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'orldtv- ~.Z~,ejtjojjs Of ,ALlalov Cbmbino Griticined by V. Antorov, > A). "ar 1967, v), " 17x,) Z~j v ..'con Tt%7T C7 UWGO-Puwl Ndoftzvw coacrete cmstnxrum / of Urban HmsIM Projftts ftmd Met Xxpedient, by V. AatoWv 5 IV. RMIAIO IV's 6 ftt 196-j.4 Pe 30 JPM 33M ~ I/ USSR scan Fab 66 295m8kh Prdbl" of La2d a .... .&a-# by * Autowws 5 FPO FUSLVMJP up, Remiam Rallno, 22 '54 I>* 2* JPEG 30-;03 um Bew ill V~ - The CitW Arcbit"tw~l and PLLntdzw Orpnintiono tv W. AntAmov. 7 ipp. Russlut pme all's T Ki 0 1 Mmueum . ") ime IW* pp W-124 VIA W6 606-68 f I r;, 1, " ~, ),~ ~ USSR imm 68 35N362 Crash Program Work at Leningrad Vibrator Plant Criticized and Defendedp by Ve Antonav and N. Bakhtyukov, 5 pp. HWIMp up., Trud, 22 Mar 1966, Y- 3- JPRS 35779 USSR Soc jun 66 302#893 on pso*xftm ot fto ZRINUOM 0t cnwta,l a or the C&8820t" bar Ak AS AIW Map Vol 24, DA "Mr,ip = 8036-EM tmw BRUL Aww a96) c i\~; C, Jbb 70 4M0499 BLftnetimml RwenLble Ithibitom of ProteolytLe gozvmms ReactLon of -ChymotrMLa wLtk E*qlb*rLe AeLd. by V. 1. Autowv. RUSSIAN, per, Bak Ak Am* SSSR, RLochmq Vol 183, So 6, 1968 Does pp 1435-1438* CB \1 - /%/ - ~? A.) -~ C) 1~j C) \,/ Nov 7i IOD ROOM of tbo FMth RogUm of thq to= River In fttunLI and Pagulated StAt4ow bV V* S. Antmmv 14 pp. RUSSIAli* 0 On Vowsmom mooome go 39 19699 pp 201-20go ins 49M Sol-Ew sed & ooftnog Hm 69 396093 fte zwouanddv 'Ant 0MVI of Beftr - - t I - i u0s at C2aaft 4od of the Atmos- pbm B=Obft Us ftalbe IW V. S. Aubl3Wwt a. lb. smaoxuw. W881" r Dwp wt 10M No 4j, 1969s 0 &$-W. DVt Of UM OWJWab-3 9-60T ftl4tws Sol Doc 69 397,Ug nlwKmW lmd In Us AMU*,, by V. S. AMMM. Mump vwi, ab igs i96T., p 68. nis canaft r wl R ~/ _,,& nww 69 396o774 apten of ROC=dIng " appro&wIna Ufb=mU= Oll magnetic Tape by the Metbod of Frequency bbdulations by V. 1. Antonov et al. DMIU, per.: ft~ J rrlk= dl3a Isegem4ml Fizichankik-h Proftessm v 19bbo pp 192-19U. 7 Set/Earth Set jan 68 345.-W amwler introdacUon of hamorAc liefam 'Argec.* by Yel Antmov g 9 pN j p6rc j.~-.qqoMLk_4 t Awl Jan 1*')g V 1~-209 W334 juiy 6) 33?l92? ,:A d I ix~%n Sensor Cooling Devices. by lee I# Antonov, ~. 'Yee 12'in, 40 pp. bk, Uatroystva NY& (.khlazhdani Ya Jr,Lb 57028 Z~ePt 72 Devickor" Cooling ~'Iadistian Sensors, Chapter 3: Thermoelectric Cooling. by Ye. Io Antonov, X,. Ye. Illin, 22 pp. VW51ANt bko Ufftroyot-ya-P-Iff ~LJ~hdw!&% rriyemikov IauqhMW, Lwdngradq 19690 pp 2. 73-92, 246-248. 55607 Apr 72 of by the MalWtM Und Notbodp bV Th. N. AnUmve BUSS=j, perp Caol I 92mi Ak RVA SMv S;tb&M, b % Sal4bir Sci YAr 70 403jIB6 Faftits of jbw plooobw " rummum to tb* sidw Induawp IW O's Pe Altmw%p Is yps 19 L IN, PWO, 0 , Boom misms 0 NO 3,p vmywj~xw Wts m JM 4M3 zom Oct 67 3446W Apprixination Methods for Solving Nonlinear Differential Equations of Itypersonic Aero- dynamics, by A. M. Antonova. RUSSIAN, per, Prik Mekh. Vol 4. No 9, 1968, pp 19-24. FTD-S-S25 Apr 69 380,667 Iac"Action -- Ols-vital BirVA17 ODde Readout) by L. M. Antonova et al. EMIMI, per,, ft~& I MM dlya levedoyaniya Flziches"kh Protmessm vMmm im 3m 2966., pp d5995 - 1~4 sci/Earth scl Jan w 345,895 ~ eoveluation of the '-Usvian ~roev *Aloo of 73 Vrenium-2)5 emd k4pture brass l-,oction of '-Vudurl- 238 cc the Basis of an Analyeds of the L-vitima P&M-Atere of the Z?4-111 Critical ya" I acility, by L. V. Antonovas i1. 0. SM"Yanteg 16ppe -Dal r%W61A:Nq MMOe FereAwk4 min I el I imnacm t-AlAm iA ~2LW~ 7 t pfklu. Obniftak, j 52290 ty Go Ts SWAGCOM ODA ile A# Actuvoyrip 10 WM-IASp for., MaWgMv UdsvwAkv Fl'j-U-~2 )-R5-67 rob 66 Lfflwt or i-ratective coatino on "ligh.-Aucy 11"t ~; f dfh c twA 'I'd 5nis at by A. AntoilmU * Fllk;~Slk,', ObObits ~-ata.Uov. -~ol 3. 3-967 621 PAr (Imaiu., carbid a --'AliCuto iils)Cio-r, by Yu. A. -7 F ifj S i) J2 ftftlogw cow of ~Am 04 1-1 i v -stem W.Ama 4MM4 Do - I Go "tow4as _646"I as DUNE" USTI Tf 67-Y=5 SWUM $a f~cw 68 Mmabiw of the ?hot*luz&wcwm of P4 1 bv9pt=*o p by, IPP - pp 101393 111. name Tube Dmlps# Notba" at CoolLas Tbm wd the Utect of CcWlU=w cm rAmw wip"W"WANO TWA vwvwo mitw 91 Ot AtOAMt fty*p tW IS.T. StOVOSbUI4 V. 1. AntanowWAy. 21 Mp. perp MRAOS LeSiMoNd- Umtr4om ft*Cbao- op &WprapAo&4 and tueU",l fe*b TO finission Charactaristics of a Flame, by . 4 V. 1. Antonovskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Leningrad Tsezitral'nyy Nauchno-Issled i Proyektno-Koitstruktorskiy Lotloturbianzy jjst,7i-o75, 1967,'-j-)p146--- f6s . Sci-Prop & Fuels Apr 69 ClImAlc Cbmaer for Testing Milne Zlectrical Wpoetrt, by Yu. P. Artoro7j V. A. Krallkot ~ pp. MOW, pert McktroteV~g~& No 29 1*.j pp 51-52. Alw/FaTc/lIT-23-r,~59--lo v c, A-~ c Sciftlect July 70 if JgI toil uv,3" 1y 4, ill* P. Amtwis, ~l A -,vv, U A, Toxicity of Phthalia by 0. 1. Antonyuk. RUSSIAN# per# i i rug Follmerarkh Mgt =9 No Is 1969v PP MTC 72-12290-06T Acid Bmterap Primen airg DY L Isdalii- ,302-305 July 72 As& of the **=Ml SNUM (O~Dtftl MmMdWtW)o bV It. M. AntomWake B. M M40 - msiu,v pro 0* Ak no* E?q I- Vbl Iwo so 40 Ws pp oe34~0 AGI k. m I q ") t o N ct -4 -,, Her CO 375,?W A L-ovicc eor tatrtwAucic; Vcasuria,~ Inforraiatioz, `ro~~ tl:i: CcitmaliuJ Control liystm "Zenit-2" into u .'vW;utcr,, tiy ii, Ya* Avq1a)cv# ;06 ~19 svltonyu~p 5 '1%0 rur,, Izvostiya UyssiAl, UchoLyki-, ZoWe-1111f: t~ ritvri.:st~oeu yc Val 1401, N'o 9, 19070 vT 21-214o i(Ii.11 -23-407-" v e L4 Poatums POWAZW lb "a cliesoma ummuft- waam at ft4ame PMOMUC 1w LOW 0=001k. tMUM~ Ot tM alGirf OVAd -111- P - ~ 1 -- Tetroftimusum ma Mdamop"Ums by V. A. M&.AkL..ft I. M. smautEw"It Md at Ge MaTo T ]We- lb Us Aaa 19b5o op- 3T-41* JPHB 3270% um V, Sai-BdAlffl lbv 65 lane of ,wvarian ~WrAtAtmn, vabbmrso wl r Val l'-". .a -97-.-m Tp r~( T at &1, 12, 04re- ~ -tat, - s J* jeo6ev mV caltwlvploy CM, the 20th hm.-Ivermr~r of Uw ~i ;ievz~ 0 IV Zoltan A'Alos's U W. par as 4uts= ib I rol W11 o 3: 19651 pp '161-1669 65 "--,'I Reasons Uiven flor QDn-straetlon !~brksrc runovar, by To. Antoveikiov, Z. WpAysmova. 9 pp. F-WMUNj per, Ikonwitka Stmit4ostim, ~1408ww' NO B. IW. pp W-47. ifew e c 1 oot 68 367.751 NwIpowr Mildity In Siberia.. by Tei AVtOm. C-~ kov.t 5 pp ~ MMUN, upy 9kcamd -9MMI& .17 Apr 1)66) Pf 54? JPRS 350' V yi~7- " UIS3B Be!-;n JU:1 66 y*oO63 ftupm" Nwamtaftnu fiaucma "Oomwo 2 bv to. Cr, Ant*Mkffo 9 pp. RUSSIUD pwo AIZRIM- ~" Hank sssa. ftma- A.kAd.m w M M SM-k. ammalblv*9 Swt i968s, pp 3-10. ins 470410 USSR BOW Feb 69 374*OW USSR BOM Fab 69 3240030 Spocial t~vssxette Vold for Z;OqULructLon. by I.N. Mtoelicbetiko, et al., 8 pp. KUS~-;L;N, pcirr, StrottelfMe i f~orozhjnyye ?a No. !2, K*scow, !;cc 67, pp. 17 -243. Ths gffect of a Fractionated DOS* Of UltravLO16t Radiation on Maxwelian Cbsomosomeat by A. G. AntoshechkLa. RUSAAH, per, Dak Ak ftO SS=..�j2.LSCi Vol 173, No 3, Jan 1968, pp 707-710. CB A G. Jan 71 'rho zlfiaiamw of flonectorm of SolidAate Laser by Ye. It. Antoehims li. A. Kftlcvs 7 DR. ii=JA~is pwr Vol 5# Uo Zo 1960o pp 167-171. - klOO263468;4 FTD,+1-6?-O-; le /V- X,, ('jo, 366, %9 2"Oot or ---- ftalwas 140 860 me am rnA as amb of mtftmb leau or ftwomacs bY 1. P. AXON4 A. 0. wwwmm~# PWP MOMS Imo 006 ft- MONO ft IMP lb A, 840 l9b9o W 46TA70 ilk 110 BervIce lAves of MochUns and DeVzoetation is Agrim1two., Ts Astaftwich. 16 was=, P", Nov 19659 IV. JPW 34110 USSR Sai-AgKeulture Yeb 66 2950795 Tae Use of Plastics in Agricultural-Ywhine BuiLling by Ve Be Antoshkovich and To Go Chertkom, 6 pp. MUSSIAN, per,, Ivaphipostroitell YAky 1966, pp* JPIZ Y351* L)OC 66 314..051 BUIWIm - Ala BVWter d 1400COMM H*t&lg* IV Pat= Antmo, 5 R)o I BMWIMS pwt bubm ummdm 110 90 ,'-'IV W550 pp 6-9 I- JPRV ~ "'-PcA,ef,l TIAII,~)I, FT- .~-~Ct - wt Doe 6~ 2~,3tzo FrafttablUiV Leml in vi' Pru"I by B, Fj AuUWwg 6 ah u0 6, RUSSUNS pwo Alll~-b ~-W 196E6 w 13-15. am 46*110 ~, 7, USSR k;xm Aug 66 364826 The Fhyslo.I~ygienic and Pdon*Ac Characteristics nf RoutAne i-6rk and Rest C*rA&+-Aow of Inspectors of ~amfaetured Fabrics' quaUty, 'by, (tie A. Mtropov. i. I# f~orshkov and N. P. jCsIbIm. 'i 1 pp. ROSSIV. oar, -'Az!48Ina TrudsL i pmfossionall nyj" -. &b*lqvv,,Ava, Vol pin 9. ~~t 19626. 7-17. A ~IT 315.393 ,;~ -) - Theoratioga CLectumhemLoWs b7 L. 1. Artropov. 15 pp. MJSUMm, books TegzetLdw*wa AM rdddal". 1969s. MP 9-19s and 486-496. AUMPAC-0-1 20-71 Doe 71 "atic'n of tile 'Illy;erties Of Low-4.1ickel 4iCk,-.41 ~'rUtl CaSk---~'Iambnin-, ~;twl :-IL-i co, izie in k*,zriy-fAt,,.j, (-ears,, by At. 4`1, (A-kld-a-,.kC'Vj, et al. 11 1~ %pstip'l 'Mi ,.T~ -%vjr,, Iz kxs!lLqcstr0A at 7, 1966), ;~~- 119-125. -974-6L v 397f014 06--~ PropwUeo of LQv4h*Ml and NoD4W"l Car. burized OftiL-v of Stftj Anlicable for MaLvy- LoMed Gear MWOU, by V. P. Auft"w RMUM, per, IVOZ- Jb 7,p 1966,, vv 119-125. Sept 3(;, I arat Of bud --- of Uft of ow T"M. Mdaws bri v* P* ist""vo RMUS, pwo In. is 9mmm a Val 90 *0 100 IWP pp 226-1XV 1ILL 9MA (66170) QAdW4" ~) . ~- . mm 67 3"t375 -,ov _~--yajtcun(j of a co2 Izerv by Ye. T. Tmtrq ..u3srup jx..-r, 221umal 11 trwJ,.opiy nklcxb2i 9,V]'L Vol 8, ~Io 5, 13(69,, 1,1) 1-863. i.TD fr special 35-70 7-#L -ar 70 404j364 SWiedulj for Schoa Ckdl-Aren as R&Uted to MW dsobiM hvgmmv by H. V. Antropms, 9 Wo Akad=U YAdl nsdkb RUSSM. per. V*sW Wk Ai .Sssli, mosoovo Vol 2?* No 4s]Mg, pp )5-42,p jpRs 56og? Jum 72 1,4ighU M4%, nethod of CAinlft ~OraiM irlatent by *,,~. 11. Antelfwme 6 pp. !~U~-,IAN . perp iimcows go 79 PP 09 6,; 3,)2 OlV7 rodloc ,tica of .'Ac4ram Rods Coutainilij; Uis vxi~e HIUAAN, 1,er, Izv. VUZ Isvet. Ea., Vol 11, Nci 4, 1968, 141-T4-3. ,AL kof: 9012.401 (746/60) sci-mat "yt to S9v,217 4mades of Vdakto ot - tsora ftg" am fto 4~3 uma Of Blom M POW ftwm an ows"r, . by 1. R. m :Mic- L 8. NIVLUmft* RXBW PWO 0 Vol 8v so 451510 W-'97.-.,WM72&Mo ftt or m3tw Wi/On A-WMW 69/la on I= agy Agency s AWJTena. a-IDWA-D P.O. Mmuers M-70-4 3D swt. 69 Title: Investigation of the (,Y*P) Reaction on W with the Help of a Beam of Quasi-wono- chrmatic aud Polarized Photons. Authors: Vu. P. Antuflev at al. Sources Pbysico-Technical Lneticutes, VArkovs, 1968 Language - Russian Special Instructionss Please translate into English the Russian austract preceding each report and type I copy only. juggested ;~',VwAon of 'dghta IIrantod to IrsUbitions of Ilip-ber lAmmirip, by `4. Anuc4dn. 6 pp. np, Is"ittlya lis i96O, pp. 37w+ 14A,~ 66 ~l )q Fwest MAmuration, by N. P. Amddn,, 454 pp. RWSZMv bko 148VA" MEddy-op 1960* RM TT 69-55M K, - p - 1; ti t4 0- ~ -, t~ rv~A) SCAAM-Lacl Wm 70 Vous An Orb ' RM p A'A v ati pp.,: X4474'~- June 71 The Importance of Geography, by V. A -5 PP! // , RUSUM., np,, Litersturnwis Gazets 1i Feb 65j p. 2. JPHS 29950 U8SR GeOG- may 65 279,TT4 - I ... ..., . . .. -. .. . .,. . . .. , ~~ 71~ . I , -.;.:: - ". ~,-,Ml -- - ,4. Production Teelmology and Properties of "-Resistant Wood Fiberboard, by A. Anufrievics N. J. Solomik, 13 PP- GOVMumM USE owx Womp Perp Holnisbnl~!, vol lo., iio 4., lr;)69. AMVFkC1EU-'2'3--M-71 W 71 1, at lAw sm %mom of nsmmw At am ---ool. he Comm V Be Aounuvamp a Mpg igalo No %2m MNL% pwo 0199119N= ftt 2wo I* 1142o JM43W J( I A %' U F F, I V L- A,'&- 0 um ftft Jan (08 3"A39 1~ O=uwr OfttsM P9*WOUQqp by 8---Amd'lt- 71 ywko 21 ppe !woo pwo jb 4 jw x966,p Vq. 63-0- im Alm S-. 14 /V u f--,c , usm Nam Fwt 6G 295t762 kcmxmdc Reform, anterpriAe Irdtlative ftresswJ k' 5- AllufriYankot 13 PP- RtkSINIs perg Vg2M WMNgg;6 No 12s 1968. pp 23-34. JM 4?523 UZI ~wr 69 3749904 at mama eat Oft Rau vs&jft tw Unus rj%404 IV As to SAPOWUM, As R* Aaafr4w-o n OPW- mm, in Doe nisoreet Cowpaunt in the Noise SPectrm of -*VPsr- fjatkic SUwmv by V. M. Anufriyevp St 81 - , per. Kd&=i Im 2bidkoeti i OR R - Sm RMSIAN. No 5, 19% pp 162-165, nD HT 4,ecial 71-10 Sci fob 71 si 042,-, Sep 71 0" of a Shock TW* to lav"tLgato DLftUenl by V. M. Amftiyovg Ot 41. 6 PP. IMSSLAM,, per, bw AN jag Nekh ZbLdk i GjW Do 29 Mar-Apr 1969, pp W-120. NASA TT F-12j603 sci-Phys Oct 70 C). A. AN a ~ ~ C \I R RoatAng of bmk UAW ind Tntne In City Fab 72 Tntrutolecular ;!obility ami lliyftophobic Interactions in ~;olutions of t-!acromolecults,, by Ye. V. Anufriyeva. f,US,'jA.%, ~Nvr,, Uok AL Nauk SSS;~, Vol M, I,c 4, June 190, 854-9M. tv TEI, 7 0 kw,foaucc at a ftook VM ft"t to 8 DOW , f I o of Un~q bV V. IL AWftW. mma - v~-, T~ No* 2% a" 2bldbCWU I mol-W I"* Ipp UT-mm *~ if F-12064 v 1117 - "9 /V c- /,4e X e- V act-pwo Sept 69 Immusmum of chwas so by bF To. to Amd".yms IL T. RWIANR D* Ak ft* SM& 1431 legs 1b 20 MW 69