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- --- - u - u4jr. ago*# we mmm- ft"homa" qw- ft am" I ob R==6 iuRo"o 38"'. ~ ff.. ia4m-a IrA 9 t~ec-t-~ Sole MM we 67 325*99 Pnmw fcr the CMVW&ton of StUVh ftta~- ing Substamoas luto Witish G= or Dextrintly I Albert Sewl &owm p. OMB(ANP Gumn fttmt no. 55j,80,p 27 Alir B.L*A.- Tr 33 3a217 3Q. 61-16S63 Berge, B. S. ten and The. uk Lok. THE PREVENTION OF ADHESIONS IN THE I . Berge, B. S. ten PERITONEACCAVITY WrrH TUC K-LP OF 11 . The, T. L. AMMON TKANSPLANTATION (Het Voorkomen van VeTgroelingen in de Peritoneum-Holte met Behulp van Amniontransplantane). [19611 [Up. (5 figs. ornitwd) 10 refs. Order from SLA $1. 10 61-16563 Trans. of Nederlinds Tijitschrift voor Gereeskunde, 1954, v. 98 Itio. 3] p. 2659-2665. DESCIU1717ORS: *Peritoneum, *Fetal membranes, *Transplantation, Pathology. (Biological Sciences --Surgery, 17. v. 6, no. 9) omte of Tacksical sff~icd% 61-14757 OrWOE-QUIVALENCE 0 .F THE GENERALIZED Oj 1. Berge, C. TRANSPORTATION PROBLEM AND THE PROBLEM NETWORKS. [ 19611 5p. 2 refs. Order from SLA $1. 10 61-14757 Trans. of Academie des Sciences [Paris). Comptes Rendus (France) 1960, v. 251. no. 3, p. 324-326 (pub. by Gauthier-Villars et Cie., Paris).?,)? DESCRIPTORS: OTransportation. *Electrical networks, Mathematical analysis. alad DA 5 PP* by cimao I-en Itol CCZU' ZZ.-E., nAy-mv J4/ OVEN Q*WTIQN AND ANOTICS C*MNT* BY No BV%. ~ W. KIRCMMO spre"Aalp vm Clio 9 r-P, -- We 0 A 1 1. PP 4AI--2-90. 8131 M SCI a DIGR (a 62 LIST 153 vVig Some Examples of the Use of the Patentioutat in investigations an of the Debaviour of Metals in LiqueWedia, by Ph. Xerge, P. A. Jacquet. V L=,'CT:, rpt: "Laird X-1-tallurgy Colloquim oia Ccrrrosion of Steel., Jun/Jul 1959j, &cley., PP 175-184. BUTS"I 2774 set - Bugr, M/M V ,,2,o 6 ,Tui 62 11 s t 14 C, 62-10114 Berge, Pierre andSlanc, Georges. AWABATIQUE CALORMIETER. 119611 7p. (11 figs. 1. Berge, P. Urnitled). 11. Blanc, G, Mer f ram SLA $LEO 62-10114 Trans. of (journal A! Physique et le RadJum] (Franct) 1960. v. 21, n" 7. suppl. p. 129A-133A. DESCRIPTORS: *Cgbr(meters, Specific hear, Dc- tcrinination, 'lleatiransfer. lbe apparaws described permits the specific hents ZU6056 and their anottiallm betweer- E9004C acid 5000C to he reasoiLLbly meancred, In this range the accuracy Is llinltc~l by dLe %-= meter. (Atithar) n v. 7, no. 9) 0111c.4 T.6.1c.l SvOces The Slze of the Cow. In Re]Atlcm to the YAlk ProduetdZu-.. b7 17 pp. NORWB=p per,, Tidsskdft for &A omko 1Wbruk, Vol YX D=, SIA Tr 103 Set - piol APr 1957 .2 ~2 Mwep Colour Ometios. bV S. Berp. No"W. per. larw mu AUU~A~~ Brow Ito 183. 1964, pp i-3z CSIRO/90 78'1~9 -S - t3 -,Q (, !~- sci - Aug 67 ~4oj6o A3)WU"M:Ct =IbGVI VIO In am P""Aft of mra Aw"A =M~Z-t -LUA A. k..;X4 wt mums M" WJIS 103. ==j ft as 2w* 0 m4r, I AL DAVAU - ad - cbm Apr 59 rx', ep;IIA4 ct", Ddoom 4w*we *rd umir Val LUM! I* op 373-ZM AL-C-ORNL-Tr-7,34 Jan 6b - i1v - il'tox,71..i.ation oft the o-f vlarv% I vn-rcfaip cyltvh-icoLl cliamileir, in, 3~0 by R; Bargell C) 'PI) 2-4!.Q --.7',.,X14 13J- c 14 cf, to put ral too 9n%" pp 281 , 0 C, f.(: - L- /7 )/),v c 136 A AI-9 ~~ I A-wig" Stereochenistry and Mechanism of the Wittig Reaction, by L. D._Berael'snn V, A, Vaver, et al. 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per,IZ Ak Nauk SSSR Otdel Khim Nau4, No 6. 1963, pp 1053-1063. CB 5ci Jun 64 2.61,341 Unssaturated Acids and Macrocyclic Lactones. Commmication 10, B~mthesis of the Lactone Of 3-gydmxy-2,4,j6,-Trimethylheptanedioic Acid: by L. D. Bergellson, S. G. Batrakov, 7 1)P- RUSSIAN,, per., Iz Ak Neuk SSSR., Ser Khim., No 7., 1963) plo 1259-1266. CB Sci jui 64 263o481 t "J ~C ids ai ~d L. I f-,c 'Fatty Acids witil '-he Hfalp of Lhe II.D. Bergolsx,, V.A, per, Zhur Obstch Nhim, Vol XXXII, No 6, op 1902-19C6. CB Aj Unsaturated Acids and Macrocyclic Lactones. I. Synthesis of Diacetylene and Diene Macrocylic Lactones, by L. D. Bergells-on, Yul. G. Molotovskiy) 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obshch 11im) Vol XXXII, No 1, 1962, PP 58-63- CB Sci oct 62 216)144 Sterochemistry of A40itions to a Triple Bond. Commnication ~. Stereochemistry Qr V11,; AqqIv-IqA Qr '-5X'QM;Lne tQ Acetylenes, by L. D. Bergellson, 6 pp. RUSSWI, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Khim jjauk, zo 6, 196o, pp 1o66-1072. CB may 62 195,64C) Stereochemistry of Additions to a Triple Bond. Communication 6. Comparative Study of Steric Orientation in the Addition of Dromine to Disubstituted Acetylenes and Olefins, by L. D. Bergellson,, L. P. Badenkova, 6 pp. RUSSLCT, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Khim Nauk,, Tio 6, ig6o, IP:P 1073-1079. CB Sci 195,611.1 62 h The Effect of Fxt~\,rnal Factors on the Mechanism and Steric Direction of the Wittig Reaction, by L, D. Bergellson. V. A. Vaver, 5 pp. RUSSIM, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol CXLIII, No 1,, Mar/Apr 1962, pp 111-114, CB Sci -7 -~ - .30 -5-19 7 Feb 63 Unsaturated Acids and Macrocyclic Lactones. Communication8. Synthesis of Acetyleni,c Keto Acids, by L. D. Bergellson. A. N. Grigoryan, et al. 6 pp. . ..... RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel 1(him NaW,,, No 3, 1963, pp 509-516. CB Sci Avr64 255,981 Uneatunted Acids and MacroaVolin Imatonee. Com- mication 4. Dlestweimmude 2,, 3-DihydrmW-2- matbylpenUtanic AcIds wA Moir iboauttion Into AnUpi6eop by L, D.,Igp_llem and Be Ve Dyatlovit- OkWaj. A, 5 ffl, mwza., Fero zr. Ak asuk usmo Qtftlo qpLm .W.0 21 v&; FF Cm Sci Jul 63 Ohoaturated Acids mA Macrogalln LaCtOWl- CQm- murdeation ~. aterooseleative Brutboole of AoWqlwda A-Ko2sp by Le D. Duwl'S= MA a. G. uuvkm" lk a et % RMItes U Ak &* VMj, Obftl NO 9v 1617 - 1695 CD Sol jui 63 stameebuds" at AWtWw fa is **s Dws V* -omw to at tm #AUM fell to ANVISO at nnw*wfttwMoi ANVLONO w V* sw 5 lot xowm,p pop u a lk* mg, owd Din ft*,t lb 5* loot " O&M. ow stag i WWI of AdAMAM to a *LIU Do&- told= Mo slexe- ---- ---ft7 of the AMU44 of but" to hopmool tr L 1. IMOWS 16 Do 8 PP6 n 8"4)m mw 69 61-18824 Bergel'son, L. D., Vaver, V. A., and Shemyaldn, M. M. 1. Title,. Wittigreaction THE EFFECT OF THE SOLVENT ON THE STERIC 1. Bergel'am, L. D. COURSE OF THE WTrrIG REACnON. 28 June 61 11. Vaver, V.A. 13)p. 4 refs. 111. ShemyaViin, M. M. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 67-18824 Trans. of #Akad[enijyal Nauk SSSR. Otdelfenlel Khimficbeskikh) Nauk. Izvestflya) M, p. 729-7X DESCRUYMRS: *Chemical reactions, *Organic solvente ChemUcal effects. Stereochernistry, *Gondensatlan reactions. When the Wittig reaction is carried ota in a dimethyl- formainide medium in the cold, the ratio of stereoiso- merfc reaction prodiicts sbifts to the side of formati- of the cis Isomer. By condensation of benzylidenetri- phenylphosphorane with benzaldehyde in dimethyl- formamide, we obtained a mJxnffe of Aa- and trans- olfice of 7061WIC01 serficel (Chemistry- -Organic, TT, v, 6, no. 10) (over) ci, y, Acetylene Derivatives. 192. The Stereochemistry of RydrogemtiW of Acetylenic Glycols, by 1. 14. fla=ov., L. D. Berggllsbu, L. P. Badeakovs, B. V Lopatin, 10 pp& EMUS,, per, Zhur Obahch KhIm, Vol XMII, No 5, 1958, PP 1132-.U43. emisultunts Dzeau Sci - Chem 441 59 p.pplication of ultrasonics In ConfOrmatiOnal- Analysis. So-,-vey., by L. T). Bergalloon, 3.1 pp. A]mst Zhur. Vol V; NO L, 19593 PP RJ "ST 1 -1, 1 0. A!', Pra: 409, ATP '5 -ACUuvt5(;& ~ OV pjjpq voi Y, iio 4 Sc*~ A4,q /,.0 miar 61 stersochemistry of Additions to Triple Bonds, Communioation 7* ftarooahwdstry of the Hydro- bromination of Brommootylenes Under Free-Radica-1 Conditions, by L. D. ~~gjllson. 5 pp. -- - - ---------I RUSSIAN, pars Is Ak Hauk GSSR& Mel MAm N4ukp No 9, 1980, pp 1235*1240, SOL gap 61 Tl,ri l :~" paca-!ft 7 546 61; Conformtion Concepts In Organic Chemistry (Cowientlen in Xbocm)o by M. a. CAMIkiverg, L. D. berVI-m. =Sim,, per, Ve% A SmIk BWRo Vol m=11 No 32., 10., yp I SLA 61-13068 Sci /w/ C~ ft 61 Spthesia of Pol.1rcyclic Cmpo=Ao BalAted. to Steroids. commaicatim 45. s~ntbqsia of 4bs 6as 7.- 10.- 10a 1M., 11.9 12-00tabyd=4 OR)-MMenwep by 1. No Nmrov, L. Do Belr~!!qpj 5 PP. MSS=, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSMs Obdal Xhim Naukp No Us -1959, pp 1961-1966. CB My 61 'by T- N. 524M*V, -TvU tramUtIon. MUM,, b1mo-paj Vol "1951.1 pp- AW, Tir 1577 -'Say 32 MSfi= AcatAM.Derivatim. 108. SvatboU ct POUG74ft CMmmU Ralateat4oftavide V - T*ta ROMMOU Of a Sterolsow oto 25 by 14. Be MW=WP,L. D. Dwollson. Mernj M= Obabcb Rhimo Val Us No 5,p IM. AW Tr 369 CrA/nD/X-%M 74tf 1"5#41 lk-etAA136 babob" W. o7utteou cc PQUqDua CaMoMb MAW tO 00 - StWolft. M ~ COMIMM a7utbess-S cr-the MI 0 t vm the IM&Ux"W" XL&uo -all bt to L smoms L K4 ~ ToreMxM4L ]k -a" VAIMI, is"- ism 4101 Imp lb pp C JA f-4 Uneal=wMd 11ala and Ho'crocylic Jjmf,'Q9;p*Q CG=rA=le--+A--A 6. Trl- and Tot,=-AcetylorAc MoroqvUe Lotows =d. thi Corresponftng Poljmtem~ by L. D. Berpllsm) Th. G. Mlotbwwdl" 5 pp, MSBM.# porp Iz & Sma SSM Otdol Xhim Nmak, Mc 1, 1963p pp 105-111. CD sci Bee 63 ,IR4 Acetylene Darivativesp No 94,0 Syntbesia of PQIycycIIc floq~mds RelAted to Btario u1: M. CoMlete Syahesis of CcMounds With Andrwtame PAIstons end Thetr Strwtural loomera With Netbylayelopantane Ubp Bs, by L. V. Mmrovp L. D. BMS L. I. Sbiloalwo L. IT. TereAms. 4 pp. MSIMj, Wp Im Ak Hauk SM,, Otfti MAm rmikj. No 4.0 log, IA I'v 233-" nqvjjS Tr 7,~ Gaierebific - Chemistry Derivatives of; Acetylow. 133- Ornthesis of PbLYCYCUC Compounds- Velated to the Steroids. X. The Dlene Condensation of 2-NethW-I,,3-butadIew VithAl. Cyclohexen-6-onet by I.N. Neamw wA L.D. bergelsonp h pp. Full translation. RUSSWp so per# Zhur Obsh4 MAm. Vol VMO No 3p USSR, Mar 1952,, Consultants Bureau Scientific - Chemistry Dec 53 CTS lWonvidu FmdMm In Twast 0 F i e bv J* QWWs Swi AU~Nmln Fastadtadalfto ND U* 1956p W 297eaOo Oct. 62 Bergen, Per. 1962 Sex determination and bisaxuality in fish (Xj~nnsbastsnnelse og tvakjounethet hos fisk). Fauna, 1:5(3)t 152-156. In N"egian. Translation by P. A. Tallantira, 3p. Deo. 1962, avail. Dept. of Agricultire and Fisberies for Sodlxr4, Marine Laboritary, Aberdem as Tratal. 612. Arall. loan - Biol. Lab. 9CF, Seattlao trographic Solution Metbods for the Analysis of 6, by S. Bergenfelt. ISE., per, Jernkontorets Annaler,, Vol M, No 1y pp 75-W; Vol CM. No 4, 19571 pp 231) 232. Bruteber Tr 3879 $4.80 Cbemistry - 7, 58 .1 Danpra CounectAd With t~m Uue of Ccmprosoarl c"W9612P ML c;EWN, per* Z fuer I=pimierte und Flucamige Geae, Val =VIIj No 1/2-P 291m0 arl-tiah iron and Steel Ind (no miw*r givon) sai - am Chem Sep 59 kvpUcations of Colour Yzaaumment, by A. Berpr. - OMMM, per Urbe und Lack, Vol LXVI) 1960., iv B4-33T. CS20 Sel - -Chem /'?/z 7 z 6 Alpr 62 Definition of Water tmatmat and Gou" C(atrol of a H4A Pmawe BDilar With tbA Aid of HYdrown Ottmtlmp by As beripro X Plrt)ttA# LO BOTYUP 99 pp. rRamo Per Bull Contra B4P Stude at D*Mvat. ]DM= VA 37, 1957, Iv 1404%. AM 2M28-32 (MA) wl Apr 60 The Storage of X-Inradiated Fotatces~ by A. Berger, 23 pp. GM,14111 per, Atopprwis, vol V1, 1960, PP 3DI-308- AEc xp Tr-776 fttzQ, rieb 62 / ez " j - -/,f FS - Germany Bcon of tho Suewe by Yawis , 4~ -IIVB, of Packed Smples of Flah and Meat l3oft X )ntaining Imer Bacteria,, by ft. ScL-Adt -Lurenz, A. t3:~roer; 17 pp. ~7AM, per, Tutarnational J Appl Radiation and )topc.93 Vol xl~ 1961, pp 161-173* Am Tr-5o96 ;2 j. 62 Structure of a Nickel and Cobalt Silicate With Layer Lattice, by W. Feitknecht, A. Berger, 8 pp. GERMAN.. per, Be1v Chim Acta,, Vol XXV,, Noy 1942, pp 1543-1547---~ SIA Tr 57-Ml 8ci - Chemistry .4-4 '/ '0 f Oct 57 Cheedc-1 Bond in Solid Corrounds 1, by A. r, 9 PY - RUSSIAN, per, Mw Pis * ftim, Vol V, 19ku PP 92T-933 j MA R-207 set Jt1l 59 Y;?j j gpv- "Technical Data on Owlet Electrical Equipmot from the Bullatin of Technical and Economic Information, 1957". A 200.000-kv Turbapnera" With a Double-Wound Statort by he Ya, Bergers 13 pp. UNMASSMIND RUSSIM, mo per, Pyul ',Aekb Skon Inf ormstvii, No 7.. Moscowp 1957P pp ~6-29. us ipas/sy-04 (BY-1682) USM Boon - Electrical Nquiprent Aug 58 63-16338 Zezger, Anni and Koch, Otto. A FEW REMARKS CONCERNILNG COLOR MEASURE- MEM ON FWORESCENT SAMPLES. [196315p. (formulae refs. omitted), Order from SLA $1. 10 63-16338 Trans. of die Farbe (West Germany) 19W, v. 9. no, 4/6, p. 259-266. DMRIPTORS: *Fluorescence, Dyes, Textiles, OColorimetry. SpectrWhotometers, *Xenon lamps. 1. Berger. A. if. Koch. 0. (Physics - -Opdcs, Tr, v. 10, no. 4) Dina of lnww kwm p p Oftleal BrighUners in the $&per Li4ustry and 'Their Enluation by CoUrImstric Hftsurement6l by Arad Z~zgar., B=z Vnttebir)mr, 9 r- OMWM, per., d" Ftpier, 1959, Vol XM No 1/2, pp 5-19. MA 59-17062 BOA Dec 59 Vol 21 wo 6 ,-,he Determination of Smll Amuts of OxyGen Dicsolve in Water, by Joan VerbeeW.. A.rmnd BerGer., Valere Royerp 14 pp. ,-L'-'Ull translation. IMNOH, P!Vl BU13L &ntre Se4p AMC et 0- Ocumeat o V p Uzelfll ~:Ux ~(L I e~~' ~ MC Tr 1738 79 6cientific Chemistry CTB/nm Determinat ion of the Ratio Fe"Pe"" it Corroelon Producto in the Pmsence of Metallic Fe and Cu, Cu and Cu++., by Armand Bergero Jacques Pirotte, 21 pp. per., D%LU. Oentre Delp dletWe et de Docments"m d"-S6WF.,-,.TO 2.,,e 33778, A. No 283/1956 %/ 7-j Scientific - amistry; Winerale/metals Experfence in G-1ving Combined inoculations With Chemical and Live Vaccines, by A. Kh. Arslanova., V. D. Belyakov, B, 1. 30"Poer'. A. 5. Vaslltlyev,, N, A, Gavrilov, malip V" P" Kaluginp V. Ye. Korostelevo 1. 1" I V. T. Mikhaylovskly., 1. 1. Rogozin., Rramer, L. V. Serebryakov RUSSIAN, mo per, Voyenno Med Zhur, No 1; Moscow, Jan 1960., pp 78-.80 US JPRS 2641-N jun 60 ftrm Perception and ftwtion of the Famp 'my C. 9"ar, F. Dwbthal,, 20 pp. GZRW, ywo SmA Areblv fw "Iolp &Wplel Vol I 1 0 No 14 0 Iwo pp 15-0 -0 Nm 3-18 sai - VA& AM 59 ,r,$- 44(lile t The Reaction of Hexachlorecyclopentadlene With Elefine., bY C- Bwaus 0- Becher., 3 PP- GERM., per,, Zst4s.. fur Naturforscbmg,, Vol M$ 1954.. p 684. B.L.A. No 284/1956 Scientific - Madistry IV DDuble Calcium Cabomto Detwanation wA the Calailogy tr MwIes Berprp 25 IV. Jfg=,p porp ftv do I'rwt Prowds du Patrole A=Isa des CambustIbles lAqtddap va xiv, *39, pp 55-7i. "A 60-1&M Sa Val IV; No U ft 62 FlicPmr Funion and its Minical SiGniftep-neeo by Curt Barger,, tmi Mcbm k0j, IT PP- MCLAESIFIED W.NISH., per# Nord Wadicine, Vo2 XLV:Eli Copenhmaen,, 693. Eavy T-- 782/01 '-'C95 NmEux Der=rk Scientisit - Wdicinej, fusion, clinical Jul 53 M :3 019,:5- fb3M PUMP" M& JUNtIM Of the TOMS by cut Duwo mts swbtd* amaw 7 ArcUT gWr Pbrda No 79.- (8491 .w so 14)' JqjS, yp 15-96. M WIW MIR Sai - ModielM -s- L A -.5- ? - 1,V ~L V/ up 59 ?~,, 2,2 ? Lz~ugibility of Letters, by Curt Barger, 16 pp. UIN CIA SSIF IED ---- Dfij;TSH, per,, Nordisk Ygdic-in, Vol XLV., 1951j, p 786. Navy Tr 783/om n86 Scientific - MicceUaneoua Jul 5-'1 m JF4 61"" Set '5f ee Suppression of Laktn= Vvztex Flow and of Incident Turbulence of the Karman Vortex Stxset Behind a Vibrating Cylinder for Low Rwjwlda Numbem. by E. Berger GERFA149 rpt, WjgMWgWt3.iche Gewjjgg~gt fuer. ~jftbM& 1 64# 7b5- IM171 14TC 71-15Wl-OlA Peb 72 ,rQ,n,ai lustituto ~~jr ilarummvical aaa ,ipucis I i4starclas rot i*utcoa -,lur Liat L ~aj i"3 Irt Lev --t Vt Navy Tr - toil I 2ax Con.tributions to the MWIstion amd Atiml FathOa cz the Coxmckie Virudlj, by Be !!!~Mr., P. Roulet.. 10, pp. Full tranalatiou. U-70M, per, Schueft 7. &Ug Path u Bakt. voi xv$ no 40 1~52.. pp 462-468. -;v CIA/1?DD/X-M Scientific - ~bdicfta asy 5a CTS / F,f laftutioll on UP copuku Virm (C-Virua) urection a. F., Roulats 21 pp,. Vol cl s- ..per, beglaw L Aug 19520. pp to-cu. qlA#W/X-784 scieutif ic - Madicim AF CTS Ummic AnMysis of Disarde Nucalml Seriesi, by R. R. BMerp 3 po a=", per, zeit kww math mecho 1,~.~g# Vol )=Is No 5,o PY 269on2a STA 59-17717 eel Foo Vol 2p No 10 pelp uetic=iuatioa 0k VIC 1J),d3vdY"8rAc v,.AlF4*3rlN- Viortex Stmat fvm Acat fdrw '17 ;~,V--44surowltts with Atu-boms, L.y i nara -,x4rjA- Y, 4t ours, ~, ior L-64, or ;.,-;Ivy 'Y- F, -2 9 ~j z P..- Use of Feaeodc Cwgrol in the Devslormnt 'Of ,O.Wi= &Mwmt=g by a Cowtant-TeVe=tum Hot F. Boxgar BUROPPM, rPt. GAIMM, W24, RIBIR& ymmEhavalLt fvAw &== 04 &29= Report DVL-282o 1963 inc 71-i652,9-04B m= 72 F, 8 z ~~j I-- P-- Um of ftedbaa contm in Rmlgpwnt,, " 99powtt Tompaat=e HDt-Wim kwmowta, Pext Il. 9 by F, Berv= ELMMM,, rptq Gagov. lieu-to -Doutacho vcxvwlboww-wt mm acc Im awo-=0 Rol=t DVL-283t 1963 lac 71-16526-04B mar ?2 (2268-17/b) Folizh-Czechoslovnk CoDftrance of Nuclear Power Specialistos by Frantisek Bergerp 6 pp, C2EMj per, Jadems Rmraio., Vol IV., Ila 80 Fnigae,, 1958,F pp 237-238. US JPRS L-6306-1i Sci - Nuclear Physice reb 59 -krger. G. FRQCa5F POK THE PRODUCTSON OF AtjC014OLS FROM CLEFINES. May 63, 5w words. Order from 771S K 50 TIIS NS 74 Trans. of East German patent 24.196, appl. 24 May 60, pub. 9 Noy 62. D&W,RIVMRS- Synthesis (Chemis". *Alcohols, Oftylenes. V-17385 1. Berger, C, 11. PuC=t (East Ce ..... SA 24 106 U1. 7MS-NS-74 IV. Translation and TechnIC&I Udormation, Services (Gt. (Engintering-Chentical. TT, v. 10, m oft 40 lock*,( I", Urpr 0 T~~ RE OF MOMVRtLLON=. Pro- vialonal Rept. Conceraing the Methylatingol Claya and Clay Knerals. 119611 (61p. 13 rob. AvaLublo on Wan from SIA 62-100&9 TrAu. of CbernIsch WeekbW (NfftrlarA&) 1941, v. 38. p. 42-43. DESCR2MRS: $My, Mimr" OMOOMOdUmk% Q-ysW summum RwbAlO MCdO. M~thYt (E.Arthsclan"s--huorrabu, Tr, Y. 7. m 4) 62-10040 1. Borpr, 0. D. TUW Mstbyiui3;g J Toot EnorticncO iU DiGIOCtriC Sapmntian Undfar BaOuatrl.al Coaditions, by G. 5 pp. RUSSM., per., Tswtnye Metally., VOI RIII,, Na 7,. 1962, pp PS Sci - S Dee 63 TT-65-11932 Field 7c BOriter, G.; MtttBLg, R. ETHYLENE OXIDATION TO ACETALDERYDE BY THE 1. Berger, G. PROCESS OF DIRECT OXIDATION. 7p, 6refs. 11. Mittag, R. Order from SLA: $1.10 as TT-65-11932 I Trans. of Erdoel tud Ko"e trochemle (west Germany) v15 n9p a 4-4 411-n~ - MR 621 On ttT Itutic "tions or =1 r2ovauga promsal by 1. N. n"Dia.. V. t. ClAwden, RMIM.1, per, Ts"tur Metaurp Val xxlxlF mascov" r0 ho 199, ;p 22-9h. D*t of raterior TWT,j 1570, No 125 bi Of K"" sai - Ehyls Pr of Ditualmw Cal Roo NOV 59 1 aal --~"93 corractim of L3ttice IPT*rfecticm in Pre~~ly i'vecd,ipitfted UN Layers,, by R, Berqer, 25 1,). ;par. Status SoUdij Vol 10 -Na 70 1361,, 7 7. J 13,121 Oct Ij 5 17 6,~ / Z/ Natural Arching in Tumel Constructioup by H. Barger. GMMN,j pert Die Bautechnik, Vol 45, So 49 pp 104-122. *CFSn TT 70-58169 SCL- (\,\ C~ May 70 ~j . ~3 V-(