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i, A Lm ~~ A 'A F f-1, I A I 1~ L u SH I IV PL A TF !,rkm- I HGVEP TR A, LE R I A C I ~ -'~ I , I iL - -.1 1 .1 K L I I L.:N , NL~23 S , " ~PT I ~ P P I 1 1-1 1 i, F -, T 1 " --' i 1 .,7 3 -~% I I- 1 -11 Aruatmsll t'bwos in 14tioml Incalop bv .Aitficiorul, 13 pp, Por i-40ML I AWU . us 1066, -)p 91-103. jei~,t 4VIIII74"), 343,3W Matiplicative Amctions of 'Mdfted" Primsq by. M. B. Barbaa,, B. V. Isvin, R I USSIANs per$ Dck Ak 11=k SMO Vol 3J310 no 4. 1968,9 PP 776-7W-- Am Ihth Society Vol 9j, No 4. W /,, " ~ . 6 ~ P, 6 ~ /~ Jan 69 374247 On Bomblerits DmAty Conjeotwep by X. Be Barbane RUSSU119 perg Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Val 1729 No 5v 19671 pp 999-1000. Am Math Soo Vol 8. No 1. 1967 M.6. e,4p-6AA) Nov 68 370037 Zzam-F.Valolo4ca oisaps 1.*% ftlAmis- -.1, PlOWuMlOc Of ZXtZft2itle9 =1- Conime, by U- As-l*rblarash., U' pp qlasm,, per., blalotml- DIAL-WEamtBa'aa, kala.~ai i MaditalMo Vol 5,-j go 1* Jan pp JPW.- ;->Ao MISR c A F, - wjr r, 41L 44 tab*r r(Y-luctivity In ~~wt Industry Appraised " D b y 4,0 wIt"Ifto 9 Ppo , U,~:~ SIM. por. Ibn4maye - duotr4y& 1;0 91 6~~ V*90 PP 1-5, i-oon 4o3v6M Tue Need for %ining Standard$ in vie mut ami Dairy IWustryp byM# BUMSUIU., 10 PP* IUSSIAN., nps Zkonomich X&Y8 C4Mt& IID- 39., t Sept 0,66s pp- 14-15- ins H IN Jan 6-1 16, 074 ~~hcnrtca.,Angs i;i Moat and !,;airy Ine-ustry 'icited, by Barbashin, 77 14, 11-12. IT ~ Fr*d=Uon GivAh of USSR Mat Industrys by Pl. Barb"bin . 8 pp, RUSSIM9 pors, HAMM Getrim ws , moseme NO ZY Feb IMjp pp 1-49 J.PF*5; 1049 Apr ?2 .-.comdc fl'efom in -eat aM lb~ Inchiatrj, I-,t . j aea3lAn 0 9 pp. rmsw$ per., ARM kdvdd&- llh-lav .~o a$ Aua 1967s pis) la4v i=n ct 67 Y~3 9 55-W AIJ~, GCff-W5j-)J'At 1M Decialvelear for Soviet Dairy JudwU79 br-H.. K. BarbaWn. 9 ppe RUSSIAN. per# 0 yAsams No 2s Feb 1M* Ipp lw3o im 58541 Apr 73 Fom of Primary Crystattl9dtlon at ~&Vtxlx toterweWlic coofftelds'p by R. R. lulinoftkLyt N. S. surbushlo. 11 pp. RU35LAM, part Tru!& &!*SkOV*ktl AViat2leaM fnstLtut, p 14-27. [Mc . .. ...... Pollen From Old Angiosperms in Tertiary Deposits in Some IAr Eastern Districts, ~y V. N. Barbashinova RUSSIA, per, Vok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 179, M 5, 190s pp 11 7-11TO-9 AG I Ck S C; f,x- Jan 69 373-G46 .T I Grtq, A. I. Barbashova ad 17 tifto moin " ft" Atmome " ftom&% bW Ae J6 Mw*mmp# 16 16 ft ft - ift i - a0 Iku lbo woulamb% 7 we NOW% pwt A am I.- ,~ j- - If - lq,~ ),q,~ J),- r',4. -1~ ft-vp ewwgo Avr 66 -Soviet %at A.Odueuaft lb~ in k&r4 1969V by Hs iarbaMns 9 ppo RM-6IAlis par# aMMMU A"dn SS6 ?"wws Apr 1%8. pp 1--li, 46154 ju3,y 6-9 383,733 Cbwwterization of XtIW2e=R-hvjWUae and Etbrlew-ProlVlene-Diew Copolymirs tV rugrewent 1r-atIcantlon Wockmlqcmsj, by P. (!. nmu, 11. um*iu- M%Wt la ChInJea a I'Ddustria,, Vol 47, CTS (Cheml~~ Scl-Cbem Aug 66 IN owan" Tagus led W=Milo-lop, ty Bow. 93 - I =-, , w .pw* two ot t2plsmp 1b 136P . gm 7A, Vpo IU-Me ~ JPM 33X49 (01 rv"(, N dB A 4e. Africe.-DArt-AfrIon pal Doe 65 ZA603 The Acrocalariwetric 'Jtudy of the 01' - UP Syste,-, by Ilaul Isarlyari, Olivier iiard ITE10i, rpt, ~,CiAucl "lov ug April, 1968, 23 p-. Forged-Steel A. Barbetrac. FROM, per, 2046. *BISI 8278 Rolls for Roughing Millet by C.D.S. Cire, so 9, 1969, pp 2037- / 0 ScL-Hat tiny 70 ~\ . Qs O'A LA'iN-kk'- Forged-Stec-I Rolls for Rougiling Nills, ljy -53 A. 5arbeyrac and A. Spasski, mpicii, per. C.D.S. Circ., So 9, 1969, - pp 2037-2046. aisi 8276 `4, , Xk, oci/mat Few 71 at llarUees bLy Pere LRMNA-ARLARIP itriao fAy pp 89-1mo J?rS 48354 -YW jay 69 3W' s043 Mumism Cons for Pnbovwd FOW11 so 805100 5 ppo ITAI.IAM_ pmir, lm.Auma-lc" CC= ==, 19U. pp 314~lw ACSI 1-9304 10 2204011966 ,/~ , sci-m/m Way 66 by G., "61,621 ~7 Vwx 3m, 300,917 BARBIERI, T. and others. Some results of research on automation' of the blast furnace it Piombino,' Metallurgia ~tal. 59:861-8 (1967) (CRL/T.4198x) Release of High-Tensim Electrical Arcs by Lasers# by S, Barbinis G* CourrieT,, at al. 17 pp FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOR IMMAL M WITHIN ME DEPAUMM OF WFENSE ONLY FRENCH, rpt, Centre do Recherches do la Couvagnie Generale d$E4ctFmte. 1995" pp 1-18. FYD-HT-67-43 /X~ Jilicrewing laportance of Chamteal ladustI7 to Nst:Lomi sconoWp by Fmtieek bmrbireky 9 IV# MWAKO upp 20 Sept IWp p 2. ipyls 4319e J-A RS-Csocb aw 67 *03 Its* agat fjoqW.. lamm" in o=- by PiMUMIr. 3wtlLvk2 U ppf 7~,JkK.- c, it=- 96 uxelf, 32~) 5~i /c sew Oct. -7-1 ,,. v OWbon hXklwls vith the MMWftl &ams L . by 0. Butimus Gw"p Pw. MumsLft. MU. 196a., PP 26-34. B331 IM3 sa/mat AV TO 406.,67e -00-000 Actop Law and Docrm In Mume Yemp by LUla Barbom-4. n pp, uw5timplia Ulm any POMUMM., app jo do Braollp 12 Yar 196T. P~- 3! JPRS GUO 2389 Pol Juno 67 323o526 uff=jm of s in Asp tv S. awbm*A6 ~5 L) Ifam ne. 0' o I - '111 bg Aug Qds Val grA sw co lwfs DR ow it 70-5M Sai/Cbm Jul 70 f~ . I%;~'- .0-.- i)mnlownat of tha Inventorl of Railroad and 7 Tank Cars for tile TrwwWrt of Petrolem Pml- illcts and Liquid Cimm-deals, by T. St. Barbov, 17 A Pps TUIZARIANO per, Khi!an I ind-istrip, No* '10 ftv 1966.t PP! R2-326. JPHS 400 T ST b ES-Rulgaris scon Apr &1 321,337 cost I-Amduct&an 2n RMIUVed TVMMPOft AnoXysw-l bV -zoos *Tbovv 3A ppq ouliwagis part UmW-l Aldit-9 -110flAs 66 3s or 19699 pp 11-22# jiiz 485M tow Avg 6~ 3999220 Dulgarlan railroad Hatwork Su-."yeLl, by Tow- Barbov, 7 pp. BU"GIAIAN, per, ~kografiya, i0fla, 30. 1, Jan 66, pp, jN~.S 45,252 .:Sarine ~.ngjmeyjng '~-'ay 68 351,561 ThO NeW 93WtAM Ot N I at tbift Notlonm& mm, n,,r w Pint Md UM A01MMUM In ImM Mad astoo br Tom amm as nip La*ws 12 Vp4 MWAKA, perp Dam I -jetaL so 50 aim 107,9 go 24-33, im opiq fsag~c[l U-bagada low Oct 67 3h~s882 The bmaqpmt at the alrols i-tn-- ftr T* a - t nry of %] awd as Waft Ballrowles, by Tom Dwftvt IB pp* MMAU^ p"8 !990 amigswuht a 9,9 " 1967S vp 1"o. i1pre 43UT U-1wamarla am i#& 68 *TrI62 Hisk Rau Of ftPa"talk In All ftam of Aniaol Husboaft PAxpdxod to laaeass, Its Sbave Of Oft"al output* by N. badwo S PP, RLIMMO Pere alLgiturs Sodalle-'t Vbl ve, No 14,0 1%71 PP 10 JFXS 4094 Sci Agri ?47 67 324022M New TreoU Ln the Develayment 6r -04mo4ordi- ~3 zatlcm AeUviUmp IW C a ftftl 5 ppe Makum, per., lb lp Jw 19669 PPS 1-30 JPBB -Vom 1~- ~~ (A - HEI-amplais scon Apr 66 2982994 E, A Now MetbW for DotevalMaS C*1* Deftets Using Pulse TeeMiqwso by Ing, rmsea sarM, 7 '? PP - RWMIAN, per# Toleemmicatil Val Ixf No 108 octatwe IM. rp WW4. ACS1 J-0186 ID 2204033266 C~7~ Ck--- ()-'~ SCI-goeh, Indust, Civil Sept 66 3090739 Us Use of Cbbk Anodes for the AluaLnmg by I ROMMIAN9 per# Vp 209-213o ATS M-5438 Iriqpate in Electrolytic Barbso Rev Cbes Vol the Hawafacturo of ftvdactLon of 201p No 41p 1969p 0,5 June 70 kosult,4 prospeou of Cdo p"&Wum sbwlwq 7s. by I* stolsomme 4 Aetna 5 Fps AWANIMO per# 0&0 A0114"sts, Val 21t 40 at Aug 19699 pp W-Y)Do iphs Lao 69 399t149 An-hitsversa*s of 2Aotecbno2owr cut2ln-le bV 14colse Darbus 9 Poo li~ imaxis, per,, z"Vist Owbilrest# AtC IWO' pp, 5-1L ,at 69 eY)3&534 q-q orr,wilution and FuW" Tasks in AdIal k S oleetion, by 7loolan Harba, 5 por, 11,40toh-n.11.19 Si 'i dietna Voterinum, 91 SOP,* ~: "11 %. * 3 Pi. 0 3 50 livi 0 /a l,bv 66 11 V,05 Aeblevemde and POospectis of Waal I-t~Mt by rlieoUe Buttu 10 ppo ROMAI"I. rpt. Le4qgk do Zootatale al 544M pp 3-U. ipic Sci-Agri 4v 69 MOON Py Dgp as ad Tgooft or ftftm awmalm pro&je- Uca a - 15 XV?. MA"s Pat -9 9MM& lb 7o MY IA" vp 3.u, JPM Ael3l J- 7 Oa 67 3%lv6a Isoutim of saimmua stwa"vnu in m4ft- bly So antal"no IMU sugly It pwo LVAbomsto Jaim 1969o PP 25-28a JPRS 4?o6lO NO 69 ItalLan CP Journ" D19ceafte Goodmalwak r4anewit kafen4 by Luetme BaxrA# 8 pp. IT,,LIAA# weAtyl, MMLI& go. 479 Ramos I vec 67, pp. 29-"1 JMS 439"1 !;&tGzQcbq) t4ormetc Dee 67 347s811 swim'"-cmmmut mnu in M4, 'by 3& LUC10D ftrCI4 5 PP* rm=,, vw, so 41, 16 Oet Wo We 3A. opas 32rA U~- I ~A'ks 0 - 1 0 Q~ A L w-no3l ftl Bw 65 2A,MO .2q Methoft for Guidling the Cultural awd ft"tlonal Activ:lties of Youths by A* Darcamucus 5 ppo RIMMAN, per, L21nmtorul Culbimi, Vol- 20s So- 3. mar 1967p PP- 4-7- JPM 4WA IV L 5 E&RU M-nia ECOD June 67 323FT58