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~LL A~Itjrqlayu Vol I of, 28 Ln-yo vjtp., q6. 461 ',tdzlx~ ilaoti?d EN 6z L I V 39c,gi)o ~-rikaltcNll lll~rijlasks. V01 c,,f 2,p 481 alue tit 60'p 197-48L ".~-,/Z:-23-6121-68 7~bl 2 cif 2 -r--0 17e 396,991 Higb-Strength OrienW Fibft-OMS Plastics., by G. D. Andreyevekeye" RUSSIM, bk. VvsgjMdm" OrientirovannYe St 1966, pp 261-568. - -- *Dept of navy APL/jHu j-16i6 Q - -b - 19 lu j P, t ~ e V S k'9 ~ q I July 71 m '.b -i'll-OtiCig by C, U, vidwjcwka/a* 7 AA 41 ik:~tkai-lyu Acklqjlastbdo 1967, 3-95 8-6 8 397t2UO A-A~h A*.t*i ltaaf awiul at ;,.~ ODW Belot ~MU4~ LU carts" Milli, 11% .I ies ;f A*rWi&$- br D. 1g Andreafty. :Ruksm,t prp spua TOI 5p ND I# 1965P Itp 225-331. 91A tf-66-10734 sci-chom ja 66 C) . -VI\ , wvlc~jxq ,, -9 ~V~\ LUAM 0 TmspmtAuoft%ul ods by 0. A. Andreyevoldys v. 1. Gribove 6 pp. RWIAHS Per, Lt'mjgsLtz I mcbestyp, moiscow, No lo Jan 1972 pp 82-%, J'~Fs ;;~4 Ar 72 Opts=X Faclulawat at a cowkwl psogni4 III __. bqv V, V* Aaftip" Aw Ippo xp Imp FPO %:;, aw 66 ... I.-sI-.: . )t ~ - 11~7-i Biological Effect Gancentrations In No Go Andreenhake-ra. RUSSREp perp WA GimienijAeakoe 21ml ZagryAggsaut Vol NTC 72-loood-o6r of Low Mitrobousene Atmospheric Airs by -- - - . - kk 99 1966& pp 58-73. (p. 44-56) Apr 72 Laecto of Diffamt Wat and Rftt FAMUMN an Subjects Kept In HoUMn Indst5ang by no 10 A* A* Vemolona, 12 Fps MSWI -Pwo UUMENMOM 800m# 50 Is 1967* PP 105-117o JPRS 469751 Av d-,R et -,r- A r- -k 'y Z4 swum Now 68 me= calalatift fe Istmat"s manom so contiprik- ae"I end ftems Ants"i4a La Solutum of TlrMitift NMI G"*L#Wo by 2. L. Asft*pWgkiy. 6 gossuve rpto ftcl"s aftallA VL~&, a4n sci-ph" act 70 ,ANDRIANOViL ETAL RU NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN TRUCK MANUFACTUKE NOVOYE V PRUIZVODSTVE GRUZOVYKH AVTOMOBILEY $MASHINJSTRu'YENIYE'j MOSCOW9 19719303 FSTC-H`1-23-~A97-73 . I. i :11.,~ :.I.. --N 111 1 1 ~,. -."i . .. lA _ 'r lZ IN ce~- 1* 1 "--~ . a . X-X-e--r -*,-, Stress Distribution Inside Homogeneous Rock- Ta:LUB Dams t by 11. A. ArArianova RUSSTAN, per, Gid-vatekhnicheakne Stroitela+%lo lio loo 1965o PP 50-59 NTC 71-16610-13M Fab 72 i'Ust AM bftm" to be Talm fix tho Event of Ccutaldmtian tv ril Avnts at the limpopmlytu I , A. Ty~ # bi GL,'R:AN,j pers 2mi-t-ara Im-A-11-tmm Ac 62a 1966. Au"'I J-W32 n, Inal to LZ 2214WW7 a Apr 68 3519213 ANDRIEVSKII, A. and others. Spectral flux densities of discrete radio sources at 3. 5 cm wavelength. Astron. Tsirk. (494):1-3 (1969) (CSlRO/No. 9912) A. Ye. Andriyevskiy Highly sensitive modu*tion radimeter on the 3.5-cm wavelength. 249 pp AN SSSR. INSTIT XOSM M SX M ISSLEDOVANZY. FREPRIAT 529 iV719 pp AIR/FTD-MT-24-47-73 apr 73 34NDUAnion ce Owben in Ca" of ftoup IV md V Trmaltion NOals,, by R. A, at al. RUBKM,t WSJ Flake MA4120T I NotaxioTedw"P Val 28a 1969p pip 29t~-X3- NTO 71-13620-11F ftb 72 Vill-raticutal Criterion for a "Lute Tnkwr (Adtiont; of llansvorsu inciuent viow (Part I I,, Vol 39 Auq 4739 Vibratimal Critursons tur a 1,ife Wider CwLiitiuits of Tra"Sverse liici~hmt Flow. et. -1, ~y i. Andritzl%y, %~. "xu~,,ari,. i,ex, Lnew. lute. Tuci,,, Vol 4j, 485-486* AL Ie s;:j,t ViLratimzl Criterion for a Pi-,e Under Conditions of *fransverse Incident Floug, I-art 2. by 1. f. M, Aimiritzky and R. Crugarig. CITIAN", !:Cro chewic 131,;;; TechniLt Vol 406 ".4y 11:~Css 1;F (:LC.!.,-Tr 1#079 Jun w) Z-84,S25, Polarization Light Modulator, by 1. 1. Adryanova, Yu. V. Popov. RUSSIAN, per. ~p!.iko-Rskhan Proij, No 10, 1968, pp 40-42. CIA X-6973 , j I 1. .1 Apr 69 379,957 The Kmansion or Flow Omoo-Maensional Waves Undor Shc* in a Plastic Hoftmoo by E 1.6 ppo MS #pro AMM rjgj%g:LqkkAftakIy I-AW30 DIM-ft? fic 59 I9Wq 55-61. AIRIFTD/Hr-23-14W-457 Scd4%n Jan 69 3moew I noll of "duplu IN come swim at a 3d- U=W'Qrav ad SAMM's %Vmhosb iwAm's Bwlme of a Bstvbdft Oraws by A. N. AndrIanow. WMTANP Vwx Vol " so it 196% OR 9-U. ft An "a am Vol 9s, No 6v iW A) K) o 376940 kral;ytic Contlruab=y and funotimal Egutim for 7sta-F-matims With Ibnabelian Mameters of SIsple Algebms Omr IMdw n934as by A. 17. AndrIanav, RMTATT Dok Ak Nank SSM Vol 321, I,'o 4, Am Mth Society Vol 9. No 4s 1968 1/7' J'j J k P 6 C Jan 69 371.,246 Shimm's Conjectm fev Siegel's Modalar Group of Gmu I ttv A. H. An&danm. RUSSTAN. Wo Dqk Ak fiauk &WRO Vol 177s No 4l 1967t PP 755-Me Am Math Soo val 8g No 60 1967 ,4, N , 4 f,~ j a/~ ,v 0 V Doe 68 354, No the ~;yasts-a, by G*L, 6ulpkov aad Aud-rid.-Im. 6 r-T' VC,,~SIAA, psr, ProuvIble t BalOVLAWV 2. t arAk, sarah 6-9v-6,49. urbodsm" In ANN at he hft~ a to IMM 3s, ftoam=% by as To a 4 wa """% Rum"% dagoadr I agoft Paw-wo -oulmmm% w meow a w x4polow JPRS SSAW 6. V. 14) Y-) d Y, )) ') usm FAM m" " =OM Illstitut 3- 14, 7-~, i~ 7r) 402,821 t; Ila ll:~, .tiul crv.J ~utvnatlal Ct .-rxhlLticn av.- rit* .2rmiy "o4wo'l, ~Ndatsicmyy InI.Aitut .1967, 40 2U) L. .-Y 71 LItcrU to pramoU Soclal PlanniM Daawlb94 by Be so Ardrlwmg V, N* Roahehb4 6 ive RUSSI"t PWI Fftmewaffiga NMMNMO IdnoRtZlit Nov 19699 pp 32-7#0 Jan 70 awlet MAOMIMS Cuwwt to Now systm of WJDOVAC Plamdv&, D3 0. L. Dal&arkw W4 Be Be Anarlaww, 7 w. 'M'%Vjo Mrs LWW"2091` M2MII Wf )I I'AJJP IV, 3-5, jp";s Ali) Jan G7 IMroved PlmmAm Nece=mry in Machine-TO-01 CZ, BuLlding., by 1. Andri=W& 5 py RMUMj, up.. -- - Gaze No 2., 13 ion 65.. pp 294 MRS 29557 -T- z,,e-d usm - uon j Apr 65 ZR.,767 Tliermophysical Properties of a silicon Organic FSS Heat Carrier, by K. A. Andryanov. V. A. Ovehinatkov. RUSSIAN,.per, KhIm Pro&, No 1, 1968, pp 28-2 FTD-S-S35 Apr 69 380,864 4 Gn Onziinno lortwoi JluriA lov, L 6'4- 7i 399 b4l ThiOCY64"OtiC RIAGUCQ of Alksayl Alkylsilowon# by Kw A, Amirianovp 4 pp, RWSIANO perv ZWr QbWw OWL Val MVI, No 9, 1966, Dept of MVY/Tr So SM/GNI Tr 2271 Fab 67 A ~oQcti;X of (3ijorowtitylsiUmes r tit Alet tiavy Tr 443j,/u4i Tr :20-43 Ee 'C' A. dr 7" 0 The of c" Forost luorocitrwto in 1"rotootivo roz-ost Bolter b-y 3. 11. Andrianov, 3 Pn. ~RTSSIA!lj, -pors TIO092 E=Illotvol L,;b 11(1l), 19509 P:) -a-70- W-503%) 353.323 liar. 69 Wcad WmId WO PartIml "MUNRO* cltO4 tw V, AnWoww# a fimssm, Piz, I iWwmo NO 7# Jul 1-my. pp me.34. ins U&%t I LI) /3-5 ftecision Stghtftgo by Vs Au4W=av* 7 ppo 10 : aw5aml, Pere, !L - -I IWAV pp $%u4 ISPIM xw DIA LN 10947 Sci-N&T Jul 67 3309761 D3n=m Of 0 PIMOMM07 NO ` Rk UPOR UND FZMML art m 11 Iou at UMMOOMS IWOOSO by V. A. AU&7m*w. :Mmms Pro Vol 14" ~ k. w,am%,fomm~ Amft ma Available Now ?,/. 0- 8""At men - ecd *A 69 392o916 005 UMit3 of Applitability of the CAmcept Of *equivalent Radws" of the Earthj by V. A. Andrinn. IZUSSIAN, per, Radlotakhnika i Ucktrouika. Vol 14, No 20 1969, pp 1=00, Dept of Interior A-36-Feb 1970-No 93 On Loan 5cl/plect May 70 '7 3 Mdto of NVDBMAufq of the conompt 'or i "Equdmaent Raftue at the BatN tV Ve A* Ambimwg a 0. Ra3swe ft--"~- I Lagoolub mosockle MPT 10 1";ao-o JMS 48682 v a. soi-piwa Sept 69 389,3D6 36-d.1, ;3 The Polo of Central Adronere-to Rechnnimm in Changos of the louroseeretory Pum.. tion of the H7pothalsmo-pitultW7 Systm xrins Acceleration, by Lo Aq Andriamma NUSSIXIj port Dolt Ak lauk S33R, D101 SoL, vol 185,, U0 I, Mr 1969P PP 7,17-719o Oct 70 Agi ma ltm cjdcQ bftaft cC rlaac-riber OrWA2ip by r. To Andrimom., 8 yp. RON,=$ MR am- wismr-Al lb UP 1965v Do- 51-"- JPF6 33447 v 9 Ivej USSR Sci4M/A im 06 294vt"Ah Dmic DImtUm In the Matribut3cm of Petro- dwaical plo", IV V# ANUUms 10 vpf r llumml I 'I PWt 50 5* Hw U65, vv. TOW JM A149- I Lmi r-~ JIM 65 85RIOTO Influened of a Planetary Atmosphere on Fresnel Diffraction of Ultrashort Radio- wave.s. BY V. A. Andrianov RUSSIIV., par, Radiotekh. i I'lektr. Vol. 14 110. 8, 1969, pii.-I-ES-1 6 CV, X-7127 Doc 69 397,482 v', ~-' I-ari, at,,i-vtiid CIUM 1W )f inatrcUm Uved At Samvw by V. ) 5 ppq npf KMM2a Z'.rezkla. 24 Mir 1966, Pe 2- 3LP'l IT-11 66 nt w u o) YZ4, Y~3. Awdricowy* Ot al, i-er, iAvuils'liva S. !;j ~kjy..ko. A w) acrwt of ImisinG ftid-I&tIon on V* ftulveftrettm of N!Maft in t* A.-ea.,, by L. A* AudrlaWya, 5 IV .RNZM., per, amumt-C.U." Emrilm 11 Diq;a;.u i ustulils& V02. 5)p go 1, pp 33-35. ipre 2)-no usm 27ckosu ,valuatior. of Agrometcorelogical 'conditions of ~,ormtion of vis nax Fiber Harvest, by Le Andylamya, 6 pa per, MetooralzUa AdmIor 5o 'lay -N, int VO- .~ci-Arriculturn Jen 67 A 15,163 3 Carcenogenous Propw ies OX Pm-ple and 4R Pmpul Mmins rvt, pp 61-0. AMI J-9826 ISTC-HT-23-748-71 /,-,I - N11 or Red Food Piomft-Amoranth, by m. m. An&iwovs. I ~'t ti d P" *, ~ -? l,/ C. v 6 J~me 71 14ove NaVOSO t)Y Zoya AndTionove, Alitsa G. Neigaul. 91 iWSSIANs bko F-ob 1967. Consultants Llilr_oou 68 346.02o vp Too leer* of fAblestal Zav~Uaw of UO 3oviot AnU"Us hMoKUm (1956-66)g by A* P* 0 =31" 0 pwo bm CL--& ft 2t us =U& &"-2*UG Atims so NO i9ma Ipp 12 276 Dept of Navy Ull tr 246? 50i-mrth s4d 346o63.5 me sm Sped" of adp=Lo or the come 0m (noms 2MICUM) ffm A*U In the SwUs Ons bF A. T*. Fwalun. mis 11* ArAM4vatw, pwo Vbwm Vbl loss= '10 holl Dipt Of mw mp/w A-3VNav 69136 an rAm oay i= 70 4Ws,350 ,~Qll Years Oil' Biolo,6ical Investigations of the SoViot Antarctic hiqmditicst A, P, Andriyushey, MkSSIAN, Information 6ullatin of the Soviet Antarctic r-Ala ion :4V 510 Sao VP 120-177. MOS 6967 Dept of '-.'avy/ NIC Tr No 2467 Sci-Wl llov 67 5440691 4utam"a or q*lml Pa" Oontwl 40tsm for qpmwmtct %ttbk conaddamts or otrw*nla of the Vatoc4 by A. Ts. Andriyown. 12 pp. No EMBUN't rots me Twh Goal= Jone 2969, zo 10X-214- MM Tr F612m492 0l -A .f4.-. O~ ki-ftaft Taoh sov 69 395s805 ac of lan: -~ il!l Anor!~&Ao,, 0 pp D-659 dly- 3241r, o 11, ire 65 lb6 =**Keel -%SobWo a& 0 CMVWtW of Easetriast soma lou mg*msnl sswa# Ir yo I s ftAWdtU A Zs 1, As&ISaW, "Muse PWO M All, he sms, *a M No %, is" "670 vp 793mm - An Atst Itp 'Fat 14 so 6# Dw 1967 ,A,,, T. iq~VJK II( /1, r"Ic TOOD 68 3"W" aYUtbKW DURIORM USed at OW wak P"" nwtv bv So No No 8, BUICLOOM Md 1* No p 6 moms psr~ -- ---- MOPIUMEWP so Bept-4at 1965s, pipe 12-15. JFM 33MO UEM 3m Doe 65 292,,356 LAM River Passmww Bat P"V09 ProfitawLso by ~:* I* Andrly&VsklYs A* He ismislyert 6 ppe HUSSIA"sI I 29219mmumb Leninpwt ,%pt 19070pp 47-"~ jpHs 4961? CA' USSR E00n Jan ?o 3999413 Thermodynamics or Interstitial Three- Component Phave# of the Carbohydride Type# by Pe A, Audrievskii. RUSSIANv par# tigual At Affen Y. S33nogin gn Th Nuel 2ax MA12rifile.- liguLs 19679 pp 457-466, Apr 72 Thermodynamics of Interstitial Three-Component Phases of the Carbohydride Type, by R. A. Andriyevskii, 13 pp. Vicnna, International Atomic Energy Agency, 1968, CONF-670915-11 AEC/La-Tr-71-72 Nov 71 Fusion Too"ratun In ZrC-QfCo T&&ZrCo UC-HfC System# by 14 A. Andr4ovskiy. RUSSIAN,, per., Porp"k=a Notalig *,za L%70 pp u4r. NASA rr r-11,0" me I * scl-PbY3 Aug 67 33#06a Vapor Pressure 6f ufmiua *w6carbidat hy I V. V. "rOaMOSS"UUO R. A. AWrlyaw-skiyo S ~, RUSSLIX, rpt, pro0wjUlas of tho Symyesium JUAY 44-ill, 1210"*8 pl, SASA TI F*1900 'Al 4- liaterials Jun U? 9, A P ro:y P- "\,/(" i /-V-S / 326,,U72 Calculoticyi of Interaction iaseric-s and Colift, /0 ,jJ i:xcess i-*rtru,,Ier, irt Sulutions 0. Tra,lsitiu:j -Otai CiLaiddess by i". A, AiWrlyevskiy, I'SAXi .0r, o4~' Nuclear :aterials. -Icl/ I-ucl t -42 Tj 4 ,.PS p ( it -0 to 'k-"! %J, . 1`10, 1.10 7,5777- - Cf A D=vW an CVmmztl% Sn - 1- - -h golovsklap IW o~~2- AUA& Pairle aW *Uvolw Pcjwj, 22 i3ps COMP PW# UWVMftv ND. 2jp AIW IRTp Vpq. n96-126, JPBS 41548 AL 0! S U)~LE sm-cmem sm July 67 MAU 1%--, Waft of Geocglan Phy"cists and Phystes Institatimsio by E. RMIAN, nmqpoper. 28 Nov 67 s p. 7. JPRS 439337 sel-phystao Jan 60 mftwalkalbVills 6 pp. ZAM 52m, rAllot, 3479"5 An Investigatin of tho Stato of Vater in lih=r Tissues b7 the Calorimtria Ho thod, by Yo. L. AndroxWcashvill ECUSSIA"T Pero i~qk Ak- *vAk A AS&D p I Vol 183: -no 2,1 Nav 190, Vp 463-1~65. CB "I e- - L - 14 P,)cl e 4 z 4 L.', ; I" Dot 70 A GolorinetrU lave-OU-ation of the Miture of tba Tmtre3olecaUm ftelm of Colluen ratmtod ft= s TmvplantabU Tumor,, by Yo. L. AndranIk"hrI21 TI-IMIAtip ,qorp Ook Ak ftuk 3WHj Dicobirgj . Vol 183j, ?4' 1,. Mov 196U,, pp 212-214. CB 1-11 e- . L - q t,~ j Q , N -~ ,_) 4 , ~ v; 1. 1- Oc t 70