586-592 Pargamon Press Sai Nov 60 / --3 , "q- , ~ 4, e ~ in Filtratioup PaOmr#Uonp and Rensa Okatnm in Dom Given Water by VW10M routes, 'OY as I- SOMIAt RUSSUN, ver, Iya Mwpw Diol i lieds Vol XWIIIP So 90 19590 pp 90-95. - Bux"m set m&r 6o /A Tho 81galficance of Herms Influencea From the Upper Division of the Digestive Tract Upon the b*ehanism of Water Diurenis, by E. B. 4 pp. FOSSIAN~ mo pert ArAl Eksper Vol xu~ No 10, Oct 1956, Ti~ ~7-:Lo. RML consultants DIM= Sci - M--dicine &.4 - Z' - ~ " /"-7 7 -' Jan 58 2he VAchign' am ckt Water Diureals. me uportaws of the Fjdxemio F&Ctor JrL the pgzona of Excegs Of FlUidp by & B. Berkbin., 6 ppe mmimj lori W Moper Biol I Mbdi Vol Xa, ID 4l Apr 1956;--pp ConoultAmto Birm Bel - modleAm "Z 7 VAY 57 M " Running of Pump Y8-3 'by Overlaading at Forced Turbo-Drilling, br L", 1. Berkhman. RUSSIAN, per, Ileft Khoz, Vol MMII., No 10, 1911555, pp 23-27. Tech and Co= Trans -5 0. 00 Sci Engineerine Study of the Diesel Emine 8C230-P on Drilling Installatione, by Le L Berkhmn. RUSSIAN; perp Nettlanas Khozi"at=j Vol XXXII10 No 2j 1955., Tecb & 2135 Spruce St., Phila 3a Penna Scientific - Engineering 4 a 41, j~o Of // 60-18114 tEKwul-G. THE CRYSTALLIZATION OF TECINICAL PRODUCTS, 1. Berkhoff, G. rSPLCIALLY OF AMMONIUM SULFATE. 119601 Op. 4 r&s. Order li-oni SLA $1. 11) 60-19114 Partial trans. excerpts of Chemisch Weck-blad 193S, ~. 35 t... .511 p. S69-872. DI'SCIMYFORS: *Amnionium radicals, 'Sulfates, Cvystaliization, Production. The Crptallizing of Technical Products., Especially Ammouium, Isuarate., by d7. zarWw", 6 MMU, per., Men WeekbIMp Vol I=S 10a pp 872- So L. A. Tr 559/56- Sci - Obemiltry Aug 56 M/dex BpUeslo or ro34%TaUc CowfowAa ReUtedL to the SUr- 01&. XXXV. omdonsation of Cyclic AIIA Halo- DarLyatLyn Vith qpUe 94btby1-ljp3~-MMt=es aud CM,ts&tJcm of the Begataut compowAs to Noton" OcabaLuW the Ardroposted Mmeton or Phammntbrem, Cbrymm and CyaIqp=twwphw=threw WItA au An&14w Nataqx army,, by x. N. xs=wrov, a. j?. S. N. Anwwlmko, 1. V. Torpy, 0. V. 32 pp. MBffMj, no per Ebur Mabob Map VoL XM) go 5. *Y Iq%p pp NA2WF"=6--- Determination of Fotascium by Means of Tetraphenyl SocUum Rarate, by R. W. Berkhout, G. H. jongen. DUTCH, per, Qbmlache Weekbbid, Vol CI, 1 28 Aug 1955, pp 607p 60B.- d"N Brutcher Tr 3969 $2.85 set - Chem J-7 Jan 58 A Tape-Coutroled X-Phy Diffractowter for the Automatic Mmurawat of the X-Rao Inteasities of Single Crystals, by W. Hoppe, n. Psr~j, 14PP. OMM,, per, Z fur Angn-udte nuoUl Vol UIVi No 71 19,G2,. pp, 434-437, BIA 63-14745 SCI-Phys O?Alyz 0-f b Nov 63 Uccluarlm Aplwt BracoMmIs of Famous with Positive W~~ - Waal Bowtlms by Kh. A. MMYOOMN N. D. B. R. Uzbekovap 7 pp. HUSUMs pars Zbw Ulkrablol U-4.4wdol I bwwobldl$ VU M=8 so k# 2000 lp 53-W. PIP gal ar 61 Berkman, A. S. and Mel'nikova. 1. G. THE EFFECT OF PORE STRUCT`URE ON THE FROST RESISTANCE OF BRICKS (VIIyanie Strukturi Par no Morozostoikost Kirpicha) tr. by G. L. Cairns. Oct 60 17)p. 7 refs. Ubrary Commt:nication no. 1010; IDSIR LLUJ M3185. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-28139 Trans. of Stroitel'nye Materialy (USSR) 1960, v. 6. no, 4, p. 34-37. DESCRIPTORS: 'Bricks, Construction, *ice, Resist- ance, Materials, Porositv, Mechanical proixrtles, *ater, Moistureproofing'. 61-28139 I Berkman, A. S. It Mel'nikova. I. G. III. LC-1010 IV. DSIR LLIJ M. 3185 V. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (Q. Brit.) Examination of the large number of bricks obtained from 15 factor!es in widely distributed regions of the U. S. S- R. sho-ed that fo~ ali the froat-resistant mate- rials the ratio of the voluille of reserve pores (those thar become filled with water that is not retained) to (Materia1g, 17, v. 6, no. 11) (over) Dat==jm-tt,= or F~=--.OabUIV -40 Ome" of Prr~ cormle MArtala, by L. a. 2orlmn, it. T. main, pp. "mugs perx a" I Korm, Vol. VII No Is 194% pp 17-20. StA R-3X96 Aug 59 5 the True Magnitude of Open Pbrosity) bY A. S. BerkMaDy I- Go. Mel'n:Lkova.,v 3 pp. liumIAN, per, s-teklo i Keramika.0 Vol XVII) No ii., 196o) pp 27-29. CB Sci Aug 62 209,824 investigation of the Struct,--e of Forou3 Ce-remice, by A._S. )~eerkman AIA RtESItIl. per, Zhur Prik 101im, Vol M, NO ti, 1957, pp 9j-7-OPAI- Consiltants Bureau sci - Chem ~79 J-1r 11 (d An I'Llve by D. T.- pc"r, I:z Alc Natil: otdol 11,01;-11 Vcc ossr, A D' , 12 r~'6 61-25550 Berkman, B. E. SELECTION OF A PHENOL MAWFACTURING I . Berianan, B. E. PROCESS. (19hil6p. 11, ATS-04145511 Order from ATS $11. 25 ATS-04N55R 111. Associated Technical Services, Inc., East Trans. of Kitim(Icbeakayal Prom[ yahlennosr') (USSR) Orange, N. 1960, no. 7, p. 26-28. DESCRIPTORS: Thenole, Manufacturing methods. (Engineering- -Chemical, Tr, Y. t., no. 11) 61-25553 8crimian, R. Ya. and Spektor, Yu. L LQUIPMENE ~011 MEASURING YHE MAGNETIC 1. Berkamn, R. Ya. PROPERTIES OF ROCKS. [196113p. 11. Spektor, Yu. L Order from AIS $4.25 A'iN- 6ON54R fit. Patent (USSR) 120 265 TV. ATS-60N54R -1 S-i~t ertifizace u,' authorghip 123,26~'), V. Associated Technical filed 21 Mar 58. Slices. Inc. DESCRIMRS: *GL~0pj)y4,;jca1 prospeciing, 'Bwk, East Cranp, N. Nbpatic propertles. (Ezr~h Scieiices- -Geology. IV. v. 6, no. 11) offi-I T.thRIC&I 1"viceg of beinite by Mothanop by 8. V, &n6 Yak".116 Blgr'fa=� 6 P.V'.' lasn'--it, porg Zhurpril-. Mum., Vol, xxxii. NTO 12., 1959., pp 2655-2661 or ak ijjw TO ?4e Liu I, crucll E:f-. M-D V. E Ak rlauk No 6, !959) pp 865-671- A. The Effect of FluctuatIon of T1= Fm*e-Mder Opention,, by 1. 1. hV&vtov., V. 1. TikhoWs Is- Phan* Dttsetor With DIvIsIble FrequescUsp by A, TO, I*r]M=, 20 Vp. -T I- --------- I I -.- RMIM.. per, *vtowtiks i TelamWftaib, Ni 4j 1958.- pp 325-3331 360-365. ACSI,, B-2055 sei - IW Slocum Sep 56 ! dl ou the Gimation cc lmrvwuG -the Uftleavy el With olqoA-*tw ftivap by A. 8. Rebrov aaa T. L. BWkWnA 92 JP- Vq- RIM.Ul YAkb Stroij, Vol 1, go 19% pp 4 -9. sci suao^xo 51/am Scientific duction of Carbon Disulfide by "Mnoqp-llibrium" uction of SuMr Dioxide by Methane, by Ya. Kushnir, 7 PP- N, per, zaiu-- Prix miim, vox xm=, No 6, 1959, -1217. CB 6o /020~ 9 '~ -be-ltmnm- or Sdatitants an the Add#o Kssmiation Of Den SULOOdUbi by So Po lASb43IS- YIL, Ps ll~e 5 ppe MSVJ,p per# ZtvAr Obsbob Map Val XUn- ND Is 1962, iv 280-083. go L90i oat 6e 216mI92 of iLr.~amtia Sultonic Acid Pswrat. VII. Aryjat-lng Properties of %nitropheayl. Bom'.evo- suli~oaates, by R. V. Vizgert, Ia. P. Berim=, 3 p-p. JQ,S~LUj, per, ZLur Obabeb Kblmp Vol )MCIIIII, Ula 1958, pp 9-ug4m. CB C'A'lQi.3 Oct 5-0 L-?(/ o / ;A- / y 7 Azo Dyes vith Polyoulfonamtde Diazo C%apwentsp ya. P. Barkma esO. Yu. _ Gordivsky., 4 pp. Full tr AMSTAN thtilee-no per,, Dok Ali M4.,= Vol. CV--P No ------ (IIS6 Consultants 1hreau Sci - Chowittry WX b ~3-& m~ac 56 cTs i Rwo Brom Coal aa a Fertilizer, bj F. ~taier, 5 PP. ~,Kkv GWIM, per, -:"ff M=zenernshrunG, DunE 0 , C), ~-.nn wid Bod e, Vol XLV 93 SIA Tr 1432/56 4437 .2,10 L 57 CTS oil -yp E.-ITCCt ai-.* Wcniter Sixpply on the Absorbing Activity and Respiratoion Rate of the Boot System of Corn, b.- N. S. Fetlno-, jq. F. Be=ko, 5 pp, RUSSTM, per, Fliziol Rastenly, Vol, viii, uo 3-p 1,061, PP 51-57. ~AIBS Sep 61 (DC-5390) Tbee Bmrmwmtiml Service,, by Vl" Pgkopop; 8 pp. movmrxm, Pero nrmmrtw VestaiNyol XI) so 1-4s 1960o pp 19-25. im " sci - Ned Apr 61 'tie *Vl /TO/ I,- The &wlewiawa, by A. Bakovp 7 PP. VOCIMUITIM f RUSBIM, part Koommist.. No 3 13# Sev 1960o pp 125-1n - pxsi B-7564 ID 9159359 use Pol / g ~/, wl"g oct 6c Regge Poles in Photoproduction Amplitude, by A. V. ~~ ~ko ) E. D. Zhizhin) T PP- RUSSIM) per) Zhur Eksper i Teoret Kz, Vol XLV) No 5) 1963) PP 1585-1594. Amer Inst of Phys Dov Fbyi3 - JBTF Vol XVIII, NO Sci jun 64 26o~338 (BY-3108). Work on a Nwwgian-Russim AlSoritba of XuWw %%MMIftt4,nnj, P. Charkamova, U IV. HUSSM, bk, Materialy po NwhInum Pamvoda,, Vol Ip Laulwap 1955, pp 96-1u. im4m" Sol - NUO Fab 60 S" FMUNS Of the Distrfttjdo of AMUMS M Mtw CrpWs birU4 Ormth by the cmft%Lft *Moiq by N. 0. KU#vlisUlp A. V. DOW" 5 pp. WWW; rro su TVWNODIP zou., VQ& To No 3, 1963, PP -M-7&6- Awr Uft at ftp O&W Piwe - so' 44 etaft Val vil No 63 Attacking a Ground Tarpt,,. by A. Quacbeks A. Berkovebanko., 10 pp. FM UL LM olu RMSTAN, ow. Awt-tsly- I omtlk&. s. 6, i.96p- IMM 9W7742 MOT-62 6 Bel 91 av 1131f M 63 Uptospirosis of the OWcoU T)p In ous of the Ustricts of Rostov-anstbe-Dn. by T. D. Yawviah,, A. G. XU&uicb3uWF L. V. Z*wlmt S. -A, Matibovskly,, A. L Berkovich, 1. P. Du&Mviup RUSSW, per# Zbvr Wkroblol lp4dulol I baw2abiolg Vol xxvius, NO 20 1957,* PP UIO-U*- persw= l"i ;If / i= 59 1 Swe Trends in the Development of the Technology of Contenpmary *chino Nilding. 11. Trends in the Developwnt of Stamping and FawAry Work, Electric VaUlag, Solderiugy etcj, by D. M. TA , ver. Voppear Istarii Ratontwoxnantya I Co-ft- Trm fth Tr 311 flo7e*689 - Wk, Scl - gqgbaerlag Sme Trends-in the Dsweloyment of the Tocbnology of Cmitemparary ftchine Ehallding. I. RwdmMW Tecbuological Trends Regarding Maebinery With Cutting Toolas by D. X. Berkovich *V*U RMIO, per# v Notestv0swulya i Tekuu"7 No ZON195fops ~Ipmplmwl .,B.ch,Tr 310 Sci - Engineering )i rjonij ryrwaids in L A c0, f (,r :Acrobardness 222:!~~h, Y. 11. jjyajmtuy':h. 1 1949 X-rp Lab, Vol MI., 110 12) ,i-;,.Q;S-1499- Sci t1us Lib 50/23o6 oil I NO - A , by I d RUS ~v, Zhur Ekspar i Ar-izs~ Voi T,~ 110 0 pp 604-610. Amer Inat of Phl~,,,3 Vol (Y,-Kvll(lo), lin -.1 oci Apr GO On the Interaction of High-Energy Particles With ttuclei, by A. P. Zhdanov, 1. B. Rep_kqvich, X. I. Ermakove, P. 0. LepekhInj if. V. S. Xhokhlova, 4 pp. RUSSUN,, per, Dok A Mauk SOR, Vol CV, xo 6, 1957, PP 1093-1096. Amer last of Phys 60v 1wrqG-.v0x1mw Vol 22P no Sci - Phys May 58 An i'pplicail.-ion of tho Blectrou Microscope for ti;~, of Extra SwIl Indentaticus Ob- tal=d .!;Ucro-lia-rdnass Tests'. by M. 1-1. Mumshchav" J. S. 1~,-rlmvich .Assoet&W Electriml IndvoWoa% LTD ir ft T/h32 OT/154 62-17713 I-ch, _N1. Y A. , X arnmoRM, A. P ~ and other a. 71-1E 'DJEOPETICAL P05SIBILM OP DRILUNG 1. Berkovich, ht. Y8. WELLS MIT11 CIRM)LATION OP REFRIGERATED tt - K~nonogm. A - P. AIR UNDER THE CONOITIONS OF EASTERN OIL In. ATS-54P60R REGIONS. [196217p, IV. Assoclatod TechnIcal Order fr(xn ATS 11 J. 3S ATS-506M SmIces, Inc., Do Orange, N, Trans. o( IrfestIlyal VyooWkh Vchebinykh) Zovedenfl. Neft' I Go z (USSR 1196 1. Y. 4, no. 3, V. 39- 46. DESCRIPTOR S: *Well drilling. Tbmj, *Gas flow. Alr, Cocoyolco, Petrolem, Sources. (Er4p need ng- -C%cml" 1. Tr, v. S. no. 4) 13 r~o v /C~ AUT"TION OF THE MODE OF 01MMIONS IN f%"UL WDROMMTRIC FMW STATIONS AND 4W4500 KILMOLT POM LINESs BY S. A. 3MMMs A. ammic"t Z3 PP. MMIANS M U"ICHMIYA STAMII~ ND JqQo, PP A. im I&IS5 SCI x MCTQWl CS Nov 6z L490M Dotcrr:dy=tiQn of Chlorine in the M.. . pBer!,-Dv Ich 0 Dioxido Ij, ~%L-r, 2a,/Ol -Tob, Vol xv, Y-To 50. 19,49, ,-.Ar,,C Tr 456 '-'- -- -- i~ ~/03W Scl lthi~ WnAl-, 5/CT Sc-lertif ic Chemistny jime 1951 CTS UM-1 Lubricating Grease, by ". Ya. Bark 0_ ~7j vich, V. S. Gularmon. RUSSIANO Patent No 186,598. AIR/FTD/IIT-23-1609-69 / J'n . & / LAIC I ~' 7r, - T~ sci-ilat Apr 69 390,326 S. U. Darkovich, P. P. Golorvic-l-Akov,, 10 t q par$ Irz1henerma Fiz Zhuri Voll Up lk~ 9p JPRS 22553