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.21j Forced Vibrations of a Syi5tarix Strikli)g a Stopp b~ 1. 0. RusalLuv; A. A. aiarke'vicInjo HUS31".. perp Zhur Tokh Fizq Vol Xllp No 11-12,, 1942p pp 715-7210 ATS RJ-130~ Sci - Phys Jul 59 117 '13GQO occ4rring on tk u Dlff=lon m~ Tuu&stem, by 0. B,2z "bur 'I"ath ?1-. Sro! 1. No U A-~ - - , Kharakhorin F. F. PHASE RELWnoNsups IN fCOMFRESSFD GAS SYS- TEMS. I]. BINARY SYSTEM NITROGEN-11EUUM. [19611 Bp. 14 rds. - Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-18035 Trans. of Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki (USSR) 1940, v. 10, P. DESCRHrrORS: ONitrogen, Ollelium, Uquids, Vapor-%. Phase studies, Chemical equilibrium, Determination. An experimental unit Is described suitable for deterttil. notion of the liquid-vapor equilibrium at pressures up to 2W-250 aim. by the circulation method. Determi- nation of p-x diagrams has been carried out for the Iystem nitrogen-h0lurn at 68, 77. 3, 90. 1. 11Y7 and 111.50K. 'Ibc obtained data were compared with the experimental darta reported by other authors. (Author) (Chemistry-- Physical, TT, v. 6, no. 9) 61-18= 1. Kbarakhor" F. P. H. Tltle: BJnary ... Eleat-rie Conductivity of Almina at High Temperatureep by A, R. shulamp 14 pp. RMIAN., per, Zhur Tekh nz., Vol X., 1940p pp 1173-LIM. "'' SIA R-2414 Sel Aug 58 r10 aa~ / Ax- / by V. Ti=XUYVv~ Yu- 7 pp. Ver Zhur Tekh Piz, vol X; F p o 1), 1940) 20-23. Scl Mr Cantor SciOntific - Phyeico ~30 Absorption of Energy by Metals in Plastic Compression As a Function of Melting Point, by A. A. Federov, 14 pp. RUSSLUT, per, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, No 11, No 31, 1941, pp 999---. AIU~VFSTC/HTI -23-778-71 Jan 72 62-18273 Klibanova. To. M., Fbmerantsev, V. V.. and Frank-Kamenetakil. D. A. 1. Klibanova. Ts. M. DIFFUSION COEFFICIENTS OF GASES AT HIM H. Potnermsev. V. V. TEMPERATURES. 119621 (321p. (figB. omtneM7 refs. Ill. Frank-Kanvenetaltil, 1). Order frcffn OTS or SU $3.60 62-t8273 Trans. of Zhurnal Tekhatcheskof Fixild (USSR) 1942. v. 12, DESCRt?MR& *Diffusion, *Gases, OHIO temperature research. Capillary tubes, Theory, Differential equations. The diffusion coefficients Of C02 in air at temperatures from 170 to 12W0 C. and Of H2 0 in air at temperatures from 100 to 1200P C. were determined. 11w possibility of calculating the diffusion coefficients with the equation of Sutherland was confirmed. An empirical equation is given for determining the Sutherland constant of mixed gases frorn the constants for the pure gases. M&M d Ted" $WW1w$ (Chemistry- -Physical, TT, v. 9, no. 10) ~-V Aly,eL&CY 13 Fe Ile n. c, W 30PP aII 1~ fur '111c Production of X-Ray Photographs With Very Short Exposure Times, by V. A. Tsukerman. A. 1. Avdoyenkov 14 pp, RUSSM40 per, Zhurnal Tekh Fiz Vol XII, 19420 I)p 185-1960 92=25. It It It-_4 AL-C LA-tr-65-21 29S,006 Sci-phys 140V 65 A High-Power Electric Spark in Air at ' Atmospheric Pressure,, by 1, S. Abramson) I. S. Maxshak) l8pp RUSSIAV, per, Zhurnal Tekhicheskoi Fiz, Vol 12) 1942, No 10,pp 632-639 oTs TT-64-11821 Sci - Pby 14e,y 67 320".,520 A High-Power Electric Spark In Air at Atmospheric Pressure, by L Si Abr"on,, t., Si -MarsW&~ 13 pp. RUSSIAN, per,'Dur Tekh Fiz.-Tol XH# No 10$ 1942,, pp 632-639. 9223018 Amer Meteorol Sac T-R-414 111ILL lq~3'~6 lqu Sci - Phys Jul 64 263,871 7j TE 1 62-32641 i',lXuGlTM.)N UF ~~M:ECII SCUNDS 1. Ilde: ' Speech recogd Lion b -C~-.Tlvllje It i)51-,,. fUSASIAITrn~:!~, U . UISASLAi 'r=,-- 1059 7,'rL!C'r k -TS r :L 1. (0 62,-~,"6.il Ul . Army S,'pal Intelligme Agency, Axlin,,~w. Va. frans. of LZhamal felccImidiuskol I'lZiUl (u-s'siq 0413 tv. 1.31 ii,5.--, Lff. 107- Inic1ligiliffity, *SpLv,-cb u-amn,d~~,!Jcm, *,Sp(x~clt repre~?Lnwtion, Clesearch IMethods-CommmiLcadon lboory, rl', offka d rechou Strvkts V. 10, no. 1) Acduxv.AVtion of ~Cetylene in Cqndensers. of LiTdd- DuAo - i %practio6ting Appamtua.. by per Zh Tekh 1?iz, Vol pp 116-122. 1943 AEC Tr (Avail Brookhavon) IS-cientific Physics Hoy 1949 CM PC Magnawtic Field Memp by A. 0. X&Usbnikml y"USSIANI, , zhur "10- ~ .; Vol XITIP RO 7/8) 443p pp 7(0)77-4~ io 3Z,3 * c ir, M-1; ATI= P-M-8938/LTI sci - ftmtes 140/ V ~1~ " i= 1956 On Combustion in a Turbulent Flow., by K. I., Sheh-elkin, 16 pp. RMM, Reg,- Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol XM,, No 9-10,1 1943., pp 520-530. Q Sci Tram Center BT-541 Scientific - Aeronautics CTS/DEX Chmps in Diopersion of Optical Class as a Result of Mwxmal Treatmentj by V. A. MMIwkmya RUSSDN#_RLr, Zb= Takh Piz. Vol XIII.. No 9-10o 1943o N 566. D-8-1!~T 472 Scientific - PbUsics Conditions Prod-(-JinC a Marked Degeneracy in Electron Gas, by K. S. Shifrin. RUSSIAN,, per, Zii)ur Tekh Fiz, Vol XIV, pp 40-~2. IML Tr 16 6cmM -ArAlysts by tbe r4d"j MAW4 by V. L. Gl"cumg. Pff ~` Tem f" val mv. i~o % 4sr4:t. pp 101-191 '11' Z-cl-llris Jun 0'.; 261.Um On Jerks ("stick-slip") In Friction by A. Yu. IshlinskiY and I.V. Kragel'ski ~* RUSSIAN, per, Zhurnal Tekhaicheskoi Fiziki, Vol XIV, No 4/5, 1944, pp 276-282. CSIRO oct. 62 Ff.-Vect of Admixtures of Antlzwy and Tlelluri= on the Electrical Properties of Selenims BY 1, L, r=lmkii, and D. Be Naeledov, ,eull translatlon6 RUSGUN,t mo perj, Zhur Tobh Piz ffln3, va xnx, I N 0 110 12" 1943v xv U7 ABC Tr lh2j USSR Scientif ic - Pbysica, cbemistry, antimonyl, Ullurim, aelni= Uov 52 Influence of Excited States of the Impurity A'Uoms on the Electric Properties of Seiai -Conductors , by K. S. Slii'Lriri. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Tekh Fiz, Val XIV, 19~4, PP 43-46. NRL Tr 20 I On the Theor, of Electric PropertLes of Semi-,Metals, j by K. S. Shifrin. RUSSLAIT, per, 4"hur Telffi Fiz, Vol XIV, pp Igh4. NIM Tr 17 Zhur Tekh Fiz Vol 14, page 97-8 (1944) Coupled Oscillations of Plasma and A Vaculm Resonator. by Ya. 1. Frenkel I . AEC Trans (avail. Brookhaven) Zhur Tekh Fiz Vol 14, page 99-107 (1944) Factors Determining the Intensity of Oscillations in the Plasma of a Gas Diecharge, by A. A. Slutskin and A. T. Maidanov. AEC Trans (avail. Brookhaven) The Burning of a Rapid Stream in a Pipej, by Ya. B. Zelldovichj, 23 PP- - RUSSIM,, per# Zhur Tekh Vol X:EVP No 3s, 1944,. PP 163-171-.--- qJIUA- - Sci Tram center IRT-1948 Saientific - MoIcs Jan 55 MEAM '10/ iop' .r-'r,lencrv. P, 'llf!" FLOW OF LIGUIDS IN -MIN FILNIS (Techcnie v Tonklkh Sicylkh). (19611 6p. 4 refs. U.U] Ni. 2733. Cjr.4c, froin 011S or~ SLA $1, 10 61-223334 (U-F.Slk) 194, v. 14, p. 427(f. D.---FZj'1lrFC)'RS: -Uquics, N:otlo'l, *Fluid flow, Thin f1iins, 'N'lhemarical analysis, Wfercrulal oqua(lons' Fluid mcchanics. 61-2.1434 1. Sernenov. P. U. MIR LLU MI. 2733 The glow of liqui "I in thin layers In the presetic C 0 a sharp cotincerflow of gas were investigatod. Six ,if- fc.cat re-11"imei of tlow are described, the existence of which we-.rc demonstrated mparlmentally. The bound- ary 1~" z1he op'llit-11S A flow, 1"I the calculation of gravity forces, the horizontal gra- (S04cchnn!c3--Hydraui1cs, TT, v. 6, no. 12) (over) offl.. .1 T-hi,.l Gii the 'Dwory of Dipole ExcitatiOn!, b.Y ~i- aza M. JAvln,, 29 pp. RIUS:~.TLAIJ'4 Per Zht= Te%h Fiz '-488R, V01 -C'V, J 9, pp 4 CIA 'R-"95I L Sci Jul 58 -Sotst'"ing Pcd~;,, :W~. Yn Vol X-S!, i) 't 1944, Trcms Center 7T-52~1 ~Id Controlled MaLmetrou and Scm of ito ApplicaI7. -ons im-the Aangm. of Hedi= Ultra-short a'nd' :,im. ter Waves.,-.by -.gnd A. M.,, ~inche -301AN.,, per,, Zhu,r Takh Fi zp Vol nT,, 1944j, N~ 611-622. ABC Tr .,--ntific - Electronics Nov 1949 CTS Zh Tekh Fiz Vol 14, page 630-7 (1944) Quantum Discontinuity of Light and Discreteness of Sensations, by S. Ya. Lifshits. AEC Trans (avail. Brookhaven) CHERTAVSK=2 A. K. mmn Twi. FiuKio voi 14,j No 9,, 1944 EX of z.~urfaces ,Lfect of Dibricant on F*.sical Condition Ootained in Iolling or )rawirig of Metals Bmtcher -ir 2156., $4-75 (FW 1929,k) C=vausedou of radio Divt=bv=es., by Ya. L. Alp '.art,$ S. 11. "., xv, 34 VP- .RUWW, mo p=, Zhur..Tekh' F'I'zq Vol XIV; Do 12$ 1400COVAmaingiva-I 104., pq 730-748. MAUD/U-5656 uss Sci - L"lectronics Mar 54 CTS Excitaticm of Resownce by Air Flow; by D. I. Blcl:hlntsev,, RMIAN., mo per$ Zhur Takh Piz., Vol XVj, No 1/2, 1945. NaVy Tr 1384'/T 270 Sal - phyelce mar 1957 GM/dex --"QrQ,W;:O Lcpcn4ence of the Resistarce of Selenium -ftiers 'for Raveraed Curre-at, by D. N. Nasledov. translation. '310 no perj Mur Tekh Fizp Lv=-2, Vol Xv, No 'I.. pp 206-2114 AEc * 14 26 -#--ntific - Mysicap clectronicss selenium rectiflerp Nov 52 CM/DU Blot, M. I., Bresler, S. E., and RyabWn, Yu. N. A NEW METHOD OF STORING LIQUIFIED CASES, tz. by Donald C. Rich and George F. Hill. 13 June 62 [I 3)p. I ref. AOMC Trans. nr 26-62. Order from OTS (,- SLA S 1. 60 62-25576 Trans. of Zhurnal Tekhritcheskol Fiziki (USSR) 1945, v. 15, no. 12, p. 916-923, DFSCRIPrORS: 01-1quefted gaoer,, *Storage, *Con- tainers, *Gels, Foams, Insubiting materials, Aduorbents. 62-25576 1. Blot, M. I. 11. Brealer, S. L. Ill. Ryablain. Yu, N. IV. AOPIC Trans--- -; V. Army Ordnance Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal, Ala. Measurements of the mean coefficient of heat con- ducttvity of aerogel powder were conducted at tem- Nratures from Q4. 5 to -195.80C and with various pressures of the air which filled the par,!a of the at~ro- gel in the Interval from 2 x 10'6 to 760 ram of mercury It was shown that thermal radiation is retarded by (Engineering- - Chemical, 17 ~ . .~, ~ii .. .~.) (over) ffect of Impurities 'in Selenium on thaa F.Icctrical E 2 Properties of Selenium Rectifiers., by 11. A. Peninp K. V. Astakhov. Full translationo R17,3SIAllp mo per$ Zhur Tekh Fizo Vol Vjl~ ~7-1 2j ls~46,j pp 199-2o6. MC Tr UOSR 'Scientific - Electronics Jul 53 PRINCIPLES OF A METHOD FOR STUDYING THERMAL CONDITIONS IN SOILv BY A. F. CHUDNOVSKIY,, 7 PP- RUSSIANs PERo- VOL XVI., NO 2o 1946p PP 243-248. - 2377 AEC TR-4778 SCI - PHYS Nov 61 173o,XW The Contact Method of Measuring the Thermal Properties of Solid Insulators, by A. F. Chudnovskiy, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, hi,. T Y01 XVIO No 2, 1946, pp 24q-6%Ki"L=4- &-of'. SLA Tr R-865 Sci - Physics j-,2, -5 16' sep 57 L.I. Levintov A source of light for the spectrum analysis of metal I lds In hard bodies. e, RMIAN per,, Zhurnal TekniEdskoi FixW, 1946.. Vol Mo So 3s Sci Mkiseum Llb No 50/3075 VettlM and Wength of Afflmlon.# by P. P. mbako, ir. x. mumio 6 Iv. mss=.. pw.. zhurloom ns, Vol xn.. 1946.. pp f-X 1,5.2j Corpa Of &a Onm lee Pamafrout Tr 59 Sai- Pbo,, Geopb" j-jl7 17 /4? Jan 59 The Nature of an Undersm Nebo, b7 V. S. Anaetaxevlcb'. RUSSXM; co perp Zbw Tokh Fitp Vbl XVZ,, No 3v ).946p PP 37lw3731, AM Tr 556 Bel Tr Center DIM T.40.9. scientific - 000physles Aug 1951 C" VICZ of uI_I,racc,-&trM;,pc, by V. 1. Sokolov, 6 pp, M STKTT~ ppx, 7,Yur,.__Tekh FIzp Vol 16.. No 40 1946. Sci Mumum Lib No 51/1687 -London See Also U.S. Hat. Adv. Comm. for Aarenautics tech. mom. 1272(8). Rosonance SOUM AbGm-ber With YWding Mial, by N. Rzbevkin, 26 p9 RMSMIT per, plz 'VOI Mo No, 4 2946 Bft Unwd- tatast Natimal Adrjm.,y Camittee.f~or Aeromutics 'Titclmical:m=ormnd-um IM All /I D-(j Behavior of fast moviAg flov of compressible gas in cylindrical pipe in presence of cooling by 0. A. Varshavkkiy,, 8 pp RUSSIAN per - Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiaiki, 1946, vol 16 no 4, PP 413 - 416 Sci Museum Lib, no 52/0132 The Effect of the Speed of theiiesistance of Metals to P-astic Deformation, by L. D. Sokolov, 9 pp. ROSSIM!, rno per, Zhur Tekb Fiz, Vol XVI) 1946) pp 41-3-71-442. ~g~' AEC Tr 3o86 NACA N L1158 Sci - Phys Nov 57 Tha0r7 Of Fati9w Strenath in the Complex Stresued State, by N. 11. Afat~P'evs 18 PP- A RUSSIM r Zhur Tekh Fiz,, Vol X71, NO It, 19h6, PP 443-PeTJ 4 Sci Tr= center RT-904 Scientific CTS/= 1,5echanical p.-operties of Son-Ferrous AUOYO under Static Load at Inv Temperatures,, by V. 1. Kostenctas 8 PP. R=IM, per, zhur Telsh Viz, Vol Vl,, No 5P 1946Y pp 527-538- (loan COPY OniY) sci Aug 58 siA R-1847 7dj 03-14490 KosEencts, V. 1. Ind Ivincticnko, A. INI. MECIIAMCAL PROPLiIIIES OF METALS A1,11) 1. Kostcnm, V. L 1-111,111 S'IIA'JIC J,I)AD AT WV, TEMI'LR- 13. IvanchankE4 A. St AMILS (-1960.ind -2530 Q. IV. SOLDEH. [1963][8]p. M. Tifle: Sokler Order from C,TS or SL.A $1. 10 63-1,1490 Trams. Of Z11LIM-A TCUUIiL:hCkJ~0i Fizild (LISSR) , -T - 19-16, V. i ;-ffo-. , -11. ~),') I)LSCRIVIURS: *Mctals, *Soldcrin~,, ft1loys, OSUver iiolders, *I k-ad alloys, Statiu, $1-ow teinNraEure research, *Muchanica.1 propcrttes, Mimsurcintriat. 'Ibis comiounication containt; dic residrn of mcimure- inemn. at t 17, - L900 mid -25311 C of tile tell rary teiisile urcvkg~ rezidunI :LCpall ;,on- and Late" conirIctioll- V of iitnL types of 8oft solciers wtth a lead content of 10,', to 75-1-~,, mul a tin contait Of 9W, to 251,',, arvi (if two types olhard E;Uver rolders. (Audior) MIN d TKII" (NIctallwgy, v. W, no. 2) Chernov, L. A. FLONY AND DENSITY OF ACOUSI-ICAL ENFR('Y IN A NK,VING MEDIUM, tr. by 0. W. Ku;shinoff. 24 Ap, 62, 6p. 2 refs. APL/JHU VG 230-T201. Order from OTS $0.,50 62-1 L681 TrHfi~;. Of "hUrnal Feklinicheskol HzIki (USSR) 1946, v. Ib, no. 6, p. M-7,36. DESCRIPTORS: *Acoustics, *Sound, Propagation, Density. Velocity, Pressure, Ceometry, Numerkal analysis. New formulas are derived for flow and density of acoua- tical energy In geometric approximation, depending only on the potential of acouatical velocity and not con- taining acoustical pressure. 62-11681 1. Chernov, L. A. 11. APL/11M TG-230-T29I 111. Applied Physics Lab., Johns Jlc~klns U_ Silver Spring, Md. 1 V. Contiact NCJrd-~386 (Phy3ics- -Acoustics. Yr, V. 8, no. 4) 01fi- f T-6-1 S-11-1 On Sintering (In the Solid Phase)by B. Ya. Pines. RUSSIA%', pur,, Mumal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, Vol 16, No 6, 1946, Vp 737-743. ,~!-.,C sci/~!ech,, Civil blt!ist Vi I-larine Jm 67 ;-A. Vol Zil,- PCs Y7 to The Optical and Electrical Properties of Silver Films on Glass, by P; X. Morozov,, U. At. Butslov. RUSSU&N, per,.Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol XVI, No 8, 1946, pp 8 7~4 ERDL, Fttelvoir T-1719 (AD - 600225) 0 -T 15'6 8 I Sci Museum 49/4q2 Great Britain Sci - Phys Oct 64 267,624 th', Abrah- by r-,.w4 Fiz Vol 16, page Generation of Power Electrical Oscillations in the Low Pressure Discharge. by V. L. Granovski and T. A. Suetin. AEC TPUNS (avail. Brookhaven) Mb"aremat of th fbarml Cmdrm,~;tzvlty of lad Selfiftp by To A. D=T~ivj, 7 ppe MKOMP part -Mur Vku lUm Vol Mp No lo's 19468 pp WA R-1&* $91 / f ,v,, ell 69 , e /, ty - .1 " ja 58 The Applioation of Single Cryatals to the btudy of the Structure of Tempered Marten5ite,, by G. Kurdyumov,, L. Lyeak. RUSSIAN, per.. Zhur Tekh Piz, Vol XVI., No 11., 1946, PP 1307-1318- Sei Tr Center BT-3109 Sci - Physics jan 1956/CTS No 77 'face Tc:--tue of Ni(:kQl and C4)Ipcr ncotmltepo)jjts by S.p M. Xechargin. F ZLr TQkh FiZ, Vol XV.Tj, no Uj 15461, op 1~25-1336,~ Scl, Tir Contcr Scl - physigo Joi 19r,-6, CTS go 77 The Fomation of Supersaturated Vapour in the Process of Its Condensation on a Surface, by A. G. Amelin, 32pp IZUSSIAN, per, Zhu=al Tekh Fiz, Vol 160 194,61 No 12. pp 1409-172-( - OTS Tf-64-19977 Sci - Eng June 67 529,467 MULUge~-~Rwalcz,pooropertles of Cold- Drawn Mrsom During Annealing,, by 0-OpIr"OTIO ORMIAllp per- 7,%"" z"Also Vol xvis no 120 pp 1475--Uk-.- scientific - minfiktalo lrutcbw Tr So 3404 $6.90 AVr so 55 Cm aq "wry of DatowtIM ja ftewo by Ue Bo Z81d0l'clby A rp, nxwm,t RW, z4Rr I.I& MA TO, vn, ft 1, 1947.9 pp 3-26* 62-20119 Renne, V. 1'. RAT17 OF SFI-F-D[SCIIARGF AS A CRITFRION FOR 1. Retine, V. T. ESTIMATING '171117 VALUF Or A PAPFR CONIPFNSFR MTH 1). C. POITNTIAL. 3 Nov 47, Sp. (figs. refs. omitted). Order f rom OTS or SLA $ 1. 10 62-20315 Trans, of '[Zhurnal Tekhniclieskot _ELz(kjLaISSR) 1947, 1 P' v. 17, no. I DESCRI1117ORS: *Paper capacitors, Direct current, Measurement, Diclectrics, *Flectric potential, Flectri- cal conductance, ionization, Flectric discharges. Inve~4tigatio;i riiad,. of Elie p1wilomenfin of nif-di-i- diarge of Paiy conJvii,4er.~ as viell as a suggestioa to a,pply flic: ra,.c of sulf-di.~,:Iiarge as a criterion for the evaL.latio;,. of 'hc jlldlit~. LOf these condensers wheil (Phys'ics-Fleciricity, -17, v. 9, no. 10) anke at Technics[ SCMEME ZFUIFN TEKH FIZ Vol XVII., No 1 Jan 1947 4 PP "On the Mechanism of the Electrification of Certain Artificial Aerosols (Smoke)" A. M. Flirman Avail at Brookhaven See Guide to Fuss Sci Per Lit., Vol 1. No 7, page 51 2Th2 The Phenowna of Amomodation of ~Xgnatio Permeability of Yagaetite, by A. M. Vyukhina, A al , 26 pp * RUSSIAN, mo per, Zhur Takh Fis, Vol XVII., No 2. 191+7,, pp 129-W. Sai Tr Center Rr-2889 Scientific - Pbysica -~ -~. ----1 / 4 Jan 56 CTS/dex The Synchronization of a Tube Oscillator by a Harmonic of the Fundamental Frequency, by 0. A. Tkhorzhevski, B. K. Shembell RUSSM, per, Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol XVII, 1947, pp 215-230- ABC Tr 1118 Scientific - Physics ZHUR TEKH FIZ Vol XVII, No 2 Feb 19h7 h PP "The Condition of Self-Excitation of Tube .--scillators with Coupling and the Frequency of Oscillations Generated in Them, with an Account of Inertial Pro- cesses in Tubes" E. S. Antselevich Proi 1596 D-3-50 F 2 4130-~)-9 Abstr of Tech Intell Doc (Navy) CIA 314572 NA London Ser 3496-49 by Min of Supply ID 555753 P 20972T 29 Apr 1949 11T20 7A(.OROTSKIM$ '-). ?.I Zhurnal Tekhnicherkoi 'Fiziki, vol. t7v No. 3, ~ f i pres,, TO woAls; 19117. Duc-tiles-, Brittle,, and C-~acks in 1-pact 'iest Pieces. m u r 1 o1 21;' )1. Dzutchcr ,ra-w) rdo .1 On the Cbemical Compoaition of Antimony-Caeciun Layerso by N. S. Milobnikov, 22 pp. FaU translAtion. Russia. MIM Tvkh MR 19470 Vol x7no so 30- pp 333-:~Z' , -.- . Sci Ma Mb No 521-V0 Sqlentific - Phyalco 27 December 1952 on the Photoeaectric Ptqwties of Antimm- Caesium Cathodes in Trawmitted Light as a Function of the Myer ThIcknessv by D. H. Khorosho 13 yp. Full translation. MXSIU,, ZInw TO& riz, 1947, Vol 17., No 3. pp 34148. Sci Mus Uh No 52/32V Scicntific - Physics 27 December 19152 ZHUR TEKH FIZ Vol XVII, No 4 Or 1947 8 pp IlThe Possible Power of Electrical Viscous 'A'aves" M. A. Levitskaya Available at Brookhaven See Guide to Russ Sci Per Lit., Vol 2. No 3. Page 118 llTlO on the Use of the Geiger-!Wler Counter for the Cbemical AualyaI3 of Small Contents of glemnts in Various Meterials, by 11. D. Borisov,, Ya. H. ftael. TrMew,,-M, zurn tokh f Vol XVII, So 5x 1947. Brutcher Tr No 2015 Scientific - Cbitmistry $8.90 t4 , 4 t -, o 7 e C Molecular Theory of Friction., by, V. S. Shqhedrov, 7 P--,-;. PUSSUJI, oer, -hur Telzdi Piz, Vol XVII, No USSI-', PP [3-1i 1947. IrEL 167 C LA, 915---f 2 37 76' 1 A Study of the Dependence of the Resistance of bbtal and Amorphow SubBtances to Plastic Defon3ation on the Speed of Defomation and the Tempemture, by L, D. S'Okolov, 7 pp. RUSSIAN. mo perl Zhur Tekh Fiz Vol XVII, 1947, PP 543-548. PEC Tr 3075 Sci - PhYB W-/O Nov 57 Reolotawo Electrical UMMMIJUMM Iran-Orcolum-Cmrbon Alloyo at Higb TeaTersturesp by M. R. Usater. RUSSXU,, Mar 29th jtIz. Vol XVII, So pp ftutcher Tr So 2738 Scientific - mio/fttols $5.60 Borisov, N. D. and Fogel, Yi. M. , DE TOEPASSING VAN EEN GEIGER-IOULUR TFL- L.ER VOOR DE ('IIE%IiSCf H; ANALYSE VAN VPR SCI IILLENDE ELEMENTEN IIIJ I AGE CONCE'N'TRA - TIES (1-Tse of the Geiijer-NI(Iller Counter in the Chewi- cal Analysis of Simill Concent-raiionsof E-Nemen(s in Variou- Suhqzance~,). 201). 12 refs. 5ij, (te'xt ill Dutch). Order frmn O'l S or FTC. ;1 61 -1 -(,r7 Trins. of Zhurrm I Tekhnichesl:oi FizM v. 17, P. 500-612. 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Isatchev RMIM per Zbur Tekb Mj, Vol VIL No 7s, 1947., pp Drutcber Tr 3213 Scientific Minerals/metals CTS/DXX Price $2.80 Ij ZHUR TEXR PIZ Vol XVII, No 9, 1947, 17 pp "Emission of m Oxide Cathode" 6. V. Ptitsyn Available at I~Dookhaven See Guide to ituss Sci Per Lit, Vol 2, No 3, P. 118 MMC F-TS-7%6-RF 40T82 4 On Diffusion ConatantB~ by S. Gerzricken, I. Deghtyar. IRUSSIAN, per) Zhur Tekh riz, vol xvi7, No 8, 1947P PP 871:4 ~0- - DSIR LLU 14. 1666 Sci - Phyo Oct 61 / / I-J" The Influence of a Third Element o~a Diffusion in the Solid State, by S. Gerzricken, L Deghtyar. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Tekb Fiz, Vol XVII, No 8p 1947, pp 881 -- - DBIR LLU M. 1665 Set - Phys / / e 7-.~ -.z' oct 61 ZHUR TEXH PIZ vol xvii, No 9, 1947, 4 pp "Auto-electronic 6mission of Complex Semiconducting Cathodes" N. D. Morgulis done by AMG capj~!~~_ fe 40T90 The Temperature Dependence of Ice'Viscosity, by V. V. Lavrovs 6 pp, RUBBLU4,, pars Zhur %%ft riz Vol mis NO 9,0 3.947,j pp 1027-1-myr-~ Sci Tr Center RT-222B Scientific - Physics CTS 69Mm 55 0,71111- 4 / ZHUF, TaH FIZ Vol XVII, No 10 --8c1t l9by "Phenomenon of Improving Semiconductors by Current Carriers Under the Effect of Contact Field" ~7/~IfO V. I. Lyushenko, A. M. Pavlenko AEc/BNLAr-123 49T81 IEMAS# Do M* HIGULTNJ, V. V. The Opmtion of a Blooldng OsciUn tors RUSSIAN, zhur Tekh Fiz, Val XVng go 100 1947m, pp U71 - 2180. Aso Tr 567 ZHUR THKH FIZ Vol XVII, No 10 "Surface Ionization of Barium on Tungsten" G. A. Morozov AEC/E-ML/tr-125 AEC Tr-98 AEC Trans List dated 20 Jan 50 Oct 1947 51/4 pp 49T82 of On o", X`ll i Ce 21- I'T-137 IMSEK~o V. A. Zhurnal tekhn. fiziki,, vol.- No. 11, a figures,, 12 tables, 560D words; 1947, Investigation of Procesi-of Density Increase in the Sintering of Single-Phase Metal Powder Compacts. Part 1. -4 Brutcher Trans, Order M64 2119~~1$8-40-