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OiL2 4000w 5(0z rRee L ~~ Thicimess of Maasion Crystals and the Resolvinz Pmrer of Photogr~rhic Emil Ions,, by 1. R. Protes, P. Kh. Pru,-sl Yu. A. Kmkau,, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Prik Dim, Vol XXIIj, No 91 19493 r,p 973-989-.-" CIA#M/X-lVl /0, W/o A Study of the Processes Which Thke Place in the Zinc ELectrode of a Cell with an Alkaline Electrolyte., by Z. A. 16fa., et al, RUSS=# pers &'wnal Prikladnol MiUdi, No 9. 1949., :pp 983-954. ACSI J-1176 n22o4o5"6 Sci-Phys Mar 67 320,403 ,41ftorption Method for the BeIAMUM of Anabsoinel b- M. S. Rabiwv:Lcht R. A4 Nonovalam. mo per, Zh= PMR Xhimy Vol =, Wo 9., 19~9,, mop pp 995--=---~ AmBOCL Tech Sv Iti-6 Elci - Chemistry $8.50 (41-75) Aua 54 / ri, / cl~ Al Ij UnWipg of XM% Bata sua (~ddUj, 1* A. U - Zvol7kill.. ftu tra=lAtt= - . ik M RMUNP Pa., ME Pr py 1063 -3467. -.~ ~iq Vo:rvmlr No 100 194.9p Navy Tr 632/IML *)9 um 8cientific Cbemistry DIM t iltc of ',lotion of Droplcts,, by 11. 1. L. 7-o per, 2-hur Pril- Khim, Val XXII., No 10, UzS.-M-,, 1060-1077- C24 ABC Tr 1508 ic - Clx-4illstry, droplets The Fotential J~alanco of an Electrolyser, by V. P. "Zshoveto 1 0. V. Foreb1cm, 5 pp. Full translatioD. 111158M. 0 mo per.- bur-91-IR W,11m, Vol XXIIJ so 10, MUR3 19.4% pp 10"'13-3.0w0 CIA/M E-22 WWR Scientific Oct 52 Cri C u a4alytic E'ffcct Of Rocko on the Chang,.% in Petrolculn C03POsition, by A. F. D0")rYan,9-',dy,, et al. U-TIUL p Pel, Prik..ajm., Vol XXI,, jjo 10" i~o,49.. pp 1124-1132. ATS RJ-1835 sci - (1--ophys Jn n 6o -2- Kimtics of Absorption., by M. Kh. 1'" -zhinevskiyj P. V. Pamfilov, 9 Pp. 1 tranalation. per,, Zhur. ft-i'klad. Khim., Vol XXII,, "49. PP AM Tr 11/3/5/343 Oz 64 770 --iontific - Chemistry Dec 53 CTS/M lit The Dependence of the "locity of Drops on the Velocity of the Medi=$ by 1. 1. Brdrnav., V. L. Ruban, 3 PP. RUSSIAN, per., Zhur Prik Xhim., Vol 22~ no- U, NOV 194% PP 1m:1213. See Fmbourough., Hants; Royal Aircraft Establiabmant. Library translation No- 371". TY 0258 BF -T 4 ev Sai Maneum Lib no 51/2o66 4.1 firl ~Orl The Mcchanitn, of Mint Formation in 41.*ha Manufteture of Sulfuric Acid Employing Ritraw Vitr iol, by A. G. Amelia., A. I.. Baranova, 7 RUBBL439 per,, VgrXNRTrXU Vol MI, no i2l 1949, PP It 1225-1:230. Meoc Tech Sv RJ-420 37,; fd Y410-95 PO Box 271, slot OranV, 12. J. Sci - Chemistry Aug 19% Zhur Prik Xhim, 22, 1279-83, (1949) "Mod ificf2 t ions of Vrevskiyls Calorimeter" Yu. Ya. Kagarovich (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Halura, Leningrad) (Wilson Dam 2`395) luvastigation of Pha2e EquLlibria of the Tarnary System Pbonantb:7;am-Acenabbtb--ne-Fephthal--ne) by Yu. F. Ye..Iocbko-Zhovnirj 8 M! ~b M3810, per., Zbur Prik Mimp Vol 22)"(12), 1949, vp 1292-1297. 15"~- - ~ of) 9 P- pt 5,,. Mose-t-ihi 0) L :Y) /~ Tine Cc;-.-soo:-,ition of "Hqrmfful" I'll-tch in, NanufactiLre of Paper, by 1,~ilevckcaya, S. 0. Kharad, EUSSIful: tw, perk xxii, -t Vo 12) 1949) PP 1310-1320. Nat Res Lib TT-555 Ot"Caus, Canada Sci -- Che-mistry 3 4(~ The Non-Equ13ibrium Distributhion of Almerv AD- cording to Vibrational Degrees of Freedom of the Molecules During Disturbance of the )UxMU Dis- tribution, by A* 1. OsIM UA Is. V. StuP00hanko- RUSSIM, pert zhur, bdk-Wp iakbM2 I To-kn. Wild Vol 3. 19639 PP 41-44, NLL f= 3649 Sci-YIWzics Nov 67 345031 - T- 1 11 1 7 TUESNINT, It. V , ATS. An additional comment on the artlele by A. I-.. Bryukhm)uv, N.G. Ardasl)vva and L.P. SvIrina, "T'Azf-E x V.11titled "MagacLiziltloij of pci-malloy III a longitudinal ColisLaut maguetic field (letter to the t!ditor.) ~Itur. -1z., 19, no A2, p. 1445 -1447, 1949. (31) 1-o ZMMRAL PRIKIADNOI KH-IZ411 (Journal oC Ap~lled Chemistry - 211 issues/year Iranslatlon begins with 1950p Vol. 23 lag tine! ca. 10 months Order Crom: Plenum Publishing Coroomtion 227 West 17th Street Now York, N.Y. 10011 19711 t 250.M/year t 30.00 single Issues 1 15.00 sinele artle!" Papko, S. L ME ACTION OF HOMOGENEOUS CATALYSTS. L Papko. S. L [19641 21p (figs omitted) 1ref 11. SLA-R-3046 Order froffn OT'-, SU, or ETC $2.60 Tr-64-10755 ~ Trans. of -'Zhurnal Prikladnot Khijnii (USSR) 1950, v. 23, no. 1, p. 8-20. Another trans. is available from SLA as R-03046, 14p. (Chemistry- Physical, TT, v. 11, no. 12) 1 Offl.. .1 T-h.5-1 S-i ... Niarkacheva, T. M. and I,ebedvv;~. G. N. HET BEREIDEN VAN NICOTINEZLTP~ UIT DE ZWARE ~ BASEN VAN iTEE,Q,!!I-INTT--.C-R (~rciviradon of 1. Nicotinic Acid from the I leavy Bases w-o.,ii nir).- 11, 12p. I ref. %IML: 352. (Tcyt. in Dutcii),-, 111. Order from OTS or MM" $I. K-, (A-17562 1\7 . Trans. of Zhurwl Prikladnot Kiliniii WSSR). 1950, v. 23, no. 3, p. 21)1)-305. DPSCRIM'ORS: 'Coil Tar, 'Nieotinic Acid, PrLparl- tion, I'vridine derivativeq. 61-17562 Nlarkachma, 1'. M. Lebedeva, G. N. NITWL-352 stichting W~ili k TOO &Cn,"Chip- pelilk e L-It6ratuur offi- .4 T-h.k.l S~ir- Oreshko, V. F. DE OXYDATIE VAN STEENKOOL ONDER NIET ISO'IIIF,Rhll--'OMSTANDIGHMEN (Oxidation of coal in I non i~othcrm ctreulligLinces tr.byG.J.M.Frirschv. I 15 p. I I refs Nfl'%Vl.:471 .(Text in Durch) Order from OTS or HTC' $O.KO 61 - 1 '701 () ~IIT Tr;jn,.nf Zhurml PrlkI:idnc)!Khinni OISSR) 1950 v. 2:3, p.30(, - i1 fi. M 1701") Coal Combustion Or esh ko, V. 1: NfTwl. 11 Stichdt4~ Nlocilijk Ttwganke lijkc Welenschappelijke t itL-- ratt3ur h c -al imotiptlo lk"i oebeadc of Magnedum Phosphntes nd W C), by A. P. ' TSYBtem 1'%O-P205-~O at 25 9. No Shultginn' -17 'P~'. Belopollskiy, So 0 Shpunt, M RUSSIAN, per, Mur Prik M Vol XXIII, N 1950, Pi., 823-336. MA R-3039 sci Sul 59 F 3 F Monthly Periodical Zhur Frik Khim., No 7., AcadeuT of Sciences IESR., Moscow., 1950. Table of Contents Scientific-Chemistry .LlzeraL USSR Russian MAG Tr/OJAT-2 9 UNCIASSIFIM Dec 1950 CTS Novikova, E.N. and Pecrova, L.N. DE KWANIT17ATIEVE BEPALING VAN KETONEN DOOR OXIMVORMMIG (Determination of ketones by an oximation merhod). 13 p. Q refs. hnVL: 442 (Text in Dutcb). Order from OTS or ETC $1.95 61-17047 Trans. of 7hurnal Prikladnol Khirnii (USSR), 1950, v. 23, no. 12, p. 1336-1343. DESCRIPTORS: *Ketones, *Oximes, Determination. 61-17047 1. Novikova, E.N. ,.Petcova, L.N. 111. Mr%VL-442 IV. Stichting Nioeffilk Toegankelijke Wetenschap- pelijke Literamur. Offi- F 7-64-1 S-I... Smirnov. N. 1. and Ruban V. L. RELATIEVE TRANISPORTSNELHETD VAN DRUPPELS IN HET OVERGANGSGESIED (Relative velocifles of motion of drops In the field of transition). 9 p. 4 refs M'MIL: 465 (Text in Dutch). Orderfrom OTS or ETC $1.55 61-17030 I-ranv. of Zhurnal Prikladnof KhImli (USSR) 1951, v. 24, no. 1, p. 47-55. DESCRWX'0115: *Drops, *VelDciry, Reynolds number. 1; 6 1 - jj. LA NL-LM-14jQ9 \Oyo\ rp-61 6 L-1 0 NIL- L m . L~ To 61-17030 1. Smirnav. N. I. 11. Ruhan, V.L. Ill. MTWL-465 TV. Stichting Motilljk Toegankelijke Wetenschap- pelilke Literaruur. OFR-F T."Mc.1 S"..% Smirnov, N. 1. and Li Dc Ep. STROMMG DOOR EEN LAAG VASTE DEELTJES. (Fluid flowthrou a layer of solid particles). 11 p. I 9 refs. hlrrWl,: Z (Text In Dutch). 11 Grder from OTS or ETC $1.85 61-17029 111 IV Trans. of Zhurnal Prikladnot Kbimii (USSR) 1951, v. 24, no. t, p. 56-60. DESCRIPTORS: 'Boundary layer, 'Particles, 'Fluid flow, 'Gas flow, 61-17029 Smir-nov, N. 1. Li De Ep. MTVL-464 Stichting MoeUijk Toegankelijke Wetenschap- pelijke Literatuar. afh-f T.CWcO SOM... Smirnov, N.I. and Li De Ep. EEN GESUSPENDEERDE LAAG BOLVORMIGE DEELTJES (Suspended layer of spherical particle.,;). 12 p. 3 refs. NITWL-494. (Text in Dutch) Order from OTS or ETC $0, go 61-17013 Trans.of Zhurnal PrikladnoT Khimii (USSH~ 1()51, v.24 no.4, p.38,3-391. 6~-17013 1. Ilydrodynamics I .Smirnov, N.1- 1] .U De Ep 1 11. NIVIWL-404 IV . Stichting NiocilijkToegauke- lifte We Itenschappellike I.itc- ramur GIR~. .1 T-64.1 S-k.. Kishinevskit, M.Kh. and Kerdivarenko, M.A. KINETIEK DER ABSORPTIE VAN KOOLZUUP GAS DOOR NATRONLOOGOPLOSSINGEN IN EEN MENG- I VAT M`FT PROPELLERROERDER BIJ HOOG TOEREN- 11 TAL (The kinetics of the absorption of carbon III dioxide by solutions of sodium hydroxide In a high- IV speed propeller agitator), 14 p. I ref. hnWL: 462 (Text in Dutch). Order from OTS or ETC $1, 95 61-17027 Trans. of Zhurnal Prikladnot Khtnaft (USSR) 1951, v. 24, no. 4, p, 413-420. DESCRinms: 'Carbon dioxide, *Sodium compounds, *Hydroxides. Adsorption, Stirrers, Chemical reac- tions, Velocity. 61-17027 KishinLvskit, M. Kh. Kerdivarenko, M.A. MTWI_462 Stichting Mocilift ToMnkelijke Wetenschap- pelifte Litcramur. 61-13422 PInchenov, T. G. nnd Kuzin, 1. A. 'IM' SITARMION OF XYLENE [SOMERS BY AN 1. Titlo: Xylole AD&DAMIGN MUMOD (ANDI FRACTIONATION OF I - Plachellov, T. G. TK,!114iC.AL. XYLOLE BY AN ADSOAMVE ll. Kuzin, I. A. MI,MIOD. 1)96011221p~ 13refs. IDSIR LLU)?.12065. 111. Tula: Fractionsilon Order from O"I'S or SLA $2. 60 61 13422 IV. DSIR LLU M~ 206,5 L rims. a [71ucnal -ir;k4titinoi-KhimI1j-(USSR) 1951, - - V. 2.1, no. 4. 421-452 and 1952, Y. 25, no. 2, F p. 224-22S. DESCRIFIrMS: Separatlon, *Xylencs, Fractionation, Aasurpti,xi, IsoinL-rIc Irmisitioas, Cwl tar, Chemical mw!lcas, %!,)nocycIJc cc)jnqwnds, Tolutmes, Carton, Tuwurs (Oi=istry). Uciiz(mcs. Szudic-~ of rhe adsorption properties of carbon, FAlca ~;cj .,:Li ferru-gel Aldi rcswct to the vapoorg of xylc,,c i,l oraa5 and ethylbemene, together with an invustiga- (Clicnals try- - Mys Ica], 17, v. 6, no. 12) (OVLT) Smirnov, N. 1. and Li De Ep, FEN GESUSPENDEERDE LAAC DEELTIES VA14 VERSCHILLENDE VORM (Suspended layer of particles of different shapes). 12 p. 2 refs. 1%4TWL:495. (Text in Dutch) Order from OTS or ETC $0. 80 61-17014 Trans. of Zhurnal Prikladnof Khimii (USSR) 1951, v. 2%t no.4, p.439-448. 61-17014 1. Turbulent flow I .Smirnov, N.I. 11. Li De Ep 111. XVIVU-495 IV. Stichting Moeil i jk Toeganke- lifte Wetenschappelifte Lite- rantur Offic. .1 T-6.kl $-k.. in ley. u-_ rnd em.' Zhur Prik Khim. Vol ~EUV) No ,, 15--51 .1 CaMplete translation available Consultants Bureau - CIA/IFDD L.br,-i,y ,rface of by the for T-rs'or, A, V. D. DzhaDsis~ b PP. p,Uc?SIA3q, der, Zll--r Prik 10dm, VOI. XXIV, J.951, pp SLA R-2563 lbv", r mnsiAll, poz, mm- rrLk V.,bdm usm, Vol M-4ir NO 'Lo, M,39 &T~~G 59 Synthesis of Calcium Fluoride and Hydro- Fluoric Acid From Fluosilicic Acid, by S. I. volikovichp M. G. Gabrielova. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Prikladnoi Khimii, Vol XXV) 1952, pp 345-349. SLA TT 64-203S0 May 67 3250027 Wdmgen Sulf1de AbsorgUm Bate in Aqueous Solutims of SrxU= or Patsaclum Carbonat*, ~ by M. S. Litvlnmftp MWIA3. per,. Zhur PrIkla& Mdn,. -Val MM, No 71 1952., pp 696-717. PM PJ-221$ Bel - Chm 14 r5 - #43 6)~ xv 6o ~v ~ Equilibrim Comtaat of the Reactim Al (OLT) -p"on- 3 by S,j.KuznetSavo R=1mSZ-hILr Prik MJJM, Vol >XVP NO 7: 19,52Y Assite Tech Sv IIJ 2710 PO B= 271 East Il-j scimtific - Chemistry Feb 56 Connect.ion Betwen t.he Therml Diffusion Process for Coating Yotals and the Formation of Intermetallic Compounds and Solid Solutions at Tbair Surface# by M. I. Parfenova,, N. A. 12g=isbev., 5 pp. RUSSIAN# mo pars Zhur PrIk I%1mh Vol 2=1, lio 1,0 1952A PP 752-75~9 Sci-*jscum Lib So 53/259-0 USSR 9 Scientific - Mimeralsfi~btals rob 54 CTS Binary Systems of Flourene, by V. M. Kravchenko, ll.pp. RUSSTAN, per, Zhurnal. Prikladnoi Khimii., Vol 25, 1952, pp 943-954. CFSTI TT-64-18167- 322:361 Sci - Chemistry mar.67 mins I~roblems, by 0. 1. Criufarov et al. T --r XV, K Zhur Prik Khin, Vol 1 19553, 52 :;,5. Brutcher Tr Tjo 3262 MIrj/m'etaI-- Index to the jour:qal of Applied r.,hemistry of the USSR, 43 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur RKix Prik Khim, Vol XXVI, 1953. CIA D 301298 Consultants Bureau The Transition of Calcium Sulfate Hydrates, by 1. 1. Korollkov, A. V. Krupneva. RUSSIAN, peT, Zhurnal Prikladnol Khimii, Vol 26, No 9, 1953, pp. 907-11. MTC 69-11744-07B Sci-Chem July 69 386,622 Study of the SpIllbri of MstrlbatUa of Pieria Acid Botvm WsterAnA Nitrobonsom Mo by S. V. Gorbubays Z. Ta. Xindoviche 12 pp. RUSSIM,, perp 2hur IMS KbAns VOI WUP 1953Y pp AM NP Tr-.551 L Sai - Phys uf ft 61 ZHURNAL PRIKLADNOI KHIMII Vo 1 29, Nos 4-12, 1956 Vol 30, Nos 1-12s 1957 Vo I 31j Nos 1-12, 1958 Vo Z 32.0 Nos 1-12.0 1959 Vol 331 Nos 1-121 1960 Vo 1 34, Nos 1-12j 1961 Vo I 35j Nos 1-12j 1962 Vol 36, Nos 1-12, 1963 Vo Z 37, Nos 1-12, 1964 Cover-to-cover Consultants Bureau Available at Library SeriaZs D-o-tonatien a~ Aaetylemp by H. 7. f3olukhin; 5 pp. MUM., per, 23= Prik Hft :L-TeWj-ZLZ#_jo 1., 196,01 pp 18-P.O. qov)'66~- AEC Tr-5036 ' 0 Jai - pbys mV 6-e- /~~ / 62-14552 DLnisov, Yu. N. and Troshin, Ya. K. NECHANISM OF DETONATION COMBUSTION 1. Denisov, Yu. N. (MckhanizrnDetonatsionnagoSgoraniya). 11962](561p. 11. Troshin, Va. K. (foreign text included) 21 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $5.60 62-145,52 Trans. of Zhurnal Prikladnoi Mcklianiki 1 Tokhniches- koi Fiziki (USSIQ 1960, no. 1, p. 21-35, DESCRIPTORS: 'Combustion, Ntonation, OLMonation waves, Propagation, Shock waves, Photographic analysis, Tliermodynamics, Gas", Dynamics. Proceeding from data obtained by the trace method and the method of photo -evolution on the periodic structure of detonation waves, we construct and compute a thermo-gas-dynamic model of detonation. In doing so, we attempt to clarify the elements of the detonation mechanism. (Author) (Clicmistry-Physical, 17, v. 8. no. 7) Offic. f T"h.k.1 S-i- Speed pf Sound Along the Vapor Phase Equili- brium Curve, Speed of Sound in Saturated Water Vapor,, by V, L, Avdmin. L. 1. Novikov. RUSSIAN, per, Prikladnoy Mckh i Tekhn Fiziki No 1, 1960, Pp 58-62* NASA Tf F-10,977 Sci-Phys Aug, 67 338,692 LA)zovskaya, V. F_ Pashkov, P. 0., and 62-18LOI Serebryakov, A. V. 1. Lozavskaya, V. F. COWERNIW THE SPEED OF GROW11-1 OF CRAC U. Pashkov, P. 0. DURING '171111 PLASTIC FAILURE OF METALS Ill. Serebryakey, A. V. (0 Skarosti Rosta Treshchin pri Plasticheskom Razrushenii Metallov). 11962) [28]p. (foreign tmE in- cluded) 6 refs. order fr(xn 01-o or SLA $2, 60 62-~,8101 Trans. of [7Jiurnall Pfrikladnoil MjeUianiki i1 'q-thjucheskoll Ffizikil (USSR) 1960, no. 1, p. 103- DESCRIPTORS: 'Metals. *Fracture (Mocharks), Plas- tictry, Creep, Deformation, *Failure (Mechanics), Temperature. (hicullurgy, TT, v. 9, no. 3) al TtA,*3d Strvf"s FAA11ation In a Det=&tL=,, by 1. m. V***OUdkovs 2 mg. MSDJ.. per,, -annal hikia4ml - I TWWcheskol 11 o I J L.- VP 13 3,, 1 9p .1-9 6 0 - ARS Journal SOL -'7 Val 32.. No 5 &n 62 1 qff. Flow of a Highly Heat-Coaductive Gas in the Mighborhood of the Critical Point of a RLuat Body) by A* M Klimov) 6 pp. RIMSTAN; per, Prik M-m4ch i T-ekh Fiz, Vol 1, 196o, pp 138-141. MDF K-230 9092901 Sai Calculation of Parameters, of a Detonation Wave of Condensed Explosives. by A. Ya. Apia, S pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Prikladn Mekhaniki i Tekhnige-sk" No 2, 1960, OY7 pp 54-55. C) 05 ? / Dept of Navy Tr 4647/0NI Tr 2083 Sci-Phys May 66 466iiis, The Velocity of Sound Along the Vapor-Liquid Phase Equilibrium Curve. 1he Velocity, of Sound Propagation in Saturated Carbon Dioxide Vapors, by 1. 1. Novikov, Yu. s. Trelin, RUSSIAN, per, Zhurnal Prikladn2Z Mekhanika i TekhnicheskcZ. FizTFa=,o 2, 196U, pp 112-113, NASA IT r-11,087 Sci-Phys Sept 67 341o997 Betermination of thawRelative Effect of Ifigh Explosives by the Method of Equivalent Charges Based an the Magnitude of Expansion in a Trauzl Bomb,, by A, F* Belyayev,, 13 pp. RUSSIM,, per,, Zhur Rftkla&SZ Mekhaniki i Tbkhnichesko=yJz UP No 2,, 1960,1 pp Dept of Navy Tr 4-649/ONI Tr 2082 Sci-Phys May 66 300 t?A- 7aonegtn, V. L., Kozacheako, L. S., and Kofayuchenko, V. N, AN EKPERIMENTAL STUDY OF, THE FORMATION OF A CASE(Y-TS BUBBLE AND SPOUT IN AN UNDFRIVATER HKI'LC610N (C~rNrltncnta1'noe Ga'~Owj~;o plizyrya i Sultana ITWILIJ- -,I :-!T:', N-1 2, p. 120-124. 'Explosion hubides, Gaseki, Hydra"Itc modeli, Mat4cniatical analysis, 62-14010 1. 7zonegin, V. L. 11. KozachenkD, L. S. Ill. Kostyuchenko, V. N. This j0perpTeSentS some results of an experimental srudy of the simultaneous development of a spout and (Mechanics- -Hydrodynamics, TT, v. 9, no. 10) 00-.1 T-~~i-l S-- (over) I Lamper, R. E. ON THE APPLICATION OF SOME AERODYNAMIC THEORIES TO 714E CALCULA71ON OF FU=ER OF A PANEL. [1962119]p. 2refs. Free copies available from Boeing Scientlfic Research Labs. 1.4brary as Boeing'Frans. R41. When supply Is exhausted, order from OTS or SLA $1.10, 62-18852 Trans. of Zhurnal Prikladnoi Mekhan I !~kc~i E!Z[kLWM)-196G;-5o. , p. 147-149. DESCRIPTORS: *Aerodynamic configuratlons, Oftnels (Structural), Aerodynamics, OFlutter, Equations of motion, Fourier analysis, Series, AeroelasticLty. In a linear formulation a three-dimensional am-steady linearized theory may be used to determine the aerody- namic forces arising on a panel during flutter, however, Its practical use In the majority of cases is associated (Mechanics --Aerodynamics, Tr, v. 9. no. 4) (over) 62-18852 1. Lamper, R. E. U. BodngTrans-R41 Ill. Boeing Scientific Research LAbs., Seattle, Wash. office 01 lack" knkst 62-19802 vypov, G. P. -SOLUTION OF NON-LINEAR EQUATIONS FOR TI-IE I - Vvilov, G, P. MOVEMENT Or VISCOUS INCOMPRESS113LE LIQUID IN THE SPACE BETWEEN TWO CLOSELY SITUATED SURFACES. [19621 lip. (figs. formulae omitted) 2 refsj Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 62-18802 Trans. of Zhurinall Pri~ ~noi Nd~L ~1-~ _Tekhjni ch~_sV61j_P-jzTi_ki ISR) 1960, v. I Inc. 31 DESCRWTORS: *Fluid flow, Viscosity, Liquids, Fluld mechanics, 'Equitions of motion, *Nonlinear dif- ferential equations, Numerical analysls. (Mechanics, TT, v. 9, no. 9) 1 of TtO*3d Strvicat R-5768-D 3 Sept 65 One Method for Solving Laminar Boundary Layer Equations By: A. A. Dorodnitsin From: ZH PRIK MEKH I TEM FIZ No 3, 1960 P.P111-118 ( 8 pp Russian - est, for wds: Type an original and one carbon copy. Include formlas and tabla; but do not include graphs or charts. Document can be cut for paste-up. Shape of the Explosion Crater in a Surfeco Detonation by V. X. Xurmetsovp 10 pp. MMM, per, Zhur-hikad Yakh I Tekh PL%I_ NO 3: Py 152-156,t -339W. ABC-UMM-Tr-968(L) Sci -FArth Sci & Ast -4:-ril - rozi . Oct 63 plicatin of U,4ck roi, InvaGtiLr-- On tho AV L tion of Ulemieal R-aactiow., by A - A - lbrijov km:- S. 14. KoLprko. --t all Jj -)TA H Alklaq LiqA IL~ ,. p-or, Unmal TV-1amiche:;koy Mu&' No 3., 1960j. P.,,) M-185. 11,1000O&M ETD-vIT-65-257 sci-pb,r.; Jan 67 31~`,., 196 S~mlvblLlmt cm a nat plex In tbo 31;yr-r- Sade Plw of a Mop b.7 S., so lktatcl&dzea m8las per, Mav -Pi-lk lbkb I TDLb flzb '040 r 3,Wt Fm 0=v &a-r4ya Jm 63 ~Yirectloml Throvotrb of Grouncl With the Bell) of H. S. 1,,y V. M. Namatoov: M. A. Lwment'M; B. N. Sher, I- .I:. pp. 7-IMT 4, 1960, AN, mor,,.A~w 49-50. 9093457 AM UMIL Tlr-~(L) ptgm %W 62 76 2- Cinemato.,ramapIr,, of -Ghc Study of Under-Grou.2-id E:-plosions, b-,,,, T. Belo-0-03:11ov. RUSSL~11, per, 'el-i-ir Prik I-Ten i Tekh Fiz, !To 4, 1960, PP 51-54. *AEC r Sci - plr~vs 1, '1 a r L") 2 Calculation of Paravetors~of Detonation II'laves of Condensed FAilosives, by A. Ya. Apin. I. %',. Vsokoboinikav. PIUSIPUNS ~)or YI. PrikI '~Iakh i Tokh i # Fiz, No 4, 1960, pp 54-55. 9 7L- 'I ~77T,I~ Li CR L - t;~ / 0, 0 /If- FEZ ApTil 30, 1966 Sci-L"~Itx'i F U U 6 6 Approximate Analysis of Lifting Forces on a Wing Near a a Free Surface, by A. IN. Panchenkov, 3 pp. RUSSIAN', per, Zhur Prik Mekh i Tekh Fiz, No 4, Nov/Dec 1960, pp 67-68. Navy Tr 3606/BuShips 825 Sci Nov 63 Creep of Duralumin Subject to Constant and Variable Loads, by V, So Namestnikov, RUSSIAN, per, Zhurnal Prikladnoi Mekhaniki, i Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, No 4, 1960, pp 90-95. NTC-71-15576-20K Feb 72