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Asodoft Wom v to. livilsto 'Cot dib"IMALM-4a-mobbs Immons T& 79* 0=94 wwo ~~ M Im lb 9 IMM WA liz - ~O' (-6r &, C4 ~, 16, Im a ma 60D Am 67 32SAS Fol, ~pvln,ylp~Trolidou,, by C. 6 pp. a jm~jMo per, #,-,bemiker Zeitmg) Vol LXMII, ijo P 19 ~~ 4pp 41, 42. SLA Sai bLod Dec 59 Vni 2'. uo pojyvjn,yjpy=olidm: by 1. Bm*., 6 pp. GWM~ Ver, CbWke Zeltt Vol ZVM, go 2, 1954~ pp 41,1 42. su 59-1-5552 &;L . Cbwdstry oelt 59 701.u, No 4 /0 F ;;7 //,~ Lfair-Protective Aouts in Permanent Waving, by E. I ~ uk 3 PP- r Selfeb-ole-fatte-Vwhoe, Vol LUVo 194% ,p S.L.A. Tr 832/19rf, Sol OwAistry gil -d 7;7 Compoeitioup Production wd Assesment of So-Wled "Whole Fruit Orange JuIces"op Bo Benk, MMIAffj, per Riechstoffe U* Aram, Vol. 13p No- 1.# 1963 18-21. scl JU4 1967 334-711 AuUtuberculosis Cwqmip in the United Arab Mpublic.. by L Ch. allogbourl,, u ypt mm ammy v=v Z. fuer der Gounte VISions, Vol Vls 30 5j i*s pp 286-M. AcBi it-7641 ID M920 Sci - Ned Mar 61 Dn the Prognosis of M&Bs Appearance of the Nun Uoth Ooneria monaoha U. (Lopidoptera, Liparid") in the ,Aosoom Region, by V. 1. Benkevich, 9 pp, ...................... RUSSIAN, oar# Entomolog Obcz. Vol XMX, No 4, 1960, po 749-760. AIDS Soi Jul 61 /~8- /33 1.11 (NY-3m) kutommtioa of lVrning ana DrMins Work in Mechining Cr=ks~-afts wad CwsheftS~ by V. A. gRgUuj 6 pp. Russim, per, mem i Avtom-t itviz, No 6,. 19610 pp pp 4-8. JFRS 10556 usm / 7,.?, J,-f / Icon The Effect of the Allaying CouStItuente an'tbe Nechanleal Properties of the Reat Treatable Al-Mg-81 Type Ligbt Alloys, by A. Beako NMARDA., per, Aluminiums Bp, Vol IV., No 5,, 1952,, pp 97-105, Aludnium jo Ltd. B-TH-na-53 OT/663- Scientific - Minerals/ketale CTS/D.a. gents md Yhoir fitalth dazardso ooter., Ctorey ganko. 14 pq~. k;FLUCIAL a~"Ly 'a Pp, tYMMUMUOto IVO 10,p 1964, pp 374-379. 9699S71 The SpectrogmpMe DeteralmUm of (Imaniva 1u c4at bly 0. Sawkewm -Urd"Op 1. ~Bwft. . ~ww RMLUM* so pup Magn ImmUl folyolntj, Vol LU# A% 1955j, pp 225,93h, Do$.I.R./27M scl - cbmistry 5?5z Aw 5T C"/"x 61-14030 Benko, J. and Wnfort, F. PREUNGNARY EXPERIMENTS IN 7VE QUANTITA- 1. Benko, J. 77VE MEASUREMENT OF THE RE-GULAIUTY OF 11. Monfort, F. FABRIC APPEA[UNCE (Preniters Essais dcMesurcQuan tantivedcla Regularitied'AspectduTissu). [19611 Sp. Order from SLA $ 1. 10 61-14030 Partial trans . of Textielwezen (Belgium) 1951, v. 8, no. 5, p. 19-25. DESCRIM'ORS: "Textiles, *Quality control, Measurement. 046-f T-4~jvd S-i- (Materials-Textilea. T"r, v. 6. no. 2) (SF-2800) COOPERATION OF USOCIALIST CWNTRIES IN REGIONAL AND URBAN PLANNING; BY M. BENKOL 5 PP. POLISH, PER2 MIAST, NO 5, 1962) PP 1-3- JPRS 14835 EEUR - POLAND ECON - AUG 62 M,o% Pulmonary Edema In Dogs Treated With Hyeltoxi-c Serum and a Suspension of Bone Yarrow Cells, by 12 pp. UNCLASOY= MMAN, irreg per, Acta Hadica Scientiarum Hungaricae, Vol X, No 4, Budapest, US JPRS/DC-L-22 Sci - Medicine Har 5 6 Rn3arimentmi Data on the Proftctl= of Stomach Ttimrs in Hats.. by PS40M Book -a' man Kovacaj pp. ASGARM per, Xioarletes Orvostudom=W, Vol Ix., Z57, Pp 17Z-.178- NIH 12-9-Q sai " Dbd Jan 63 Relating to a Belaxant-Anti-Trewr Drug : The Role of AMrwUal P4activity in Trm=o and InvoluntuT *memento, by X. SemilAud, GERM., per, PwMbIatrin et- HeA=logia, Basel, Vol. 143) 1962, pp 126-IN. GB 2 c- Alml~ ULID Aug 6T 335-644 ELECTROLUMINESCENT NUMBER AND LETTER INDICATORS, BY EVA BENOVA, 5 PP. GOVERNMENT USE ONI-r-- CZECH, PER., AUT"TIZACE., VOL V, NO B.. 1962p PP 219-220. JPRS 17434 SCi - ELECTRONICS FEB 63 221,272 .r The Construction of immonA-Typ Magmtomtm b-y Sankoup 9 pp. WMIM,, P*rp Ue -Gosud U,~ Vol Xcvi., Woo& so 4 6p -pp 59 5. ATIC -F-JM-10003/V Sol - Geopksiae Nov 56 CTS Diurnal Variations of Blackout Occurrence According to I-jY Data By N, P. BenOkcva. L. A. rudovich, jp, RUSSIM. per. "gnet i Aeron, Vol 1, No 1961, AGU Sai Jun 63 -2- ~,Ie MaSeUe Field of the Eq=tDri8l Ct=Ut (Ring)p N. P. L. 0. Tyandmp 7 pp, osswo pr.. owmagast I Aerouo Val no No 4m 1962# ~-) 635-Al- AM '. i . C -,)v 63 2jqi ~?') Q- I j I m Spherical Amalyalo of the Constant Goomognotic Field for the Eyocho of 1955 and 1958-1z) by N.V. Mamp N.P. _)3enlkm et al., 6 pp. BMW., pwj, QwmagootI= I Awommiya., Vol III., No 1. 1963, pp 121-126. AWJ scl my 64 2580481 Spherical Analysis of the Hain Goomagnetic Field and Secular Variations, by N. V. Adam, N. P. Benlkov. et al, 15 pp. RUSSIM, per. Gcomagnotizm i Aeronomiya, Vol III, .1o 2, 19630 pp 336-353. AGU Sci Iday 64 7.58s501 MWetic Field of the Zquatorial Owrent., by N. P. Ben'kova, L. 0. Tyurlm. RUSSM., per, Ge=Wetixm I A&roaodva, Vol II,, No 4. i~621 pp 635-641. XWA TT Ir-6303 sci 9.2 e 'C/ Apr 63 US GOV I T MY The Fr-Layer at Low Latitudes According to Investiga,- tions on the Schoomer "Urye., by N.P. Benlkova.1 K.N. Vateillyev., 5 pp. RMSIAN., per, Geomagnetim I Aemnomiya.. Vol M, No 1, 1963, PP 8&93. AGU Sai may 64 258,476 ioma;berl a - - ! I I Ga 10-17 Novulm 1960S by N. P. Dwskms X. D. ZUSd. ---- mmus got Oecwaw~l AM=# Yd is NO % 1961j, IV ft"No NM it F-aLgk &d 6 shr 69 '14R.4- ,,f q.2 0 us WV IT ONLY ambarlaga Aas3WSU of OW MMU poom PJA" f(w .V,-- - ~W AVOW t7 W. T. AIMp UP. bWkVMp 17a NOBW#_Wp Gamant I AW04 Td Up go 5v Ufto 19 yqydvm AW sa mw 63 The --Effect of Atomic Explosions on the Ionosphere, by 11. P. nanekova. 7 PP. PUSSIJUITI rpt, 22"a MauLbUr-o SISEgsiM m 12n2sfere. P2Gtov-4Ta--j)*uuj 21-22 April 1960,1 1961, pp 127-132, .k11VFT3-1!2-24-1 14-71 Oct 71 Solar Padidburst at 28 leis Tmema on 12 July 2,961s by 3* ?1 Beatkova., P. 1. T=blu., X. D, MOL, WMIMy perp eampit i Aump Val 1; No 51 1961p pp -842~&3# NM %I p4w* 931 6 Mar 62 us OWIT a= (FDD 2659111 The Yagactic Field of the Barth at High Altitude by N. P. Bealkovs) 20 pp. RUOSIAV, bkt Trudy T~retlyego-SoveshzLerlyu po VoprOSM KO&MOgDDIY 19540 Moswv,, pp 7 CIA FDD/TJ.-(663 USSR sci GePPkvUicB C23 7511)ec 55 Magnetic Stoms and Systems of Electrical CurrpntG.- by N. P. Ben'k-, 262 pp. KUSSIAN.. per, Trudy Naucho-Issledovatel ZinBt -emnogc- Magnetizma; No PP 1-157- CIA V"06 10;1 ATM F-TS-8974/V Sel Geopbysics dpr 1958 Ionospheric Investigatiom in the USSR, by N. P. Benlkcrva,x 16 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Geomagnet i Aeron, Vol I, No 1, 1961.. AGU sci Jan 63 - 220,473 Analytical Representation of the Geomagnetic ~Field over the Territory of the Soviet Union for the 10.58 Epoch, by N. P. Ben'kova 6 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Geomagnet i Aeron, Vol 1, No 1, i~.&. AGU Sci Jan 63 220,478 WAG-wtic Activity from 1948 to 1950, by ff. P. Benkovaj M. G, Borisov% 32 pp. WisSM, per, Trudy-Nauchno-Ispledomtell last Zemnago Magnetizm, Ito 6., (18)p 1~52)PP 29-37- C I'T-4e .63.22 'd.TIC F-TS-10010/y Sci - Geopbysies fftrrCRkI957) I - of A.~, I Ec=mic Rayons, U~c ill"""rea vicb; Yo. Lerner, 9 PP- -I~awt' Roza") "CIO nn U,lectrical Conductivity of ConcentraW Petroleum Emulsions$ by V. 0. sewwvswy, 4 pp. Fall translation. RUSSIAN., perp Kollold Zhur, Vol XrV., No l., Jan - Feb 1952, pp W--147- COOBUItan" Bureau 1~2 Weft 42 Strett Im York 181 N.Y. Scientific - Cbendstry Aug 53 MS/4= v Dispersion of Water in an Electric Fieldj, V Y,.-rA. Benfkavskiy RUSSIM, per., Kolloid Zhurnal, Vol XV, go 1., 195~., 3-5. )UP 1 Assoc Tech 8v PJ-114 Scientific - Chemistry MS/M Adsorption of CarboxIMUyleeLlulose on Clapj, bY N. A. Zavorokhimp V. G. Denkova 4 pp. RUSSTM; bim per, KbUoid Zlmr, Vol XVIIII No 5.. Sept/Oc~ Pp 536-5390- GonsUUmte Bareau Sci - Chemistry Sep 57 Coagoation 4 Elolutlow cit 3WIam Bmtes by Sodium" 1- 1 14f Vs 0. as-- skys S. S. sukhu"I % vp,~ v= RUSSIANj, b1m ger Kollo a Tca * .wo 6,, m3., pp - - -- ammatante BOOM ScleatAf ic - ChnietrY - /7, f LLA r7,v The Mechanion of Fomatiou of Petroleum Emulaione" by V. G. Senkovskv,, N. D. Zavorokbins 6 pp. Full trauslation. RMSUN, 1*r, Kolloid Zhurv Vol IVv No Ii, :4m - Feb 1952, pp q""ltants Bureau 152 wes-t 49 street Periodic Identical wA Stmeoscopia Intraoral X-ray Fbotogmphist by-NO He Daubm. IMMUNp pers Nanks T --njap Tideu"p V01 LWIM XD 5b X9%0 pp sci Ifty 60 UATMIty Ot malbowm Iftwu - No Radiographic Localitation of Invisible Objects., by H. S. Bankowe NMMVJ,p perp No"ke Imu"Pro"ni4p T14owlem, Vol it no 20 1957P PP 43-W- Wvmity of 16Mmurne ftmu. no BE Sci. may 60 //-.3rOY Baa=icr Arr=- cp=-14 with st Lowt ow Rowl- latlag chow-Cou for Autuatic Bovaution ot the DI"at Volthp wd of the Dinat CuMa%j by Dr. Goorgm WoleaeabozWrp Henri So=, so, 5 pp. GNP=.. SLIss Fatant No 312,780, Dept of ovonr= pat4st offlas Sol 'P 3951mving Jan 59 7 Benn, 0. PROMMON OF BUTADIENE BY THE CATALYTIC DEHYDROGENATION OF n-BUTENE AND n-BU- TANE. [1961] 19p, Order frein ATS $26. 10 ATS-ION54C Trans. of Chemlische] Tecl4nik) (Fast Germany) 1960, v. 12. no. 12, p. 706-714. 61-256SO 1. Benn, 0, It ATS-18N54G Ill. Associated Technical Services, Inc., East Orange, N. DESCRIPTORS: *Butadienes, Production, *Butenes, *Butaneo, Debydrogena Lion, Catalysts 63-18115 N1EtWM'1C'ESUaS1)FOR THE OBTENTION AND 1. &nnasar, FRACTIONATION OF LIQUID AIR. (19631 lip Order from SLA $1,60 63-18115 Trans. of Boletin de laformaciones Petroliferas Yacimientos e Industrias] (Argendna) 1935 v. 12, no. 1251 p. 39-50. I DESCRIPTORS: *Air, *Liquefied gases, Distillation, Fractionation, rx r. (Engincering-Chernical, TT, v. 10, no. 10) 91 TtA*mi Unicas 62-10712 km", Ghiggino, C. W. THE HYPERTFNSOR EFFECT CAUSED 1. Tizita: ~planctinic area BY TEMPORARY OCCLUSION OF T1AE ARTERIES 1. Bcnniti, D. IN FITF SPLANCHNIC AREA., jt96217p. (7 figs. 11, Ghiczino, 7 r, '-. S1. Vj Vl.,w >i~ r i; r2ni 91 ~jrk,~; J.-'S j,-V rjL)j.j- Ill .13- Study of the OseMation Wes of "M Carcino- troyV, by M, de Benud t IN 40 pp. P~j FREWH, per) Annales de Radioelea, No 42, Oct 1955, PP 328-343. LTMSXA: SC-&)a/60 Sai - Phys 17"o AOF oct 61 FlIC-56;;m =3 various Injectione., B.;~,gerience Gained cm the IntermtIonal luov-ShFft P u -e c eat Mege; by 11, Bennaur?. QL-~ pp 13-24. oci - Engr Jul 62 list 138 The Nature of Orpnic Juterlal of Dental Ivory In VertebrateaO by Charles BemwJcantp 3 pp. Pill translation, FREXH.. per., gompteg Readus lies ScLencee do X*Acmdemle deri Sciences No 231, 1950., PP 169-190. WIN 'Scientific - Wdicine Jul 53 CM IoNct Toot Ban fOr tl* StW of Otools at Sub- acmd Tompratumov bY HP BM=ko OM"j, p&rp Arebiv 21menbutunwseas Val XV2# 116 at ft-atcher Tr 1681 Scieatific - )ft/fttals $1.20 MetallaMpble Studlex of Stgol Witb the Blattras Microscope,, by R. Penakp 0. NwHavrt F. Stablelas x. E. volk. - CERMAN# per, A=h4a Rise Vol XVI, 1941-1949, pp 431-436. DrOcher Tr 1951 /Ca46f6 Scientific - minfifetals inrimence or Grain Size or steel Upon Creep UmItp by Us Bemekp 0. Sandals CERRO,, per, Stebl and ZIsm,, Vol UMIX, No 36, 1943. -------- Drutcber Tr 1653 scientiric - min/matals jz-L P 7-P '7- $6.30 x Ufluence of UranioR ad the 8tructuml Pro"rtie* PAW sine anMtentlan of HWwss of UAR119yed Stools, bW H. Bemok., 0. G. RoUsaMiter,, 16 pp. GZWM~ per,, Arch Eisenhuttenw, Vol E1,, 19,35# pp 1934m. 41 7 oci - awe Oct 58 Pftcipitatloa gardening 0t I" Steel bF Additiou of Bsry1H=,, Baron, or Titaftl= and Effect on Corrosion Realstancep by H*,!n!!k# P. SeWmIster. L OZWAN, per, Archiv 31woubettenwesem,, Vol V# No 129 1932. Brutcber Tr 84 Seientifie - Min/Metals Influence of Struftm As a Moction of Bat -~:. 'Treatment &W Alloying on the Creep Rdslatance of Steel" v" I ! Le ~-D! = ~10 ri - Gerhard Bendel., 12 p. GMWWj, perp StMl -und Risenp 1943, Vol LMIj No 38., pp -695-700. mA 6o-m69 // , , '?', a- ~ 0, - 801 Apr 60 Vol M, No 3 777~~. Vo .havlor of Amrde In the Pftdixetlad of. grom aid Sla,cr?l cza influence of Arsenic an Peopetleap by M. ff.-vAremwt,, It. Bnmki, S. Revealster, CreRMAML g No 6p 19361, vp 101-119. Bmteber Tr 11% scientific - His/mettig 413-60 The Cause of the Formatics of Flakes In Steel,, br H. Beawks H. Schenckg R, *Aller. GER". per,, Stahl umd Tftseftv Val LVp 1935. Drutcher Tr 175 Scientific - MIG/ketalm $32-10 Production of Cbrqxdzed lAym on -Steel# by H. Demelt W. Kochp W, Wants, -------- ORRM, per, Stahl =d 31maus, Val LWO 1*,, ------------- -trutdar Tr 100 Scientific w min/mule 60-182L0 Koch, W[alterl, and Tofaute, _&nnek ffibert) , L Chromium coadnp- THE PRODUCTION OF CHRON41UM COATINGS BY Production DIFFUSION, tr. by W. B. ]ones. [Feb 471 10p. (4 figs 2. Chromium- -Diffusion omitted) 6 reff,. [. Bennek, H. Order from SLA mi$l. 80, ph$1. 80 60-18210 11. Koch, W. 111. Tofaute, W. Trans. of Srahl und Eisen (Germany) 1944, v. 64 [no. 17] p. 265-270. (Unannounced) Office of Tochalcol Ser~,ice% sommous B. splin stag". STAHL M ZIWAP w1 52j, 1932# pp 651-&21 6700 vords, Bmteber gas 97s 61-18529 Bennek, Huber', and Klotzbach, G(fater. I. Title: Flake formation EFFECT OF THE HYDROGEN CONTENT, HYDRO- 1. Bennek, H. GEN PERIMEABILITY AND HYDROGEN SOLUBILITY I - K I orzbacll. G. ON FLAKE FORIVIA17ION IN STEEL. Rept. 542 of I the [Materia)s Committee] of the Verein Deutscher Ill. Title: Verein ... EisenhUrtanleure. (1961] (301p. (4 figs. omitted) 58 refs. order from SLA $2. 60 61-18529 Trans. of Stahl und Eisen (Germany) 1941, v. 61, 19 June, p. 597-606 and 26 June, p. 624-630. DESCRIPTORS: *Steel, *Hydrogen, Chemical reac- tions, Metallurgical analysis, Permeability, Solubil- ity. (Nict3likirgy- -Ferrous Nictsls, 17, v. 0. no. 12) Wfi-f T-W~A S-ic.. Theoretical Investigation about the Position of lnwrr.-,Jtials in Coppar, by K. H. B"Uemannq G:-'Xd1AN, per, Z f~nik No 165, 1961, pp 445-463~ *M3 TT 70-575tS 2 AJ Aug 7V A DiffereatiaL Wthod for lb&suiug Dissipation Less Capseltieep by 13, _.Be=er,,-4 pp. QXWNj per# Z Pbpikj. Vol XVIp 20 im 1923,1 pp 100-102. SIA 57-2a6 Sci lby 58 i S 02 IT/ i PnlWnw,y Amlysls of Toots Carrio out on WS Camda During VOW So 13P Oct 1956.Xim 1957s by Rutpr Bemet. MCZAWVM SWIMZBH,, Forckninh Goetebwo, Ro SL6, Fab 1957, Navy Tr 1620/ml 101 - 4 ScrAmer - Canada YA 1. Fob 58 Experimental Research on the Mode of Oscillation and the 2uncbing Effectiveness Factor of a Reflex laystron, by M. Bennetot, 26 pp. FRENCH,, per, Ann Radioel!cl Vol VIII.. No 32, Apr 1953, pp SLA Tr B-991 Sci - Electricity j-e,3- Oct 57 Processing of Sap, by F. R. Bennett, K. Langrod, '~ . GMWIN., rpt, A2=lnum Industrle Aktlen Gesel I scbal, -, Heuha~,%sen, Suitzerland,, 18 Dee 1958. AM YAA-SR-90=-389~ ~qCj - 'n "m 61 / 5-8 6 7 ~/ Method !or the DeterminationcE Nuclear Moweuts With Focussed Atomic Pays, by H. C. Bennewltz, W. papl. UEBRU) per, Z Pays, Vol CMIX) !954, up 489--4o,7. TIL -Lr 48A Sci - 'Nuclear Physics Jan 58 A WAw4w 3m bOWtW vift XWMM oww" XMISASM 04. 404*9*0 am FMW#l amwl"# 36 waft"I 10 OVA= IIWVO % 9 3 i NANP WA L"vk'--9tl3%t:ims Oft HOLUM %Xtm In 1= emd B92dy Oei%Wr*d Mb;La M= =op,, by J. rmmwitz. QMMp Per# Arohlv fwr Zlsw~huttenwesm, Vol ==t 1962g Vp 3"30 DWI 2545 Got '! M/K ftb 63 L:11 t4o i;lAstic After.-L. Erect# fil"tic ilystansis. 13~ Intuxual FrictlAw. 4y Y,, ~0~,owilt2, yor, VfiLaikaliscw zaitschrifto Vol xxvo 17, p1924, yp 417-4310 iluri Tr 4457/APL/JiIU T-1591 29,5*44S Vlob The Elastic After-Effect., by K. Bennew.i,tz., 5 pp. GERMAN, per, Phys:Lk ZoMmehTp Vol XXI, 1920, pp 703-705. CIA D 513. A.C.S.I.L. Trans 583 Sci - Physics Sp j q~ ConcerniuS The Flaotic-Elautic Statep, end D; WAjpVf 8 pp. UNtLASSLPM Rotgar GMMN,t per, Maik Zj Vol XLO lg_-igl pp 416-428. AM Tr 1831 Sclentiric - Physics Airil 54 CTS/bEx TT-64-14775 REPRODUCrM OF 7HE SWI-MICRO DB'MRMINA- L 9wroMM R. MNS OF ORMM, BROMM PJLFW, AND FROSPHORM USNO M FLASK 73CHNIQLM OF W. SCHONMEX E Fab 641 21p 17roto Ordw hm SLA $ 60 Tr-64-14775 7kam. dMlbvcbfmlw Acts (Antr%) I%% m 3/6, 1094-1108. (Dambbr-Audy0cok TT. Y. 116 m 12) C", `121--Z--w; Ci.-Zse' a ;~c Clocafill a -'L-c, Anallaw, In zair. Ili-nian't E ~-Zzn~.At. --. C.Unical. Sigic a~ Diaesse., by H. ON Bp-mMId, 17. Fet---.~, L'. Roth, C9 V,--Ph sch Gcs im Med, 'f%'oaLwp Vol IM Varlow Kind of Cdor Mops ln Azo %w. A Contribut1cm to sdej, b7 It. ScbcLUj 1. In- 03d P. B. VImQjp 22 pp. mm.- pa.0 astacbmats., Vol 10 Im., pp M-330. JVM 7-441 Sa - Kqd ftp 61 /6, '7,f f 7 7 AV=jm FAft #A tv ow 49' moval" RMN04 15 a?. mmmm# pwo Aggooks Blom Ab 810 Fab Xq66a we 3vjA-* JPMS 352T9 ot t 0 M()Y) p IE-~ /&:ff/j TA-CO2**U am ftw 66 299s* Clinical Traial of an Anti-Tremor Trmuluiliser.. Go 56o or a.-Tril, in Boapitai, by jr. Demn-cad, :.J. D"wMixter, OEM) W) !xj.2jLsj Vol. 50.1 Not T, 19a) pp 132-135 i.:::~. f3 & Al P9 14 61 CID Sci - Aug 67 . 335-643 Gbesp Imrt Geijgj A Nu Induattral Itterial, by- G. V. Be=igsen, GM4N,, nor, &-doel und KOUG, 1959; PP w - a. Terephthaiia kia ft-w Toluene, by A.Q GERW% pers wi X^ No 11; 19570 pp 3V-343- ATS--nR7W sc Hapr 67 3M~s 2974 Form wA Sbucture at Artioul a Cartilaps in 7beir Relatims TO Ametion. 1. no Patterning and Fbim-Pmonving Factora of Cutilap ReLW., by A. Bmub&ff. QMWjs pwo Ze' ckdft ftr Oar GescLUchart Amtomlep Vol IXM,, No lo YP 43-63o 1925. = 9-2-62 Sci - Ned A I e , 7,5 to Doe 62 Aftouve Qwv%*m P944mom ow Awl shosu bw sam"Imr aanmdl* Pbo palft ant - ant to te Be 99WJ4 pwp *a A Avg 1966s w B= " H. Denninghoff SL%.936 Oft - Ngt~"A%10 Mr (3T /~)y kit-al Shoots - i4ft lap Voce 4X,11 5417 PE N6 Fl':7'1 310040 W-amp or ~4qLUd Air -e:; al (Wcbor Protesa)., by C, pp. -T, par, Revue de VWustric-, ft-wral4; .6 4-.Ug 110231. Dept of laturlor U8 Bur of Nluea IV^n+rml runmr-Irkw, (NY-5230) The Exact Determination of the Existence Condi- tions of Self-Oucillating Mode in an Extremal Control System Containing a Commutator., by B. U. M Benois& 24 pp. RUSSIAN, per$ Iz Vysohikh Udheb Zaved,, Ber Hadiofizo Vol in, No 6, ig6o. im 7372 Sci jun 61 7/ New Medwd of OKamiriadon of dm TW=al Udlizedon,-, Facw of a C614 by A. Awcqy4 P. QemLi6 et w0 30M FRMCHO per, Journal of Nuclear Vol VI, 1957. pp 79-98. 0275r~"~ AEC-Tr-M5 Sd-NUCI Sd Dee 64 k 2701,064 Sd4W $DAN A General Fomulation of the Diffusion CoefficiGnt in a Iraterogemous YwUim WMeh MW Contain Cavities) by P. Been.olst, rimcn., rpt., Dec 2., 1958- f AEC AW-T-842 Sci - Phys //-~' avoz Apr 6o 5~ie Ge-mral Formulation and Pmetical Calculation of the Diffuglon Coefficient in a LattIce Con- tzining Cavities., by P. Deadet) 73 pp. FFMCH, RePort CZA-.1354., 1959. ABC hV-W-25 Sai 171, oct 61 List 59 BeUDI t' P, ERAL FORMULATION AND PRACnCAL CALCULA77ON OF TWE DIFFUSION COEFFICIENT IN A LATTICE CONTAINING CAVITIES, tr. by Liz Appleby. 16 Mar 61 [73)p. 21 refs. Order from OTS or SLA P. 60 jiw-TR-25 63-23492 1. Benoist. P. U. HW-TR-25 III. CEA-1354 IV. Hanford Atomic Products Operation, Richland, Wash. Trans. of Clommiasarlat I I'lAtnergle] Aftomique, Parts] (France) no. 1354. 1959. DESCRIPTORS: *Reactor moderators, *Reactor fuel elements. *Reactor lattice parameters, Diffusion, Nonfcas:ago probability, *Nleutron flux, Neutron crot;t; sections. Geometry. Special functions. The ctIculatloo of diffusloo coefficients In a lartice necessitates the knowledge of a cm, t method of weighting the free paths of the different constituents. An unambiguous deinItion of this weighting nwW to (Nuclear Pbysics --Nuclear EogLneertng, 77. v. 10, DO. 9) (over) Measurement of the Absorption of Thermal Neutrons by modulation of a Pile, by P. Benoist, L. Kowarski, F. Netter. FRENCH. SLA per NC State College Jun 59 &WON 46 2* xxm ~)-p Lz Ad am The Treatment of Typhold Fever Witia P:iylaoogen or SohafWs Ser=-Vaccine*, by E. P, Belloit 27 pp. FRENG1, per. Union Med. Canada, Vol XLII, No 5, 249~ SLA 2818 Sci-Medicine Mar 58 Patent no IOW*4 - PerfecUm of a jbt ftopjUjou Qfst= 40 -- Us" In Aoro4piosq by Eftoorl Bmiti, 7 W. FMMI PhYtaoUtp iwod to the b*40003 fteletv for Awmaution, Socourch an& Stodyp 90 WX 194U. 6 7 )q -1 -,~,,7 AM Y-M&10047/V od - AW==Mcs 4zf23, ?w'-7 Doe 1956 Me/= njoo"-:frnLdnc ruid Funke, Albert I.CiffM Ol- E-MYLENIMNE Oli Y-PbXli)U (Actto! ev JTIdiyInImJjje mir leo Lpoxydes), 11961] 7p, 4 rMi. Order from SL.A R. 10 61-20956 off SozJ166) ChImIlque de) France. DulljetLn3 1955, p. 9116-947. DBSCR17TORS: "Epoy(des, *EtbylenimineB, Imines, ChomiuLl reacti- '.:ia, Conden;fition reactlons, ,&Wnos, HydroxIdeo, Hydrochloric teid, Propanols. 1. Denolt, G. R. Funke, A. 2UKi2'2 '-' - --l- Runolt, 11. And wippler. C THE AMULAR DIS I'll 19131 rlON OF IAGH,r SCAT- TE'RIA) BY A 4)uj,r1ON OF A COIDLYMER. 11961 6p. Ordur from x,rs $9.75 ATS-1819561' Tran.~. of )Journal de] Chimilie) Myslique) (France) 1960, v. 57, p. 524-527. DESCRIM'ORS: 'Light, Scattering, Distribution, solutions. 62-12057 1. Benoit, If. 11. Wippler, C. 111. A,rs-18N56F W. Associated Technical Services, Inc.. East Orange, N. 2 A SWy of Remote lWawbakwa WIdft Macro- molecular Chakw6 by M* IM%t - S448 PPO tio FRENCH, per,, Sound do Vht . Vol LIXO 19d2, pp 929-932. Aw,w-T-64-M Sci-Phys Sep 64 265,W 1 61-25899 CON17RIBUTION TU THE STUDY OF TUE KERR. EF- 1. Title: Kcrreffect F~_C'r EklaBITW BY DILUTE SOLUTIONS OF PLIGID I . BLnolt, It. MOLECULES. (19611. If. Capelo, A., Hollywood, Order from AC $37. 50 Calif. Trans. of AnnaleG de Physique (France) 1951 (ser. 12) v. 6. p. 561-609. DESCRIPTORS: *Molecules, Solutions, Refraction, Re- la.zation thne, Molecular rotation, 0INectric fields, UPOCS. I Tide study furniahes the follo%ing restAts: (1) The bire- frigence Wsapp(~ared exponentially with a time of re- laxation 1/6 D (D being the conatant of diffusion of ro- tation of rnolccules) Independently of the initial condi- tions. (2) The law of establishment of the field depends on Ibc nature of the couple of orientation and there can (Physics- -Molecular, Tr, v. 7, no, 1) (over)