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I - -- oj"~~ I ,--). -",( Y--, ~~ Credit wW the SpheVe of AM Services 0 by ;5. Artemlyev. 6 pp. _ 1 F48"WO NO it RUSSIAN9 port Deft'Sl i Lrodl& 1972~ pp 21-25,o ipw 555o6 Moir 72 1w /I~) Registration of Coherent Light FIwces, V. V. Artsm'yavs L, N, GUSIIWV. 7 pp. iZUSSLAA, per, lontiv& &J &MR- AWXWMU (Agaimin- AsAy'a x2wwjOtA&Qh gaijis Vol 139 No 3s 19689 pp 106-109. AVZ/FrDtirf-23-29S-70 nov' Phatoeffect Peculiarities During illumina- tion of a Photocathode with Coherent Light, by V. V. Artelu'yeV. RUSSIAN, per, Radiotekhnika i ELektronika. Ao 2, 1966, pp 116-320. T"I"D-S-202 Jan 69 373,278 Z~wrmt i riv entive AeUvity a4er -tWy a hy 'J, e. I* AA6;21 9 pp - Pp Ji-R_~; 46Wa Ye. T. A t 6,81 fttlaml Patent kf'QI I-- t4 M P Syjt4W 00*,IllWdo tv I*# is Artalywo 13 we =SUN# ymp imm Luumuduriwx rosoovo no 100 19w0 rp "-~ im 4700 - -/>?, j cv 6. L , q P-t 6 um Iny"t1gazion of the liquaterial Anomaly of the Ionosphere in the Bast A"AtIC Zome of the Pacific OeMs by G. X. Art630y*V&j, Yu. S. lorobkavv 5 pp. RUSSIMS Pero tmmuzm i A*TM!!!jzao Vol VII, wo 2* 1967,j pp 353-357, Sci Tech Infor Facility ST.M.C.14-INU e- v Sci - ALWS Sci Juft 67 3270007 DC r-A!171 VeP 1,294/70 7 Jan 70 SF Some Pro'.drmis of Peducing the Capture Camma Yield. FUSSIAN %'oT)rosv Fizik-i Zi~shchit I y_~, e~k - torov , Vo5cow 1969, Pp 173-378 J.PPS 17 4 S Var 7 3 ~** ReVion I'loks aW Dimas by 1). R. ArtbKtr. HwviW bV Re 4who GEMAlit pero bMgM voi 8, t;o 4. i96?g p 2450 Jul 68 %Dqlqk ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . POP r2ontalo 30404 Pro4kbW& Wd Bob=& Aso ad I'd nwtauqw.V tr Dr. J. Alva* DIM ArUlft, 6 0. SMXZ34 "". Ilovista Cubma cW 30 AW iq959'W. IM M&Og. IA^Cubm Bel-WN Fft 66 gZv660 The Analysis of a Time-Sharing System with Homogeneous Users# by 9. T. -Artmamr. Yu. A. Mikheyev. RUSSIAN, per, Kibernetfta No 3, 1969, pp 94-97. FID HT Special 378-70 Dec 70 4ti lojectur r,* Fobt v;~:tf Vj~;or ilmoutei at via vil Cr aul fte Party Ond salnuflie Md %dxdad p2"Gre"s by 1. 7. Artobolev0dyl B. V. Sbubbwdb4 13 PP. I'l NO lvtp milml LUMMMAWOMM P-rozrw-n- mocowo Igm W-Wink" MM Trow 3D76 Aug 70 Incin"ing the Ikiliability and L; fe of Machines,, Blag by I. Artobolevskj4, A. Berg, A. paravov, and N a, Brayevich, 10 pp. RMIAN, np, Ekonomichegk= Gawta, No 2, (17)) 13 jan 65, p.6. JP Rs 2.~Y ~ 5 UWR sci-nagi. may 65 27)P043 Am Party and Sclentifte-Itchacal Progmes, by I* ArtobolftWdy and So SbUkhardinp 13 PP, RMLAN., per,, A2gmmist., No. 5. Aw k-467, pp- ' 15-35- ipBs 41oi5 T USSR POI Jura 67 Gx~mtcr 5ikqport Urged for fzo~~ " L)av~opmats 1w I. olovsidy V. 1. lenu, 5 pp, parlo jjM3tU 19 Apr L9(Z, p 2,, jka6 45585 jC4 33905V jupe The Party and Scientific and Tecbzdcal Progasp by le 19 &44bae"klyp 8# Vo ftuMhwftttq lh pp. RM109 bk Portl I mjswR:T*xwgm= hmm G,, ;;Iocted Pftw,, Y4ocov,, 19W. NAV/MfrrM- -V76-70 :1 - -7- t o,6 L e v an/gem Aug 70 am-mt--$Uc Crltqrua Im I ptutl="Y stwam maltisaw XGUM of a MadMmdma Anuvftsg by Io 10 Artabolewddyo a la* am,, vta j36, ib 2a aw 3-94vppwp"21Tl9*-ffJ2o The As IlWt of fto "i A,. so 5,, nov 1969 I , 7- K im 69 398091T canstruation or Anummuc machims =d Umdr aftelmeys, by 1. 1. ArtabolerWy, MMDX# pwa D* A Sm* SM Val lbp lb 2, 19690 Vp W&~- ~ - - - - The ka Imt or ftv vol As ao 3,4 svt 1969 f4 _C) (~) L r V,3 t~ t Oet 69 354A86 optlan Synthnis or AutamUe Umftims, by 1. 1. Artobolevwdy. YMSUB., pw, D* AIL Nm& SM Va 185v So 3j, 19690 PF 5 The AN l"t or Ph" Vol A, lb 3s, SoPt 1969 Oct 69 3949087 An IteratUft PIODO&WO ftV colvdatIng fte amwWkwifus adtaus or a PWI~fta UldfA%g y4tim of a Amobbo uAts iw s. x. wwtcUvddy- Maas vwt la A Wk Vbl IMP No 3v mw IL969s pp 5291-53P- am An DW% or VAYD vbi ix, no 5, aw 2,969 -7- _-i- Jon 69 398418 Haablue Moodat4as Duad an the Mhum Mmtwnx Ptloupun of a soluum to the Problhnimf n - t a - - usim Did-tell COMMUns to, i. A- VldMWSW# L I* Art*b*l*vWdys IL X, fttbmsMy. =ODA# bko YOWWMd md 88GUOD I at Hwdd= mil = goma%= t L ('4W ~" Aug 69 389o5W O-ptimization or the Synthesis of Technological Automatic Machl ej, by 1. 1. Artobolevskii., D. Ya - n, insidi IUSSIM,, per,, Wk Ak Nwk B=,, Val 17TO No Dec 1967 * pp 855:U3- Am Inst. Phys Vol 12., No 12., Jun 19W Uu/ -7-11 L V Aug 68 361v042 puUrlwtion of tho AdIdevemerAs of .1;(dwra A -;rirary 1-tty of SclentivU, by 1. 1. r-ers Adak &W-vAl *Uk ~~E- ~ol Yl, JIM 196re, op 33 Z7 WC ~.ct6 343,W42 The sidtduw or Delta usumt to ftit partim1w - 2, Sao. The StmW of a TIm- 1prude W-stribat Invisim C=Weutn~' by 1. cs"etti, A6 ft-tm' 140. Imumf *to! 14 23951SASS --VI mi Ad Albem V&*#4nft'Tvm4 IN, 4L t- AM I-M46 FSTC41T-44~~-1132-70 set/tiect fts 70 Call iiaokii~o r, in -Nrulaal TWLsL449 Wvices, ;~rt et al, at ZZ Pldsiaxem4csi Z--~l Jai (is G-l", 4 lVdca of :AgbwTaVwstv" Plamme by /01 L. A. ArtdMovicbs ;A pp. tia~5iAtlq parg &&Mg& *mcmg i,* 8p Aug lA9# pp 2-13. ji.-i~s 49023 /I a ~ Sci-i-4" ~,ct 69 393#579 Gloged kjAsm ~onflMstims, by L. A. Aztetmvich, 45clk;, bk, ?laW*M'v ton-MUM tidi uno 359.339 Scientiiie Results from the Flight of Yantarl Automatic Ionospheric Laboratories. Part II, by L, A. Artsirlovich, G. L. Grodzovskiy, 13 pp. IIIIISSIM, bk, Naudinue llezultau Poleta Avtoraati- cheskikh lonosfernykh Laboratariy_"Yantar'." Giapter 11, 1968. Al P-A-TD/lIT-23-637-69 Sci/SI)ace Tech !I 1"ay 70 405,730 UNNA ac ft~ ta aunt@ %W 13,2, mhk- &- A- - IN A* qm mow J6 ULMM.r.A.Mil - III JL 96 sommums, a W JMU% ---- I Immu A? an W60 L. A. Artsimovich lud w pbpd= ja 61 oi CIO Lvv4lwv~wimlt cm ti rmivitius Le is .~4r-uiaovidl* i 1A 01", tlxlml 6 tit? 145cussion L,4,be ,~Oport MI tile ACtivitu-s IcIlt A*f rporwral for Via Yeur 196.4/64, ?.,,r, Vast AL ,.~bu~ The Otysics of Very Itlat L. i'to AftsizxNi4b, alu-,~Sllvlq per Priroda i3 'y D. TT F-94s Illsawag isy No 4,j 1965s 17p 17-24. 297,41J F'vklWU5 cf the ftmea of flicti. Pla&ao bV L* Ao _Artvimavichs it Sort 5* IV 15650 65 ZY; *439 --A.- KWVSU Amu xm6ft of a Pjwftft,/;6,-,) a; ftn"" Now got"*.& v Ift & 7 A'somft soov. ff. AWOWv 1. to am"wo, As P's Raw# To & swavw# So w =al 0% bw MWM ft"""'44 ft nu fta%moft = ml~ IN"= " QW&VU" so IM ft"" ft"Wft aaftft asu"t 6-10 Am sm 204k L. A. Artsimovich ja ft ca"tems" of assawsaam of skis an the COMUG AgriCaLoo of RaWto After Te&tLft Aw*y of a amotramolosto by To- A. UUMM, il. G. ArtSiowLeb. RUSSLAN, per, Da Ak Us& IMR, Vol 189, no 1, 19699 " Oc t 60 The gffect of Pluclear Irradiation on the ftopsrtLse~ of Ordered Soft HapatLe Allop , by ft. A. ArtaLshavskLyt A. 1. Zeman. 6 pp. UUMALANs part 1PkrgZL='kv7 Fi!Zg= *urnal, Vol 140 ft 10s 19699 pp 1737-1739. AutAmAa-23-36o-lo ScL-Pbys Dee 70 or tbib aw" cc ADOMMIU4 in tw V. A. Arloat who TO. P. pqwo FMTAW-, -pw,,.Lsm awl I Vol 21'r no To 19w" 92 ,*-Me Sol-jkr Bel Nw 70 403olB9 13 el an of v0 ad3ow saw in a* OWN X~ of MomWo IW T, A. 1-11oll-Im Xon"'P No % 2m,v w 9;5b*m VM V. A. Artaybashev aft - swasw BWWMW he 6T \1 I A - A e-+- I; ~ bq s ~e-v On the Ndhad of Nwlew Goqftidw (Now Mmd In the un of r~-Fiado fov Us n of Roclao TW V. A. Ataybambw- msamo pwq ImmotAya hmmbM VWm*mzWL Feb 72 Erficlemy Of '-Iwd tAt*xmm Works by owc &rturs 35 pp. TURI I a AWIAIIS Per$ ISMW!Wd~ S"Mle .Vol iss JzO 3p -Mw:L9bU# pp M-=* DIA '11", 25.69 or 66 363t540 A JL -53 =rr r. 'kit"cj, b:, % Avut~lrjoova, ri t c i'~v7Wc? Z, ~, " 164-170. eScn-.'*'ucleon Cuscade Interactions with !,L.;alsion In Cie Lner,.y Vlan4.,,e 50 to SO GeVp by 1, Z, Artykov, j NOW poluds modmasm at -~AkA of am"* 11 2- NP IM Atom" VA0244 1w 1. Z. Arollwo V. IL i . --- AIL - -a a. P. ub%W. UNWOm 10# VWAI-Mp 190- "W OEM 12*r I. Z. Artykcyv Sol - pbplm Ad 67 k"u-,ractlckt ol. -"clvi ,Lu tiw i~wr~oy tojeo I-sT lot, 'v ale Mifzuto ior '6~.AC*Ao. 14 12 Y, Ye - T - Artftwv On the Tbwr7 of Beat ConducUon. RUSSIAN, per, In nerno-FlidebeekU Zburnalp Vol 7, No lop 1964, pp B=o SC-T-722505 NTC 72-14069-M Nov 72 Sme 1-3m4n- boundary lawer Probums, by L- Yu. ArtYukh and L. A. VaUs. RUSSIAN,, perv EL&UM Goraniva i Mumms No 2g 19699 pp 222-229 FTD HT Special 333-M sci nov 70 ..W ~" , ,.J1 I lintranuclear Coseades with Huy-*particle 14tgr- actices. bY 1. L Artykav md V. S. Barsshmkov, ot &Is 29 pp. RUSSIAN, rpt, JIMR-P2-36". 29614F. '00 ell/ 7-s -0 AEC-ORNL-Tr-lWO Z. USSR Sci/Nuel July 68 3S7p265 "wy-Particle Interactions in the l!ij;h und Ultra,- hi,li Enera Regims, by 1. 1. Artykov and V. i. 6aras;ieukov, 5 r,;t, ANk-P2-4508, ALL-UlW,-tr-1921 p- -r K OV -:~Opt 08 3570395 's , F - 14 te 6 y w- R -, k Atomation of Work on Test Stands of the %dvaullc TurMw laboratomy of M=, by S* F. Artyukh RUSSUNg perg BUMAU02ag, NO 89 1967o PP 37-39 nc 71-15597-13G feb 72 Results of Observatims of 56o Radio &mrces at 86 MHz., by V. S. Artpikh and V. V. Vitkevich MMIM,, per, Dak Ak Nauk SSSH Vol 178p So 61 Feb 10,, PP 1271-3272- 7he Ara Inst. Phys. Vol 131 No 2. August 1968 S k T U i~P Sci-Astron oct 68 366,066 a A Decompouitio2 da on Iron- Manganese Alloys$ by Tue We Artyukhe RETSSIANv port Ukrainskii XhiulghgAk" Zhanalp Vol 34, No 9p 1968v pp 974-976 RTC 72-IIA,76-07B June 72 7L The Relation Between the Catalytic Properties of Hotels and Alloys and Their Elsetronia Structures by Yu. ff. Artyukbv RUSSIAN, per# Probl"I Kigetiki i Kjt&jjz&. No 11s 1966, pp 193-199 NTC 72-11482-07D June 72 om-., ai tcr:; (CclluLtial of, ~:L 123 a eri. kNtal*ayyo 1968,, 1-132# IjA --o-2 L u.) X43,004 The chmacal industry Wtot Sham RapponalbIllt.Y for Ccmmt Pro&wtl*a and SuWplr of FerUU*wp by A. Artyushino, 5 ppt MmiAxi. np., Ixmgp..o 7 Her 1967j, P- 5 JPM T Y 61 USSR Sci-Agric Apr 6? 323--.282 v , ,-;13 stomps or I&AMS H3qdainmo by A* ArtyusbIJ4 Vo V"illyevt 8 ]pp. BUSSUNO pme 19112bunp mosawo no 109 1969o pp 35-W- JERS 49430 - /,? I /~, ZI&I 4~6 sci-API Doc 69 396g625 ~srtiUzor ;UIJ4mUan and lwrem&x;- tarvwt,, by A. Artyushins 8 ppo "Mroop .163 65 lo~&l I 46042. Sa-Api Avg 6,15, )65,266 ppItcation of Chmdcsl Pvocoma bi Am,4mlttre r-urine, 19"1970, by A. ArtyUt~An, 9 P~,). litil"31A71t per, F-. sells -Sy 9 Jill 37719 < kiv, oct 66 311,914 Color Separation c4aracteriatics of Psychologically (Suujectivaly) Accurate four-color Images, by L. F. Artyushin. . USSIN-1, per, Zh !1.auch Prik rot Kinemat, M Vol 13, kio 2, 1968, pp 113-119. NLL Ref: 5828.4F (12970) ~' , ~..iay GC) 3SG,684 of wo B 1 p at Optima am"m ac cauir alsou" sums, tV Ift P. AV%MddIO6 momb NBUOS, rmi, 2b Oft ibt I BEE& VOL 2.3% 3b W- re Fab 70 X, OY Use of the Siellarity Theory In the Oma *#thod of Dateralmin Dum",ty, br V. A. Otalbambow, 1#4 vp - memo, per, Vw NA. Goafts., gm iwol. sm - 3* 51 1909 pp 35-95. ; PU382,167 AW-TR-W99 14 e.~ Z-1IL.!S; kev Sel-chacistry D-a 67 3%6,184 Internatiuml GocWlot Worting Apvemento As a F3rm of CEM Plm Coorlimtionp by Warner Artzt.. 21 lip* GEMM, per, Stgat und Rtwit,, No. .3. 19 Aur, 196()o PP- 1303-1317- PIC 3,3398 EE-Gennwy &on nov 66 312.,75) a,, The Effect of Multiple Scattering on the 250 to 600-MoV Electron Radiation in Laminar Kediaq by P. R. Arutyunyan. RUSSIAN, per, firmTnnmk44 r1&dZp 01 480 No Is 1969t pp 32-35 NTC 72-12069-20H June 72 Wining of Pig itom Outside the Blast ftroace with Spent Open 11marth SUS9 by ye, 19 Arammatmovo RUSSIANg part bm TUZ Cbern Mott go So 1969t pp W 60, BISI 8281 ScL-Hat Jul 70 Urect of Vavi=s OpmtLug C=dLtL*vA La L/b ~ ? con"rta", by S. A"L, 1. MuchL. JAPAUSBI Pat$ latm sisim9b Vol 55,p No Up 19690 pp 103D-1040* StSt 8288 sci-mat t. Jul 70 / - Tielt U*Dovno IW J. Asdwfr. QMIj, per$ Pflugera Archiv for Die Oenamte Physichogis des ICmcben =& ur Tiam, VO.L Uuxu-w., 23 20- 7wn PF X(J-103- *R&M Tf A-4*133 Jui 67 Admals and Preferential Alcohol Consucition in t1jo I~vt, by 11, Aschlenasy-Lelu, I-cr, Arch Sci PhEsiol, '.~v 190 1965,, j,p 231.24S. I&I, All 5-31-i-69 scokc n)llsl -Let Aug C-9 388.799 N -9 ago alnuan Of & Ill 11 11111 1 Ur VAIJ6 W LL // ammo FF=Mo VMW. COD46.0"U.s Nw JAS pp iii-7W -- 101 513W 1.1'. Asemar ad . )bobmdQW6 3vpv -Vtr 6T CIVUS WAd F4WUw Using Ultrasaiics for Iriporving the Mtifrictiai I .Ll,rqx--rtiL-s of Ubtication QLIs. by N. V. Pmeyev. et al 4 pp. RWSIM r per,, %4--stnik tr w4iinos We-Liya,, '109" 19680, 1.)P 41-42. F M S-6 71 313-69 july 69 384j242 li-.provin,j the ~)uzdity of "ricaticn Oil by Skatcaticri, by .1. V. loeyev. 3 pp. I MMO, 1~,er, 11bk-luiol a i Organizatsiya I OLiiy Px0imidstva, Ao 3# 3.967t pl) IO.L-102. I'M ~-772 447-69 59 389,544 t4,e I'llroblems of ~5,jclal 6~ by V. Acayort arui My/j ')(~Jx r-,p JIM i,. zjtwj, ot Curt4in Wlyrours 4th a OmjuuatL- r)cnd ~L~tkri T;sia,-) L19P xw IP !~zAuZmcopy by iu.~;. ;~Wjevr at a4 5 ll~ r rAj Ai ~ZSi4 DAtitut Fiaikil;goh' 400-410, ill Dfitl"1-23-2S 3-6 9 Cj ibb 69 375,591 ioct-,t# L?y ~~ Aakaryan. 9 R--. 1;,4f iA~x, -'aLf", i :21im, A) 100 1%70 391,002 A uIjgh-SVftd VbftQrSt*g*g with VILV*Blt qptics sad in Elsa"-tVU"j Cca"ttoirs by 1. A, walyuj6 G, S, Anwhamm, RWUANO per$,, AN um godesim g! "Assaustatly Mel Val 110 M4v pp 33-36, Aus SU,173 Nftr"WdAm at Of taw aws BWv 14/ 0. a. Arounwo BID"- 86 per# Vbl 4 ab L4 195% CM It 664473 iscd-m am 67 Further Devulapwmt of the Scleatific. and Technical Information System in the USSR& by N, 9. Arayunovo 14 ppe ERMA% per$ Nqwhu~Tekh, Inforutslys, SOA63 1. No J1. 110. jrp 3:12 Coapieted by JPRS (R-93S9-D) USSR Sd/ftcs June 69 342gSS3