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Produetion of St"I in tM Aft Famw Fvm Coot Pro-Reduced Ore,, by J, Antal 0 J. Dumat-Filloa Famols Per$ paper presented to sm latmatimal Costren at EvO&I, 29-31st Mqp 1967 * OISI $669 i / l, ~ 17 ~,~ i sci . mat July 67 -ZAMONO- Hinglog AftWp -93 idaing ckf wits FiDd OcUs For nnmbgp b7 Le Altialwo F=Cli,p pw;j &Q I" fta4m D2191op voz 3sl 91 swt 1~6~ pp 9-16, *B= 3 z , '14~~ /-/-o /// c Doi/mat Jan 71 %rj -Au- 71Q, A'4.~sult or m Use of LhCer i'luctrically Cmducti~n- Uaj, b% -do 1 .1 " Intaim. etL ~'AUC i '.cr, i0v, IlLnt., Vol 64p Jul~-Au~i. 1967,, I)p 623--634. LU31 6244 c . ~ z; sa/ , Oct G9 394,174 I ~) I 1 11 ~ WNW Rdlumon. Inotmt Of ln&wteAa Irf2usaft; by ?--A Autalm. mmm DWP I& ROMM do Ilftu, go 257P I,Ws PP 37-5T-' Dipt of am m tnm 980 Sd4Wb Oct 69 303>367 R. Antoine Use and study of strain gauges attached by the "B*Ide? process. FMMS ,rpt, bmtom M22tv in 4a4ir (isvra,)l*, C. E. trans 5636D may 72 u Sulu&* *434" 84 aftwe" Um %v M**v IV J* Po VdW^ J. 3L vqpwv u no "10a, rwo J"ML do.amosub M M~ low (0420mism AC, Mme, J. Antolin M6090 Up 6T N&tbmat'ML namu or z=ltfttum2 tv TwrJ4 Our'YOVIeb hftmmw, Altm ftUmm M*owa,, Ims Drdtrlyftm raom&mva,, Q~ ow"u- OVM PUStDVCWtt TAOULd Vftll"y*vlch ftobodtko; and Oftway ftmLJLlyevl& Zwpkcw., 1.36 w. NMUW,, bk, - i i - aticholadle NodoU Vb&bL,, Jrh- 40" 1* 1909 R %17 C a USSR 8014U $c ion Colwbcl and Sv4d urgan ime 6-9 381,??6 Indastrial Development in the Econotaic Region, by A. K. Antonoy, 11 Pp- RUSSIM., np, LeningoulAwya Pravda, 13 Feb 65, p- 2- JPIRS 29.)47 USSR Econ may 65 279,771 3o),s wid 6irls at ~,ork in the by ',%L~xci i'jitonov. 94 ~1~. -,UziSl 'A:.1 kAl-, TrLul Vvuiro5ti~ov v ziz),311'. :la Y;izyke-. um 1,6ii/ i-0204 ..,Uvosti Pre-ss acocy Pu~liship.I; i;o~;uo Ali r u 7 S2CL;74 il Si; i Iza lati"als. ior --In:!~ 1~~- t; wis"Itutl= of Tmoltleft phimon" to the bwAukw LAP# OR 00 USAWA Of 4 TwbL&o 60 CASCAdo, by A, Ta* Ivistmlo and A* M,-Autesmp WMANO per IMLim VUZ, Aviaaftffa 0 ', m Tokholka No 3 Ims pp 75-6Z. PIMU3367 lmiwilq , Sci-~,E"V#r Ccuv&rsioa rl*b 67 3160949 ft"" AjA:ftofm~& sumuom" somm"R& Y9 by A- N- AWb=Cwp ~ 70- HAMAN pw~v Tswbdk ,ObXVW. lb 3s X%6,9 no 79malos " 3"U A, fV, 4 w 16 /v o v um s"-MmtrmA= .T= I% 3no1w Avwwd Mto Lbthal or Cn3calatgna a "Imtollat t~- ZkW In the AVOWW of a MUM Ps-Ximmowli"im Ollad%Wtj IV 4, No AntM# IS. U. nordmwo AU SOSq. lim DOM 4MIX W ;p i~o W-e !:M, 4PZ/J[fJ Tw2lZ )( M P 6/~ 77 /:~' ~ ~ -3 A IV. N'16 Blot Countries Ibld Symemim oil Metbods of Detanivatioa,p Isolation mad FractiomtIon of Nucleic Acids., by A,S, Antomyp lopp, RUSSIX40 per$ Us khL sovre"!= siologii, No 2. Vol 629 S"t-ftt IMV pp 307-311. MRS 39,v816 2~ ~O ?10 USSR scl-chem Feb 67 315,928 low and MoMmo V A# No MWWWdY MA A* /-k~ -3-, To Albumv T lop ---A-A 0 1b 2j, m =a% Iwo lw,p wo zc~ am YP" 19AI~ONO v A. V.Aw.* um $a-ma/w N,w 66 300#9% ftoporuse ofiotmloocal *ad rqdvoobmlual Gc~ diUaw In the Sm" AIU4 DWI" the IGIs bp A* To ASAOWT~ i~s S* ftbong 10 pp* RWIAX 11 pwo ww"audANdda luhdmwLa# " 130 19630 pp 90-". Dept Of Navy Nou tv 295 501-FArth 3469603 ~L3 .&tUs of the Reverse Si& of tbo Alma P4wt 110 W it. ?,.. mtowv. Wr-~SWIP b14 i'Wft Pftut .4*Wwo iOo 236 Vp. IMA T-L F-514 ~3ci/Astron 'At 68 351ti4i ACUOVOMUft of *be owslet Wmt =d Wry ln&Wtryll b7 F-P AWbWW# 9 IP9 MEMO pwp 29mv lb -** Pk* 111.06TV vp ". Me F ,I- fiil)-~olon6 um loon Oct 67 31e#932 gg- N", 'A If aim T* A0, ir~g law; Volt I 1971 'A 08 Mar 72 lit Lafluence of Adrenalectomy an Rate of Cerebral and Hepatic Phospholipid Metabolism in Rats During Oxygen Starvation, by L. M. Antonov. MSSIANp pars Dok A Ngqk_SSSRj_BLoI Sci, Vol 18j, No 1, May 19686 pp 245-247* CB Jan 71 LffOCt Of YOntl]Atb* SUaled POtAtO9# AndyWp bw a. Ve Antmwe Zho A, TW-Omkimmo 9 pp, Itussiclo pmt 19mus styeapAdl wkaull *949ml Towarm. 196N pp 29-37. JPRS 51099 V Sci-Agri Aug 70 41 The Problem of Grafts Fasults in a Better AcedowLe Ccnrj~Lct, W N. Antanov =& 0. Hatyatin.. 5 Vy. MMM., np., p 29 Oct 1965p P- 3- ME 3V36 USSR Soc jan 66 295.,036 The Secrotsrj of Vie Payon by Ilikolay Antonovs 14 pp. MOSIM, per, K,')='nl2t.# X4~) PP- 35-43- JPfS 37106 USSR Fil se pt, Party Cimittee, - / Jum 1960', 31),212 UtUe Lsenefit iorivod fr*ct lAiry Aechardwtian, by No Antonov, Yes Grigarlyeve 5 ppe I U~, SIM, npq ~Z~q Mosoove 11 fab 1969, p 2* J', 4M9 .S'cl-Agri Apr 69 37913" - - - ru*AOM zow to ftmwe Dwim *ad -15, -- - I - alamov bY Ot AntoWo 5 pps andmi op. 26 jw los Sol am 3"44 um 0. A,~,Ivov Im ww 66 3MOA ftopuls Cant", I*Vmo aftudenan tly P. Antwowo 7 wo Rmzwio We -41 A-M DRUMM Alm"tat SO 7t Ad 1969o PP 79-aP. JMS 49114 ..-~ 1~ Yj-zyz,,~:,-F' usm EGM Ocrt 69 Wk ry>ft S-~ vie most Imiastry in vie Ibw Five-Year Plan, uly ftntonovj, (3 ppe per, Lt2Ltea_ Industriya G','%*SRp Vol, 51 No. 41 1, fP- 1-5- JPRS :~3)2'5 7- USSR Pearl 315,770 Progress and PlAms, for Fwther Dwelayment of the Meat and W-VY Dftstz7 Of tbe VWt by S. Antanovp 9 pp. - TUML4Nj, mpj, Gawta.- No 3,9 Jan 10 pp - T-Z 0 ipm ;~746 USSR Emn Apr 66 2969239 The DtUry bAustry arA ttw Nov Five-Year-Plwi, 6 by S. Antcow, 3 pp,~ RMLW,, per., nj2g~M.zr.~~- at fp 30 ~p 1),661 'P',Ow 1-5-P PIC S1173 ~~, i~ N -r0 t" j tw.q Scm E~w, bi, 31'),,125 Fr'.)6rect; In t;;e f-bat ana Dairy IwLstrj, I by 11. Antoniv, ) pp. r--erp im-3 :q4ti,) USSR Rc-un Se proaftto-DAY cria"Wit lestmmu ad O'l paospocts for tmir hAts" covolopowto I~j by S, 1. Autonov, RMIMS rptlp si!!= ftlestaltsil L Kno4sa p Latusivoym VP lqu~, i -- Us.1371, NASA TT P-10,60 -Sci-Eagr MAY " "00962 ~Jimis ~ 72 Prospects for Devel 1 1 , I at Boonad amd Trade Fgk]Agtloo %Stgomn NolusgU and the ~ W- -- MIW At* ft*Uo OW).q tr ftoobo Antonm# 9 Vp.~ VMAUWO porobodn mmmm2m no is &a 10 Me Apr 66 298tos \~ . ~~' flow Book on Lwbls tin and "tary ViMso b7 V, Antonav, ? ppe mZwq. per, Mamell 'imeows No 4o Apr 1972t pp 103-210a J~F,S 56087 ~'Ay 72 Crwih PrW= Work at Inangrad Vibmtor 7 PUnt CrIticind a0 Defmdedp by V. Auto= and N. ftkh"%dms 5 PP- mmus, up, IE~& e2 %r 1966., Y- 3- JPPS 35T?9 !11)1 1-1 N~ ~ L ~, ',,~ ) USSR 8m ,hm 66 3MA93 Large-Panel Reinforced Concrete Constmetion, of Urban Housing Projects Found Most Zxpeftent., by V. Antonov, 5 pp. R=IM, np, 6 Oct 1965, P- 3- JPBS 33878 USSR Neon Feb 66 295,8" Problems of Supplying Sand to Construction Sites Notedj, by Ve Antmm, 5 we RMLWp app MM~Iw. 4 mar 1967, yo 2- JPIZ 409W 1 T, V. I -Pf , " 0 -n 0 ~j V ~, USSR set-Medl., Ina. fter. i-,= 67 321.515