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Electric Prospecting by the Telluric Cu.47.catz Method, by%A. M. Zagamistrv M. 14. Berdlchevakiy~ 10 P.P. RUSSIMT, per, Geol Neft i Gaza, Vol III, No 1-By 1959~ PP 3&-46, RQ1; of Russi=- Geolo'p .Zf Sci ) . 1g --,-z/'57Z,~- '9Z Aug 60 $400 OW-D). neetric Pmopativa by UISMIC OAVWU MWO by A. X. ZSP=BtWo Me 9. DwUdMOU7,9 19 W- ROMMI, VWs GOA Nlft I OaW 110 Is NNOWO ims v9 *A7. JM b4609-ID Sol - Genbp Apr Observations of Short-Periodic Variatiom :Ln 5~ F,arth'a Slectromagwtic Field., by B. E - Brunelli, M. N. Berdichevsky~ A. M. Alekseyev, u 0. A. Burdo, u RUSSIM14 per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR) Ser Geofiz., No 8, 1959, PP 1206-lP',-3- Amer Geophys Union SCI Aug 60 The Diagnosis and Hospitalization Peploft b-v of Patients with Cerebral Concu3slon, M. Ya.-Bardichevskly RUSSIAN, m0 per., Voyenno Med Zhur, No 9. Moscow,, Sep 1959., pp 19-25 sc; US JPRS Z061-N /4,-~ 74~r Ma-t,~urgy in the UM (19~7-1957).. edited by LlnzthUA,~ 1215 PP, ROSIM., bko Nota.UurgLys SSW (1917-1957) V0.1 ll~ 817 PP - ATIt Hd-455/V ioct 6o clz The Parameters of ChF-,rgiPP,' Devices for Conaenser- discharge Wel dinG Iliachines . by G.S. RUSSMT, per) Avtuom at., Svarh-a: No 11, - ~ -) Pp 57-62. ~~,iov 1o6,; British weldin-I Res. Assoc. Sci 64 ~ 3 / 0 The Action of Salivary Inhibitors on the HaeTragglutinin of MumpsVirun, by M. S. Berdim"kikh and P. N. Kbayuk-ov, 4 ppa~ RUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Virunologii, No 5, 1958) PP 287-292- Pergamon Preas Sci Feb 60 /0 '7 ;2 9~1 1011 Studies in the Pield of fleterocyclic Chemistry. MI. Synhavis of M-Diarylazzindols azd I-Matbyl-3- 0.~m-t.,4.,Dlphsnylt*UWUOrolwqawXir-a B"od on Ary1midea o'. Diphewleblora,:ftle &nd Diphany- laLkoxyaoftle AcIft, by P. A. RMIM, per, Ow Obabeb lftmp Vol VMIO No 7,, 1,957.. pp Igol-i904. conmdtanta Bursou Set - Man Oct 58 N-Arylpmides of Rydroxy Carboxylic Acids And rilheir Transformation to Heterocyclic Coulmunds. VIII. Intra-molocular Condeneation.of XM Arylamides of p,,a-Ditolyl Glycoli~ Acid* by P. A. Pety%min, L S. Berdinsky,_4 pp. Full traaslation. PUSSIM, per,, Mbu~rqbqhch MDA*m,, Vol XXI, No 11, 2018. -- Nov 1951, mn 202 -2018. Cowultents Bureau 152 we I9t-42bd 9treet now Tort lam, N.Y. Scientific - Chmistry XGY 53 CT6 R-Arylamides of Sydroxy CarboxyllO Acids and Their Traasformatioa to Heterocyclic CMPO=ds. II, ju-,r=olecular Condensation of Aryl Amides of ,2,'2-DjtoIyl Glycolic Acids by P. A. fttywiUp L 8, Berdinsky., 4 pp. FiL'translation- RMSM., per, Zhur Obabcb PJM#-%Vol )Mp 130 lls N~v 1951, Pp 2019-Ml- Consultants Bureau 152 West 42ad Street Scientific - Chemistry NOW Ton 180 lao MY 53 CTS 02 0-4w T Lhe N-Aryl Aml&m of Mraqvoiftmy'llo Aclas ~ and lbeir Gonvenim Into Heterocyclic Om*ounde. N, The IntraWleCular Condensation of Aryl AhMes of Menzilic Acid, by P. A. Petpnin and'j. $,,Rjrdjnzky. MMIAN,, mo yer$ - Zhur Obahch Zhlmj VaL3XIfl-No.g. r Sep 1951, pp 1703- Consultants zmweali Vol- ZZIP 110 9j sop 19A USSE Scientif ic - Memistry, amides, acids,,, *tote-i%cyclic 7 Slafteds or Dbalamme Adft od Their AutuAw on the DWI* of Ww7UI70*11U k4ld AunWef- nnotp bF P. A. PoVolno 1. 4 pp. ?dl tmwlation. RUMIANO M PWO Zbur Toll Mffp No is Jan 1955, pp D Comatel" Burm scientific - Chmistry 10714 .0/ AM 12he Anides of Uydroxy Carboxylic Acids and Th,air Cotveraicn into Iletercocyclic Couwtvmda. VII. int-mmolemlar Condenwtion of the Aryl-AmideB Of p,p-DitolyGlycolic Acidy by-F. A. ft.tyuai% 1. G. D,,rdinukyj 10 pp. Full trunglation. per, Zbdr Obab Xhim,, Vol =,, 11o 101, Oct j1p 1,3 C ,,I - j --) - , Conoultentis Bureau,, 41M CIQ~-A IP-4-1 Scientific - Cbemictr7 6(y e Substiteted Wd=zldes of Bydro.VczxborjIic Acids, 1. Synthesis of Ary1hydmides of Diar7lglrolic Acids,, by I. So Berdinsky) P. A. Pet~vminp 4 PP* W=IAN., mo perj Zbpr Obsbah MAz) Vol M=~ tTo 9, Sep 1956, pp 2592-25-9W.---~ consultants DMRU Scl - Cbm. ist~ Feb 58 Influence of the Nature and Position of Substituents in the Benzene Ring Attached to Vitrogen on the Closing of the Five-Membered Heterocyclic Ring in Arylamides of Hydroxycarboxylic Acids. UK XXI,, by P. A. PetyuniD, V. B. Shklyaev, I. S. Berdin8ky, 4 pp. RUBSIM, mo pers Zha Obahch KhIMJQ Vol XXIVI No 6.. Jun 1954; PP 1078-1081. CIA C 46" Consultants Bureau Sclentific - Chemistry Jar, 56 cTs/DFK lir,-Pxy Wra F ties Of LrydrmUcarbo#lic Acldi~ W.-A Vic)v a wimciorm, Into Hott-rocyclic CG=~Outldo- X11111. rvelatloa Batman Oarignificattloa of of Lind %r-l~ydm%ycwrb=.ylic Acids and tivi Lazo of Illeturocyclic RinZ Cloamae, by P. A. Ntyunln, 17, G. Panfarova, 1, S. Berdinalty, 4 pp M, CW SVIM-1 -. . ....... EM-51MIJ, mo per,, Zhur Obahch nAm, LO '~,lj 19521 -lP 1677-3-679. Conaultaetr, Sm-OfM Sclentific - Chemictry t-,\ 9 ) CT3/DBX /01 Reaction or N#N'-Bio-( GWAPWIM) -Arylmines With bters md Acid Mt&wp by P. A. PetyUnin., I't ~-~~p V. 8 - ftkly4Vvv 9 pp Fuu tran6utlon per* Vol MV0,NO 1,9 UMj, Zhu 1934; 19 1.71-1w. = D 15U05 apodom Grow me" omfta 16-7 AMON jolowdow r!!=- I-- va gwil Oct 67 (DC-6878) STATIC AND PULSE PROPERTIES OF MICRON CORES WITH RECTANGULAR HYSTERESIS LOOPS, BY V. V. BERDIZHj YE. F. BEREZHNOY: ETC*q 54 pp. RUSSIAN, BKj MAGNITNYYE ELEMENTY USTROYSTV VYCHISLITELINOY TEKHNIKIj SBORNIKI MOSCOWj, 1961, PP 31.55. JPRS 14902 SCI - ELECTRONICAS AUG 62 -2o8)875 Allw %I c R*mblila 1411sloor by 0. BeralAhe 3 PD. ugamsw= RUMUN; npt Savat Avlatelpt IN 179,r t Aq 1958,, V 2. AF Wr4l UWR %a Jim 58 2 7. f?-? I !~Cver d-r- tho urall-sy b7 13. in.7k - ., PP - d.,.) ~1. p ITYG, ovnkly) 'No 3p 1-957. Vo I M - Sri - -S It Oct 57 The Inc- rization of Scme He=nes over Calcium Amide, by No V. Goatunskaya, No B. Dobroserdovaj M. P. Berdnikqva~ 5 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Kinetiks i Ketaliz, Vol I, Ho 4, 196o) pp 612-- 61.6. CB sci 17Z Tra=formstims of-Toluaiie In Frousuce of a Nickel-Alumina Catalyat and Eydrggea-Under Pressure in a Ficw Oystem, L K. by 9. I.-Shulkin, ff. O.,!RXggjXo 1rA9bkovsXay&) 4 pp. RUWXO,.Verj Is Ak Nauk 88811# Otdol, KbIx Fauk, Na 32 1957) pp 353-357 Consultants Zureau Bel - chow way Transformations of Butylbenzeng in the Presence of a Nickel-Alumina Catalyst Under Conditions of Ejcva,~-,J Temperatures and Hydrogen Pressures., by N. I. Shuikix~. N, G. Berdnikova~ 12 pp. RUSSSLO, per, Yz Ak Nauk SSSR.. Otdel Khim Nauk, 1957- pp 485-489. sLA R-2675 Sci Apr 59 I R-Igb-Tempmturo Reaetime of PropAw-and looMpyl- Benzenes Over a Nickel-Alumim Catayst in Presence of Bydrogen at RLO Pressure, by N. 1. Shuikin,, jil (I Yu. P. Poorov I~e~daik J 6 -.9y MWIM, bivo per, Otdal Khft ftxiltj No I.. Jeoeb 19515., pp 43,49, ----djL0M?T67 0, reel 3. Sci - Chemistry Owslatuts Damu Aug 1"6 371 -5-76 Tligh-Temperature Contact-Catalysis Res4tiOns Of orml Alkanes in presence of ffy&opu at High S I ,Pressure.. by N. I. ShuDdn$ N- G. Berdnikovs 3. S* NOVikOVo. 8 PP- ,-iMSLW, bimo.per. Iz A Nauk SSW, Otdal XhIm NaL&j ' --T- JO 5,v UMP 1953t PP 79-UW, C, /6 P /-flu of Consultants Bureau 3cientific - chmictry =8 (4/,;an 55 Tran- of the Indiviclual lv~ylenes in Presence of a J.L Cata yst and of Hydropyin Under Pressmire, by 111. 1. -14. r-1. Bp.rdnlkova,. J,. K. X.Pshkovskaya, Rur-,,5141, ~ Tlz Ak li" SISSRI Otdel Mlim Nauk, No 2, 1~1159, rp 303-313. Consultanto Bureau Scl - Chm Apr 6o lTigb,-Tempmvft" CoAactZata3lels Reaetima of Benzom and its 03AMost HmaGgs in hwence of lt*ogsn as High Preamrso by N. 1, Sbmtklu and-'N, G. Bmmdaikon,, pp. pun temalation. RUMIAN bim per, Is Ak FM* Otdol Iblu M-mk- No I AA~ie-b 1955 1 F pp MJV6UQ, W&A U J,7AJ "i Coomdtants Darm JIM 55 Catalytic Reactions of rive- sAid Six-Membered Cycloalkawo Vv4er a Presswe of Hydrogeu. At High TeWraturej, by 1,, 1* ShUikInp N- G- Berdnikova, B* Be Nov-,owvp 7 ppe RMSURp b1mo perp Is Ak samo Otdei Dim- Nauk,v "o.. lkr/A~f 19-531 PP *-2n- Consultants Bureau Scientific - Chemistry CTO/M ,~iu2 ~eaem- of tilt ?0troUm Tlul& io. t-,.w AlTut i!i Purolm& puiwcc~f.;i, min-, 'MatiTte, Ladi-ALIv ge'riii;.it 2.1 metnoao for 't1-- Study of crystallization and Bubble Formation In Thin Glass and Enamel Films, by K. P. M Asarov, G. V. 1_3-erd_Qyzjj ct --1, .3 PP. GEPNIA0, 1=, Silikattechnik, No 4, ig5g, pp 187-189. cs'~I.Ro It Oci - Filys Na;r 61 7 so mmmftl~.Igr ANAWFV IW snowM Iwo bIV4 go aux"t one Ift-molot pips )On* ftl - to MW a* at Cbm ift 67 "Red Star" ractM on the Production of Out Iron With Globu3ar GraqUte' t7 M. 0. ~~slhmjkfp A. G. Tsymbal., mA V. A. Admw, 10 pp - ItIMIU, acilkbosmubwml No 5, 1951, pp 2 27 k wa only In the Ba bumm NO 5V2952 On the Partial. Pre,98ure of S02 Over Pnmonlum Shilfite- Bla-alf II've Solutions., by R. A. BerdyanskaLva-, S. m. Golyand, B. A. Chertkor, 7 PP:----' - RUSSM., per, Zhur Prik Rhim, Vol XXXII, No 9, 1959., PP 1930-1935. CB sai Aug 6o 1), W'd', 'a7 ,_O~ko jntarc~.c4v-4-= Tlii~o~,y Tmaid,41'ou m4l Rare 2arfhs, by A.A., Dardyvhov~, R~,V~ jr --l 't-r- pp Substituted :~rdrazideo of Hydroxyearboxylic Acids. III. Aonaeteyl Derivatives of DiaLryl- and Dialkyl- glycolic Acid Arylbydrazidesp by 1. S. -- Bardinaklys Pp. RUSSIAN', per, Zhur Obahch Khim4 Vol XXX, No 6, 1960, pp 2030-2032. CB Sci ~ ~ , 5-3"t,7 Aug 61 Ccwpamtlve Estimtlon of the Sewitivity of the Hicroflora, of the SputLa to AnUblotles by the Sarial Dilutl= and Paper Disk matho".. by L. 0. Bardenulkonp 5 pp. RUSEM# per AnUblotwo Vol IVO No 6., -1959., Pp IOT-M. CB Bel i,al 61 The Mchanisation wA Autmation of TWw Protectlons by X. 0. Nall!Lski =M - y. RMVJ, lpr, Stal, Oct 1080 pp 92&930. BMW Im 8w ft"i Dd UT3 M 51 - 05) Sol - xw AW 59 " 17 N, I o,:r,6 (NY-6503) Forlty Years of Dormato-Venerolog in Kazallffii5tan, by U. B. Bordybayov, M. 0. Omarov, ~-ip-. RMSIAN, per, Veot Denriatol i Venoral-9gy 1961, pp 9 80-83. JFRS 11865 USSR a6 Ecorl Jan 62 25~ ~j Review of the Book 'Talic Health in the ~hevj (Review by Turlmn SM,, " by Bordy)4yq P. P. Rsakin), 5 pp. RUSSIM, per, Sovetskoye Wravookbrmeniyey Vol MI. NO 3210 1958" PP 55-56. JM-L-986-K Sci - tied Out e 767 Ant-iferroman-etism of Tramition Vlctalo AccnrdJr;,-:, to a Coli~--ctjvize6 i7aectron Mcdel, by VT. YorciiR2,yewa, A. PP. 2 RUSSIAN per riz Metallov i Metal USSR, Vol VI, UO 151 3-956, PP929, 930- SLA 59-lV(37 Sci Dec 59 Vol 2, Do 1(.7 - ? LTF 7 On the Theory of AntiferromaMtiamp by A. As I. lziumov, 7 pp. HUSSIM, perp Fit MW I HOULUOVI Vol III$ No 1956a 4o6-41o. SLA R-U37 Mv 58 Nachmnization and hdmtion or Bod-oWitUnwal Installaticu of a Tube-Bolling PImt with Cmtiw=s Millo by X. 0. Y 1. 1. Brodskiy, V. P., voinov, pp. RUMMY W., WtaU-Urgs NO Us 2.960s PP 31-33- ACFA Sci A6 f, Sep 61 ppmorpowds cc cuwdu vwods Dow at k~ftes culdvaum in opft I)y UM Bkg hlA*. YAM FASUM 22M 140 4,019630 MAr 2761893 mAtrwt Rwdmmee miteractift Tuvtl& curzeat ewriws in sm- by B. V. KoMponkos, A. A* BwdysWO 6 Poe RUSSWO par). FIS T"raw Map va VP No 12-P 1963j, Pp 339744% AM alsto Ot rap Sav Phys - Solid Bt&U V61 Vi, No 12 Sol ja 64 262,389 Exchango Interaction of Zmer and Outer Faectrcras tr Txwwitian Metals.. by S. V. Vmoanklyj A. A. ~*rdyobevs Tu. A. lVvwv.. Bxmn 5 pp. BJBBMJ par,,* Dok A Nm* WEj, Vol 0 so (Chock =Wftraj, pp TqT-ft. AIP Sov Itwo -Dok Vol Vi, No 3 fti S w", Alf inn 61 Indirect Coupling of d Electrons ia Transition Wtala~ 1. Ferromapetiam.. by A. A. Berdy3hav, B- v. Karpeako, 3 P9. RUSSZAN, per, Zhur Eloper i Teoret Fiz) Ak Nauk Sma, Vol xr-wi (9).. Ito 3) 1959, 9P 819-892. AD SOV Pho - Jw? Sci - Phys Oct 59 The Role of Oblique Bitchange Interaction in ths Theory of MAPSU= 'Of TkiUaticm NBU16 GM Rare Farths. 2. Antiferrompetimt b7 B. V. rarpenko t A. A. 'Bertibn ~ p R. B. Ub 8 pp RUSS 10 , per . Fis Metal I. Metallov Vol IX No 4, 1960 9 PP AM-487 pp sai ft 61 Tho Indirect Interaction of d Elactrons in Tramition Metalso 11, &ntifarromapatiams by Zv. Narpenkoy A.A. Bardyahevp 3 ppe RUSSIAN, pert Zhur Eksper i Teorat Fist lol nMll~ No 3~ 19601 PP 925-928- Alp Bov Phye - JMT Vol 11$ No 3 Nov 60 On the j3-d-Excbwp Model of Trawition Metalsp by A. A. BerdvOsvp Yu. A. Iziuwv. RUSSIAN, per$ Piz Met i Metalloy, Vol V. No 3# 1957j. pp 552-553. Morris D. Friedman Sci - Wn/Mat Aug 58 09,1- A Coctribution to the Theory of Antiferromagnetisn, of Trans I tlicm bletals. 2. Energy Spec-ibrum, by A. A. Berd K. V. Shitikova, 8 pp. RUSSIAN; per, Fiz Metal i Metall, Val VII, No 1, pp 21-2-8. pp Sci 'kas uo Vartain Problem Commoted With the Quatm- Tbaoz7 of Parrompsti= of FaiTitas cmd A&Ufarrmpution. Part In. The Aj#i- Arrompetin. of Traftition VAuist by A$ A' Sardysbar, S. V. Vonsovskirp 13 pp. Fun transiatino -- .-- W&O", U Ak-AWk-Mi- $a Fiss No 3p 10 590 US-43 A. A. BERDYSHEV, B. V. KARPENKO Role of indirect interaction in the theory of magnetism of the transition metals and the rare earths FIz. MetaU. I Metalloved. (USSR) 8, No. 3, 330-336(1959) MDF B-155, $ 4.50 - English Euratom (NY-6646) Tamslations From "Problems of Esophageal and Gastric Surgery: The Biological EFFAct of 25 WV Betatron Rayst, by I. V. Ibroptsev, Ye. D. Gol'dberg, G-.-.-D. Berdyaliev, et al, 50 pp. RUSSIAP, bk, Voprosy Khirargiya Pishchevdda Zhulludka: Biologiche&koye Deystviye Luchey Betatrona 25 Rev", 1960, pp 485-535. JPRO 10673 The Problem off Longevity in Siberia and the savict Far East, by G. 1). Berdyshev, 79 pp. RUSSIAN, hk, Problema Dolgolctiya v Sibiri i na Dallneia Vostoke,, 1963, pp 1-79. MIS 27307 USSR sco Jan 05 271s546 The Action of Viteadn Sjg on Ue M04 6f NOR - I W)d Undiated AnIzaUt by 0. Do 5 pp. - - 1r Rmvj.p per., PrObIM Ountolasir Itz mmVI't Vol LU., No 5.1 1958j, PP 9-13, Parpm Press Sei - YAd ?t/o ~~ SePt 59 Z7 .Tv~, `ou;,es of an Accident With the Clligh-PressUrel' at the "&aaaogorsbya" Horaulia MR mind$, V jer, Bezopasnost'APraivablemosti., Vol V, I-lo 12., 1961, pr, 8-11. .NLL m. 3633 3~:i - EnW., OL 0 7, 116 Aug 6-2 le-abaf.,74ble Vo=wU and ftpaytic Aotivity of Blocd laulwqton In BnearthenUp by At, We p ~rOyyoy% 4=7AN, parz 12 Aft Nauk ZwkOwskoy Mb Be? Biol paukp ro 3p 1969p pp 66-70. 9WW I./ sq~4 46 P Vor 62 ~I- -1 W) (NY-6430) CONTRIBUTION OF LONG-TERM CREDIT TO THE DEVILOPMENT OFSOCIALIST OWNERXSVIIP IN COLLECTIVE FARMS, BY S. BEREANU, 14 pp. RUMANIAN, PER FINANTE 31 CREDIT; NO 2; 1962; PP 33-44. JPRS 14155 EEUR RUMANIA ECON JUN 62 199,994 'n' cult'U"al FaMB, by ligri 14 pp~ Rumlldl:Ail-'~ Per, FinantO si Cred-tt 'Vol V'; i.q6i, pp 15-25- j-VRS jo122 vtmania bbonOtim of Smm wA Erldwoeym la Chrook cakift by L. S=XmpRmM* H. Awwo immawcys POLIM, Pero Pel Arch MM Vol XXXMt No 60 1963. OTS 66-U409 PLAW Scl - Bial & Mod Sd Nov 64 Avan From LY/Serlob 269j* 63-18614 BerecA , Endre. THE CH n-11STRY OF FURNACE SLAGS (A Kohosa- 1. Bercczky, E. lakok Kemiaja). [19631 [24pl (foreign text iticlud4. Order from SLA $7- 60 63-18614 Trans. of Epit8anyag (Hungary) 1952 tv. 41 no. 3/4, p. 58-63. DESCRHYrORS-. *Slags, Furnaces, Calcium compounds, Silicates, Chemical equilibrium, Cements, Crystal structure, Iron alloys, Castings, Smelting, Chemical reactions. (Metallurgy, 7r, v. W, no. 10) W Teck*M UMM a-900 W-.t614) %Ijabntcal D:ZttL IOU saviat Iftabite T00U. miul.,x YAchims at tto AU-Moo Wustrua axwoutm lo i956e by L. 1. 6 pp. ummmipin Fwslo$ par, Apll TOM41koa Infonatoll, ND 3j ",aov: 3-957., m 19s 20. V3 "na/gy-9m UBIWIR z 5PO Beau Jan 59 nya' Tekh-Bkon ~jq()O) pp 72-76. Vol JPRS 5101 ,u.r Poland T,,,F Fc,n Aug, Stosel Production It= the DlacaM Slags of Goner SwItars 0 by V. Bmgovskly. RMLO, perp TavatM Met&Uyj, Vol Inp No 9., 19Q. ps Sol jtm 6t) 932j.792 NY-5332) Meazurement of the Attenuation of Feeder Lines of a Rediffusion Network., I~y T&O Bore q skly. N. P. Dzvubap 1. L. G*rWhteyu,lF.7-0-t1ll5Y-mlftn., 21 pp. RMIM, per) YeatnU Sr~=Ip No 10, 1954. JPRS M4 Scl ~6a,, in jui 61 (NY-5214) Communications Workers are Providing Good Service for Farm Workers, by Ts. I. HM Berefq~~qW., 5 PP - nwin, per, Vestnik Srjazi, No 12, 1956. im 7o6o Sci C) OP jim Q y Our Paperionce in Processingz Boliday T leC-v-ms, by by Ya. 1. Beregovsklyp 5 plz P AN .IjSST- , per, Vestnik R-u-jazi, No 10, !962. j m,-. s .,. -16 j - 5 " 4 ,),1o6 f 6-,; .L ,b jejoi I)eterminatlon Usinf,-3 Mee 1"Ahod, by Universal RO'~atillg nysic